Giving In Part 6

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The other woman's brow furrowed in confusion. "Why the h.e.l.l not?"

"If it were not for me pus.h.i.+ng my feelings on you, I'm sure you wouldn't have these thoughts at all." s.h.i.+zuru couldn't stop the icy tone that laced her words.

Natsuki merely stared at her for several long moments, processing this new point. "I don't... understand."

"Let me ask you this then, Natsuki: If you'd never known of how I felt towards you, would you have ever thought about being with me? Intimately, I mean."

The creases deepened on Natsuki's forehead. It was obviously something she'd never even thought about before. Still, she answered fairly quickly. "What does it matter? I did find out and that helped me discover my own feelings."

There was another quick flutter in her chest but s.h.i.+zuru ignored it. "And what are those feelings?"

"I..." Natsuki hesitated, her gaze dropping as she withdrew into herself. That was proof enough that s.h.i.+zuru's decision had been correct back in that old council room. "I... care about you."

The Kyoto woman smiled sadly at her companion. "I am glad for that. But you care differently for me than I care for you and that will always put us at odds with one another. I can't allow you to sacrifice yourself for my sake."

A spark of desperation glinted in those green eyes now and Natsuki s.h.i.+fted forwards slightly. Unexpectedly, she reached out and gripped the front of s.h.i.+zuru's yukata with both hands. The chestnut haired woman's eyes widened at Natsuki's actions. There was an almost painful expression etched onto her old friend's face now. "Dammit, s.h.i.+zuru. I want you just as much as you want me." Her cheeks flushed slightly as she spoke. "I want to be able to touch you, to hold you, to smell you. I can't face a day where I don't see your smile. Your real smile. I can't stop thinking about how your lips taste or the way your hair feels between my fingers." Her grip tightened further on the fabric in her hands, pulling the yukata loose at the front. "Tell me that isn't how you feel!"

s.h.i.+zuru could only sit there in complete shock. A s.h.i.+ver had crept up her spine, leaving her skin feeling chilled and her heart was pounding. She let out a quivering breath, realising she had been holding it as Natsuki had been speaking. Out of everything she had expected to hear, she hadn't even dreamed of those words. She had never allowed herself that hope. She wanted to just melt into Natsuki's arms now but her fears still held her back. Images flickered through her mind and she felt herself stiffen.

The pink hue fading from Natsuki's skin now, she seemed to notice the turmoil within the other woman. "s.h.i.+zuru..." She released her hold on the yukata and trailed her fingertips across s.h.i.+zuru's cheek. "Why are you scared?"

Was it so easy to see? It seemed her mask shattered so easily around Natsuki and that was part of the problem. How was she supposed to be able to explain that to her though? "I.. don't want to do anything to hurt you again, Natsuki."

This only seemed to puzzle the dark haired woman and she idly brushed chestnut strands out of s.h.i.+zuru's field of vision. "You haven't."

s.h.i.+zuru's eyes closed as the sting of memories flooded her mind. "The Carnival," was all she could say.

"That wasn't you." Natsuki's words were soft and rea.s.suring but s.h.i.+zuru couldn't help but feel they were cruel.

"But it was..." s.h.i.+zuru whispered.

Natsuki's hands slipped down to the Kyoto woman's shoulders now and she gently shook her, forcing s.h.i.+zuru to open her eyes. "The Carnival made us all do crazy things. We were manipulated. How was that your fault?"

"Wouldn't it be nice if I could be absolved of all responsibility? But I cannot." Her tone had become firm now as she resolved to go on and finish what she was saying. "I wasn't being forced to kiss you when you were asleep, that was my own yearning. I wasn't being forced to strike down those who had harmed you; that is very much my own wish. My desire to keep you safe and to have you all to myself is an all-consuming thing. I fear that I will become that demon again, Natsuki."

"So that's what this is about?" the other woman asked although it was clear she didn't need an answer. She wasn't looking at her in either disgust or pity, as s.h.i.+zuru had feared, but there was a fondness in her eyes. A kindness. "It doesn't matter;" she said softly.

