Mythe - Mythe And Magick Part 10

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Jordan whimpered as he released one hip to reach around her, his fingers settling on her hardened c.l.i.t and stroking. "Relax," he whispered against her ear, easing their bodies down to the bed, slowing his driving thrusts to slow, gentle strokes as he tweaked her c.l.i.t, ma.s.saging it with slow circles until she started to rock her hips against his hand. Seeking out the caress and riding his c.o.c.k harder at the same time, feeling the thick, rounded head of it stroking her deep inside, everything seemed more deeply sensitized from the toy that was nestled in her a.s.s.

Angelo felt the exact moment it changed from near pain to excruciating pleasure as her body went from tense to wildfire. She started to work herself up and down against his hand, on his c.o.c.k. s.h.i.+fting and squirming, she faced away, straddling him as he lay on his back, treating him to a view of her slim little a.s.s and the plug he had pushed inside her.

"Killing me," he muttered, shaking his head, gripping her hips and pus.h.i.+ng his c.o.c.k up inside her.

She screamed and her head fell back.

Reaching around her, he caught her breast, tweaking one stiff, hard nipple as he sat up, and s.h.i.+mmied up in the bed. Planting his back against the headboard and cupping a breast in each hand, he pinched her nipples lightly, then more firmly, until he felt the shudder rack her body. She started to ride him, the tight, wet clasp of her sheath on his c.o.c.k driving him to near insanity.

The phantom touch of her fingers on his sac, the light vibrations...she had found the bullet again and had placed it against her c.l.i.t and now she was pumping her hips harder and harder. Hot, breathy little moans were falling from her mouth, her short, spiked hair damp with sweat, her heart pounding against his palm as he pulled her back against his chest and sank his teeth into the curve where neck and shoulder joined.

She moaned and shuddered as the tiny little muscles in her v.a.g.i.n.a started to milk him, slowly at first, and then faster and harder, until Angelo's eyes nearly crossed with the pleasure of it and he was groaning out her name as he pumped her full of his come, wrapping his big arms around her slim waist, burying his face against her neck.

Jordan whimpered in weak protest as he pulled the toy from her a.s.s. It hurt-she flinched and bit her lip, hiding her blush against the pillow as he padded naked into the bathroom. She pretended to be asleep when he came back after turning off the water and stood there staring down at her with a c.o.c.ked eyebrow. But when he picked her up and rubbed his stubbled face against her neck, she squealed and batted at him and stopped pretending, glaring at him.

"Shower," he said, shrugging his wide shoulders, smiling affably.

"Sleep," she replied drolly.

"Shower," he said in the same tone, setting her down and cupping her s.e.x, which was wet with her cream and his s.e.m.e.n. "So after sleep I can eat."

She was blus.h.i.+ng as she responded, "Okay. Shower."

She had never showered with a man. Not that she hadn't wanted to. But Lee...well, romance hadn't been his strong suit. And Jordan had come to believe she just didn't inspire that in a guy. But in less than three minutes, under the pulsating dual shower heads, Angelo did more than make up for months of what she was coming to realize had been neglect on Lee's part-not a lack in her. She whimpered in pleasure as Angelo ma.s.saged her scalp, working her favorite shampoo into her hair. Angelo nudged her under the showerhead and rinsed her hair then worked conditioner through and repeated the rinsing process once more before reaching for her soap.

Her favorite, of course.

How had he known?

He hadn't been expecting her...which meant while she was sleeping he had gone out and gotten it.

Lee wouldn't have made that special trip.

Lee wouldn't have done a lot of things.

She happened to glance up and saw a grim light in Angelo's eyes. "Darlin', do me a favor. I realize the thoughts you're thinking are favorable to me, and not my brother, but stop thinking of him. You think of him, and I hear those thoughts, clear as day. And I don't like it. If I hear his name one more time..."

A feral snarl darkened his face and his mouth crushed down on hers, stealing her breath as he pinned her against the wall of the shower stall, lifting her up and spreading her thighs, piercing her and driving his c.o.c.k home in one quick, hard thrust. Then he met her eyes, his own dark and hungry and shadowed. "You're mine, you should have always been mine," he rasped, settling his hips into a heavy, driving rhythm as he gripped her thighs and held them wide open. "And you thinking of Lee, in any way, reminds me that he had you, that he f.u.c.ked you. And it infuriates me."

His tongue drove past the barrier of her lips, filled her mouth, thrusting and filling her as his c.o.c.k pounded into her weeping cleft. Jordan's hands clutched at his shoulders and she held on for dear life, s.h.i.+vering as he s.h.i.+fted his grip on her and sc.r.a.ped his thumb over her c.l.i.t. As he pulled his mouth from hers, the deep sucking kiss left her panting and gasping for air.

