Mythe - Mythe And Magick Part 13

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"A satyr," he purred, lowering his face until his pointed chin was propped on the bed and he was eye-to-eye with her, staring into her confused, bemused eyes...oh, d.a.m.n it, that face...I know that face. I've been dreaming of you...she thought helplessly as he continued to stare at her, watching her with blank, black eyes.

A satyr.

"I'm not in h.e.l.l," Pepper told him quietly, her voice a conspiratorial whisper. "I've lost my d.a.m.n mind."

It wasn't an unusual response. Not for the adults who tumbled through the Gate. Arys smiled at her, revealing white, wickedly sharp teeth, his swarthy, lean face lighting with his smile, transforming with it. "I am not surprised, no, to hear you say," he said slowly, forcing the unusual words over his tongue while he studied her. He was going to have to touch her.

And he really did not want to do so.

Touching her meant he was going to feel her again, not just her soft skin, but her thoughts, her emotions, while he convinced her that she was in a real place. Mythe wasn't something she'd dreamed, or some make-believe world she had entered. He could not just block such things, it wasn't possible. The magick in his blood wouldn't allow him to convince her how very real Mythe was, but still allow him to keep himself separate from her.

And at the same time...his hands itched to touch her again. To move over that sweet mortal body, to taste her. His c.o.c.k throbbed underneath the garment he had donned. Get it over and done, Arys, he told himself.

He laid the pads of his fingers lightly on her cheek and dove into her mind. Satyr. She was familiar with the word.

She was full of bright, burning energy, knowledge, a pure silvery, s.h.i.+ning magick. She may not have opened the Gate this day, but she would have been able to eventually. Curiosity and wonder and love and faith, heaven above, she was almost like a child with all the awe he felt inside her.

Arys felt something inside her he hadn't expected to find. A very, very strong s.e.xual pull, toward him.

And disappointment, all centered- Oh, for the love of the unicorn, spare me. Disgust and irritation shuddered through Arys as pictures and images flitted through her mind, all within a few brief moments while he stared into her odd eyes, one was green, one was blue. Pictures she had seen in different places, but pictures of satyrs in very unlikely scenarios-because the satyrs were all men and they were only f.u.c.king each other. Not that it didn't happen, but it wasn't the norm. Satyrs were generally drawn to females, be they satyr, elf, human, vampire, or dryad. But the satyr male tended to prefer the female, contrary to what this female had learned in the mortal realm.

And now a new picture...she was trying to imagine him in those pictures.

Revulsion rolled through Arys. He had no qualms if others like him chose such pastimes. But not for him. His long dormant libido flared to sudden and rampant life. He certainly didn't want this sweet thing thinking...

"Not b.l.o.o.d.y likely, la.s.s," he whispered roughly, moving his hand, sweeping his fingers down along her cheek, across her jaw until he could bury his fingers inside the fire of her hair, cupping her head and forcing her gaze to meet his. "You mortals and your d.a.m.n misconceptions. Let us see if we cannot fix at least this one."

And then he lowered his head and covered her berry-pink mouth with his, pus.h.i.+ng past the barrier of her lips and teeth with his tongue while she gasped in shock. He swung onto the bed, jerking the sheets down, pulling her lower body into close contact with his muscled thighs and rubbing his c.o.c.k against her as he swept his tongue across hers, stroked her palate, tasted her. Her mouth widened greedily under his and Arys plundered deep, drinking in the taste of sweet, warm female.

He rolled atop her slim form and wedged his thighs between hers, rocking his thick, aching c.o.c.k against her cleft while she moaned and whimpered underneath him, and the ridiculous pictures in her mind faded into nothingness. Once she was focused on him, and nothing else, he slid one long-fingered palm up her side and closed it over her breast, pinching the diamond-hard peak and rolling it as he sucked her tongue into his mouth and bit down.

He had never touched a mortal so-hadn't ever really wanted to. He'd been with faeries before, other satyr females, elves, a few vampire ladies, but never a human. d.a.m.nation, heaven and h.e.l.l, she tasted so sweet, innocent and hot. He groaned, low and rough and pulled his mouth from hers to kiss his way down her throat, biting her skin gently over her throbbing pulse as he worked his way down her body to settle at her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"Only the body of a woman excites me, sweet," he murmured, staring at her full round b.r.e.a.s.t.s, the puckered, reddened nipples, the light-blue tracery of veins just beneath the surface of her pale satiny skin. "The way they smell, and look, and taste..."Lowering his head, he closed his mouth over one stiff peak and drew it deep, reveling in the weak moans that fell from her lips as her fingers threaded through his hair and fisted, holding him tightly against her.