"Of course it matters!" s.h.i.+zuru insisted. "How can you be so dismiss-"

"Because I love you."

She froze. The slight tremor in Natsuki's voice, the blush on her cheeks, the intense burning in her emerald eyes; she wasn't lying. s.h.i.+zuru's heart stammered in her chest, missing several beats and leaving her breathless. Her skin was tingling where Natsuki was gripping her and her mind had completely blanked.

"I have my own problems and you've helped me through so much so I can't expect you to be perfect, right? Everyone has their demons to fight and I'll be right here to help you with yours." Although a warm glow was filling her chest, s.h.i.+zuru could still only stare at Natsuki, completely dumbstruck. "I trust in you, s.h.i.+zuru."

The words were spoken with such tenderness it took the Kyoto woman's breath away. A tingling on her cheek made her realise a single tear had spilled onto her skin and was sliding down towards her jaw. She forcefully closed her eyes, s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g them shut to keep the emotion from pouring out. A rea.s.suring hand moved to her cheek once more, a soft thumb pad stroking away the moisture there. s.h.i.+zuru opened her eyes again to look upon the beautiful face in front of her.

"It's okay to be weak sometimes, you know," Natsuki said quietly and it seemed to s.h.i.+zuru she was speaking to herself as much as she was to the other woman. Then a smile pulled at her lips. "Just with me though, 'kay?"

s.h.i.+zuru couldn't help but return the smile, more tears rolling down the sides of her face. How could I have been so wrong? All her fears and doubts had so easily been pushed aside by Natsuki's words. She'd allowed those doubts to twist what the other woman was offering her into something completely different. She'd almost lost everything over nothing. She'd have to work on that side of her, she decided. It made her happy to think she'd have someone there who would help her.

Natsuki leaned forwards and wrapped her arms around s.h.i.+zuru's shoulders, holding her tightly. The Kyoto woman gladly accepted the embrace and slipped her own arms around Natsuki's waist. The heat of her body comforted s.h.i.+zuru and she inhaled deeply, taking in the other woman's scent. "No more running from me, okay?" s.h.i.+zuru wasn't sure if Natsuki was referring to the physical or emotional running she'd done. "It doesn't suit you. s.h.i.+zuru Fujino does not run."

She couldn't help the laugh that escaped her throat. It was a laugh of relief and it felt almost cathartic. She could feel her worries slipping away now and she let her senses focus completely on the woman holding onto her. The tickle of long, dark strands against her face made her smile widen and reached up to touch her fingertips to the ends of them. It felt as though they had been parted for months even though it had only been hours.

Natsuki pulled back a little to look at her, the fondness still in her eyes. There seemed to be a lot of things the younger woman wanted to say but s.h.i.+zuru could read so much in that one look. Now Natsuki had clarified her own feelings and s.h.i.+zuru had gotten past the obstacle of her doubts, it seemed too obvious to her. Why hadn't she been able to see it in her eyes before? Was she stopping herself? The movement of Natsuki's hands against her shoulders chased her thoughts away.

She watched as Natsuki's gaze flickered lower and s.h.i.+zuru realised the front of her yukata had opened to reveal a sliver of pale flesh. She could see the change in those green eyes; they s.h.i.+fted from affectionate to yearning in an instant. A heat p.r.i.c.kled under s.h.i.+zuru's skin and she wondered if Natsuki had seen anything similar in her own eyes. It was overwhelming to think Natsuki wanted her body just as she had dreamed of touching the other woman.

Natsuki's eyes were on hers again in the next moment and there was an intensity in them that took s.h.i.+zuru by surprise. Slender fingers toyed with the collar on s.h.i.+zuru's yukata, sometimes brus.h.i.+ng against the sensitive skin of her neck. "I belong to you, right?" Natsuki murmured, her voice dropping lower than it usually did.

Distracting as her actions were, Natsuki's words caught s.h.i.+zuru's full attention. They echoed of the things s.h.i.+zuru had said during The Carnival. Yet, they didn't feel menacing or unwanted in the slightest. It was a genuine question. "Yes," she confirmed. You are mine.

The tip of Natsuki's tongue darted out to relieve her dry lips. "Show me," she breathed.

