Mythe - Mythe And Magick Part 8

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Her eyes widened and she stopped in her tracks. And even with his s.h.i.+elding in place, he could feel her surprise. "You want me to ride on the Harley," she said, her voice oddly...rough?

Her short, spiky black hair looked more tousled than normal as she moved a little closer. "I'm sorry," he lied easily. "I wasn't even thinking about your bags."

She scowled, her rosebud mouth puckering. "Don't have any," she sulked. "They are en route to Toledo." She slid him a look that warned him not to laugh.

He smiled. "Bad day, Jordan?" he asked.

"The worst," she sighed. She slid her eyes back to the bike. " am I supposed to ride that without touching you, Angelo?"

He grinned. "I don't know exactly what Lee's told you, Jordan. But I've got no problems having a pretty woman touching me. I can pretty much pick and choose what I want to absorb. And unless it's skin to skin contact, there's not much I'll pick up." Liar. Angelo's gifts had started out that he had to be in direct contact, back when he was five or six. But the older he got, just close proximity could do it.

And didn't even have to be very close proximity. He could drop his s.h.i.+elds and be overcome by the emotions of nearly every person waiting out here, and quite a few of the people in the immediate area inside.

So when she climbed on, unless he decided to s.h.i.+eld good and tight, he would know d.a.m.n good and well what she was feeling.

But she didn't have to know that. h.e.l.l, even Lee didn't know exactly how refined Angelo's gifts had become over the past decade, especially the past few years.

She hesitated and Angelo rolled his eyes. "C'mon, or do you want to wait here all night for Lee? Look I can touch you and be just fine." He reached up and laid both hands on her cheeks, staring down into her big green eyes, maintaining his indifferent face, grinning almost absently all the while.

But hot d.a.m.n the emotions inside her...

Exhaustion, yearning, hunger, loneliness, frustration, aching, burning needs that he wondered if his brother was even aware of. Lee treated Jordan like she was made of spun gla.s.s. He pulled his hands away a h.e.l.l of a lot quicker than he wanted to-he had found something he hadn't expected to find. Jordan didn't dislike him.

She wanted him.

He made her nervous.

She was afraid of him.

Afraid alive? What a weird way to put it.

Thoughtfully, he smoothed a hand over the back of her tense neck and urged her toward the bike. And discovered something else new.

Hot little licks of frustrated longing...all centered around a big black Harley. Angelo couldn't help the grin that split his face as he pulled the spare jacket out. d.a.m.n it, what in the h.e.l.l was he going to do about this?

As Angelo helped with the helmet, to distract herself, she asked, "Do you know where Lee is? I've been trying to get hold of him for a couple of hours."

He shrugged. "I haven't talked to him much this week. Bad week. Busy," he said. His eyes-dark brown, like Lee's, but they seemed so much warmer and softer-drifted down to meet Jordan's before he lowered the visor. "If he had known you were coming, he'd be home."

"I know," she muttered, s.h.i.+fting on the seat. A Harley. I'm sitting on a Harley. With Angelo Kelley. Too f.u.c.king bad it wasn't Lee. Then she frowned. Something told her Angelo was the better of the twins to spend time on a Harley with. She glanced up, caught an odd glitter in his eyes, almost like he knew what she was thinking.

No. He didn't. He didn't have Lee's unusual skills. His were all about the feelings, and he had to be touching. And he hadn't been touching her. Lee could catch random thoughts, hear them, but not Angelo. d.a.m.n good thing Lee wasn't around right now, she thought darkly.

Angelo turned away, but not before she caught sight of a grin on his lean, tanned face. His longish blond hair was still in a stubby ponytail and he slid his helmet on before mounting the bike easily, even though he had gotten her on first, shown her how to sit, made sure she was comfortable.

Not, her mind shrieked. The bike roared to life and Jordan shuddered as her entire body did the same.

d.a.m.n it, it was more than she had thought.

"Hold on," Angelo told her, shouting over the rumble of the engine. She leaned forward, tentatively wrapping her arms around his waist. "Tighter, Jordan." She was trusting him here and hoping that the leather separating them was going to do what Angelo had insinuated-hoping he did have to have skin-to-skin contact-because if he didn't, she'd never be able to look at him again.

Jordan's fantasy in life was to get swept away by a big, brawny, s.e.xy biker, taken away somewhere, given no choice or say in it while that big, s.e.xy man had his way with her and f.u.c.ked her six different ways to Sunday. And Angelo definitely fit the bill, six-foot-four, sun-streaked golden hair, melted-chocolate eyes, big shoulders, big muscled arms, wide muscled chest...

Oh, d.a.m.n...she was getting wet. Her nipples stabbed into the lace of her bra and she squirmed uncomfortably, then wished she hadn't as the friction stimulated her c.l.i.t and brought a gasp to her lips.

A deep, shuddering sort of sigh rippled through Angelo but she hardly noticed as she unconsciously s.h.i.+fted a little closer while he wove in and out of traffic. The house she shared with Lee was about forty minutes away...d.a.m.n it, she wasn't going to be able to handle this.

d.a.m.n it, he couldn't handle this.