The thick, rounded head of his c.o.c.k rubbed against the bundled bed of nerves buried by the mouth of her womb, while he rubbed his wet chest against hers, causing her nipples to tighten and throb and her breath to catch in her throat. Her head fell limply back against the wall of the shower stall and she sobbed out his name as he stared down at her with dark, hungry eyes.

"He won't ever touch you again," Angelo hissed, driving deep. Thrust.

"Ever f.u.c.k you." Thrust.

"You're mine." Thrust.

Jordan wailed as he pinched her c.l.i.t roughly, the o.r.g.a.s.m seemingly ripped from her body.

"Say it." Thrust.

"Say it." Thrust and retreat.

She s.h.i.+vered and screamed as she arched against him, pus.h.i.+ng her hips up and out, working herself against his c.o.c.k as best she could with him gripping her with his arm beneath her a.s.s.

"Mine, d.a.m.n it," he rasped, settling his teeth in the flesh of her neck and marking her. "Say it."

Thrust and retreat...slower.

"Yours," she whimpered, tightening the muscles of her p.u.s.s.y around him and trying to hold his c.o.c.k inside her this time.

His control shattered and he pounded into her, hard and fast, while her screams echoed off the walls and filled the bathroom. A second o.r.g.a.s.m tore through her, and her convulsing sheath locked down on his c.o.c.k. He had to work his turgid length inside her against the tightening channel as she came.

He pushed in to the hilt and held there, legs spread wide, braced, back arched as his c.o.c.k jerked and pumped. As his s.e.m.e.n spurted into her body, the wild jealousy and fury slowly seeped out of him and washed down the drain.

He let himself read her hesitantly, unaware of what he was going to feel from her. The mind-numbing pleasure was somewhat rea.s.suring, but...f.u.c.k.


"I'm sorry," he said softly, stroking his hand down her wet arm, reaching for the faucet and turning off the water before fumbling just outside for a towel and flicking it over her still shuddering body.


"I didn't...shouldn't have done that," he said slowly, rubbing her with the towel until her soft, slim body was dry and glowing. His lean, tanned cheeks flushed a dull red and he had to force himself to meet her eyes. "I didn't have any right-" he paused to blow out a long shallow breath, reaching behind his neck and rubbing the taut muscles. "Do you have any idea how much I've hated seeing you with him?" he asked quietly.

Slowly, Jordan said, "A better idea now than I did ten minutes ago."

He narrowed his eyes on her face, glimpsing the tiny spark that was there, then gone in her pretty, green eyes. Her elfin face was glowing, her mouth curved up and she looked rather...pleased. "He never once touched me like that," she said, letting him see just how much she had yearned for it. "Not once. And I needed it."

She closed the small distance between them and wrapped her arms around his neck. Pressing her lips to his mouth, Jordan whispered, "Don't, Angelo. Don't. I've never felt needed, until just now. Don't regret it."

"How long have you had gifts?" she asked later that night. "What all can you do?"

He stroked one hand down her back and sighed. "Ten years," he admitted, shaking his head. "Ten f.u.c.king years. Lee has his head so stuck in his own business it never dawned on him to care. And as to's not just empathy anymore. I can speak into your mind as well as his. I think it has to be somebody I feel a bond with-but I can do it more and more. And I don't have to be touching people to pick up on their emotions. I just have to be within range. Within sight, or the same room."

"That's why you've gotten so many new jobs," she murmured. "He says it's because people are willing to try anything when they are desperate, and that you just get lucky. But it's the new gifts."

"And I'm a good investigator. Sometimes I don't even have to use the gift," he said, scowling at the thought of Lee. "He's supposed to be learning the ropes and all he does is PR and budgets and bookkeeping. Fine by me-that way I don't have to. But how he can talk about my job when he's never bothered to learn it?"

"Tell me about the kids," she whispered, stroking one hand absently over his chest.

"No" he whispered, shaking his head.

She peered up at him in the dim light and asked, "Why not? I'm not looking for a story or anything. I just want to know." He never talked to the media or anyone outside the cops or the kid's families about those he helped bring home. But she wanted to know.

"Because it hurts," he said gruffly. "And I don't want to think of painful things when I have everything I've ever wanted right here." He rolled her over and pinned her under him, kissing her, gently at first, and then with growing hunger. "Ask me again...some other time. But not now, not here."

Early the next morning, Jordan looked toward Angelo hesitantly.

He was cheerful, whistling, and carrying on as though it was just an average day.

And her whole world felt like it was changing. The careful, cautious way she had always done things didn't feel like the right way to continue- "Because it's not," he said almost absently, as he tossed bacon into a skillet.