A surge of primal need swirled in s.h.i.+zuru's gut and her body obeyed Natsuki's command instantly. Using the strength she had gained through years of training with the naginata, she took a hold of the front of Natsuki's jacket and twisted her own body. The sudden action took the younger woman by surprise and s.h.i.+zuru easily maneuvered her to the floor, pinning the body beneath her with her own weight. The arousal colouring Natsuki's skin and burning in her eyes showed she certainly hadn't disliked the aggressive move.

As much as s.h.i.+zuru wanted to bask in the image of the other woman beneath her, she needed to feel more of Natsuki and so she ducked her head down, closing the distance between them. The raw desire building up in her and Natsuki's earlier command amalgamated into a fiery kiss, her lips crus.h.i.+ng against the younger woman's. The movement of Natsuki's mouth was just as needy as hers, pus.h.i.+ng her to deepen the kiss and force her tongue between the biker's lips.

It seemed Natsuki wasn't going to be submissive, however, and her hands soon found their way under the collar of s.h.i.+zuru's yukata. The warmth of her hands against welcoming flesh caused the older woman to shudder and she whimpered into Natsuki's mouth. Their tongues slid against each other's, fighting for dominance.

Clearly not having access to enough of s.h.i.+zuru's skin, Natsuki grasped the front of the yukata like she had earlier. This time she yanked the fabric apart, the material struggling against the obi wrapped around s.h.i.+zuru's waist. The cooler air of the room met her heated skin and a slight s.h.i.+ver pa.s.sed through her. The yukata slipped off of s.h.i.+zuru's shoulders but she ignored it, instead pressing her body down onto Natsuki's. The a.s.sault on her attire ceased at that contact and a low moan rumbled against her lips. Encouraged by the sounds coming from Natsuki, she snaked a hand under the hooded sweater the younger woman always wore with her uniform.

Natsuki shuddered as fingers brushed across the skin of her stomach and s.h.i.+zuru could sense her arousal heightening. She s.h.i.+fted slightly, feeling the purple cotton around her legs part so she could slip a leg over one of Natsuki's. Taking advantage of this, the younger woman brought her knee up, her thigh coming into contact with the heat burning between s.h.i.+zuru's legs. She let out a sharp moan, instantly breaking the kiss. She held herself above the other woman, peering down at her with heavily lidded eyes, her hair hanging around Natsuki's face.

Emerald had darkened considerably and Natsuki's gaze roamed s.h.i.+zuru's form hungrily. Removing the hand from under the younger woman's s.h.i.+rt, she brought it up to grip Natsuki's chin and turned her head to one side. s.h.i.+zuru descended on the exposed flesh of the other woman's neck, her lips leaving a searing trail of kisses up towards her ear. Natsuki squirmed beneath her, grasping hands still travelling over her skin. Nails grazed across her shoulders and down her back now, causing s.h.i.+zuru to arch her back. Natsuki's leg continued to press firmly against her groin and she decided she'd have to do something about that soon or she'd never be able to concentrate on her own task.

Settling on the adage, 'the best defence is a good offence', s.h.i.+zuru bit down gently on the curve of Natsuki's neck. This did, indeed, stop the movement of her legs and the younger woman let out a sharp gasp as s.h.i.+zuru lapped at the patch of skin she'd just nipped. Continuing her attack, the Kyoto woman hooked her thumb under the hem of her lover's s.h.i.+rt once more and yanked it upwards. Quickly placing her palm flat against the smooth skin that had been revealed, s.h.i.+zuru murmured contentedly against Natsuki's neck. As she'd been doing that, the other woman's hands had evidently figured out how to unwrap the obi since s.h.i.+zuru now felt the material at her waist loosening.

Those hands travelled back up to the yukata that restricted s.h.i.+zuru's arm movements. At Natsuki's behest, the Kyoto woman let the fabric slip off her arms, exposing her torso to the younger woman. Not that Natsuki could take advantage of the view, since s.h.i.+zuru's ministrations on her neck kept her gaze firmly rooted in the opposite direction. That didn't stop her hands exploring where her eyes could not go, however, and s.h.i.+zuru's skin tingled as fingertips brushed across her sternum. She took Natsuki's earlobe between her teeth and flicked the tip of her tongue across it repeatedly, receiving a satisfying whimper in response.