He moved from one to the other, until both were gleaming wet, swollen and red from his mouth. Then he stared at her from under his lashes as he trailed the tips of his fingers across her slightly curved belly, his nails raking her flesh lightly as they glided toward her mound. "Why ever would I want to touch a satyr male?" he asked softly, lifting a brow at her. "If it is a c.o.c.k I want to feel, I have one of my own...but this..."he slid his hand lower and without pause, plunged two long fingers inside her, shuddering as her silken, sweet flesh closed over him.

"This is the closest to heaven any man can hope to come while he walks in the world," he growled, pumping his wrist, grinning hotly as she started to rock her hips up against him, staring at him with dazed, bewildered eyes. "Sweet, tight, wet-the body of a woman gives us this. b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l, I have to-"

She cried out as he moved suddenly and wedged his wide shoulders between her thighs, burying his face against her mound and driving his tongue deep inside her. Her taste, sharp and sweet, flooded his mouth as her hands tangled in his hair, grazing his horns with a feather light touch. He waited for her to shriek and jerk away but all she did was thrust her hips harder against him and moan wildly as he stabbed at her c.l.i.t with his tongue.

He caught it between his teeth and tugged gently as he pushed his fingers back inside her snug little sheath. His c.o.c.k throbbed and burned against his belly. Arys was aching to climb up her body and mount her, ride her until she exploded around had been far too long- She exploded even as he was thinking it, into his mouth, against his hands, her body tensing, her sheath spasming around his plunging fingers, cream soaking his hand, his face, as he greedily lapped it from her s.e.x before propping himself up and staring at her broodingly.

He had a human in his bed.

And he really didn't know what to do about it.

Pepper forced her lids to lift. It wasn't easy. All she wanted to do was curl up and purr like a cat. The proverbial cat that ate the canary.

Of course, the problem was...she was the one who had just been eaten, and fairly well, not that she was much of a judge. Looking down over the length of her very naked body, she stared into the large, dark, slanted eyes of the man who called himself a satyr. And she blushed...not just from what he had done.

But what he had known.

He could obviously see inside her head.

He had seen the images she a.s.sociated with satyrs. It was all she had ever picked up...randy, basically immoral, generally h.o.m.os.e.xual creatures that were half men, half goat who liked to rape unsuspecting trespa.s.sers and play tricks on the unwary. How degrading...

And this exotic creature was anything but that. Everything about him was beautiful, though she doubted he would have agreed with her. His face was a cross between handsome and beautiful, but thoroughly masculine, all planes and angles, except for that wide, full-lipped, s.e.xy mouth that was even now wet from her, and set in unsmiling lines. His lips were dark, deep-toned rose, set beautifully in his swarthy face, with lean slashes in his cheeks. His chin was triangular and should have looked odd, but it just looked...right.

His eyes were large and slanted, so black the pupil wasn't discernible. Feathery, dark winged brows and thick, silky black hair that fell far past his shoulders. His ears resembled what she would have expected an elf's to look like, long and pointed, curving through his thick, s.h.i.+ning black hair. The two horns, white as his teeth and spiraling up from his skull, should have disturbed her.

They did not.

Why didn't they?

Neither did the silken fur she could feel against her calves and ankles as she s.h.i.+fted in the bed. He had cloven feet, and that didn't bother her either. None of it did. The musky scent that had first filled her head came from him, and it was delicious and all she wanted to do was taste him now, and see if she could...

A flush turned her cheeks pink as his eyes narrowed and she realized he was following the trail of her thoughts. His mouth curled up in a shadow of a smile and his fathomless eyes filled with heat. "Do you have to do that?"



Then he frowned, shook his head, and said, "Not. No. I do not. But it is fun, such fun." Lowering his head, still watching her frown under his lashes, he licked her thigh, bit down just hard enough for her to feel the sting from his sharp teeth, then he soothed the sting away with his tongue. "Sweet, sweet thing," he murmured. "Long it has been since I've wanted a woman. A human? Never."

