Bishop's Angel Part 2

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Ive had plenty of time to get used to it. Resignation was heavy in his tone. Makes it easy when you dont have any commitments.

Angel nodded, feeling a little sad for him inside. Diana told me youve been a SEAL for almost ten years. Dont you want what other people have? A home, and family? She gave him time to respond but he remained silent. Maybe its time for a change.

He released a deep breath. Ive given that some thought lately. I like what I do. He finished his coffee. What do you do Angel? he asked, changing the subject.

As always, when the subject of what she did for a living came up a huge smile spread across her face. She loved her job. I teach kindergarten in a private school.

Bishops brows rose. Ladybug Academy with Diana? She confirmed it with a nod. So youre on vacation for the summer.

Yep, when Diana and Alex get back Im heading to North Carolina for a month. I love the mountains.


No. A group of us go at different times during the month of July. We rent a cabin on the lake. Im the only one who goes for the whole month. His query about whether she went alone made a thought pop into her head. I dont have a, ah, boyfriend right now. If I did I wouldnt have let you, I wouldnt have, ah"

Its okay. He got up and walked around the island toward her, clearly amused at her stammering. I didnt exactly give you a chance to stop me this morning.

Stopping you never crossed my mind, Angel said softly, wondering what he would think if she told him the truth.

Her interest had begun after listening to Dianas stories about him and reading the letters hed written to her. Her fascination escalated when hed sent the picture that was now on the mantle over the fireplace. Granted, it was a snapshot of Bishop with his team. They were all dressed in full combat gear, including their weapons. Something in Bishops blue eyes, the strength and character of a good man, the slight smile on his sensual mouth and the impact of his uniform had captivated her. The effect of meeting him finally hadnt prepared her for the emotions that had taken over.

Angel didnt move when Bishop reached around her and set his empty cup in the sink. They were so close she could feel the heat radiate off his body, could breathe in his subtle scent. She held her breath, her tongue slipping out to wet her bottom lip. His gaze dropped there, and she heard his quick intake of air. Slowly his hand came up and the next thing Angel knew his thumb was brus.h.i.+ng across that lip.

So soft, he said in a low tone. Ive wanted something good in my life for a long time Angel. He lowered his face until it was close to hers. And youre about as good as it gets.

She didnt have time to wonder about his comment because the next thing she knew his mouth had moved over hers, gentle at first, as if he were testing her acceptance or waiting for her rejection. But that was silly, because Angel had already given him everything she had to offer. She wondered what he thought of a woman who did that, and got her answer when his kiss grew rougher and he thrust his tongue inside her mouth with a groan of hunger. As his body crushed hers against the sink she moaned and brought her hands up to his chest.

He pulled away sharply. f.u.c.k! he rasped, leaving Angel gasping with confusion. I just wanted to kiss you. To see if your soft body against mine would be enough.

Angel shook her head with confusion. Enough? I dont understand. His kiss had lit her body up like a Christmas tree. How can he just pull away like that? Doesnt he feel something, too?

His chuckle held little humor. But its not enough, Angel. His gaze held hers captive. I want to lose myself in you. My c.o.c.k is so hard I hurt. His hands fell to her waist and he pulled her against him. Feel what you do to me. You have a powerful effect on me.

She caught her breath, feeling proof that his d.i.c.k was as hard as he said. Fire erupted inside her knowing that it was for her. She turned him on. The knowledge made her bold, and she slowly pulled his head down toward her. Im not going to stop you, Bishop. She said the words against his mouth.

Why arent you stopping me?

How could she tell him that she was already half in love with him? It was too soon for a declaration like that. Besides, he wasnt looking for love, and Angel didnt want to frighten him away.


She shrugged. Maybe I need something, too. Something only you can give me.

This time when Bishop kissed her he held nothing back. She was back up against the counter and being forced backwards over the sink by the force of his l.u.s.ty attack. The pleasure of his steamy kiss, and the intimate caresses of his hands overrode any inklings of pain threatening to break through. Angel didnt mind the force of his possession. His lack of control made her feel alive and gave her the courage to reciprocate.

Thank G.o.d he was only wearing his boxers and she her night s.h.i.+rt, because instincts warned Angel it was going to be a hard, fast f.u.c.k. The kind shed fantasized about but had only ever read about in her favorite erotic romance novels. Bishops hands were all over her, exploring her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, waist, and hips like he hadnt before. A sound of excitement rushed from her when his hard hands traveled down her thighs and back up until he was cupping her b.u.t.t and holding her tightly to him. All the while her hands moved over his torso, while her hips thrust into the cradle of his.

A cry of surprise sounded through the kitchen when she found herself lifted onto the counter. Bishop pulled her nights.h.i.+rt down her shoulders and arms, kissing his way over her flesh as he exposed it. Angels head fell back against a cupboard, and she arched her body into his kisses, while wet excitement flowed freely between her legs. She couldnt remember ever being so aroused.