The a.s.sault on her ear didn't prevent Natsuki from exploring s.h.i.+zuru's body though and she brought a hand down between their bodies and cupped one of the Kyoto woman's b.r.e.a.s.t.s. The sudden pressure caused s.h.i.+zuru to falter and she pulled away suddenly to let out a gasp. This allowed her lover to turn her head and take in the view of s.h.i.+zuru naked from the waist up. Natsuki nibbled lightly on her bottom lip as her emerald gaze mapped every curve she could see.

s.h.i.+zuru could feel heat rise to her cheeks at that smouldering gaze and she felt as though she might melt under it. Continuing to tantalisingly hold her lip between her teeth, Natsuki's eyes settled on where her thumb was now tracing circles around a hardening nipple. Sitting up and straightening, s.h.i.+zuru closed her eyes and tilted her head back before pressing her breast more firmly against the other woman's hand. Tender wasn't what she needed right at that moment. She wanted to be taken just as much as she needed to mark Natsuki as her own.

Seeming to sense this, the younger woman covered both of s.h.i.+zuru's b.r.e.a.s.t.s with her hands and kneaded them. Natsuki lifted herself up so she could wrap her arms around the other woman's waist and press her lips to the valley between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. s.h.i.+zuru let out a satisfied sigh and buried her fingers in her lover's silky tresses. The younger woman left light kisses across the curve of s.h.i.+zuru's b.r.e.a.s.t.s, interspersing them with little nips and licks, driving her into a deeper haze of frustration and need. As she did this, Natsuki clutched at the crumpled yukata, attempting to free the rest of her lover's body from its hold.

The rest of the garment soon fell away from s.h.i.+zuru's hips and it didn't take Natsuki's hands long to roam over the exposed skin. Her impatience growing, the older woman gripped the sides of her lover's face, causing Natsuki to pause and look up at her. Without warning, s.h.i.+zuru ducked her head down to steal another kiss, finding eager lips and a probing tongue. As teeth grazed lips and tongues stroked each other, Natsuki dragged her nails down across s.h.i.+zuru's thighs, causing the other woman to tremble under her touch.

s.h.i.+zuru felt her lover hook her fingers under the fabric of her last remaining item of clothing. Feeling a sudden need rise up within her, the Kyoto woman dropped her hands to cover Natsuki's lightly. Breaking the kiss, the other woman peered up at her with uncertainty. s.h.i.+zuru smiled at her rea.s.suringly before pulling Natsuki's hands away and bringing one to her lips. She pressed her lips to the back of it before nibbling on the first knuckle.

"s.h.i.+zuru?" came Natsuki's raspy voice. The way it had dropped made s.h.i.+zuru's stomach flip.

Flicking her tongue out across the skin her teeth had just given their attention to, s.h.i.+zuru gave her lover meaningful look. "I need to feel you," she murmured against Natsuki's skin and pulled purposefully on the orange jacket with her free hand.

Natsuki's eyes widened momentarily with realisation but the embarra.s.sment pa.s.sed quickly and she retrieved her hand before slipping the outer layer of her uniform off. As soon as it was off, s.h.i.+zuru's hands moved to pull up the sweater and Natsuki lifted her arms to make the task easier. She paused once she'd tossed the garment aside, her gaze travelling over the milky skin of Natsuki's chest and the black bra that hid her b.r.e.a.s.t.s from s.h.i.+zuru. That won't do at all.

Going to work instantly on the offending article of clothing, she could sense her lover's amus.e.m.e.nt at how focused she was. She easily unclasped the bra and removed it, freeing her prize from their prison. s.h.i.+zuru eyed the soft mounds hungrily, her hands moving to them instantly. Cupping one and squeezing, she allowed her free hand to explore the other breast more leisurely. She caressed the sensitive skin with her fingertips, allowing them to flutter across the pink bud at the peak of Natsuki's breast from time to time.

