The Thousandfold Thought Part 82

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yursa-A Galeoth liquor made from fermented potatoes.

Yursalka ( (c. 4065-4110)-A Scylvendi warrior of the Utemot tribe. 4065-4110)-A Scylvendi warrior of the Utemot tribe.

Yutirames-A sorcerer of rank in the Scarlet Spires, slain by Achamian in the Sareotic Library.


Zarathinius (3688-3745)-The famed author of (3688-3745)-The famed author of A Defence of the Arcane Arts A Defence of the Arcane Arts.

Zaudunyani-"Tribe of Truth" (Kuniuric) The name taken by Kellhus's followers during the First Holy War.

Zealot Wars-The prolonged religious conflict (c. 2390-2478) between the early Inrithi and the Kiunnat, which eventually led to the ascendancy of the Thousand Temples in the Three Seas. 2390-2478) between the early Inrithi and the Kiunnat, which eventually led to the ascendancy of the Thousand Temples in the Three Seas.

Zenkappa (4068-4111)-A Captain of Attrempus, formerly a Nilnames.h.i.+ slave belonging to the household of Krijates Xinemus, slain at Iothiah. (4068-4111)-A Captain of Attrempus, formerly a Nilnames.h.i.+ slave belonging to the household of Krijates Xinemus, slain at Iothiah.

Zerxei, House-A former Nansur House of the Congregate, and the empire's ruling dynasty from 3511 to 3619, when Zerxei Triamarius III was by his palace eunuchs.

Zeum-A mysterious and powerful Satyothi nation beyond Nilnamesh, and the source of the finest silks and steel in the Three Seas.

Zeumi-The language of the Empire of Zeum, a derivative of Old Zeumi.

Zeumi Sword-Dancers-The members of an exotic Zeumi Cult that wors.h.i.+ps the sword and has developed sword fighting to an almost supernatural level.

Ziek, Tower of-The prison, located in Momemn, used by the Nansur Emperors to incarcerate their political foes.

Ziggurats of s.h.i.+gek-The immense stepped pyramids found to the north of the Sempis Delta and raised by the ancient G.o.d-Kings of s.h.i.+gek to serve as their mortuary tombs.

Zirkirta-See Battle of Zirkirta Battle of Zirkirta.

Zohurric-See Aghurzoi Aghurzoi.

Zursodda, Sammu (4064-4111)-The Palatine-Governor of the Ainoni city of Koraphea, claimed by disease at Caraskand. (4064-4111)-The Palatine-Governor of the Ainoni city of Koraphea, claimed by disease at Caraskand.


To think I started this journey almost twenty years ago ...

If anyone had told me years back that the summer of 2005 would find me completing The Prince of Nothing, The Prince of Nothing, I likely would have coughed beer out of my nose. But here I am, and I have a long list of debts to prove it. I likely would have coughed beer out of my nose. But here I am, and I have a long list of debts to prove it.

First, to my wife, Sharron, who has literally supported me unto the brink of insolvency. I stand tallest when she's at my side.

Then, the usual suspects: my brother, Bryan Bakker, for the gift of second sight; my friend Roger Eichorn, for the gift of his second sight; and my agent, Chris Lotts, for his honesty and his to mention the odd eleventh-hour bombsh.e.l.l!

I would also like to thank: Steve Erikson.

My family and friends, for indulging my obsession in conversation after conversation. Joe Edmiston, for his squash-court criticisms. And my neighbour Mike Brown, for helping me sort out the difference between mystery and obscurity.

The entire crew at Penguin Canada: Barbara Berson, Tracy Bordian, Karen Alliston, and Leslie Horlick. As well as Darren Nash and everyone at Orbit, U.K.

But the people I most need to thank are the fans fans of the series. This includes everyone at of the series. This includes everyone at and the "other author" forum at and the "other author" forum at The names that come immediately to mind are: Jack Brown, Wil Horsley, Gary Wa.s.sner, White Lord, Dylanfanatic, Ainulindale, Mithfanion, Leiali, Texmex, and, of course, Saintjon. Through innumerable discussions across several different venues, you have all made your mark.

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The Thousandfold Thought Part 82 summary

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