The Right Side Of The Law Part 15

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"My brother, he's... Tiny, you can come out now."

Blu watched as the Hulk suddenly appeared on the dock, carrying a little blond girl that couldn't be more than two or three. What the h.e.l.l was going on? hewondered. This was the same guy who'd beenchasing after Angel the night she'd run from Cruger's.

"You said he's your brother?" Blu asked.

"Yes. Tiny's my younger brother."

Blu faced the Hulk. "Weren't you the one chasing after Angel the other night?"

Tiny looked embarra.s.sed. "I wasn't chasing her, I was guarding her. But she took off and I lost her. I was watching out for her-at least, I was trying to."

"That's true," Sister Marian confirmed, standing and coming forward. "I sent Tiny out to be Kristen's guardian angel that night. She kept insisting she had to go out at night. I told her how dangerous Algiers is after dark. I was afraid for her safety, so I sent Tiny to protect her."

Blu digested the nun's explanation and decided she was telling the truth. The man's bald head had to be just a bizarre coincidence. Yeah, he could buy that.

He watched as Sister Marian reached out and took Amanda from her brother. The big man stayed on the dock, with a black backpack slung on his shoulder.

The minute Blu took a good look at the baby, he knew she was Angel's child. The sister was right, Amanda was a miniature version of her mother. A mix of unexpected emotions surfaced, emotions Blu wasn't expecting. He'd never taken an interest in kids, but then, last year he'd found himselfin the middle of protecting six scared kids whohad needed someone to carejust a little.He'dbeen struck by their eyes, though he hadn't admitted that to anyone. The same feeling had caught him unaware a few days ago when he had faced Angel's save-me brown eyes in Poke Alley.

And it was happening again, Blu realized as hestared into a pair of small shy brown eyes that were studying him intently.

The idea that Kristenhad given Maland a childshould havesickened Blu. But he knew what she'dgone throughforthree years, and he understood her pain. What hurtmost was that she hadn't trusted himenough to tell himabout her child.

He turnedawayfrom the nun and lookedout overthe water. The sunwas growing stronger, promising another hot, sultry day. The air was barely moving.

"You can't mean to turn your back on the child." The nun had come up behind him. "You called Kristen 'Angel.' You must have some feelings for her to give her such a beautiful name."

Blu didn't answer. He was too busy considering Salvador Maland's state of mind at the moment. Experience told him that if a man had been betrayed and made to look like a fool, it made him a very dangerous man. But what if the man was already dangerous? Angel hadn't only made a fool out of Maland and cut him by leaving him, but she'd thrown salt in the open wound by stealing his child.

Bon Dieu!Blu thought. How was he going to keep her safe when she kept hiding pieces of her life from him? It made him nervous wondering what the h.e.l.l was coming next.

With surprising strength, the nun grabbed Blu's arm and pulled him around to face her. "I know this must be a surprise, but you certainly knew the risks. Accepting this child is the most honorable thing you can do right now. So here-" the nun shoved Amanda into Blu's arms "-meet your daughter." She turned to her brother. "Do you have the bag, Tiny?"

"Right here."

Blu held Amanda out in front of him at arm's length as the nun hustled to retrieve the black bag Tiny dropped onto the deck. Her little eyes, Blu noted, had grown huge and her bottom lip started to quiver. Her little legs dangled from beneath a soft pink dress. "Oh, h.e.l.l, can't you see I scare her? Take her back."

The nun spun around, her skirt swinging wide. "She'll warm up to you, just give her a smile. You can smile, can't you? Here, if you hold her like this, she'll like it better."

The nun set down the pack, then demonstrated the proper way to hold Amanda. After which she gave her back to Blu. "Now you do it."

Blu bent his arm and brought Amanda close. She was still staring at him with wary eyes, her lower lip extended to the max in a full pout. He stared at her mouth. It was Kristen's mouth, dainty and sweet. "Listen. She's not-" Blu stopped himself from denouncing the child. It didn't really matter who the father was. She was Kristen's, and she belonged with her mother, not with these strangers, and certainly not with Maland.

Sister Marian pointed to the small black backpack.