Her lover's hands were on her thighs now, nails digging lightly into the flesh there in reaction to s.h.i.+zuru's teasing caresses. Taking the nipple between her fingers, she applied enough pressure to cause Natsuki to gasp out but not enough to hurt her. She then took to flicking her thumb across the hardened nub as she watched the delightful reactions on Natsuki's face. The collecting storm of desire in the pit of her stomach told her she needed more, however, and she pressed her palm against the other woman's chest, pus.h.i.+ng her onto her back once more.

Not allowing Natsuki time to react, s.h.i.+zuru tugged on her lover's skirt, easily slipping it down past her legs. After discarding it, she decided to relieve the younger woman of her shoes and socks as well, which Natsuki let her do. Pleased with her task, she allowed her gaze to travel the full length of her lover's body, taking in each curve and bend of her breathtaking form. Barely touching Natsuki, she trailed her fingertips along her legs as she made her way back up her body. The other woman s.h.i.+fted under the touch, her brow furrowing with frustration.

Her hand hovered over the black fabric of Natsuki's underwear, tracing circles over the top of them from one hip to the other. She could feel her lover's gaze burning into her but she focused on the unseen patterns her fingers were making across the cotton. Smirking at the low growl that drifted to her ears, s.h.i.+zuru finally looked up at her lover's face. Natsuki's eyes were narrowed at her, the darkened irises barely visible. She reached down to the older woman's hand and gripped it tightly.

"Dammit, s.h.i.+zuru, I said show me," she growled out the words, the frustration evident in her voice.

This only widened s.h.i.+zuru's smirk but she wasn't about to turn Natsuki down now. She needed it just as much as the young biker did. Without answering, the Kyoto woman gripped the thin fabric between her fingers and tugged the underwear down the same journey the skirt had made. The scent of Natsuki's arousal instantly filled her nose and a surge of desire shot down to her gut, clouding her mind. Having removed her lover's remaining garment, she did the same with her own, too impatient to have Natsuki fumble over it, as endearing as that might have been.

She could see her own hunger mirrored in Natsuki's eyes now. s.h.i.+zuru lowered her body onto her lover's, the overwhelming desire to have that contact making her act without conscious thought. The sensation of both their bodies pressed together without any barriers was indescribable. She had often fantasised about this but she could never have imagined how amazing it would feel. Her pulse quickened as strong arms encircled her waist, the heat from Natsuki's body sending her mind into a maddening haze. She held some of her weight off her lover by propping herself up on her forearms.

As she peered down at the other woman, she felt skin slide against skin and one of Natsuki's legs slipped in between her. She whimpered as bared flesh pressed against her pubic bone, her pulse quickening. Relaxing into the position with her lover, she let her own leg settle against the collection of dark hairs at Natsuki's groin. She felt a dampness against her thigh and she let out a low murmur at the knowledge of what she'd done to the younger girl.

s.h.i.+zuru began to rock against Natsuki, encouraged by how she let out short, sharp breaths as she pressed against her each time. As a side effect, however, she was fanning her own desires by lowering herself onto Natsuki's thigh repeatedly. Soon, they fell into a heated rhythm, their bodies allied with a common goal. She lowered her lips to her lover's, her tongue dipping into her mouth, tasting the sweetness there. Tangling her fingers in the black strands that were splayed out across the floor beneath them, s.h.i.+zuru continued to rock, her hips bucking at the apex of her movement.

The muscles in her stomach tightened as she ground herself against her lover's thigh and a little voice at the back of her mind was warning her she'd lose control soon, but the overpowering sensations stemming from her groin drowned the thought out. She found she didn't care, this was too important. Natsuki's hands slid down her back and came to rest on her behind, urging her lover to rock with more force, encouraging the pace to quicken.

s.h.i.+zuru didn't disappoint the other woman and moved against her with increased fervour, their b.r.e.a.s.t.s sliding against each other's and adding to the myriad of intoxicating sensations she was feeling. She could feel perspiration collecting on her skin now and it tickled the curve of her back as she arched with each push against her lover. Concentrating on watching Natsuki's face as various expressions of pleasure flickered across it was becoming increasingly difficult. Her heart was hammering in her chest and the pulse of need in her gut was threatening to tip her over into bliss but she refused to go without the other woman.

