Bishop's Angel Part 3

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h.e.l.l! She knows what shes doing. He couldnt take his eyes off her. Bishop had to remind himself that Angel was a school teacher. She might be sweet and pure but undoubtedly she wasnt in the bedroom. As his c.o.c.k turned hard and lengthened in her direction, a plan started to formulate in his mind. He wanted to f.u.c.k her p.u.s.s.y so bad that it was driving him insane. What had she done to him?

He encircled her ankles and ran his hands slowly down her legs and thighs, stopping at her hips. He had a few moves too. Without warning, he lifted her just enough to pull her onto his hard-as-stone c.o.c.k. Her audible gasp revealed her surprise and her pleasure. Bishop pulled her onto his length until he was embedded as deep as he could go. He settled her ankles against his shoulders.

Face to face, they were as close as two people could get. The sensual look in Angels smoky eyes backed up the intense desire on her pretty face. Bishop leaned forward and kissed her, and no matter how hard he pressed her, her mouth remained soft and inviting beneath his. Now that he was where he wanted to be, his control was hanging by a thread. All he longed for was f.u.c.king her hard and fast.

You have more will power than you think, Angel commented when their kiss ended. She ran her hands over the front of his body, and then lowered her head to lap at a nipple. Is that the SEAL in you?

Obviously not, Bishop remarked. The action caused a rush of extreme heat to surge through his body and go straight to his c.o.c.k. He fought down the instinct to hurry. Half the pleasure was sinking his shaft into her and letting her wet heat throb, and squeeze around him. I just came a moment ago and Im already hard again. I usually need more down time.

Angels throaty laugh revealed how turned on she was.

Just be glad weve already f.u.c.ked a couple times. All of a sudden his d.i.c.k was being squeezed by the contractions of her tightening channel. Bishop shuddered, and let out a low groan. Angel, let me get a condom on before its too late.

Thank G.o.d hed had the forethought to bring one with him to the bathroom. He reached for where hed placed it, on the floor next to the tub. His fast movement must have frightened the lounging cat because suddenly Barnie was jumping up, and flying off the edge of the tub onto the floor. Ignoring the cat, Bishop quickly tore the wrapper open and pulled out the condom.

I hate this part, Angel said, as he pushed her off his c.o.c.k.

What? Bishop asked, preoccupied with slipping the condom over his aching d.i.c.k. He only had one burning thought on his mind.

Pulling out after youve been inside, so deep and snug. Scratching my itch. I just want you to f.u.c.k me, and forget about everything else.

Oh, s.h.i.+t! he rasped gruffly, her words nearly undoing him. I can still do that. His hips shot forward at the same time he pulled her toward him, and then he was sheathed inside her tight p.u.s.s.y again. They both made a sound of satisfaction.

Hold on, baby, he said, squeezing her hips.

She dropped her hands behind her in the water to brace herself against the bottom of the tub. Her legs were still up against his chest, only now her feet and half her calves were dangling over his shoulders. The position allowed for a snug fit and intense pleasure for them every time he thrust inside her body. The sight of Angels beautiful bouncing b.r.e.a.s.t.s enticed Bishop to pick up his speed. She pushed him over the edge when she reached forward and cupped his b.a.l.l.s.

Oh, G.o.d! Oh, G.o.d! Angel cried out as she climaxed.

Bishop was right there with her. Aaaahh! he groaned in a guttural tone, his body shuddering and convulsing with his release. He couldnt remember ever having such an intense, explosive o.r.g.a.s.m. As they clung to one another, panting out of control, he couldnt help thinking that Angel just might be the salvation that he was looking for.

Chapter 6.

Come on Angel, its your turn!

She sat back in her chair and vigorously shook her head no. I think Ive had too much to drink.

We all have, girlfriend! And that didnt stop us.

Angel raised her brow at her friend Ann, before looking at Jodie. The third grade teacher looked like she was about to fly off the mechanical bull she was riding. Nope, no way. Im not going to make a fool out of myself. Look at Jody.

Ann laughed. Did anyone take a picture of her?