She stared at him over her coffee cup, the thick mug halfway to her lips. He paused and said, "Oops." He had the grace to flush and shrug half-heartedly. "You're ah, kinda broadcast thinking there."

Lowering the cup, she asked, "I've always been careful. If that's not right, then what is? And why isn't it right?"

He lowered the fork he had been using to jab at the raw bacon and said softly, "Jordan, you've always been careful because people expected you to be. Not because you wanted to be. Deep down inside you've always wanted to leap before looking, haven't you?" He turned off the stove before s.h.i.+fting around and leaning back against the counter to face her, folding his arms across his sculpted, naked chest. "You wanted to paint rainbows and faeries, and were told to do mathematical equations. You wanted to write books, but your parents said it was more profitable to sell them."

"And Lee?" she asked. "What about Lee?"

Angelo's mouth lifted in a half smile. "Lee was safe, too. He didn't make you think too hard, didn't make you feel too much. I will, Jordan," he promised. "I'll take everything and I'll give everything. I'll push you to your limits and I'll make you feel everything you're capable of feeling. I don't believe in safe zones, Jordan."

Chapter Five.

Jordan knew she had never felt as wicked as she did right now, straddling his big, black and chrome Harley, while Angelo stood watching her naked body. She was wearing the black boots he had brought out, and she suspected he had a few more things in store, but right now, she was quivering inside just from the vibrations of the bike.

And his dark brown eyes on her.

"That bike would almost make your vibrator obsolete, wouldn't it?" he purred, pacing a slow circle around her, watching as she squirmed, and her eyes glazed as she leaned forward and s.h.i.+fted, so that her c.l.i.t was in contact with the leather of the seat-oh, d.a.m.n...her teeth sank into her lip and she jumped when she felt one big warm hand close over her rump.

And then, something else probing. Something rounded, cool, c.o.c.k-shaped. "Let's add something else to the mix," he teased as he started to shallowly thrust a d.i.l.d.o into her wet cleft. "It drove me crazy, knowing what you were thinking, feeling you plastered against me while driving you home. All I wanted to do was pull over and strip you naked and bend you over. Like you are now."

She was bent over the bike, face towards the rear wheel, a.s.s up, whimpering, squirming, biting her lip as he pushed the slender d.i.l.d.o deeper inside. "And that's how we're gonna end up, baby," he teased as she sobbed out his name. "We've got a few more fantasies of yours left to fill and isn't that one of them?"

"Angelo," she whimpered against the leather, the cool night air caressing her heated skin, body aching, tight. Hungry.

The slim toy left her cleft, trailed upward, and she jumped as it started to probe the tight pucker of her a.s.s. Her breath caught in her throat and she pushed down without him telling her to as he started to press it against her. It slid inside easier than the thicker plug had, and she sighed a s.h.i.+very little sigh at the exquisite sensation that slid through her as he started to work it in and out.

Moments later, she felt him straddle the seat behind her and she squirmed forward just a little, resting her body on the bike. She jerked in surprise though when she felt him catch her hands, cuffing them at the small of her back.

"You wanted to be a prisoner," he teased, sliding the key into his pocket, staring down at her in the pale silvery glow of moonlight. Through the spiky fall of her bangs, he could see her wide eyes, and the hesitant, excited gleam there. f.u.c.k, Lee, why in the h.e.l.l couldn't you play a little? he wondered. And then, s.h.i.+t, d.a.m.n good thing you didn't. He shallowly thrust the slender wand-like d.i.l.d.o in and out of her snug little a.n.u.s a few times with one hand as he unfastened his jeans. "Hope no cops decide to check on the cabin. They do every once in a while. To make sure no kids came by to party. Of course, they see you, they might want to party."

The hot, little flash of excitement he felt from her had him grinning. "Naughty, Jordan. You got a thing for group f.u.c.ks?"

"No," she replied smartly, pus.h.i.+ng her hips back against him. "But I've had dreams about threesomes." Then she ruined her comeback by whimpering, "Angelo, please..."

He pushed the thick head of his c.o.c.k into the sheath of her v.a.g.i.n.a, shuddering at the sensation of her tight, creamy s.e.x closing around him. As he pushed deeper inside, he released his hold on the wand in her a.s.s, letting his lower belly push it back inside her. Stroking his hands up her arms and down around to cup her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, he murmured, "Not a threesome, maybe, but how does that feel?" he whispered.