She clenched her jaw as she focused on retaining control, her eyes rooted to the enchanting vision of Natsuki's skin flus.h.i.+ng an increasingly reddening colour. The mingling scents of their wetness reached her as she slipped against Natsuki's leg, her own arousal easing the process. She found herself biting down on her bottom lip as she neared a precipice she wasn't yet ready to tumble over. Natsuki's quiet moans weren't helping either.

As if that wasn't making things hard enough, she noticed too late that Natsuki had forced a hand between their bodies and curled her fingers around to press against her c.l.i.t. She almost lost her strength completely at the shock of pleasure, only just managing to stop herself from falling onto her lover. Her rocking faltered then and she tried to steady herself but Natsuki's fingers gave her no chance. The continual a.s.sault on her c.l.i.t forced small whimpers from her throat and she could feel the tension building to a crescendo in the pit of her stomach.

"Nn..." She attempted to object to her lover taking control, to tell her that she wanted them to climax together, but her body refused to cooperate. At that moment, it was only listening to her lover. The garbled sound caused Natsuki to pause for a few seconds, which gave s.h.i.+zuru the time to renew her own efforts with added vigor. She brought her leg up against the other woman with extra force, causing Natsuki to squeeze her eyes shuts and let out a short cry. Her brow furrowed as s.h.i.+zuru rocked against her again.

Yet, that didn't cease Natsuki's ministrations and she pressed the tip of her forefinger against s.h.i.+zuru, causing her to flinch from the sensitivity of the small bundle of nerves nestled there. Without giving the older woman a break, Natsuki slid her hand down and slipped two fingers into her. s.h.i.+zuru shuddered against her lover, her muscles clamping down instantly on those fingers before adjusting to their presence. She almost lost control completely then but biting down more firmly on her lip allowed her to retain at least a little.

Now her rocking was causing s.h.i.+zuru to ride Natsuki's fingers as well, which she knew couldn't last much longer, no matter how much she tried to fight it. But it felt so good and she didn't want it to end. Just knowing Natsuki was inside her was enough to make her heart stutter dangerously and her breathing to catch in her throat. The sensation of her slender fingers slipping in and out of her, brus.h.i.+ng against her front wall, coming into contact with her most sensitive area occasionally, was the single more intensive and perfect feeling she had ever felt.

With her free hand, Natsuki gripped the back of s.h.i.+zuru's neck and pulled her down, breaking the positioning she'd barely been able to sustain. She flopped onto her lover but they still moved against one another. Breath tickling her ear told her Natsuki's mouth was close.

"Let go," she whispered, her voice raspy and almost unrecognisable.

With her hand pumping into s.h.i.+zuru and Natsuki's sultry words, that was enough to tip the older woman over. She felt as though a building tidal wave suddenly came cras.h.i.+ng down on top of her and she heard a high pitched buzzing in her ears as her entire body tensed. She could feel her muscles grip Natsuki's fingers and pulse around them. Every one of her nerves tingled with the overwhelming euphoria she felt. As she trembled against her lover, she felt a sting at her shoulder and she was vaguely aware of Natsuki's teeth against her skin there.

The younger woman's body was echoing her own now and she realised her body's movements had sparked Natsuki's own o.r.g.a.s.m. She could feel her lover's fingers twitch unintentionally inside her, drawing out the aftershocks of her climax. She let out a shuddering breath as her body went limp, soon followed by Natsuki's. They lay there, gasping for breath and basking in the aura of contentment that surrounded them. A smile pulled unbidden on s.h.i.+zuru's lips and she snuggled her face into the crook of Natsuki's neck, breathing in her scent.

She mouthed three words against the skin there, a habit from the days when she'd had to keep her feelings deeply hidden. She felt Natsuki's hand slip up from her neck and stroke her hair. They stayed like that for a few moments, allowing their minds to emerge from the haze of cloud they had been enveloped in.