I took a picture of all of us, Marty, one of the office secretaries , spoke up. She finished what was in her gla.s.s and let out a hiccup. Scuze me.

Angel smiled at her, before turning her gaze back to Jody. Thank G.o.d the bull was winding down. For as many years as theyd been coming there for girls night out so far no one had been thrown, or seriously hurt. But sooner or later it was bound to happen.

Are you going to be the only one of us not to ride Bully Boy? Cora asked, waving their waitress over. Cora was a part-time volunteer for the school clinic and library.

Come on, Angel, a male voice coaxed from a nearby table. She spared him a smile. He and two of his friends had been watching them for an hour, jeering them on, buying them drinks. Shed seen them at Bronco Bills before and had dismissed them as harmless flirts.

Jody stumbled her way to their table, laughing. Your turn, Angel, and then Im calling it a night.

Oh, all right, but if I go flying someone better be there to catch me. Angel got to her feet and made her way to Bully Boy. She was feeling a light buzz from the three of wine shed drank, and would need to wait before driving home. Which, thank goodness, was just down the street.

Ill catch you, Angel!

She ignored the male shout-out and grabbed the well-worn leather strap on to the mechanical bull, pulling herself up onto his wide back. Bully Boys body looked just like a real bull, minus the legs. His enormous head was adorned with two ma.s.sive horns. Just as she was digging in her front pocket for some change the guy, from the nearby table moved into her line of vision.

Ill get it, Angel. He quickly slipped four quarters into the slot, and the bull took off before Angel was ready.

She let out a squeal and she said a prayer when the bull started out in slow speed. As quickly as she could she slipped her hand beneath the strap around its girth to hold onto.

A baby could ride that bull as slow as youre going! Jody yelled out, laughing.

Before Angel could reach forward and change the speed someone else did it for her. Bully Boy rapidly switched to the buck-and-spin speed and she clamped her legs to him tightly and held on, throwing her other arm in the air. She let her body relax until she was flowing with the gyrations of the bull and not straining against them. Shed ridden the buck-and-spin speed before, but not after downing three of wine.

Thats more like it! She heard Cora laughing. The other girls joined in but it was hard to make out what they were saying because they were all speaking at the same time.

As always it didnt take Angel long to get caught up in the fun of riding Bully Boy. She was vaguely aware of Marty coming over to take a picture of her, and then returning to the table.

You have to stay on for two minutes like the rest of us! Jody called out.

Angel already knew that. Sometimes they rode longer, sometimes shorter, but no matter what time they agreed on everyone had to do the same time, or pay the tab for the night. As she spun around she glanced in the direction of her table and could see that her friends were finis.h.i.+ng their drinks and gathering up their belongings. It was later than they usually stayed out, but it was the last time they were getting together until school began again.

During one of her trips around she caught sight of a small group sitting at the bar. Seeing Bishop with them caught her by surprise, even though hed told her he had plans with friends. He hadnt given her the specifics, and she hadnt told him her plans, so his being there was an obvious coincidence. Has he seen me? Angel got her answer the next time she glanced his way again. Looking directly at her, and smiling, he nodded her way.

She smiled back, and tried to ignore the flutter inside her belly. He looked so handsome in jeans and a pull-over sweater that was the color of his eyes. How much longer? she called out to no one in particular.

One more minute, honey, said the same man whod paid for her ride.

She was conscious of him standing off to the side and watching her. She smiled because he smiled, and she didnt want to seem unfriendly. Under normal circ.u.mstances she would find him interesting, but how could she now, after what she and Bishop had shared? Hopefully the guy would keep it on friendly terms and not make a pa.s.s at her. She hated awkward situations.

Times up! Ann, who was also a kindergarten teacher, called out.

Thank goodness! The room was beginning to spin and not because of Bully Boy. Angel reached forward and hit the switch. Only she leaned over too far and lost her balance. She instinctively cried out, her eyes rounding when she felt herself slipping over the bulls head. She made a wild grab for the ma.s.sive horns.

Someone help! she laughed, trying to push her bottom back into place. Oh, G.o.d! Im going to fall and make a fool of myself. And right in front of Bishop! She glanced at the bar, and just when she was about to thank G.o.d he wasnt looking, he turned to see her dilemma. Shoot!