Her eyes narrowed and she hissed, "Wait a d.a.m.n minute. Since you wanted a woman? You just said-"

He smiled, slowly, sadly. "Wanted no woman. Wanted no thing. Wanted n.o.body. My woman, she died. With my babe." He lowered his face back to her and breathed deeply, shuddering. It seemed to Pepper as if her scent was something that intoxicated him. "Until today. But I have always taken my pleasure with a woman, sweet. And I wish to take more."

Pepper blushed and then she whimpered as he used his tongue to part the lips of her s.e.x again. She fisted her hands in his hair, one hand just above one of his curved, elongated ears. The other was fisted just at the base of one of his horns as she rocked her hips up, forcing her p.u.s.s.y closer and harder against his mouth as he sucked on her c.l.i.t.

She moaned as he worked two fingers inside her cream-slicked sheath and started to pump, slowly and steadily, until she was eagerly riding his hand. He tore his mouth away from her, low melodious, foreign words falling from his mouth, sounding like music, but she suspected he was swearing instead as he moved atop her.

"Inside you," he rasped against her neck. "You do not know me, or this place. But I want to f.u.c.k you, and I want it now. Tell me yes, or tell me no, but tell me now, do it, before I lose my control, I do."

She was hungry, mindless, and dying inside. "Yes," she moaned.

He growled against her neck and she felt his hands as he tore away the drawstring from his pants and shoved aside the loose fitting garment, kicking it away. She threw her head back as he bit down at the spot where her neck and shoulder joined, a hungry growl falling from his lips as his elegant, long-fingered hands caught her thighs and opened them wide, his furred, muscled thighs holding hers open as he took his thick c.o.c.k in hand and pressed it against her.

Closing his lips around the peak of one turgid nipple, he suckled deep before pulling away and murmuring, "Sweet, sweet, sweet," as he surged slowly inside, gritting his teeth as her satin-slicked muscles squeezed down around him. "Hmmm, shhh, relax, pretty one. Tight..."

Pepper gasped and shuddered when he sc.r.a.ped his nails across her c.l.i.t, teasing her, beguiling her into relaxing for him. She tried, but he was so d.a.m.n big... She flinched, a burning pain lancing through her v.a.g.i.n.a as he pushed his c.o.c.k deeper inside her, tears stinging her eyes.

His exotic, dark eyes narrowed and he pushed up, the muscles in one arm bulging as he supported his weight on one hand while he caught her face and stared into her mismatched eyes, staring deep into her mind and soul... "Ahhh, d.a.m.n me into the lowest corner of h.e.l.l, I've got a sweet little human virgin in my bed."

His wide chest crushed her into the bed as he lowered himself atop her, taking some of the weight off his hips, so that his c.o.c.k wasn't pus.h.i.+ng so heavily into her. Then he started to rock slowly against her, pressing b.u.t.terfly kisses onto her face, her nose, her mouth. Pulling out slowly, working his s.e.x back in with lingering, gentle thrusts-just a little-before retreating. Reaching down to cup her hip in one hand, he nuzzled her chin, her neck and her mouth. Staring down into her eyes he whispered, "Soft, sweet little thing. So wet, so tight, so perfect."

Pepper stared up into his black eyes, half-terrified as the burning pain intensified. There was something beyond it, she could feel it, like when she had been able to feel him just beyond the cloudy wall that had obscured him from her, but she was unable to focus on it. His mouth covered hers roughly as he pulled his hips away, his thick c.o.c.k rasping against her swollen, sensitive v.a.g.i.n.a.

His hand, hot, firm, calloused, stroked its way up from her hip to her breast, cupping and stroking the smooth, plump flesh there, rolling the nipple, milking it.

Hmmm, that was rather...nice.

His tongue pushed inside her mouth, bringing his taste, something unique and male and appetizing. She wrapped her arms hungrily around his neck, forgetting the head of his c.o.c.k, lodged just at her entrance.

And then he drove deep inside, completely, slicing through her virgin pa.s.sage and burying his c.o.c.k completely, until his sac rested against the cleft of her bottom and she was staring up at him with tear-drenched eyes, her mouth trembling, her s.e.x aching and burning. He whispered roughly against her mouth, "Sorry, so sorry, am I, sweet, sweet thing. Pretty girl, pretty mine. Over is it...yes? Pleasure I give, non? Hmmm, so hot."