Oh G.o.d, Bishop! Angels hands fell to his head while he suckled her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and nipples. I need you now! She raked her nails down his back to his boxers, where she tried to pull them down his hips. Please Without taking a break from loving her body he slipped his boxers down easily, and Angel guessed by his movements that he had kicked them aside. Now they were both naked and glistening with arousal, moving against each other wildly, their combined pants echoing through the kitchen with steamy heat.

Before Angel could prepare herself she was pulled to the edge of the counter. They both glanced down between them, seeing her plump glistening p.u.s.s.y, and his vein riddled, blood engorged c.o.c.k. Bishop took his d.i.c.k in his hand and moved in until he was able to run the purple head up and down her slit. Then ever so slowly he parted the folds and teased her c.l.i.t. A whimper escaped Angel and she couldnt control the violent trembling of her body as she antic.i.p.ated his thrust home.

Now, Bishop. She gave the lobe of his ear a not so gentle nip. f.u.c.k me.

Her words fueled the fire of hunger between them. Needing no further encouragement, he thrust forward and penetrated Angels welcoming body with one smooth plunge. They both moaned, as he filled her cavern completely, appeasing an itch they both had.

Youre so f.u.c.king tight, Bishop grated, holding himself still. His c.o.c.k, on the other hand, was stoking the embers with every pulsing twitch.

All of a sudden his hand moved between them, his index finger flicking over Angels swollen c.l.i.t. She was slowly dying with pleasure and, giving herself up to his administrations, she closed her eyes and rocked her hips. It didnt take long to reach the pinnacle of o.r.g.a.s.m. Bishop knew what he was doing. As she rode the wave to fulfillment he began to thrust fast and furious to catch up.

Uuuuhhhh! Angel was helpless to do anything but cling to Bishop.

Aaaaaaahh, Bishop followed with a rasp, convulsing violently.

They held each other tightly, powerless to do anything but surf the explosive rapture rendering them weak and depleted. When the wild, uncontrolled movements of their joint convulsions died down, he collapsed against her.

It was a long time before the kitchen grew quiet again.

Chapter 5.

Bishop swore to himself when he realized he hadnt used a condom. Not once in fifteen years had he been that careless, or driven so out of control that nothing else mattered but getting his aching c.o.c.k inside a woman and coming as fast as he could. Angel made him lose control, made him forget the priorities of sleeping with someone. Hed been reckless and too caught up in the moment. But f.u.c.k, he couldnt deny how good it felt coming inside her c.u.n.t without protection.

As his c.o.c.k deflated, her honeyed walls caressed him into shuddering. A low growl rumbled through his chest, which was still flush against her amazing b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Nuzzling her neck beneath her hair he kissed his way across her jaw bone to her soft, sweet mouth. Her soft sigh of surrender encouraged him to close his mouth over hers and kiss her fully. When he had his fill he pulled back and looked into her dazed eyes.

I think its best if I leave after this. He didnt want to, but he couldnt see any other way of avoiding a repeat. He wanted her too much.

Angels eyes widened with surprise. But why?

I dont like losing control, Angel, and its obvious I do with you. He felt that was an adequate explanation.

I havent had a man lose control with me in quite a while. I kind of like it. The teasing quality of her voice was smooth as honey. The gleam in her smoky eyes was an alluring mix of innocence and vixen.

This coming from a kindergarten teacher? He grinned, and shook his head. I should have more control than that. And usually do.

At all times?

Bishop took a heavy breath. Why dont we get cleaned up and talk after? He stepped away from Angel and then helped her off the counter. Glancing down at her, he found her luscious nudity arousing. It surprised him, considering hed just had a mind-blowing o.r.g.a.s.m. Her pink-tipped b.r.e.a.s.t.s were tilted slightly upward, silently teasing him to take a nipple into his mouth. But he knew if he gave in to her appeal it would lead to much more.

Theres a huge Roman tub upstairs. Can you stay in control long enough to share a bath?

Bishop decided he liked the hint of mischievousness in her eyes. The temptation to say yes was on the tip of his tongue, proof he should leave. He didnt want to hurt Angel, or lead her on. Whatever was going on between them, whatever they were sharing, would all be over the minute he heard from base. He should have stuck with his usual furlough routine, but he hadnt seen his sister in six years and hed promised her on his last break that hed make it home next time.

Well, if you want to join me you know where Ill be.

Bishops gaze fell to the tantalizing bounce of Angels naked bottom as she walked away. The lady was definitely comfortable in her own skin, and didnt seem to have a shy bone in her body. There was something special about Angel, something soul healing. She was sweet and pa.s.sionate and gave herself completely, and he had to wonder at that. How did he get so lucky?