She was aware her friends were rus.h.i.+ng in her direction but the guy from the other table was already there, and all he had to do was reach up and pull her down from the bull. She automatically put her hands on his shoulders for support until her feet touched the ground.

Graceful, Jody chuckled, turning back the way shed come. The others followed suit once they saw Angel had been rescued and was okay.

Thank you, Angel said. I guess it was a good thing you were hanging around. She turned to leave but he held onto her shoulders, preventing her from going anywhere.

Names Steve, he said, reaching for his beer on a table where hed obviously placed it earlier.

She didnt know him, other than hed been sitting at the table next to them with his friends, yet something warned Angel that he was a little drunk. Thank you, Steve. She turned to leave again.

Wait a minute. Without warning she found herself being pulled back by a firm hand on her arm. The least you can do is tell me your name.

She took a deep breath, smiled, and tried to pry her arm loose without drawing attention. A quick glance at Bishop told her he was watching them closely. For the first time she noticed that there was a woman sitting between him and another man. Was she Bishops date, or the other guys? Right now they were conversing, only Bishops narrowed gaze was fixed on her. He looked poised for trouble, as if sensing it.

Im sorry, its Angel. I see my friends are getting ready to leave. If youll excuse me"

Why dont you stay a little while? Id like to buy you a drink.

Thats okay. Again Angel tried to pull free as she noticed Bishop leave the bar. Look, Steve, I appreciate you rescuing me from Bully Boy and the offer of a drink, but Im not interested. Can we just please keep this friendly? Lord, I dont want a scene!

Sure. He practically threw Angels arm from him, and then held his up in the air. I guess you and your friends are all just flirts, huh?

What? Where was that coming from? Angel decided to distance herself from him as fast as possible, before things got out of hand. She hadnt noticed how much alcohol laced his breath until now, and she knew the best thing she could do was remain calm and just agree with him. Well, at least to a certain extent.

Youre right, and Im sorry if I misled you in any way, Steve. Maybe we can have that drink next time? Angel guessed shed taken about three steps backward before he surprised her by reaching forward and grabbing her arm.

Then how about a goodbye kiss, baby? He hiccupped.

The next thing Angel knew she was being pushed roughly up against Bully Boy, and then all h.e.l.l broke loose. The two guys he was with scooted back their chairs and began rus.h.i.+ng toward them, her girlfriends dropped their stuff ready to jump in, and she was very aware Bishop was walking toward them with a look of anger on his face. That was all she had time to take in before she realized Steve was crowding her against the bull and leaning in for a kiss. She brought her hands up and pushed against his chest.

Steve, man, let her go! One of his friends ordered. He took Steve by the arm but Steve pulled away sharply, not taking his blurry-eyed gaze off Angel.

Yeah, you dont want this kind of trouble, the other said. Lets go back to the table.

Hes not usually like this, his first friend said, making embarra.s.sed eye contact with Angel.

Angel glanced around to see her friends had stopped halfway to her, but were poised and ready for action. Then her gaze fell on Bishop, and real fear raced through her. Everything about him said he was battle ready. His expression was hard as granite, eyes as solid and cold as blue ice. His hands were fisted, and hed just about reached where her friends had gathered. He kept walking and pa.s.sed the two men trying to talk some sense into Steve.

They didnt notice Bishop until he was level with them. Without hesitation Bishop grabbed Steve, yanked him away from Angel, and handed him off to his round eyed friends. It was obvious he wasnt going to waste words trying to reason with him.

Get him the h.e.l.l out of here. His tone left no room for argument.

What the f.u.c.k" Steve fell into one of his friends but quickly swung back around. He took a wild swing at Bishop, who blocked it with his arm.

Angel and everyone involved could only stand and watch as Bishop then swung his fist at Steve. It connected with his jaw and forced the other mans head around, blood spewing from his mouth. The sound of bone hitting bone was surprisingly loud, and that one powerful punch was all it took to render Steve unconscious.