His voice, hot, dark, sweet, like candy, rolled over her, soothed her, aroused her, all at the same time, while he cupped one hip in his hand and stroked it, holding still inside her p.u.s.s.y, his c.o.c.k jerking and twitching hungrily. His heart pounded heavily against her chest, echoing her own.

When all she did was stare up at him, afraid to move, afraid to blink, he smiled, a hot lazy curl of his lips, and promised roughly, "No pain, this. Just the pleasure from now on." And he started to pump his hips, cupping her head in his hands and covering her mouth with his, sucking her tongue inside his mouth, inviting her to taste and play, like he had done to her. Pepper gasped as hot little licks of pleasure arced through her with each thrust of his c.o.c.k inside her, as the thick, rounded head stroked over a sensitive spot buried deep within her.

Against her inner thighs, she could feel the silken caress of his furred, muscled thighs and she shuddered. His scent, that intoxicating, sensual scent filled her head, her mouth until it was there with every breath she took, making her lungs burn, making her crave more and more as he surged slowly back inside.

A weak, mewling whimper started to echo through the room. Her? She didn't care. She eagerly drove her tongue into his mouth, seeking his taste, and she felt his wide chest shudder as he groaned in pleasure. He pushed deeper, harder inside her and she sobbed, her head falling back. His lips moved down her chin to her neck, and he chuckled as she moaned when he closed them over her nipple. One hand clasped her thigh and pushed it high, opening her, leaving her exposed as he pushed deep, his pelt stroking silkily over her thighs, his groin caressing her mound as he drove deep.

Arys swiveled his hips, using his body to stroke her c.l.i.t and she shuddered. He did it a second time, then a third and she shrieked. Sliding his hand between them, he stroked his thumb over the engorged little bud, then pushed down and watched as she went screaming into climax.

It tightened, swelled, broke over her like waves breaking over the sand, and she fell back against the sheets. There was still an edgy, needy yearning in her belly and she reached hungrily for him as he surged inside her, the clinging, wet muscles of her sheath holding snug to his c.o.c.k as he drove back into her, quick and hard.

Pepper tensed as he started to pound heavily into her, felt the promise of pain, but she didn't really care as long as this wonderful, incredible man kept stroking her c.l.i.t, as long he kept touching her, as long he kept suckling on her nipples and looking at her through his ridiculously long lashes like he thought she was so amazingly s.e.xy and beautiful...oh.

"Please...again, please," she sobbed as she felt something tightening inside her again as he continued to ride her hard and fast.

He growled against her flesh, released her nipple with a wet little pop and moved up on her body, murmuring in a deep rasp, "Such a hungry pretty you are." Then he framed her face in his dark, long-fingered hands, kissing her roughly as he started to fill her with deep, long, slow strokes that had her arching her hips against his.

With near bruising force, he drove deep inside and Pepper screamed, her choking cry dying in his mouth as he swallowed it down. His hand tangled tightly in her hair, his hips pounded against hers, and the room filled with the sounds of deep, hungry moans and gasping sighs, the sounds of good, hard s.e.x.

When she came this time, he came with her, in hot, wet pulsing jets, with a m.u.f.fled roar against her neck, while she screamed and raked her nails across his shoulders. Her v.a.g.i.n.a clamped down around his jerking c.o.c.k, squeezing and milking him until he emptied himself and collapsed atop her with a moan, wrapping his lean, muscled arms around her and rolling until she lay on top of him.

He murmured to her, his words musical, sweet, concerned. Foreign. And questioning. She lifted her gaze to his, unable to summon the energy to actually move. "Huh?" was about all the intelligent thinking she could manage.

He chuckled and closed his eyes. "Are you...well, pretty one? Hurt you, did I?" he asked, stroking one hand down her back, lingering on her bottom.

"Hmmm. A little. I'm fine. Tired. Sleepy." Then she closed her eyes and snuggled up against him.

"Your name...first," he whispered against her hair. "Bad enough, it is, I've seduced you and have had my wicked, wicked way with you-"he was grinning against her hair, she could feel it. "But we shouldn't tumble into dreams without at least knowing our names? Arys, I am called."

She smiled, stroked her hand down his sleek, smoothly muscled chest. "Pepper. I'm called Pepper. I'm really not dreaming, am I?"

He sighed. "Non. No. No dreaming. Sleep, pretty little Pepper. I will explain what I can. When you waken."

