Coloring Outside The Lines Part 6

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"I need to go, sugar."

Ralph blinked, as though becoming aware. His feet stopped gliding and he straightened. "Already?"

Julian almost melted on the spot. "I still want to make a good first impression tomorrow night."

Ralph chuckled very quietly. "I think you've done that."

Julian reached and licked Ralph's upper lip, flicking at it. Ralph moaned and Julian gripped him. "Want to stay so badly," he said, feeling his chest tighten as need flared again. "You're sure you'll be ready by four?"

"My schedule is clear after three."

Ralph nudged him almost making Julian swallow his tongue at the hardness he was making himself walk away from. "Four is an unusual time to start a date," Ralph added.

"It's for a good reason." Julian gulped when he sounded gruff. "The first part of the date needs a little time to thoroughly enjoy."

"Oh?" Ralph asked. "No hints?"

"You'll see. Walk me downstairs for one last kiss."

"Still trouble," Ralph uttered.

Julian didn't mind. He liked being Ralph's trouble.

"OKAY, YOU YOU'RE going to have to trust me for a few minutes. Close your eyes." going to have to trust me for a few minutes. Close your eyes."

Ralph peered at him, then did as asked. "I'm being very trusting. I'm also dying of curiosity."

Julian smiled. "Good. No peeking either. You'll know as soon as we're close." He was just hoping his surprise wasn't a bad one, or overdone. Since road construction seemed to be an unending ordeal, he knew he had to trust Ralph to not peek or he'd see their destination up on the hill. Speed wasn't on their side, which was part of why he wanted to get an early start. Time to get through the snarls and then to enjoy the museum. Thank goodness for full-throttle AC.

He took the exit off the highway and entered the garage, feeling the temperature change immediately out of the suns.h.i.+ne.

"Hm," Ralph hummed. "Lost the sunlight."

"Keep them closed," he warned. He circled until he found a spot to park then cut the engine. "I'll be right there."

He could only take Ralph so far before the jig would be up and he'd know where they were. It would be impossible to keep the secret considering they could see the Getty itself from the lower tram station.

He helped Ralph out of the coupe, and held on to Ralph's fingers, guiding him from the car. Thankfully, there were only two other women on the elevator and Julian held a finger to his lips, asking for their help. They grinned and nodded. The doors opened and he led him to the tram area.

"Okay," he murmured when they reached the platform, practically holding his breath.

Ralph blinked his eyes in the full-wattage sunlight. "You're kidding!" Ralph gasped in delight, taking in the view and scenery. "I haven't been here in almost five years."

"Not a bad choice?" Julian's heart tripped.

Ralph whirled on him and smooched him in broad daylight, oblivious to the few eyes watching. "It's a fabulous choice." He smiled brighter than anything, almost giddy. "Ooh! Here comes our ride." The fingers in Julian's hand clasped firmly. Julian sighed in relief. Ralph was almost vibrating with excitement.

Julian had scored. The car emptied on the opposite platform, and then their doors opened. He snuggled up to Ralph after they boarded the tram, standing side by side to leave the seats for other pa.s.sengers.

Strolling from the tram when it stopped, they took their time walking up the stairs to the courtyard. Julian hadn't been to the Getty Museum since it opened and his Aunt Sophie had dragged him and Jet around one summer. He hadn't really appreciated it then, but now? It was a perfect adventure now to share with Ralph.

Pale, nearly white stone glimmered in the sunlight. Rather than a single building, the Getty was divided into large cubist-styled buildings that housed different exhibits and permanent works. The buildings were connected by enclosed walkways. Arches and pathways created unique shadows as the sun began to creep toward descent. The entire museum was a spectacle unto itself that screamed Look at me Look at me, and that was before anything was seen indoors.

"Anything in particular you want to see?" Ralph asked.

Julian shook his head. "I'm not even sure what's here right now. I remember the gardens and that's about it."

"Let's go down that way"-Ralph pointed-"to the gardens and the outlooks, then we'll see if we even make it inside."

"Sounds good to me."