"That was all she came with. That and the child. If you decide to cast them out, tell Kristen she's welcome back at the shelter. Tell her I'm sorry for not waiting another day. I thought I was helping."

Blu watched as the nun climbed out of the boat with her brother's help. On the dock, she turned back. "I hope you realize just how lucky you are, Blu duFray. You have a beautiful family. Do right by them and G.o.d's goodness will s.h.i.+ne down on you." And that was it. Sister Marian and Tiny disappeared, and Blu was left holding the Miniature. He studied her again as she studied him. Finally he said, "You hungry?"

She shook her head, then reached for Blu's hair and pulled.


Her lip went out a little farther, and she lowered her head.

Blu tugged her chin up, then found himself smiling. A second later he winked.

"I miss Mommeee," she whispered.

Blu could smell her sweet breath. She was so small, so vulnerable. "I have a surprise for you."

She looked up. "S'prize?"

"If you promise not to wake Mommy, I'll show you where she is."

Her little eyes lit up and she thrust forward and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. Next to his ear, she whispered, "I pomiss."

Blu felt her fingers in his hair again, but this time she didn't pull. She seemed fascinated by the fact that he had something growing on his head. Knowing why that was, he started down the stairs.

Chapter 11.

Kristen was dreaming. Drugged by her sweet daughter's birdlike voice, she rolled onto her side and snuggled with her dream.

"Dis time, I feed Da."

"Wait. Over here, my mouth is over here. Oh, h.e.l.l, you've got it in your hair. Mine, too. Let me help."

"Da has hair, too."

"Yes, I have hair, too."

Kristen sighed, wondering how Blu had gotten into her dream. Smiling, she decided she knew how-he was the most marvelous man on earth. And she loved him-loved him with all her heart.

"Let's wash you up before Mommy sees you like this."


Kristen opened her eyes slowly. Stretching, her mind began to surface from the dream cloud she'd been riding. She could hear Blu in the galley. Hear Amanda, too.Amanda?

"Me wash Da's face."

Kristen frowned. Listened.

"All right. But after I wash yours."

"After Da washes meeeee."

"That's right. Now hold still. No, don't do that. You'll fall. Sit!"

"Da, mad?"

"No, I'm not mad. I just don't want you falling off the counter."

Kristen sat up quickly and climbed out of bed. Amanda was at the shelter with Sister Marian. She couldn't be- "Hold still. Let's see if I can get some of this out of your hair."

Eyes wide, Kristen scanned the floor for her sarong, grabbed it, and slipped it on. She came out of the bedroom on the run, then froze-she could see Amanda was sitting on the counter in the galley and she was ... she was was.h.i.+ng Blu's face.

He was wearing jeans, and his chest was bare. So were his feet. Amanda had on her only dress, which was now stained with something that resembled egg yolk.

Amanda glanced up. "See, Mommeee. Me wash Da."

Kristen watched her daughter dip a washcloth into the sink, then, barely squeezing it out, thrust it at Blu's face and scrub wildly. Giggling, her animated little legs kicked out with excitement and nearly clipped Blu in the groin. He deftly swung his hip, and she missed him by a scant inch.

Slowly he turned, water dripping off his chin and nose. Their eyes met. Locked.

"Oh, G.o.d. I-I was going to... When the time was... I was afraid you wouldn't..." Kristen found her legs and she moved forward. Shoving her long hair behind her, she scooped Amanda off the counter and pulled her close. Kissing her daughter's cheek, she whispered, "Mommy missed you. I'm sorry I was away so long, sweetheart."

She turned her back on Blu because she needed some time to pull herself together. When she could still feel his eyes on her, she hurried back into the bedroom and closed the door. She felt as if she had run a race. As if her legs were going to collapse. She sank onto the bed, hugging Amanda. For now she wasn't going to think about Blu and what she had to tell him once she faced him. Right now she was going to focus all her attention on Amanda. It had been too long since she had held her precious baby and cuddled with her. Amanda must have thought so, too, because she was clinging.

An hour later Kristen propped a pillow next to Amanda's sleeping little body and went in search of Blu. She found him on the couch, his long legs sprawled out in front of him. His eyes were closed and, for a moment, she thought he was sleeping.

