Coloring Outside The Lines Part 7

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The b.u.t.ton on his pants came free with a little help from those wandering hands and then they were being s.h.i.+mmied downward. Julian sank lower and helped Ralph out of his pants, underwear, and his shoes until he stood naked as the day he was born.

Julian took him in, the heated need in his eyes full of admiration. Julian toed off his shoes, then stripped, losing all the finesse he'd just given Ralph. His excitement made Ralph smile.

"Oh," Ralph gasped when he saw just what Julian had been hiding. "For me?" Da-yum. Double da-yum. Da-yum. Double da-yum.

"G.o.d, I'm hoping so," he replied. "I don't care, just want you to feel good, and love it."

Ralph pushed stray strands out of Julian's face. "Then kiss me."

Julian groaned and tugged him until they rocked frame to frame, c.o.c.k to c.o.c.k. Slowly, Ralph was danced toward the bed and lowered, Julian following down until they could roll around and center themselves. Julian rose up on an elbow. "Do you have condoms?"

"In the drawer." He pointed to the bedside table.

Julian trembled above him and Ralph caressed a shoulder. "Relax. I'm already here, you're here, and we're both naked."

Julian chuckled, trying to calm himself. "I've wanted you since the minute I saw you." He sucked a slow breath, his chest shaking above Ralph. "I know it's way too soon, and I'm still a cop, but you...." He licked his lips. "I'm falling for you."

Ralph studied him. "You're already in my bed," he stated. Ralph didn't play games. He didn't have to hear false plat.i.tudes to enjoy s.e.x.

"And it wouldn't matter if you'd told me goodnight at the door," Julian replied. "You are special. I just wanted you to know." He got so close, Ralph could see the color streaks in his eyes. "Let me love you the way you deserve."

Ralph didn't know what to say. Julian was so sure of himself, so sure of his own mind, and his heart. He nodded his a.s.sent. Then Julian was kissing him breathless, his strongest kiss of the evening yet. All the power and force that he hadn't shown up to then was a flaming fire that scorched Ralph. All the pa.s.sion that Julian had kept on a tight leash was finally set free.

Ralph hoped he survived.

JULIAN WAS WAS about to jump out of his skin. He felt so charged with need he shook, and he couldn't stop. He couldn't believe he was touching, holding, caressing, and kissing this wonderful man. Ralph's taste, the warmth of his skin, was like honey on his tongue. He'd always known that when he found the right guy, he'd know. It would be right. Yeah, he'd played, he'd had boyfriends, but there were differences between boyfriends and the one man who would own him heart and soul. about to jump out of his skin. He felt so charged with need he shook, and he couldn't stop. He couldn't believe he was touching, holding, caressing, and kissing this wonderful man. Ralph's taste, the warmth of his skin, was like honey on his tongue. He'd always known that when he found the right guy, he'd know. It would be right. Yeah, he'd played, he'd had boyfriends, but there were differences between boyfriends and the one man who would own him heart and soul.

He knew Ralph wasn't there yet, and he was okay with that. Julian wasn't going anywhere. Not now. Not unless Ralph crowbarred him out of his life completely. The man intrigued him, made him wonder and think. Julian ran with kisses from succulent lips toward Ralph's chest. The man also made Julian crazy with desire and need.

Ralph's fingers clung and guided Julian but didn't force his direction as he leisurely discovered Ralph's chest. Sweet as candy. Sweet as candy. He licked in broad swipes to linger playfully over the rose-red tips of Ralph's nipples. He drew on one then the other, feeling Ralph's chest shudder in answer. Pale as cream skin, soft with the right amount of hard, hair that tickled his palms and his lips. All details that he socked away to enjoy later. He licked in broad swipes to linger playfully over the rose-red tips of Ralph's nipples. He drew on one then the other, feeling Ralph's chest shudder in answer. Pale as cream skin, soft with the right amount of hard, hair that tickled his palms and his lips. All details that he socked away to enjoy later.

