Coloring Outside The Lines Part 8

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"How'd you find me?"

"Luck. I had a delivery down the street and was avoiding getting a ticket parked in the alley." He drew close. Bad breath and cigarettes a.s.saulted Ralph's senses. "Saw your pretty little a.s.s and knew Lady Luck was smiling for me."

Ralph repressed a shudder. He sounded so d.a.m.ned smug. Like this was just what he was due.

"If I were you, I'd quit fighting it."

Ralph's feet froze on the hardwood when the a.s.shole pulled a snub-nosed .38 out of his pants waist and pointed it at him.

Just then, he heard his cell phone upstairs. He prayed that wasn't Julian calling to say he was going to be late.

JULIAN GROWLED GROWLED in exasperation when he heard the voicemail kick in. He hit the Bluetooth in his ear to disconnect. He wasn't going to leave a message. He was less than three minutes away. Leave it to Ralph, though, to stick his pretty little nose in the air and ignore Julian's safety advice. Even if he hadn't seen anyone, he should still be cautious. Julian had heard how unnerved he'd been earlier. in exasperation when he heard the voicemail kick in. He hit the Bluetooth in his ear to disconnect. He wasn't going to leave a message. He was less than three minutes away. Leave it to Ralph, though, to stick his pretty little nose in the air and ignore Julian's safety advice. Even if he hadn't seen anyone, he should still be cautious. Julian had heard how unnerved he'd been earlier.

Parking in the alley behind Ralph's car, he climbed the stairs and knocked. When there wasn't an answer, he tried again. After several minutes, there was still no answer.

Maybe he's downstairs. Not happy with having to walk around the buildings carrying his gear bag, he tromped down the stairs and to the front up the sidewalk. Not happy with having to walk around the buildings carrying his gear bag, he tromped down the stairs and to the front up the sidewalk.

He reached the front door and aimed for the buzzer. A flash of movement caught his eye and he stopped. Thinking Ralph had seen him he raised a hand to wave.

Realization fueled reflex. He spun out of view of the gla.s.s door, peeking around the side to make sure he wasn't imagining things.

In that split second, he realized not ringing the bell had probably saved Ralph's life.

He was pinned against an inner wall, being mauled by that fat f.u.c.k from Burgandy's. A quick study took in the situation and he spotted the gun planted above Ralph's head.

He tapped the b.u.t.ton on his earpiece to call nine-one-one. "Off duty officer on premises requesting backup." Hold on, baby. Hold on, baby. He gave his location. "Alert, no sirens. I repeat, no sirens. Suspect is armed." He gave his location. "Alert, no sirens. I repeat, no sirens. Suspect is armed."

"Ten-four. Backup is being dispatched."

Carefully, he crouched and withdrew his duty weapon. It was a last resort. He clipped his badge to his jeans waist so it would be visible. He could see Ralph struggling. The b.a.s.t.a.r.d was ripping and clawing at Ralph's clothes, not even caring that they were all but in plain view. He doubted that was even running through the a.s.shole's mind. With the studio lights off and it fading to dusk, it was growing harder to see anything specific inside but Julian could see Ralph struggling.

With a light touch, he pulled on the door. He breathed a little easier when he found the deadbolt unlocked. He didn't break the plane of security to sound the alarm.

G.o.d, it was killing him to wait for backup. Finally, a car rolled to a stop, and Julian was grateful it was one of the beat cops he knew.

He lifted a hand for silence when Stuckey approached.

"He's armed. The door is unlocked."

Stuckey glared when he spotted Julian's Glock in his hand. "Put your weapon away."

"Fat chance, Stuckey. That's my man in there. On the count of three. He has an alarm."

"Is it armed?"

"Don't think so."

Grumbling at Julian's stubbornness, Stuckey nodded.

"One." He gripped the handle. "Two." He set his gaze on the pair inside. "Three."

Julian yanked the door wide and glided in, Stuckey right at his shoulder. The alarm beeped. "Freeze!" they shouted.

A shocked grunt filled the charged silence.

"Lower your weapon," Stuckey ordered.