She was about to turn and leave when he said, "Sit down."

Kristen did as he asked, taking the chair opposite him. His eyes flicked open and he studied her for a long moment. "She's napping," Kristen explained, not knowing what else to say. His gaze s.h.i.+fted, drifted over her body. It reminded Kristen of what they had done only a few hours ago.

"Blu ... Blu, I'm sorry. I know I should have told you about her. I should have told you days ago, but-" "But you couldn't trust me." Kristen hung her head. "I trust you. I just ... I just wasn't so sure how you would react to a small child." He sat up, leaned forward. "What did you think I would do if you told me? Drowned her like an unwanted puppy?" "No!" "Did you think I'd walk away from helping you?" Kristen looked at him. "I was scared, all right? I wasn't thinking. How did she get here? Did-" "Sister Marian wanted me to tell you that if I threw you andmy daughter out, you could return to the shelter." "Your daughter?" "She said she knew I was Mandy's father, and that I should accept the responsibility." Kristen's cheeks flamed. "I didn't tell her you were Amanda's father. But I did lie so that she would let me stay at the shelter."

"She told me what you said, and that she'd known it was a lie from the beginning. She said she put two and two together and decided I had abandoned you andmy daughter a few years ago." "She misunderstood." "Do I know the whole truth now? Everything?" The question had Kristen wringing her hands. All she wanted to do was to go to Blu and curl up in his strong arms. But he wouldn't want anything to do with her once he kneweverything. Did she have a choice, though? She could lie again and tell him that she had no more secrets, but...

She stood, turned her back and wrestled with her decision. A moment later his hand weighed heavy on her shoulder. She hadn't even heard him come up behind her. "What else, Angel? What's so bad that you can't tell me? Can't even look at me?"

Kristen felt his hand move from her shoulder and, with easy familiarity, wrap around her waist. A little rougher than she expected, he pulled her back against him. Then his heat was surrounding her and last night's memories flooded her senses. She squeezed her eyes shut, wanting to remember, knowing she had no right to love Blu duFray, to want him this badly.

He bent his head, whispered, "I'll help you no matter what. Is that what you're waiting to hear? I'll see you safe, that I promise. Mandy, too. Nothing you can say will make me walk away."

"Are you so sure?" Kristen turned in his arms and gazed up at him. "What if I told you I was married? That I'm Salvador Maland's wife?"

When Kristen had first awakened and found herself on Salva's island with no memory, she had been frantic to remember her past. She'd tried so hard that daily she had made herself sick. So sick, she'd gone to bed with severe headaches. As the weeks pa.s.sed without remembering anything, she'd decided to accept what she couldn't change and endure her life.

Then Amanda had been born and it was her daughter who had kept Kristen alive, enduring Salva and his cruelty for the sake of her child. Once more Kristen realized that it was Amanda who was keeping her on her feet, keeping her from sinking into a pile of self-pity.

Yes, Blu had walked out, as she'd known he would. And she was hurting. But she'd been hurt before. It wasn't fatal. Only this time the hurt cut more deeply than ever before because she was in love for the first time in her life. Even without her memory, she knew that Blu duFray was the right man-the only man-she would ever love.

Going back to the shelter was out. After talking to Sister Marian on the telephone, Kristen refused to burden her further. She had been both surprised and relieved to learn that the Hulk wasn't Salva's man, but Sister Marian's younger brother who had been sent to keep her safe on the streets of Algiers after dark.

She didn't have much money, and now she had less since she'd bought a bus ticket-she would be leaving town tomorrow night. But until then she needed a place to stay, and with no money, she was standing outside duFray Fish in the hope that Rose duFray would allow her to spend the rest of the afternoon and one night under her roof.

With Amanda on her hip, Kristen pushed open the door and stepped inside the small shop. She didn't feel all that comfortable asking Blu's mother for such a huge favor, but Rose had been so nice to her the other day that she was hopeful.

Kristen found the clean little market packed with customers. She let the door slam shut behind her, and immediately wished she had waited until closing time to speak to Rose-six people stood in line at the checkout counter.

She glanced around and discovered every kind of fish you could imagine displayed on ice. There was everything from seaba.s.s to blue-fin tuna to Grouper, shrimp and oysters.