He went to the bathroom where his gear was, brushed his teeth, and then took a good long look at himself in the mirror. Why was he even questioning his luck? Im a d.a.m.n fool. Theres a s.e.xy school teacher upstairs, clearly making herself available to me, and Im questioning my lack of control? It didnt seem to bother Angel.

After retrieving a small box of condoms from his duffel bag and a clean pair of boxer briefs, he walked naked toward the stairs. Halfway up he could hear the light sound of humming coming from Angel. He turned the corner and entered the bathroom, smiling at the picture that greeted him. She was already in the tub, submerged up to her shoulders in a thick foam of fragrant bubbles. Barnie was sitting on the edge of the tub that was b.u.mped up against a corner.

I dont know, he drew Angels attention when he spoke. I have to wonder what my team will think if I show up smelling this good. He was referring to the light lavender and chamomile.

Theyll be jealous, Angel teased, lifting her leg and running a sponge along her shapely calf. Because theyll know that you werent alone in your bubble bath.

Bishop set the items down that hed brought with him, and walked to the tub. He stared at her for a moment before deciding to join her. Moving to the end where Angel rested her back against the porcelain, he motioned her to move forward. I like sitting behind, Bishop explained, stepping into the water and sliding down behind her. Lean forward a little more and Ill scrub your back. He noticed shed pinned her hair up.

Bishop reached around Angel and gently took the sponge from her. Dunking it beneath the warm water he brought it out and ran it over the back of her smooth shoulders and down her back to where it tapered at her waist. His hand went below the water, before repeating his actions. His movements were slow, deliberate, and meant to give her pleasure. Judging by her sighs he was doing just that.

Do you like the beach? Angel had beautiful skin. He couldnt help noticing how the hot, soapy water turned it rosy.

She nodded. Havent been this summer yet. Mmm, that feels good. Her tone sounded lazy.

Bishop pulled her back against him, gritting his teeth with pleasure when her sweet a.s.s b.u.mped up against his c.o.c.k. He continued moving the sponge over her body, starting on her chest and gliding down to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. I have a friend who has a place on the beach in Ft. Lauderdale. Hes invited a few of us over for a cookout tomorrow. Id like you to go with me. Slowly, he moved on to her ribs, belly, and below the water to the triangle between her legs.

Ahhhh, Angel said hoa.r.s.ely, someone on your team? She tilted her neck when he brought the soapy sponge up to run it beneath her chin.

A few someones, yeah. He replaced the sponge with his mouth. Kissing her was his intention, but once he caught her sweet fragrance he took a bite.

Mmmm, she cried out, quivering against him.

Bishop quickly soothed the faint mark with his tongue. But then moved onto another spot and did the same thing. Angel was squirming against him, sighing and whimpering, her cries a mixture of pain and pleasure.

Dont let me hurt you, he said against her shoulder, afraid hed go too far. The women he was used to could take it rough. Some gave as good as they got. They liked pain, and when they inflicted it on him, just for a little while he could focus on that and forget the particulars of the mission hed just returned from. Especially if it had ended badly. Angel wasnt like them, she wasnt as hard or experienced.

Youre not, she said breathlessly. Its okay to lose control, Bishop. I wont break.

She didnt know what she was saying. Dont tempt me.

She couldnt possibly know what she was inviting, opening herself up to him like that. Bishop prayed he didnt hurt her, knowing that shed only had a sample of what he was capable of. He was afraid her innocence might be her undoing, when he wanted it to be his salvation.

Angel leaned further into him, sighing. Ohhhhhhh. Her hand covered his, guiding his hand down her body and between her legs again.

Bishop grinned. He dropped the sponge, letting his fingers brush against the outer plumpness guarding her most private part. You wont be the only woman there. The guy who owns the house is married. He parted the folds and inched his way inside. Razor and Herc will have found someone to while away their free time with.

Razor and Herc? Her voice was growing weaker. Those are odd names.

We all go by nicknames. Jorge got his because he prefers a straight razor instead of a knife. Herc is short for Hercules. Hes strong as an ox. He began to caress her l.a.b.i.a with gentle strokes of his fingertips. His c.o.c.k had swollen to the max, and Bishop was so turned on that he knew it wouldnt take much to make him come.

What about you, whats your nickname? Her heavy breathing seemed amplified. Without asking, she opened her legs further to him, allowing more room for his hand.

Bishop hesitated. His nickname pretty much explained how hed acquired it. The nicknames his SEAL team went by were given by the members for various reasons, and usually connected to something they were a.s.sociated with and good at. Sniper was the best shooter, Wizard was good at making things happen when no one else could, Dogman had a lethal German Sheppard he used for tracking and capture. Bishop wasnt sure he wanted Angel to know the truth about what he was good at on his team.