The tranquility of the museum set them at ease, leaving neither in a hurry to rush, soaking in the sense of calm and beauty. Ralph paused at sculptures and sometimes knew who created them without reading the informational plaques. Ralph laughed more than once when he recognized names and t.i.tles, sharing stories of when he was studying the renowned artists. Julian loved how animated Ralph became, making the art and sculptures come alive for him.

They meandered through the main grounds, reaching the gardens to walk the circular design paths. "I'd forgotten how beautiful this is," Ralph said near to Julian's shoulder, nearly reverently. "The trees bloom in the spring and the shrubs in the fountain pool are a bright cranberry red, pink, and white. It's a palette of color coming out of winter."

"We should come back, then," Julian said.

"We should, shouldn't we?" Ralph said, humoring him by giving him a light shoulder He still held on to Julian's fingers. "I think I'd like that."

Julian let out the breath he'd been holding. He hadn't meant to make the statement leading, and he was grateful that Ralph took it in stride. Honestly two dates and less than a week knowing each other wasn't enough time together to even try to guess if they'd still be talking as friends, or more, by spring; but the idea that they could be made his heart dance into his ribs. Because whether Ralph was thinking that far ahead, Julian could see it. And he liked the idea a lot.

They made the circuit past the blooming flowers and around to the other side, under the sculpted trees, dawdling there to enjoy the shade and flowers.

It was three of the best hours Julian had ever spent on a date. They even went inside two of the exhibitor buildings to see more paintings, sculptures, and artifacts.

Ralph sighed as they found their way outdoors again. "Thank you," he whispered, brus.h.i.+ng his lips lightly against Julian's ear. Julian leaned close and shut his eyes, savoring the stolen moment.

"Getting hungry?" Julian asked.

"I hate to leave, but they'll kick us out eventually."

"Spring, remember?" Julian nudged him lightly at the hip.

Ralph smiled. "It's a date."

I hope so. They began to migrate to the tram platform. "I hope you don't mind, but I'm not exactly a food sn.o.b. I grew up in Texas, and about the only thing I do know is a good steak." They began to migrate to the tram platform. "I hope you don't mind, but I'm not exactly a food sn.o.b. I grew up in Texas, and about the only thing I do know is a good steak."

"You did well last night," Ralph pointed out.

"Only because it's in my patrol area and I've eaten there." Julian winked. "Got a recommendation from the guys on my s.h.i.+ft. I hope you like it."

"So long as they know the difference between medium and walking across my plate, I'm good."

Julian snickered under his breath as he unlocked the car. It took time to maneuver out of the garage during the evening exodus. The sun was quickly dropping, casting long shadows from the mountains to their side. He gave the museum one last look as they drove away. Definitely an evening to remember.

Dinner, it turned out, was a hit. Julian would have to thank Brett for the suggestion. They spent an easy hour enjoying the food and relaxing, talking about the museum and other places they'd seen or wanted to visit. Disneyland, Knott's Berry Farm, Magic Mountain, Mann's Chinese Theatre.

"Nothing says you can't go to Disney now," Ralph pointed out.

"An adult with no kids?" Julian had his doubts.

Ralph pursed his lips and shook his head, though his eyes were glittering with laughter. "Where's your inner child?"

"Probably lying on a beach somewhere."

Ralph chuckled. "Impertinent."

Julian was sure his mother would have said far worse. "I haven't been to Catalina Island yet," Julian admitted after taking a sip of water. "It always seemed the kind of touristy thing you did with someone, unless you lived there."

"It's beautiful." Ralph gave him a saucy glance through his lashes. "Maybe next date?"

Julian perked up, his skin warming as his heart did that trippy dance again. "I'd like that."

Ralph raised his gla.s.s and Julian tapped it with his own. "It's a date."

Chapter 8.

"DRIVE AROUND AROUND back," Ralph instructed, pointing the way for Julian. back," Ralph instructed, pointing the way for Julian.

He parked behind Ralph's Volvo in the alley. "Good?"

"Yep." He ran a playful finger over the top of Julian's ear. "Coming up?"

"Happily," he replied, angling just enough to kiss Ralph's wrist.


Julian grinned.

Ralph slipped from the car and climbed the stairs to the outside rear entry. The heavy metal door creaked when he opened it.

