Coloring Outside The Lines Part 9

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"I like that plan." He caressed Ralph's uninjured cheek then separated to finish cooking dinner.

RALPH ADJUSTED ADJUSTED the light in the dungeon. The two men in front of him were buff, slick with sweat, and naked. Testosterone hung in the air. The one bent and shackled over the bench, Adam, was heaving harsh breaths as he fought against his baser instincts. Thick brown hair was damp with sweat as his partner, Grant, soothed him from their latest climb of physical bliss. Ralph didn't speak. Didn't direct. The two men before him were in their own world. Focused, he felt arousal coursing through his blood, but not need. Not want. He had no desire for either of these two s.e.x G.o.ds. But with all the pheromones, scents, and sounds of pleasure being given and taken, Ralph would have to be dead to not feel the light in the dungeon. The two men in front of him were buff, slick with sweat, and naked. Testosterone hung in the air. The one bent and shackled over the bench, Adam, was heaving harsh breaths as he fought against his baser instincts. Thick brown hair was damp with sweat as his partner, Grant, soothed him from their latest climb of physical bliss. Ralph didn't speak. Didn't direct. The two men before him were in their own world. Focused, he felt arousal coursing through his blood, but not need. Not want. He had no desire for either of these two s.e.x G.o.ds. But with all the pheromones, scents, and sounds of pleasure being given and taken, Ralph would have to be dead to not feel something. something.

The hard-on in his slacks proved he was far from dead.

Cool air began to circulate from the vents, bringing down the sauna-like temperatures. These two always had that effect. They could make h.e.l.l feel comfortable once they got going.

Adam's d.i.c.k hung heavy and deep red between his spread thighs. The ring at the base made an especially striking marker against the flush of his fair skin. Ralph zoned, walking and stooping to silently capture the moments, from Adam's parted lips and glistening brow to the monster that would soon be unleashed from that c.o.c.k ring.

"He's beautiful," Grant said at his side.

"He's got some of the purest skin tone," Ralph agreed, just as quietly. Not a tan line, not a mark to break the breathtaking contours of his body. Adam was a physical masterpiece.

"Still okay, baby?" Grant asked, kneeling at Adam's shoulder, already dismissing Ralph again to put all of his attention on Adam.

A soughing sound that Grant clearly seemed to understand was all he needed.

"Soon," he crooned, pressing his lips to Adam's temple. A visible s.h.i.+ver of excitement coursed over Adam's frame. Ralph smiled at the open tenderness Grant offered to his lover and worked his camera as Grant ramped up the energy for Adam's final encore.

Ralph knew from previous sessions that it would be well worth the wait.

Grant and Adam had been customers for almost three years, doing brochure stills and the occasional BDSM spread. Ralph loved working with them because Grant had skills and Adam was simply stunning to get on film. Both were incredibly charismatic as well. They made his job seem easy. At the very least, they made it rewarding, to be able to give them captured moments, seconds really of their feelings, devotion, and shared connection.

Muscles bunched beneath skin as Grant played Adam's body like a fine-tuned instrument. Blood pumped against his skin, adding a pure heat to the richness of his color.

Grant removed the c.o.c.k restraint and Adam held still. Grant smiled and Ralph caught the look for the collection. While Grant pleased Adam physically, Adam showered pleasure on Grant by delivering what his master wanted. Remaining perfectly still even when freedom of release waited right there for him. That was a high that so very few understood and even fewer experienced.

Grant tipped the bench upward to let Adam lift his head. "Still okay?"

Adam nodded, albeit stiffly.

"You've been exceptional today," Grant praised him. "You will get your reward."

Adam's body fluttered, his skin rippling as he tried to calm his breathing. Grant slid forward and placed his c.o.c.k in front of Adam's waiting lips. He caressed behind his ear, sweeping soaked hair away from his face.

Ralph followed, fine-tuning each image before taking the shot.

"You or him today?" Ralph asked quietly.

"Him. He's earned it."

Pleasure at the praise lit up Adam's eyes. Then he closed them and accepted Grant's engorged shaft between his parted lips.

Woooo. Ralph ordinarily kept a straight face, but moments like this made it a necessary skill. Ralph ordinarily kept a straight face, but moments like this made it a necessary skill.

He s.h.i.+fted, getting the best angles and finally laid down on the floor, sweeping from Adam's filled mouth down the underside of the bench to his waiting c.o.c.k.