Her thighs cradled him and she had s.h.i.+fted forward so that she was pressed tightly against him, as tightly as she could be with the layers of clothing between them. He shouldn't have let his guard down when he touched her.

But how in the f.u.c.k was he to know how strongly she was drawn to him? Or the kinds of fantasies she had lurking in her mind? His c.o.c.k throbbed under his jeans as he headed back down I-65 south. She wasn't even aware of it, but she was rocking against him...f.u.c.k!

He hoped like h.e.l.l Lee was home.

Otherwise he was going to have a fight with himself to keep from touching her. If he was a nice brother, an honorable brother, he would call Lee. They had a link, most twins had some type, but theirs was a special one. And Jordan was wrong. Angelo's gifts went above even what Lee knew about.

But Angelo didn't call out to Lee. He didn't want his brother picking up on his emotional state, or his physical one.

His breath hissed out between his teeth when her hands slid down from his waist down, her hand absently brus.h.i.+ng over his c.o.c.k as she s.h.i.+fted her grip from his waist to his hips, while she continued to unconsciously rock her pelvis against him.

Chapter Two.

Jordan could hardly breathe. The helmet wasn't helping, but that wasn't the problem. The problem was this d.a.m.n bike-it was like a giant vibrator. And the problem was Angelo. It was his fault. She was feeling guilty, too. He was big and s.e.xy and he looked like the man she loved, and he had put her on this giant vibrator. He had put her on her fantasy, and how in the h.e.l.l was she going to explain this to Lee?

She squirmed a little more and hoped like h.e.l.l he was home.

Otherwise, she was going to have one long, frustrating night.

Then she started hoping he wasn't. If he wasn't she could pull out her own vibrator, handle the problem that way and forget this little episode. With her luck he'd give her the s.e.xual equivalent of a pat on the head, some nice sweet missionary s.e.x, which she was really starting to hate, a sweet little kiss on the lips, then cuddle her into sleep, and she'd still be wanting a good hard f.u.c.k-d.a.m.n it!

It was Angelo's fault, she thought, sulking, s.h.i.+fting and squirming on the leather, rocking against his firm a.s.s absently, reveling in his rather unique scent while the wind whipped past them as he took the exit to her house.

Lee was home all right.

She climbed off, stood there on weak, shaky knees, felt Angelo slide one hand under her arm as he guided her up to the porch. She shouldn't have needed help, but she had been lingering on the verge of o.r.g.a.s.m for forty-five f.u.c.king minutes-d.a.m.n it, she hoped Lee didn't pick up on that.

Angelo lashed his s.h.i.+elds down tightly. He didn't want Lee picking up anything from him right now. He wished he could do the same with Jordan but there wasn't any help for that. She was about five seconds away from having an o.r.g.a.s.m, and Angelo would have given his right arm, his kidney, and his empathy just to be the one to give her that o.r.g.a.s.m.

But, no, she belonged to Lee.

And Lee was going to have the f.u.c.king pleasure, again.

With a humorless smile, he took her keys from her shaking hands and opened the door, guiding her inside the house.

Lee had heard his bike.

His brother was shouting from the other end of the sprawling house. "Angelo, get the f.u.c.k out-"

Jordan stood frozen, her flushed face slowly going pale, her head c.o.c.ked to the side as she studied the room before her. Her big, green eyes looked black in her face. She stood staring at a beaded blue c.o.c.ktail gown and a woman's purse lying on the floor. A little further away, one shoe, and then the other, and as she stood there with Angelo's hand under her arm, staring, she heard a woman's laugh, followed by a moan, and the unmistakable sounds of s.e.x.

"No, Jordan," Angelo whispered gruffly, tugging her back towards the door.

"Angelo," she said quietly, pulling her elbow away.

She walked soundlessly down the hall, following the sounds of moaning, and heard a hand striking flesh. She stopped and shuddered. Lee treated her like an antique, a lady, a flower in bed. Oh, he was a good lover, but he was also a gentleman. G.o.d forbid he should spank her while he f.u.c.ked her.

She felt Angelo at her back.

"Angelo, I told you to get the f.u.c.k out. This doesn't-oh, d.a.m.n it, do that again-concern you," Lee shouted.

The shouting wasn't necessary. They stood in the doorway, watching as Lee drove his c.o.c.k into the a.s.s of a ripe redhead. Tears stung Jordan's eyes. She knew that woman. It was Kaitlyn. As she watched, Lee spanked her again and Kaitlyn moaned and said, "Do it again, d.a.m.n it. f.u.c.k me harder, Lee. d.a.m.n it, I love it."