There was a corner of the shop dedicated to various spices and sauces, boxed batters and oils. But for the most part the fish market was just that-the most complete fresh-fish outlet on the wharf.

Amanda was pointing, and wanting to get down. With so many people wall-to-wall, Kristen told her no. A line at the cas.h.i.+er had now stalled-the woman paying had suddenly decided to discuss spices with Blu's mother. As Rose came around the counter, she spotted Kristen and her face brightened. On her way to the spices, she stopped and said, "It's good to see you, child." She scooped Amanda into her arms, then pointed to the cash register. "Could you run the register for a little while? Today is a madhouse and my worker called in sick. This must be Mandy."


"Yes. Blu called looking for you and your daughter. But we'll talk about that later. I'll keep her with me, and you run the register."

Kristen hesitated, then nodded. Amanda was already interested in the bun at the back of Rose's head, and the gold clip keeping it in place.

For the next hour Kristen rang up the purchases behind the counter as Rose pointed and recommended to her loyal customers the best catches of the day. When the crowd began to thin, Rose appeared with a sleeping Amanda on her shoulder. "She finally gave up the fight," she whispered, rubbing Amanda's back. "Why don't you take her up the back steps and put her down? Blu's and Margo's old room is right off the kitchen. There's still two beds in there. You can't miss it. Make yourself comfortable. Make some tea or coffee. If you're hungry-"

"I'm fine," Kristen a.s.sured her, taking Amanda from Rose. "Thank you."

She took the stairs and opened the door. Rose duFray lived in a spotless three-room flat that was warm and cozy. The furniture was old, but well cared for, and there were fresh flowers on the small kitchen table.

Kristen walked through the narrow kitchen and straight into the bedroom Rose had mentioned-the room Blu had shared with his sister. Like the rest of the house, it was small, barely large enough for two twin beds. A tall, narrow dresser fit tightly into one corner, in the other was a small table with a picture of Blu and a dark-haired girl who looked a lot like him. It had to be his sister, Margo, Kristen decided.

She eyed the two beds, then eased Amanda off her shoulder and laid her on the one with the fis.h.i.+ng motif bedspread-the other spread was peach floral. There was no doubt this was Blu's bed, she decided, the one with the boats and the fish scattered every-which-way.

Feeling a tangle of emotions, she curled up beside Amanda. Rose had said that Blu had called, looking for her. Kristen didn't know how she felt about that. One thing she knew for sure-she should never have lied to him. She regretted that more than she could say, but she would never regret sleeping with him no matter how bad that made her seem. She knew now, married or not, she had never loved Salva, not even before she'd lost her memory. He might be her husband, but not in the real sense of the word. In her heart, she wasmarried to Blu duFray. He may not feel the same way,infact,she was sure he didn't. But she would alwaysbelieve she'd done the right thing by giving herself to him. He had mended her broken heart and healed her soul. And that, she truly believed, had been a gift from G.o.d.

She realized now that from the moment she had laideyes on Blu in Salva's office that she had been hypnotized by him in some way. As crazyas that sounded, she had gotten s.h.i.+verslookingathim,then a heat hadsettled in her stomach. At the time she'd thought it was simply another dose of fear-after all, she'd been staring into the eyes of anotherbig man,a dangerous-lookingstranger. But now she knewithadn'tbeen thedanger she'd reacted to, but Blu duFray's silent promise. He had beckoned herto come to him, and shewould be forever grateful for that.

Only now, as badly as she wanted to stay, she knew she must leave. Tomorrow night she would be on thatbus headed for Nashville. And from there...

It didn't really matter where she ended up. Her heart would always be here with Blu. But as long as Amanda was safe, and she was able to stay one step ahead of Salva, she wouldn't ask for more.

Patch patted the file on his desk."It's allthere.Every dirty little secret Maland owns."

"And Kristen Harris-"

"Is an alias."

Blu turned from the window in Patch's office. He was in a bad mood, possibly the worst mood he'd ever been in in his life. And the Blu Devil in a h.e.l.l-fire mood with nothing to lose was a deadly combination. "You're sure?"

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The Right Side Of The Law Part 15 summary

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