She couldn't fight such logic, not when delivered in such a s.e.xy voice. She closed her eyes and slid into sleep even as he was tugging a blanket over her, one that was warm, and smelled of him. Arys, his name was.


Arys was a b.l.o.o.d.y b.a.s.t.a.r.d.

Arys was selfish.

Arys was a moron.

Arys was a lecher.

Arys couldn't stop grinning. He stroked his hands down the smooth warm expanse of her naked back and wondered how long it had been since he had felt so content. Weeks. Months. Years? He missed Lorne, mourned her. Had loved her, in a companionable way, had l.u.s.ted after her, truly.

But had he ever felt like this after mating with her? He did not think so. Resting his hand right above Pepper's smooth, delightfully round little a.s.s, he pondered it. And the smile that stretched his face. No. Long had it been since he had felt so happy after a f.u.c.king.

Pepper. What an odd name.

His knack for languages of the mortal realm told him it was something they used to spice their foods, like gnomes used, similar to kiar, spicy and hot. He glanced at her hair and wondered if that was why.

But his mind was heavy with exhaustion, and the need to rest. He had explanations to make upon the human's waking-and she was quick-witted, so he'd best have all his wits about him as well. Not that he was likely to be able to do that. Every time he would look at her, from now until the world stopped spinning, he would remember how she felt, with her sweet sheath wrapped snug around his c.o.c.k, how she tasted, how she moaned...

Pepper woke with a moan on her lips, and his mouth on her s.e.x. His hands, those elegant, masculinely beautiful hands, gripped her hips as soon as he saw her eyes flutter open. Taking his mouth away from her s.e.x he pulled her to the edge of the bed and flipped her onto her belly, urging her to her feet and bending her over.

Arys stared hungrily down the sweet curve of her rump as he pushed his dark c.o.c.k into her s.e.x, shuddering as her wet, swollen tissues closed tightly around him, the fat head of his c.o.c.k rasping against the bundle of nerves deep inside her pa.s.sage as he buried himself completely inside her. Her body trembled around him and he stroked his hands over the globes of her a.s.s, the curve of her hips as he murmured rea.s.suringly in his own tongue and started to thrust deep. His b.a.l.l.s were already drawn tight against him, and his c.o.c.k felt as though it were on fire as he thrust inside the silken wet well of her p.u.s.s.y.

She whimpered and pushed back at him, sobbing out his name. Bracing his knees, gripping her hips tightly, he drove harder and harder inside her, shuddering as her cries echoed through the iskita. The muscles in her v.a.g.i.n.a started to convulse and clamp down around him.

Arys used his weight to ride her down, pinning her between the bed and his body, wrapping one muscled arm around her slender torso, and cupping a plump breast in his hand, tweaking the nipple. He set his teeth in her shoulder and bit down as he drove his hips higher and higher, harder and harder into her, as her sweet little p.u.s.s.y clung wetly to him, as though trying to keep his c.o.c.k inside her.

Pepper's head fell back against his shoulder and she started to scream as her o.r.g.a.s.m began, starting with slow, delicious little milking sensations that built and built until she was locking down on Arys' c.o.c.k to the point of near pain. He jackhammered his c.o.c.k into her and flooded her with hot, wet jets of s.e.m.e.n and she milked him, drawing it on and on, until she had drained him, totally emptied him. And left him feeling more complete than he had ever felt in his life.

He slumped forward, his hair tangling with hers, his horns on the mattress as they gasped and struggled to breathe. In his own tongue, he whispered, "The unicorn said you were coming, and you were coming for me. Please, do not ask me to let you go."

Chapter Four.

Pepper sat neck deep in a warm pool of mineral water that soothed her muscles and bubbled and frothed around her better than even the finest Jacuzzi. Arys sat across from her, dangling his legs in the pool, watching her somberly. "No bath?" she asked, feeling a little nervous under his intense scrutiny.

"Not as sore as you, am I," he said in his slow, lyrical way, shaking his head. His black hair slid over his shoulder as he did so, his slender, slightly spiraling horns catching and reflecting the dappled sunlight. "I bathed in my iskita while resting you were."

She smiled slowly. "I love your voice, the way you talk," she said suddenly, her cheeks flus.h.i.+ng pink. "Of course, you probably already know that."

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Mythe - Mythe And Magick Part 13 summary

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