He slowly began to calm, to gain focus as he pleasured Ralph. Like a child on Christmas morning, he'd unwrapped the other man and had felt like he'd received the greatest gift of all. Ralph's stomach fluttered when Julian ghosted his lips across the flat plane. The scent of Ralph's arousal drew Julian southward. Peeking up the length of his frame, Julian found Ralph relaxed, his eyes closed while he panted and mewled under his breath. Ralph was a man who loved to be loved, who wanted to be desired.

Lucky for him Julian could do both.

He s.h.i.+fted his weight lower and Ralph whined softly when his hands lost their connection. On his next breath, the whine Julian received proved Ralph wasn't upset because of it.

Julian swirled his tongue over the plump head of Ralph's d.i.c.k. One taste and he was addicted. Ralph's panted moans grew louder when Julian sucked on the tip, taking it between his lips in slow, suctioned pulls.

Ralph's flesh pulsed and throbbed the deeper Julian took him. Ralph flexed and Julian opened up.

"f.u.c.k," Ralph gasped.

Julian snickered breathily. What could he say? He loved sucking d.i.c.k.

Ralph's hands dug into the covers and his entire length vibrated. "Julian," he groaned.

Julian lightly danced a finger over Ralph's entrance, and the man keened like a beast. Releasing him to move from the bed, he quickly found Ralph's stash in the drawer and retook his place between Ralph's trembling thighs. Caressing each, he bent and licked at soft skin until Ralph was sobbing.


The cry of need was reduced to a whimper when Julian touched the pulsing flesh with a slicked finger. Ralph arched and pushed into him, grinding for more. He snapped like a livewire beneath Julian's touch. One finger breached and then carefully became two.

"G.o.d, you're beautiful," Julian murmured. Each flex of muscle made Ralph's d.i.c.k sway in an erotic dance, bouncing against his quivering stomach. Julian couldn't resist and lowered to tongue that treat right into his mouth while gliding his fingers in and out of Ralph's hungry body.

Ralph's keening rose to a fever pitch. Silently Julian thanked every fool the man had ever dated for leaving, because Julian wasn't letting him go.

Releasing him, Julian quickly covered his length, gazing at Ralph as he tried to catch his breath. "Like this?"

"Want you," he mumbled, blinking his eyes open. Piercing green that sparkled. He rose and scooped a hand around Julian's neck, tugging him down to connect in a kiss that shook Julian. Ralph owned that kiss, thrusting and pus.h.i.+ng against him, dueling until breathing became a necessity before he let go with a final, tender brush of glistening skin. "You...." He swallowed, and shook himself, his eyes slamming shut. "I can't even speak, d.a.m.n you," he finally whispered hoa.r.s.ely.

Julian soothed him with a caress of his jaw. "Talking is overrated."

Ralph met his stare. "You're right. Love me," he said against Julian's lips.

Julian didn't say what was on the tip of his tongue, that he already did; instead, he let Ralph get comfortable. Julian had half-expected him to flip, as wound up as they both were, but instead he sank down again and braced a leg with a taut forearm.


"Enough. It's not going to matter in about five seconds."

Julian smiled with all the sultry heat he felt rus.h.i.+ng through his veins and Ralph's gaze told him he understood.

Inching forward, Julian hit flesh and then gasped when he breached for the first time. Ralph's eyes fluttered closed, and he pressed on, until inch by inch, he disappeared inside Ralph's heat.


Ralph gulped and nodded vigorously. "More," he croaked.

Julian helped hold him steady then began to thrust. Never before had Julian thought of another as a work of art the way he saw Ralph in those moments. Blond hair spread out, pale skin warmed with pa.s.sion and heat, eyes that glittered. Jet wasn't even close. Ralph wasn't pretty, he was heavenly.

Julian moaned when Ralph flexed, raising his hips to meet Julian's thrusts. He was climbing too fast, but couldn't slow down. He'd been going full-tilt since that first kiss inside the door. "Not going to last long this time, sugar," he warned in shallow grunts. G.o.d, he wished he could. Ralph deserved better, but Julian knew by the churning, already-building speed he was past the point of no return.