"Now" came the whispered command and as though a geyser had been unleashed, Adam came. Thick, white streams splattered and sprayed the floor as his hips flexed. Quiet moans and sucked sobs filled the tension-packed silence of the room. It seemed he came forever before he finally shuddered, wrung out.

A groaned grunt followed and Ralph captured more of Adam's reflexes and reactions to receiving his master's gift. Panting a bit himself when they finished, Ralph plopped down on his a.s.s and hung his head to his chest. "G.o.ddess," he moaned.

Grant and Adam separated. When they did, Adam sagged, heaving for air and Grant chuckled, his grin wide and playfully evil pointed at Ralph. "Got ya again, didn't we?"

"You two are amazing." He waved a hand. "You're going to love what I got though."

"This is for our private collection," Grant explained, stepping back. He leaned over and released the front cuffs of the bench. Adam rolled his shoulders and patiently waited. Walking behind him, Grant released the ankle straps. Adam rose to rest on his calves, leaning against Grant's thighs. Grant ma.s.saged his shoulders, gazing down into his face with nothing less than sheer adoration and happiness. "Happy birthday, baby."

Adam twisted enough to nuzzle Grant's thigh, still panting heavily. His smile, though, was soft and said it all without a sound.

Chapter 11.

WHILE A ADAM was in the separate half bath cleaning up, Grant took time to straighten the pieces they'd used, disinfecting them and putting everything back in order. Grant had already cleaned up and changed, giving him and Ralph a few minutes to close up the dungeon. was in the separate half bath cleaning up, Grant took time to straighten the pieces they'd used, disinfecting them and putting everything back in order. Grant had already cleaned up and changed, giving him and Ralph a few minutes to close up the dungeon.

"So, you going to tell me what happened to your pretty face?"

"I had an unfortunate run-in not too long ago at Burgandy's. He found me here." Ralph touched the side of his face, unable to forget the man's attack. He hadn't told Julian, but he'd had a couple of nightmares in the weeks since. He just wanted to put it behind him, but he didn't know how.

Tony hadn't made much noise about it when Ralph had retold the ordeal yet again. He'd been glad that Ralph was safe, and grateful that Julian had been able to stop it before Ralph had been seriously hurt. Ralph could pull up his big boy britches and get on with life.

If only he knew how.

When Julian had suggested the counseling, he'd dismissed it. Why would he need it? So he'd been manhandled.

Only for some reason, it wasn't that simple. The whole episode remained, haunting him in his dreams and moments when he least expected them to show up.

"Have you talked to anyone about it?"

Ralph shook his head, closing the cleaning closet after returning the supplies. Grant sat on one of the bench apparatuses, watching Ralph with a concerned frown.

"I was attacked," he said. "I wasn't raped or physically injured."

"Ralph," Grant offered kindly. "He hurt you. In your home. He might not have done much, but it's clear he did enough."

Ralph lifted a hand, then dropped it realizing what he was doing. The pain and a majority of the bruising had faded, but the reminders remained. He pressed his head to the closed door in front of him. "I haven't been able to kiss my boyfriend since it happened. I want to, but the f.u.c.ker bit me. I'm terrified he had something."

"Did you get tested?"

"Yes. Two weeks ago. I hoped it would help. I guess until I know for sure, it won't." He turned around and slouched against the wall.

"Have you told your boyfriend?" Grant crossed his arms, relaxed, but attentive.


"You should. You need his support."

"What if I'm being paranoid?" Ralph heard the water in the bathroom shut off. Adam would be done soon.

"In this case, it's a good thing to be paranoid."

The bathroom door opened and Adam walked out, completely dressed and put together again. His brown hair was combed into place and he looked as fresh as when they'd arrived. He walked up to Grant who wound an arm around Adam's waist. He stood and shared a quick kiss with Adam.

"You should bring him by the house some time. We'd love to meet him."

Ralph started to leave the room with them. "I'll mention it to him." With the dungeon locked behind them, he faced Grant. "And I'll tell him."

"I'm sure he's wondering if something's wrong if you're avoiding being close," Grant said.

Adam slung their carryall over a shoulder. "Thank you, Ralph."

He smiled for Adam. "You make my job easy."

"Ready?" Grant squeezed Adam's middle.

The man nearly glowed. "Starved."

Grant chuckled. "For once he really does mean food. Give me a call later, okay?"

"I will. Thank you."