Maybe he could take her mind off her question. He was still exploring her l.a.b.i.a, and pushed his finger deeper into her slick channel. She moaned deeply and rest her head back against his chest.

Youre so responsive, baby, he whispered in her ear. Her juices were warm, and flowing thickly around his fingers. Was her little c.l.i.t hard?

You know how to touch a woman, she responded. And the feel of your c.o.c.k against my backside is driving me crazy.

Thats what you do to me. Retrieving the sponge with his other hand he brought it up her body to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, while his fingers withdrew enough to explore her c.l.i.toral hood, slipping beneath to torture her pearl-sized c.l.i.toris. f.u.c.k!

Aaahhh! She raised her hips into his caress. Its been so long for me, Bishop! Her sharp admission caught him by surprise. Your fingers have the magic touch.

How come you dont have a boyfriend, Angel?

She laughed huskily. Are we really going to have a conversation about that now? The subtle movements of her hips told Bishop she was responding to his touch.

Youre a very pretty lady. Im just curious.

Ijusthaventfoundtherightmanyet, she said in a panting voice.

He was moving his hips in rhythm with her movements. Each time her b.u.t.t brushed the head of his c.o.c.k he thought he was going to explode. Youve never had a boyfriend?

No, Ididntsay that! I cant think right now! she rushed out. The soapy water was slos.h.i.+ng over the sides of the tub.

Her movements became almost frantic, and it was clear she was working up to an o.r.g.a.s.m. Bishop had three fingers inside her clenching p.u.s.s.y as far as they would go. The sponge had long ago slipped from his grasp, allowing him the pleasure of caressing and cupping her b.r.e.a.s.t.s with his other hand, tweaking her nipples to keep them hard.

Should I stop? He said against her ear, already knowing what her answer would be.

Dontyoudare! she panted. She brought her arms up and behind her, encircling his neck and arching her body like a well-strung bow.

She was moving faster against his index finger, and he knew she was almost there. Every time her hips lifted and fell her backside caressed his aching c.o.c.k. He clenched his teeth against the urge to swing her around and sink into her aroused body. Hed already f.u.c.ked her once without protection and wasnt about to do it a second time. When her head fell back against his chest and she released a long wail, he knew she was coming.

He rammed his c.o.c.k into her lower b.u.t.t crack, sliding it between sweet flesh and the smooth porcelain of the bottom of the tub. The small, triangle opening didnt swallow his whole d.i.c.k but just enough of the head and beyond to feel d.a.m.n good. He continued to finger f.u.c.k Angel, alternating between her swollen c.l.i.t, and sinking his fingers deep inside her c.u.n.t. Her muscles constricted around the digits, and he could feel the wet heat of her flowing release. When he decided Angel had had enough of his pleasuring her c.l.i.t he pulled out and ran his hand up her body so he could cup both her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. He thumbed her protruding, rock hard nipples.

Bishop continued to thrust against her, even after he felt her body relax against his. A powerful o.r.g.a.s.m rose up like a giant tidal wave, promising to release the burning ache in his b.a.l.l.s, and G.o.d, he wanted it too. He growled like an animal in pain, squeezing Angels b.r.e.a.s.t.s roughly, losing control when sweet release came.

Oh my G.o.d, I think Im turning into a nympho, she teased a few minutes later, still slightly out of breath. The more we do this, Bishop, the more I want it.

Bishop nuzzled behind her ear, grinning. How lucky am I? Maybe youve always been a nympho and are just now realizing it.

No, thats not it. Ive never really thought about s.e.xwhat I mean is the few experiences Ive had led me to believe that s.e.x is over-rated. He was able to make eye contact with her when she tilted her head to look up at him. Now I know it makes a difference when youre with someone who knows and cares what hes doing.

Bishop closed his eyes, knowing that he was going to hurt her. Women like Angel connected their emotions with s.e.x. Though he couldnt exactly deny that he was feeling something too, he knew he had to put the brakes on and back up a little.

Suddenly, and without warning, Angel flipped around and sat facing him. He met the sensual haze still simmering in her eyes. What now? His question put a big smile on her face.

Youre a smart man, you tell me, she teased, lifting one foot out of the water to run it up and down his chest and abs. At the same time her hands came up to caress her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Bishop gulped at the sight. Angel wasnt just touching her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, she was loving them and enjoying it, too. The tip of her tongue came out to run along the seam of her top lip. She closed her eyes halfway, and emitted a cute little kitten sound that heated his blood to boiling in record time. He sucked in his breath when she lowered her head and raised a plump breast at the same time. When her tongue swirled around her nipple, and she pulled it into her mouth, his flaccid c.o.c.k came back to life.

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Bishop's Angel Part 2 summary

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