Even the air began to crackle as his focus narrowed to the slick slide and unbelievable heat gripping his d.i.c.k. He panted Ralph's name, and his eyes slid shut as his body took over. Nerves sizzled. He felt Ralph's body jerk in o.r.g.a.s.m and it translated into a vise around his shaft. Soaring, Julian knew he had mere seconds at the most, though he managed to crack his eyes open to slits to watch Ralph, and what a beautiful sight it was.

Ralph was stroking his gorgeous d.i.c.k, hand over hand, his head arched deeply into his pillow. His entire body was strung tight. He s.h.i.+vered and gasped. A short flex and a groan of leaked air filled the silence before the first jet. Cream white that shot from the tip onto pa.s.sion-heated skin.

"Oh, G.o.d," Julian cried, thrusting deep, and went over the edge with him. Hard bursts ripped through him, and he swore he felt every inch as Ralph flexed around his throbbing length. Stars zoomed across his vision, rocking with the pulsating randomness of his o.r.g.a.s.m.

His body ground closer, needing more, craving more, until he was a husk. He felt lightheaded. Slowly sound returned, then feeling. Even his skin felt heavy. Good.... G.o.d. Good.... G.o.d. He gazed at the man panting on the pillow, a single hand still resting over his slowly pulsing c.o.c.k. His green eyes were closed as he tried to catch his breath. He gazed at the man panting on the pillow, a single hand still resting over his slowly pulsing c.o.c.k. His green eyes were closed as he tried to catch his breath.

Julian gently lowered the held leg to the bed. Ralph moaned. A slow s.h.i.+ver danced down his frame.

"Be right back," he managed, licking his dry lips.

Ralph mumbled something and waved his free hand pa.s.sively. Taking a few minutes in the bathroom, Julian cleaned up then returned to do the same for Ralph. Once he was a.s.sured Ralph was comfortable, he rocked the other man to drag him out of the s.e.xual stupor he was floating in.

He hoped Ralph didn't mind, but he wasn't leaving. He wasn't functioning well enough to drive. Curling them together under the blankets, Julian hardly heard a sound before Ralph was falling asleep.

Julian nuzzled and caressed him, petting his spine until his own eyes grew heavy and he joined him.

Chapter 9.

TWO DAYS DAYS later, Ralph was still humming, albeit silently. Julian had stayed the whole night Thursday, ensured Ralph wasn't late for work the next morning, and then after sharing a cup of coffee, had kissed him good-bye beside his car and waved him on his way. now, he had a day to work at home. He needed to confirm several booked appointments for the coming weeks, finish a sale detail to be s.h.i.+pped, and then mail out some flyers to a few studios to get more work. That was the easy stuff. later, Ralph was still humming, albeit silently. Julian had stayed the whole night Thursday, ensured Ralph wasn't late for work the next morning, and then after sharing a cup of coffee, had kissed him good-bye beside his car and waved him on his way. now, he had a day to work at home. He needed to confirm several booked appointments for the coming weeks, finish a sale detail to be s.h.i.+pped, and then mail out some flyers to a few studios to get more work. That was the easy stuff.

He also needed to start figuring out scenes and placement for the calendar Tony had agreed to do for his new friends at the police department, and clean his home. Thankfully, that didn't take much. He had a service come once a month to do the studio and they did a topical cleaning upstairs also.

Julian, on the other hand, was on duty and wouldn't be free until late that afternoon. Ralph had invited him over for dinner. Julian said he'd be there if he weren't held over. Ralph couldn't help the giddy excitement that idea gave him.

Carrying the trash downstairs after going through the apartment, he tossed it into the collection bin at the end of the alley, wiping his hands together when he was done.

He was just turning away when he froze. Like a drip of ice water down his spine, he knew someone was watching him. Closer than at any other time. More intensely. The hair stood up on his nape, causing goose flesh to pop up from his shoulders downward.

He didn't know where it was coming from or why, but someone was definitely watching him. He hadn't forgotten the other times he'd felt like this, only this time it felt more ominous, more imminent and disturbing. Turning to casually look over his shoulder, he was relieved to find he was alone in the alley. Staying close to the building regardless, he backed up then marched quickly up the stairs and into his apartment clanging the door shut and locking it. Panting for a few seconds, he leaned against the door, listening.