Ralph let them out the front door, watching until they were in their car and leaving. He locked the door and reversed to go upstairs.

He was sure he had messages to reply to. When he was downstairs, he didn't answer the phone, e-mail, anything. He'd warned Julian, so was glad when the message from him was simply a thoughtful h.e.l.lo h.e.l.lo and a tacked-on and a tacked-on miss you miss you.

He palmed the phone and sat on the couch. Before he could change his mind and ignore it all again, he touched the screen to call the marked number. "Hey, s.e.xy."

"Well, h.e.l.lo, sugar," he purred in that southern drawl that made Ralph's will melt.

"Free this evening?"

"I'm off s.h.i.+ft in an hour."

"Good. Come by when you're done." He absently touched his lip then made his hand lower. "I need to talk."

"Bad talk?" he asked with clear apprehension.

"No. We're fine. I'm ready to talk to you," he finally admitted.

"Thank G.o.d. I'll be there. And Ralph?"


"I still love you."

Ralph swallowed hard. "You just-"

"I know. Terrible delivery, but whatever happens, I do. Period."

Ralph laughed, the sound a bit watery and he drew a deep breath. "Don't make me pull a Sally Field moment." He pushed stiff fingers against his closed eyes to stem the waterworks.

"Okay. If you want it, grab some wine and takeout. I'll bring my toothbrush."

Ralph chuckled roughly into the phone. "See you in a little while."

"'Bye, sugar."

The hand holding the phone drifted away to rest on his thigh. "This is insane. I think I love you, too." He did sniffle then.

JULIAN BREATHED BREATHED a sigh of relief that evening sitting in his own car. That had been the a sigh of relief that evening sitting in his own car. That had been the longest longest hour known to mankind, but he was finally done with his s.h.i.+ft and on his way to Ralph's. He'd already called Jet to tell him he wouldn't be home. He was pretty sure his cousin was beginning to see the pattern. The one where Julian didn't sleep in his own bed. hour known to mankind, but he was finally done with his s.h.i.+ft and on his way to Ralph's. He'd already called Jet to tell him he wouldn't be home. He was pretty sure his cousin was beginning to see the pattern. The one where Julian didn't sleep in his own bed.

The last few weeks had been... difficult. Julian would be the first to admit he'd been worried about Ralph. Julian had been giving him time, room, s.p.a.ce, whatever it looked like the man needed after being attacked. He'd refused to talk to anyone about it. Julian had asked a couple of times if he wanted to. There were people on the force just for these situations. Ralph had dismissed him.

Julian should have known it wasn't going to easily go away. Ever since that night, they hadn't shared one kiss between them. They'd slept in the same bed, but Ralph had physically shut down. The hardest thing for Julian had been to not push him. Giving him that had been a study in trust, and patience.

In this case, it had to be up to Ralph. He couldn't express how relieved he was that Ralph had finally made a step forward.

After parking behind Ralph's car in the alley, he skipped up the stairs and knocked. Locks grated loose on the other side. Good. Good. Ralph's attacker may be behind bars, but Julian still wanted him to stay safe. The door opened and Julian smiled. Ralph's attacker may be behind bars, but Julian still wanted him to stay safe. The door opened and Julian smiled.

"h.e.l.lo, sugar." He leaned close for a kiss.

Ralph evaded. "Not yet. And hi." His lips were pinched. He also refused to meet Julian's gaze.

Julian dumped his bag right inside the door and curled a light palm around Ralph's bicep. "What was that?"

Ralph exhaled, and Julian saw him forcibly try to relax. "Close the door." Ralph stepped into the apartment, but didn't pull away, waiting. Julian reached with a seeking hand and once the door was shut behind him, he followed Ralph like a shadow to the couch.

It took a few minutes of just sitting there before Ralph said anything. "I should have told you, but it took a few days for the whole shock of it to fade and common sense to return. He bit me. I wasn't sure if the blood was mine, or his."

Julian caressed the arm he held. "He broke skin?"

Ralph swallowed and nodded. "I'm waiting for blood tests. Even then...." He drew a slow, shaky breath. "If he was HIV positive or something else...." He shuddered.

Julian inched as close as he could on the seat. Ralph didn't balk this time when he cradled him, soothing him. Giving in, Ralph lowered his head to Julian's shoulder.

"We'll get through this," he said, petting Ralph's hair.

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Coloring Outside The Lines Part 9 summary

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