"Me too," Natsuki whispered.

s.h.i.+zuru blinked several times, her heart skipping a beat. She didn't miss the meaning in those words. Natsuki had somehow known exactly what her silent declaration had been, even in her distracted state. Perhaps she could feel the words. s.h.i.+zuru couldn't miss the power of what Natsuki had said, even if she hadn't spoken the exact phrase. She realised she didn't have to hear it from her lover, it was enough to know she meant it.

A warmth swelled in her chest and she wiggled off of Natsuki, letting her body slip off to one side but leaving one leg draped across her hips. She noticed the other woman made no attempt to remove her fingers from their current location. She tried to ignore the sensations the slightest movement of those fingers caused and, instead, focused on the face of the woman she loved.

She could feel the beaming smile on her own face and Natsuki couldn't help but return it. It was good to see Natsuki smiling like that but it was better to know she was the reason for it. She felt almost lighter now, freer. She knew that even if they both had problems they would have to work at, they'd be able to manage together. Even though s.h.i.+zuru's fears hadn't disappeared, they didn't feel so terrible with Natsuki at her side and she had some genuine hope for the future. Their future.

A Few Months Later The keys jangling in her hand as she closed the door to her apartment, Natsuki placed her motorcycle helmet on the side board and slipped the keyring onto a hook on the wall above it. Normally she would have tossed them onto the sideboard or shoved them in a pocket but there had been quite a few changes in recent months. The small key rack was just one of them. She smiled as she remember the fuss s.h.i.+zuru had made over the most minor of things. She knew her girlfriend appreciated order though and so she had let her have her way when it came to the apartment.

Girlfriend... it still sounds odd thinking that. It was something she was getting used to but she wondered if she'd be able to use the word in an actual conversation. Shrugging, she made her way down the corridor towards the living room. As she entered, she could instantly tell something was amiss. Thin streams of early morning light filtered in through the blinds against the window, falling upon a breathtaking view of a sleeping s.h.i.+zuru.

Natsuki stared unmoving for several long moments, merely taking in the serene expression upon the slumbering girl's face, her legs stretched out along the length of the couch and her hands folded atop her stomach. A pang of guilt tugged at Natsuki's heart and she wondered if s.h.i.+zuru had been there all night. She quietly made her way over to the couch and propped herself on the edge of it beside the sleeping girl. She twisted her body so she could get a better look at s.h.i.+zuru's face.

She reached out and brushed aside strands of chestnut that obscured her view of the other girl's face. She let her eyes trail over her beautiful features; from the thin, curving eyebrows, over the relaxed brow and down an elegant nose. Her gaze travelled over long lashes that she longed to see part and show her the unusual shade of s.h.i.+zuru's eyes. Eventually, she found herself staring at full, slightly parted lips. Lips that were responsible for so many things. Natsuki had heard the sweetest words spill past them, she had felt their caress on her skin and their touch on her own mouth; a touch that could tell her more than anything the other girl could possibly say.

Unable to resist the urge, Natsuki leant down and pressed a light kiss to those lips and she felt sudden breath brush across her mouth as she pulled away again. Cloudy crimson peeked out at her from between barely opened eyelids and Natsuki couldn't help but smile fondly at the wakened girl. She brushed her fingertips across s.h.i.+zuru's cheek lightly.

"Morning," she murmured softly.

s.h.i.+zuru's brow creased slightly and she blinked several times, possibly in an attempt to clear her sleepy mind. "Natsuki..?"

The dark haired girl leant down again, this time pressing a brief kiss to s.h.i.+zuru's forehead. "Mm?"

Once Natsuki had pulled back again, the other girl propped herself up on her elbows before pulling herself into a sitting position, her back against the arm of the couch. "Did you just get in?" Her usual melodic tones were somewhat marred by her recently awoken state.

"Yeah, I wish I'd known you'd be here," she answered apologetically.

"I should have called first." s.h.i.+zuru's eyes dropped to her lap and she smoothed out the material of her jeans. She didn't wear them often but Natsuki decided she could get used to the way they hugged her legs. "Where were you?"

Natsuki's eyebrows rose at the quiet question. "I stayed over at Mai's. I kind of pa.s.sed out after a study session," she explained sheepishly.