There weren't any sounds, not a vehicle, or someone on the metal stairs coming up. But.... He knew he wasn't imagining this. Not three times. Three different times of day, from different angles.

Someone was out there. Someone was stalking him. He s.h.i.+vered as a tendril of fear wrapped around his heart.

He jumped a foot high when his cell phone started sounding like a lunatic on helium. Jogging for the kitchen, he s.n.a.t.c.hed it off the counter, feeling utter relief at seeing Julian's number.

"Hi!" he cried.

"h.e.l.lo, sugar. d.a.m.n I miss you."

Ralph melted like a s...o...b..ll in May. "Long day already?"

"It was always long, now it's lonely too."

"Sweet talker." Ralph couldn't help but smile, and didn't bother to hide it from his voice, already feeling calmer.

Julian chuckled. "So what's got you sounding so breathless?"

"Oh." Ralph snuck a peek toward the door. "You heard that, huh?"

"You usually don't sing that high, sweetheart," Julian jibed.

"Ha ha ha." Ralph ran a stiff hand through his hair. "That stalker feeling. Again. Just now."

"Where?" Julian's voice had gone deathly even.

"I was in the alley, by the trash bins."

"Did you see anyone?"

"No." Ralph sighed. "And that's the problem. I haven't seen anyone yet, and there's been nothing." He made himself calm down further. "Whether it's imagined or not, there's nothing to be done about someone who's just being overzealously fascinated."

"No," Julian agreed. "But I want you to be careful. Keep your phone with you." Julian must have heard him about to argue the overprotective stance, because he added, "Humor me, okay?"

"I'll think about it."

Julian sighed, but didn't push. Ralph could only guess how hard not not pus.h.i.+ng could be for him. pus.h.i.+ng could be for him.

"Still coming over for dinner?"

"And breakfast," Julian purred seductively. "Oh c.r.a.p!" He laughed with a guilty cadence, a deeper rumble of someone eavesdropping echoing through the phone. "Totally busted. I have to go, sugar. Please be careful."

"You too, Mr. Policeman. I mean that."

"'Bye, sugar," he said, and then the phone went quiet.

Ralph tapped the screen to end the call and tried to put the eerie feeling of earlier behind him.

To take up time, he went back to work on the calendar setup. He had a portfolio of several of the men who'd agreed to be in it. Tony was softening Gwen to allow Brandon to pose in it outside of his contract to her. So far, it looked like it was going to happen. In the next week or two, they were going to tour the headquarters where the charity was housed, talk to some of the kids, if they were willing, and the staff. Tony thought collecting quotes to pair with the photos would make a larger impact. Ralph couldn't blame him. He was a lover of the written word first. Maybe some bios of the kids the funds from the calendar sales would be helping? He wrote a note to the side to figure it into the page layouts if Tony approved it.

The calendar itself was a great idea, with all the proceeds going to the GLBT youth center. His reluctance in the beginning had been about being thrust back into Julian's range. That definitely had become a moot point. He snickered under his breath, a small self-deprecating smirk added before the next thought pulled him in another direction.

Time slipped away into hours before he realized it. Satisfied with the work he'd managed, he shut down his computer and strode to the kitchen to start dinner. By the clock on the oven, he knew Julian should be there soon.

Teriyaki chicken and vegetables sounded divine for the evening. All he needed was his boyfriend.

The buzzer ringing downstairs popped a smile to his lips. "Right on time." Ralph could get used to this.

The sun was directly in front of him, and even with tinting the glare was strong. He spotted a jean covered leg just off to the side. The rest of the attached body was slouched and hidden against the outer wall of the building.

He unlocked the door and pushed it open. "h.e.l.lo, se-"

The hand locking around his throat told him one thing instantly.

This wasn't Julian.

Ralph was pushed backward, stumbling over his feet. Out of the doorway and out of view in seconds.

"h.e.l.lo, blondie," the big brute from the club growled. "Remember me?"

"Unfortunately," Ralph gasped, pulling on a thick forearm. The chokehold relaxed and flexed but not enough to actually break his grip.

"No one's gonna interrupt this time." He shoved Ralph inside the door, tugging it shut behind him.

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Coloring Outside The Lines Part 7 summary

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