The a.s.shole flexed, and Julian slid a step to his opposite side. "There are two of us, and only one of you. Lower your weapon." He didn't dare look at Ralph. He couldn't. He'd fall apart, training or no.

The a.s.sailant thrust a hand into Ralph's hair and started to jerk him around as a s.h.i.+eld.

Ralph had clearly had enough.

Before Julian's eyes, Ralph sprang forward and brought down the man with a hard knee to the b.a.l.l.s.

"Ahhhhh!" Ralph screamed when constraining fingers clutched deeply into his hair. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he tried to fight free with another well-aimed knee.

Deciding it was more prudent to protect his jewels than control Ralph, the man cupped his groin and curled into a fetal ball on the floor.

Stuckey lowered to the floor to push away the a.s.sailant's weapon and quickly handcuffed him. He started calling in the arrest to dispatch.

Julian shoved his weapon behind his back into his jeans. "Ralph? Sugar?"

Ralph trembled violently. He lurched off the wall and Julian met him halfway, grabbing him in tight arms and holding him as close as he could.

"You're safe now, sugar."

Ralph whimpered and burrowed hard into his shoulder, shuddering and s.h.i.+vering.

Chapter 10.

JULIAN LEFT LEFT Ralph long enough to grab his gear off the front sidewalk and holster his weapon, and then he refused to let Ralph go for another second. More cops arrived to take the report and transport the man to lock up. Ralph long enough to grab his gear off the front sidewalk and holster his weapon, and then he refused to let Ralph go for another second. More cops arrived to take the report and transport the man to lock up.

Ralph explained the whole scenario, including their first meeting at the nightclub, which Julian was able to corroborate, giving the man motive. This time, he wouldn't find it so easy to be out on bail.

Julian wrapped Ralph close, running a hand up and down his spine.

After more than an hour and all the reports and photos of the abuse Ralph had suffered, the studio was finally quiet again. Julian hovered at his side as he activated the alarm.

"Let's get you upstairs and changed, sugar."

Ralph nodded, dazed and quiet. He was in shock. Gently, Julian guided Ralph up the rear stairs to his apartment, ensuring both doorways were closed and locked. Then he helped a fumbling Ralph undress out of his ruined s.h.i.+rt to take a hot shower. Once naked, he barely moved, utterly lost, just standing there.

Julian stripped right in front of him, letting Ralph see what he was doing. He clasped Ralph's fingers in his own and tugged him into the shower. It wasn't huge but it would work for the two of them. He started the water and once it was right, urged Ralph under the spray, then stepped in behind him.

Ralph's pale skin was so washed out, except were the rough bruising and scratches marred the beauty. His gaze was

"I got you, sugar," Julian crooned. Shudders still cascaded in random shots down Ralph's frame. With caring hands, Julian washed Ralph from top to bottom, being extra gentle with his scalp as he ma.s.saged in the shampoo. Ralph winced once, but never complained.

As he washed Ralph, Julian got to get a good look at all the damage that had been done. There were bruises around his neck, a bad one on his lip, as though it had been bitten, and several clawed scratches on his chest and down one arm.

"Do you have any ointments?"

Ralph blinked, following Julian's touch distantly as he traced a bad scratch down his forearm. "In the cabinet."

"Okay. When we're done."

Ralph leaned into him and Julian looped his arms around him.

"Thank you," he choked out. A harsh quake shook him, his chest trembling where they touched.

Julian had heard the whole story, how Ralph had thought it was him, and how the man had forced his way inside. "I'm just glad you're okay. Truly okay," he added. It had been so f.u.c.king hard waiting for backup while he had to stand there and watch Ralph being mauled. "Can you forgive me for taking so long?"

Ralph lurched out of his hold enough to gape at him. "Taking so long?"

A wash of guilt made him lower his gaze below Ralph's chin. "I wanted to rush in but he could have shot you. It killed me to wait for backup."

"You did what you felt you had to do. I'm okay, just shook up." He ran a hand over his mouth. "Though I really, really really, want mouthwash before I kiss you."

"You're sure?"

"About mouthwash? Without a doubt." He gave Julian an Are you nuts? kind of stare. kind of stare.