"They aren't coming in this way," Julian pointed out.

"Not without alerting everyone within a three block radius," Ralph agreed. He let Julian in, then shut the door to deactivate the alarm. A single light in the corner greeted them with a warm glow. "Home."

Julian wrapped arms around Ralph and nuzzled between his shoulder blades. "Smell so good," he murmured. "Like suns.h.i.+ne."

Ralph smiled and spun gently in his arms. "Drink? I have wine, or something...."

"I'd like something," Julian replied, reaching for Ralph's lips.

He closed the distance and met his kiss. Julian clutched his back and Ralph threaded a hand into his styled short hair. G.o.ddess, the man was stunning. And he really didn't seem to realize it. Ralph had caught every single ogling stare, male and female leering after his date that day. It was a good thing he understood visual appreciation, otherwise he'd make one very possessive boyfriend.

Ralph sighed when he realized what he'd just admitted. Julian had won. He'd managed to reach the one nerve in Ralph that so very few even knew existed.

In a matter of two dates, Julian had proved he understood what made Ralph tick. He appreciated that about Ralph, could nourish the need. The two largest hurdles had been cleared: His dungeon and understanding Ralph's drive.

He was panting softly when Julian released him. "You're almost too good," Ralph said.

"Not perfect," Julian said firmly.

"Thus the almost." Ralph caressed his rich, mink-brown hair. "Stunning." His hand drifted to Julian's jaw. Julian was pliant, enjoying the learning touches if the heat in his glazed eyes was any indication.

"You're imagining me from behind the camera, aren't you?"

Ralph's lips twisted. "Busted."

"Soon, but they will be private."

"Of course." He'd never even think to suggest otherwise.

Julian relaxed further, resting against Ralph. Instead of saying more, his lips spoke volumes, roaming in tender sweeps from below Ralph's ear to the curve of his shoulder. Ralph arched his neck and Julian doubled his efforts.

"Want to move away from the door?" Ralph asked, surprised at how his voice caught on a gasp when Julian nipped. The man was melting him where he stood.

"You pick. I won't be upset if you're not ready to take this to the bedroom."

"Oh, G.o.ddess." He moaned, a s.h.i.+ver popping up gooseflesh when teeth found those same sparking nerves under skin. Blood was surging south, making him fill and ache behind his zipper.

"Love the sounds you make." Julian licked over the worried spot.

Firm hands kept him pinned to Julian's solid chest, each breath pus.h.i.+ng one against the other. Julian lowered a hand and cupped Ralph's b.u.t.t, bringing them even closer.

The ridge rubbing against his c.o.c.k made his head spin. "That... feels... amazing," he breathily managed.

"Tell me what you want," Julian purred with a s.e.xy rumble.

Ralph was getting the idea that Julian knew what he wanted. The sublime realization was what Julian wanted, was Ralph. And he was letting Ralph know it, just like at Burgandy's, only now he wasn't stopping unless Ralph made him.

Ralph didn't want to stop, not now, not here.

He swallowed to clear his thoughts, counting silently to make himself focus. Standing straight, he let his hand drift out of all that lush hair and lower to find Julian's fingers. He stroked Julian's chin once to release him. "Follow."

Julian's eyes burned with desire, their brown almost as dark as his hair now. He followed without hesitation. When Ralph went to remove his s.h.i.+rt, Julian pushed his hands away. "Let me."

Ralph did. And loved every second of it. For each b.u.t.ton that slipped free, Julian offered a kiss, nuzzling tenderly against Ralph's skin. Ralph threaded his fingers into Julian's hair again, simply because he needed to touch. Julian shrank the gap between them, peppering Ralph's throat with light, sucking nibbles as he helped him shrug the s.h.i.+rt from his shoulders, then Ralph's gripping fingers returned to that lush hair, mussed into disarray from his furrowing touch.

"Sweet as candy. Thought I'd imagined it," Julian said. "You're beautiful." His hands roamed, caressed, learned-and Ralph was in heaven. Julian had to be the most thorough lover he'd ever known.

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Coloring Outside The Lines Part 6 summary

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