Her answer was a long, ragged moan as he pulled out, the wand retreating with him, then he drove back inside in long powerful thrusts that stole her breath. "Not sure how I'd feel about sharing you, even for a night," he muttered, s.h.i.+fting his grip to her hips, settling into a hard-driving rhythm, bracing his heels into the earth. His sac was already drawn tight against him, and he swore, fighting off the need to come. "Of course, maybe once, with Lee, to let him know what a fool he was-no, he ain't ever touching you again." He drove harder into her.

"Don't...want him," she gasped, her hands closing into fists inside the cuffs, the muscles in her arms flexing, hot little flames licking at her belly as the climax built inside. She could feel him driving deep inside her wet cleft, could feel the slender wand slicing through the tender tissues of her a.s.s, both exquisite sensations, and all the while, beneath her, the bike rumbled and vibrated. Every down stroke pushed her against the seat, exposing her c.l.i.t to the powerful vibrations, bringing a sob to her lips.

She felt him reaching beneath her, opening the lips of her s.e.x, exposing her c.l.i.t even more to the vibrations of the bike. She screamed as he pushed her down, filling her with hard, short driving thrusts of his c.o.c.k, and sending the wand deeper and harder into her tender a.s.s. Exploding with a vicious, agonizing scream, her nails digging into her skin, she pushed her hips back and up against him, taking him as deep and hard as she could.

He filled her with hot, heavy, wet bursts of s.e.m.e.n, each jerk of his c.o.c.k making her quiver as she milked him dry.

"Mmmm," he hummed into her hair as he bent over her, stroking his hands down her naked hips. He was still fully clothed, jeans on, s.h.i.+rt on, but unb.u.t.toned. He nuzzled her neck and whispered into her ear, "I never thought I'd enjoy having a prisoner."

She giggled. "Hopefully, I'm the only one you plan on having. I'm kinda enjoying this. I'd like this to be a full-time occupation," she said and then she yawned. "You're exhausting me."

He laughed. "Either that or boring you," he said, shaking his head. He straightened and caressed her naked back before fis.h.i.+ng the key out of his pocket.

He was uncuffing her as she said softly, "No. Not that. This is the furthest from bored I've ever been in my life." Once her hands were free, she s.h.i.+fted and squirmed until she could cuddle up against him. Curling one hand into the loose material of his s.h.i.+rt, she nuzzled her cheek against his chest, listening to his pounding heart. "I didn't think I could feel like this."

Stroking her naked back, he rested his cheek on hers. "Lee's an idiot."

"Wasn't him. It was me, for thinking he was right for me," she said. She was too embarra.s.sed to say it out loud, or to even hope that maybe he felt that he was as right for her as she thought him to be, but she didn't have to say a d.a.m.n thing. He could hear, and feel, every d.a.m.n thought flowing through her mind and body, as close as they were.

"d.a.m.n it, Jordan," he groaned, threading his fingers through her short spiky cap of hair, molding his hands to her skull and holding her head still as he kissed her, pus.h.i.+ng his tongue deep inside her mouth. Always you, he whispered inside her mind.

I knew it the first time I saw you. I love you.

There was nothing like having a lover who could feel and sense your every thought and desire. Nothing.

Jordan whimpered as he positioned her on her hands and knees. The lubricant was warmed by his hands as he started to rub it on her a.n.u.s, then push his fingers inside her. She sobbed and her body tensed uncontrollably as one thick finger entered her.

The pain of it was sweet, hot and burning as he thrust in and out. She cried out as he pressed the bullet against her c.l.i.t, making her hips buck madly. She started to rock against it, riding his fingers as he pushed a second one in. Oh, h.e.l.l, she thought mindlessly her hips rocking faster and faster- Then he stopped.

She wailed in frustration and pushed back, only to feel the thick, blunt head of his c.o.c.k probing her rosette. "Hush," Angelo whispered as she whimpered in fear. He stroked one hand down her back, gripped the smooth curve of one cheek and pulled her open, stretching her, easing the way as he started to push inside. "Push down for me, Jordan."

She cried out as he pushed deep inside her, past the tight ring of muscle. One arm reached around her waist, pulling her back against him snugly while he used his other hand to reach between her thighs and spread the lips of her s.e.x open, pus.h.i.+ng back the hood of flesh and stroking her c.l.i.t with firm rapid strokes until she stopped focusing on the pain so much, and started to rock against his hand.

Each tiny movement of her hips took his c.o.c.k deep inside the satin-slicked entrance of her a.s.s in tiny little increments that had Angelo sweating and swearing under his breath as he focused on her. He no longer felt the pain and nerves flowing from her so he started to push his aching c.o.c.k up into her, groaning raggedly when she mewled and pushed back hungrily, only to lift herself off, following the movement of his fingers on her c.l.i.t.

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Mythe - Mythe And Magick Part 10 summary

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