"No. That you're really okay?" Julian asked. He brushed a light hand upward over Ralph's temple to sweep his soaked hair upward. "There's counseling-"

"I'm fine," Ralph cut him off. "At least in that context. The last time it happened, I didn't get to fight him off. This time I did. He hurt me, but I still shoved his b.a.l.l.s into his a.s.s." Ralph snuggled close. "I felt stronger because you were there. I knew if I just held on, you'd come."

"Aww, baby," Julian murmured, choking up. No one had ever had that kind of belief in Julian before.

"I didn't make it easy on him." He touched his lip, consternation and anger darkening his green eyes. "That's why I have this." He stood straight and sighed. "Better get out and dry off. The water's losing its heat."


Ralph moved the curtain out of the way and gingerly stepped out to the mat, leaving s.p.a.ce for Julian. With towels in hand, they migrated to the bedroom to dress again.

"Wait." He caught Ralph before he fully dressed. "Sit on the bed so we can take care of those."

Ralph tipped his head in a quizzical manner, but didn't argue, sitting patiently on the edge of the bed.

Rooting around in the cabinet, Julian found the antibacterial cream and then smoothed it onto Ralph's dewy skin. He pressed a light kiss to his neck where he wasn't hurt. "Okay, all done."

They finished dressing.

RALPH WAS WAS trying to calm down. He was feeling steadier now that a little time had pa.s.sed. Julian's tender care was helping a lot, his constant presence and unpressured touches of rea.s.surance. Yes, there had been a few rough moments, but all he really wanted to do was put it behind him. trying to calm down. He was feeling steadier now that a little time had pa.s.sed. Julian's tender care was helping a lot, his constant presence and unpressured touches of rea.s.surance. Yes, there had been a few rough moments, but all he really wanted to do was put it behind him.

Walking out to the kitchen, seeing all the prepped food, he remembered he'd planned to feed his man.

"Sugar." Julian encircled him at the waist, resting a flat cheek between his shoulders. "You don't have to. It's late."

"We need to eat," Ralph admonished. And it was something normal. He wasn't going to waste food.

Julian stayed silent for several minutes, before finally loosening his grip. "Want some help?"

"Sure," Ralph said.

Julian reached upward and kissed the uninjured side of his mouth. Ralph didn't mean to, but he jerked in reflex.

"Baby?" Julian looked perplexed and studied him intently.

"Sorry. It's nothing." He turned the burner on then down to low. "Watch this for a minute. I want to go rinse my mouth." Ralph couldn't seem to shake that animal's memory, or his noxious taste.

Back in the bathroom, he scoured his teeth fiercely, rinsing several times until the only taste was pure mint. He touched the sore spot on his lower lip and turned it skin side down to investigate. It looked as though the a.s.shole had broken skin, but it was hard to tell. He wasn't sure if any blood he'd seen had been from the bite, or from the smacks he'd received.

Lastly, he dug in his cabinets for the pain reliever. Palming two, he returned to the kitchen.

"Is it bad?" Julian asked with concern when he returned.

"Hurts like h.e.l.l, but it's getting better."

"That's good." He stirred the pan then set the spoon to the side. Raising a hand, he urged Ralph closer. "Come here." Forming chest to chest, Ralph relaxed. "I won't press you, sugar. Never. Did I hurt you?"

"No," he murmured, running fingers into Julian's drying hair. "Just startled me, I guess."

Julian's eyes darkened a shade with worry. "Are you okay?" Soothing hands caressed his sides and spine. "I know what you told them. I need to hear it, Ralph. Did he hurt you?"

"Just what you see." Ralph pressed into Julian's hair, absorbing his heat and tender strength. "I'll be okay."

"You'll tell me if you need anything?"

Ralph tightened his embrace around Julian's shoulders. "Always," he breathed.

The tension seeped out of Julian's body in increments. "It would kill me if anything happened to you," he whispered, while brown eyes glistened with sincerity when Ralph met his worried gaze. "I never want to hurt you, either."

Ralph sighed, lingering in his hold. "Let's finish up and relax before bed."

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Coloring Outside The Lines Part 8 summary

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