Crimson eyes found hers again and she saw relief in them but it was soon replaced by something more often located there. "Ah, so you were with another girl all night."

Her eyes widening at the insinuation and, as her cheeks flushed, Natsuki swatted at s.h.i.+zuru's shoulder. "Idiot, don't say such things!" Her only reply was a chuckle so she straightened and turned, huffing indignantly at the joke. "You should know, by now, that you're the only one I want to... erm... you know..."

s.h.i.+zuru shuffled on the couch so she could slip her arms around Natsuki's shoulders and gave her a peck on the cheek. "Natsuki wants to do what with me?"

That question only further flamed her embarra.s.sment. "Spend the night with you!" she blurted out awkwardly.

Mischievous lips brushed lightly against Natsuki's ear and she felt a s.h.i.+ver pa.s.s through her. "Night has pa.s.sed but we shouldn't let that stop us," s.h.i.+zuru purred. The younger girl recognised that tone all-too-well now and it made her skin p.r.i.c.kle with the promises it held.

"s.h.i.+zuru, you have a one track mind," Natsuki chided her softly.

Another chuckle came but the lips hadn't s.h.i.+fted from their position at her ear. "If by that you mean I think of nothing but Natsuki, then you are probably right."

Natsuki felt a blush rise to her cheeks. She wasn't sure if she'd ever get used to hearing s.h.i.+zuru's intimate words, whether they were fuelled by pa.s.sion or fondness. They always seemed to turn Natsuki into a b.u.mbling ball of embarra.s.sment. If she hadn't known s.h.i.+zuru meant everything she said, Natsuki would have suspected the ex-Kaichou said those things just to get a blush out of her. Then again, she never really needed to try much. Realising she was thinking too much again, the younger girl turned to her girlfriend, their faces barely inches apart.

An deep crimson gaze greeted her and she found her breath catching in her throat. The intensity in just one look could overwhelm Natsuki at times but she would never want to change that. It gave her a comforting warmth in her chest. She wouldn't admit it to s.h.i.+zuru, or anyone for that matter, but that look made Natsuki feel incredibly special and she found herself liking that sensation more and more.

She leaned forward and pressed a quick kiss to s.h.i.+zuru's lips. When she pulled back a little, she saw the other girl's eyebrow twitch once and something changed in her eyes. Then full lips were back upon Natsuki's again, searching for something deeper. The younger girl responded immediately, her mouth moving of its own accord against her girlfriend's. Her body had a habit of taking over in moments such as this and Natsuki was quite happy to let it. The outcome was always worthwhile, after all.

A quiet murmur rumbled against Natsuki's lips as s.h.i.+zuru reacted to the touch of the yonger girl's mouth. A hot tongue swept across the biker's lips now and she eagerly parted them, allowing s.h.i.+zuru to explore further. As their kiss deepened, Natsuki s.h.i.+fted so she could slip her body in between the older girl's legs. She lowered herself and felt s.h.i.+zuru stiffen as hips met pelvis. Arms wrapped around Natsuki and held onto her tightly as the heat between them began to rise.

Natsuki pulled back from the kiss, her breathing heavy now. Her girlfriend's ruddy eyes had darkened and she noted the slight flush on her cheeks. She was always entranced by that expression on the other girl's face. It held a searing need but there was also vulnerability there and Natsuki knew it would only ever be her that got to see that. She had an irrational urge to protect that fiercely. She licked her lips as she continued to stare down at s.h.i.+zuru, her pa.s.sion-fuelled mind clearing somewhat. There was something niggling at the back of her mind now.

The low growling of her stomach finally jogged her memory. Breakfast! "c.r.a.p!" she cursed and hopped off the couch, much to the surprise of her lover. How could she have forgotten? Mai, Mikoto were waiting outside and they were meant to be meeting a few people at a local bakery. Of course, s.h.i.+zuru always had a way of being distracting, even if it wasn't intentional. Nevertheless, she couldn't keep her friends waiting any longer.

"What is it?" came s.h.i.+zuru's curious voice.

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Giving In Part 6 summary

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