Bishop stood like a warrior, ready in case Steves friends decided to give him trouble. They wisely picked Steve up, and went back to their table. Bishops gaze swung to Angel, and she could tell by the way he was looking her over that he was deciding for himself whether or not she was okay.

What are you doing here? Angel asked, smiling nervously. Situations like this had always made her feel uneasy. She didnt like confrontations. Is this the business you were talking about earlier? She cringed inwardly, wis.h.i.+ng she hadnt asked. It was none of her concern.

He grinned back, but it didnt soften the hard look in his blue eyes. Looks like Im rescuing you. His gaze followed hers to the bar where his friends were sitting, quietly watching what was going on. This is after business.

Angel nodded. Well, I guess I better get going. She smiled, but she didnt really feel like it. The woman at the bar was beautiful and Maybe she was just an old friend.

Are you going home from here?

She nodded. You?

He nodded. I wont be much longer. Dont call the police on me this time, he teased.

Now it was her turn to smile. Ive had three of wine. Dont worry, Ill sleep like the dead tonight.

I better get back to my friends. He reached forward and tucked a wayward curl behind her ear. I couldnt take my eyes off you when you were riding Bully Boy. Do you know how d.a.m.ned s.e.xy you are? Angel shook her head. Then suddenly, without warning he hooked his hand around the back of her neck and pulled her to him for a kiss. Well, that certainly took care of any concerns she was harboring about the woman at the bar.

Angel was expecting a quick kiss but thats not what Bishop had in mind. He kissed her long and hard before setting her away from him. What was that all about? She watched him walk away, while she stood there trembling from his hot kiss. Then she saw Steve and his friends watching from their table. That explained it. Bishop wanted to make sure Steve thought they were together. Taking a deep breath, she walked back to her table.

Oh, my G.o.d, who is that hunk? Jody asked as soon as Angel was within ear shot.

We came back to the table once we realized you knew him, Marty explained. We didnt want to interfere.

You didnt tell us you had a boyfriend, added Ann.

Hes not my, ah, boyfriend.

Come on. Who are you trying to fool? The way he kissed you spoke volumes! Cora laughed. Are you sleeping with him?

Angel was tired, and just wanted to go home. She didnt feel like answering a hundred personal questions, even if they normally shared everything with each other. Casting a sidelong glance at the bar, she was surprised, and a little relieved, to see that the woman was gone and Bishop was deep in conversation with the man. He had said the man was a friend, yet the seriousness on their faces suggested a different relations.h.i.+p. They looked more like they were discussing something important.

Look ladies. Let this be the topic at our next girls night out, okay? I just want to go home to bed. A yawn backed up that she was tired.

Im with Angel, Ann said, covering her own yawn.

One by one they finally agreed. Angel s.n.a.t.c.hed up her purse and brought up the rear as they all headed toward the door. She didnt look at Bishop again, but she was conscious of his gaze following her as she left. With a secret little smile she put an extra bounce in her step.

She slid into her old but faithful Toyota, started the ignition, and pulled behind Ann. They had a safety system in place. They all left at the same time, and they didnt leave the parking lot until they were all in line.

Driving the short distance home Angel wondered if Bishop would sleep with her that night. She thought about what shed packed to sleep in besides her white nights.h.i.+rt. Her mouth pulled down at the corners as she realized her only other option was a pair of pajama shorts and a camisole. It would have to do.

Chapter 7.

Bishop stood staring down at Angel. True to her word, she was out cold and snoring softly, if his ears werent deceiving him. Shed kicked the covers aside and was curled up on her side, hugging a pillow to her. She looked tempting, just what a hungry man liked to come home to at the end of his day. Her shapely legs were left bare by the barely there shorts she was wearing. His gaze focused on her shapely thighs and the tantalizing swell of her cute a.s.s.

What was it about her that made wanting her come so quick and easy? Sure, she was easy on the eyes, but there was more to it than that. Hed noticed it the first night, when hed flipped the light on and peered into her frightened eyes. Bishop had been with a lot of women over the years, and not one of them had left such a strong imprint on him that she was all he could think about.

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Bishop's Angel Part 3 summary

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