Lee drove harder into her and a tiny, distressed sound left Jordan's mouth. It was drowned out by Lee snapping, still unaware of her, "I didn't know you were so into watching, bro. Kait, you want a double f.u.c.k? You can lose Jordan's vibrator and we could-"

Angelo heard her though. Wrapping one strong arm around her waist, he whispered, "Shh, honey." He drew her back against him, rubbing her arm gently, nuzzling her crown with his chin, his gentle concern masking the rage he felt. "Such loyalty you two motherf.u.c.kers have," he said casually, the ice dripping off his voice catching the attention of the pair on the bed.

"Lee's right," Jordan said huskily as the pair on the bed finally froze and noticed she was standing there. "This doesn't concern you, I guess. But it does concern me." She twisted the ring off her finger and dropped it on the floor. s.h.i.+fting gently out of Angelo's supportive embrace she turned and walked on shaking legs down the hall and out of the house.

"Jordan," Lee rasped, his face going red.

Kaitlyn's mouth moved but no sound came out.

Angelo lifted a brow at them. Lee surged off the bed, shouting Jordan's name but Angelo blocked the door and laid a hand on his brother's bare shoulder, narrowing his eyes and absorbing. "You f.u.c.king b.a.s.t.a.r.d," he whispered. "Her money? Is that all that mattered to you?"

"Not all, no," Lee snarled. "Get the f.u.c.k out of my way."

Kaitlyn clambered down off the bed. "Angelo, Lee cares about Jordan. This is my fault-"

They all heard the door slam.

Angelo smirked. "I don't care whose fault it is. She's not going to forget what she just saw. And I'm going to make d.a.m.n sure of that," he drawled. He c.o.c.ked his head at his brother. "I've got something I oughta share with you, bro. I've been in love with your ex-fiancee for months. So maybe I should say thank you to both of you."

Lee lunged at him but Angelo had already moved away.

He caught up with Jordan as she stood staring at her keys with blank eyes. Her fire-engine-red BMW was in the drive and she was staring at the keys, then at the car like she didn't know what in the f.u.c.k she was supposed to do.

"C'mon," Angelo said gruffly, taking her keys and pocketing them. "Lee's going to come looking for you. You go off by yourself and he'll find you. You want that?"

"No," she whispered soundlessly.

It had always been so romantic, Lee being able to find her without half trying...but the thought of seeing him now, she suppressed a shudder. "Did you know?"

"No," he said quietly, leading her back to the bike and just lifting her up and putting her on it. He put the helmet on her and mounted. Lee was opening the door and running out, still jerking his pants up.

Right as they pulled out of the drive, Lee got to them. Angelo flipped his brother off as Lee was reaching out to Jordan, looking properly anguished. Jordan turned her head away from him, thanking the helmet that m.u.f.fled his voice.

She rode in a daze. It was getting cooler. Several hours had pa.s.sed. Her thighs were aching, her tail was sore from spending so much time on the bike. But her mind...she had succeeded in blissfully blanking her mind.

She lifted her head only when the rumbling stopped. Looking around, she realized they were in a clearing, a little log cabin in front of them, water glinting off a lake behind them. "Where are we?" she asked hoa.r.s.ely.

"My cabin," Angelo said. "You need a place to let your thoughts settle, I reckon."

"Do you know how long it's been going on?" she asked.

He threw a leg over the front of the bike and turned to face her, studying her in the moonlight. Gently, he took the helmet off and looped it over a handlebar. He ran his fingers through her hair, settled them at her neck and ma.s.saged. "A while. Now's not the time to talk about this, Jordan. You're too hurt," he said softly. "It's been going on a while. I didn't know. I would have told you if I had."

Solemnly, blinking her eyes at him owl-like, she said, "You read him?"


"There's more to it, isn't there?"

"Afraid so," he replied, digging his fingers a little more firmly into her supple skin. "I can't believe that jacka.s.s is my blood."

"It's not gonna work, saying he's the milkman's boy. The resemblance is too strong" she told him, smirking a little, looking a little more like the feisty Jordan he knew, a little less lost. "Kaitlyn...she's my best friend. Was," she whispered.

"Stop thinking about it," he whispered. He leaned down, cursing himself, but knowing it was for the best. Catching her eyes with his, he waited until she was staring at him and he focused, then he pulled her under.

She slumped forward, asleep.

He took her from the bike, carrying her inside the cabin. He lay down with her on the bed, wrapping his big body around her smaller one and whispered into her ear, "You're mine, Jordan. I'm sorry he hurt you, but I'm glad it happened. Because now I can have you, and I'm going to keep you."

You're mine, Jordan. I'm sorry he hurt you, but I'm glad it happened. Because now I can have you, and I'm going to keep you.

Jordan heard the rumbled words distantly in her sleep, and wondered if she was dreaming.

There was something else hovering at the edge of her consciousness, something awful, that she didn't want to think about. She s.h.i.+ed away from it, and burrowed into the warm presence that curled around her, shutting whatever that awful thing was away.

That's it, baby. You don't have to think about it. She sighed, rolled over. Rubbed her cheek against a broad, warm chest. Lee? She wondered absently. Then she shuddered. Not Lee. Lee had done something...he was what she didn't want think about.

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Mythe - Mythe And Magick Part 8 summary

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