The Change: Better Part 13

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She rolled her eyes.

Maybe two bras and a big sweats.h.i.+rt and a heavy coat over that. Now, I was teasing her.

All those layers might make it hard for me to do the filing. She giggled over the final words.

Thats probably right. Well then, no low-cut tops and tight skirts that will make them want to look at your a.s.s. I moved my arm to wrap across her waist, possessively.

Thats not really my style. She ran her hand up and down my arm.

Thank Christ. I leaned in and kissed her again.

I rolled her to her side facing me. You okay?

She gave me a sweet smile. Yeah, why?

Sore? I moved my hand to brush over the dark curls on her mound.

A little. Its been a while so So, no pre-breakfast s.e.x, I rolled onto my back.

Im sure I can think of something. She flashed an evil grin and pulled the sheet down, exposing my rock-hard c.o.c.k. Lets see what I can do about that. She s.h.i.+mmied lower in the bed and leaned over me.

I tried not to jam my fingers into her hair, but G.o.d her mouth felt so good.

I was in a huge dressing room at Nordstroms. It was my first time shopping there, but Zoe had insisted. Since Tony listened to her, we were shopping at Keystone at the Crossing on the north side of the city. Zoe swore they had some bra-ologist, who was an expert at making you look amazing with the perfect fit. I had several styles to try on, and after checking out the price of one of them, I decided not to look at any more tags. Forde had given me and Zoe explicit instructions to buy enough new things for seven days. I didnt even want to think about how much money I was going to have to work off to pay his credit card bill.

Layla. Zoe knocked on the door. Found some panties I want you to look at.

I was still in my sports bra, so I opened the door, and Zoe pushed through.

I need to sit for a minute. Tony is hanging at the entrance, and h.e.l.l cut this short if he thinks Im wearing out. Zoe smiled sweetly and moved to the bench in the rooms corner.

If youre getting tired, maybe we should stop? I looked her up and down.

I think it has more to do with all of the excitement. Its not often I have two hot men in my kitchen. She fanned herself with the panties. All of that testosterone made me a little dizzy.

She was right, Tony and Forde together in a small enclosed s.p.a.ce was overwhelming in the best way. Give me those. I grabbed the silk and lace from her hands. Youre a nut.

So I figure three bras, eight panties, and then onto clothes for work. I had our sales a.s.sociate call over to get them to start pulling out things for you to look at for the office. Zoe stretched her legs out in front of her.

Youre enjoying this? Her eyes had been full of mischief since Forde dropped me off at their house.

Its fun to do girlfriend-type things. Ive never done it before, except with my sister-in-law, and with her, well, shes the boss.

So now you can boss me? I had stripped and was twisting the bra around my chest and adjusting the girls into the cups. I kept my back to Zoe, trying to be modest. I didnt think that we were that close.

No, Layla, I like having a friend of my own. Somebody that likes me for me, not because were related.

I turned to look at her. Something in her voice pulled at my heart. Im glad were friends, too.

Good. She kicked off her ballet flats. Im also happy to see you with your man. Girl, you are in so deep. She started to giggle.

I looked in the mirror at the pretty cream-colored bra. I know. I pulled down the straps and turned it around and unhooked. Hes way ahead of me, Zoe.

I folded my new bra on the nearby chair and started to put on the next one.

It has to be something about that type of man. You know? Maybe its working a dangerous job. They are decisive. Zoe shrugged.

I dont want to make another mistake. I checked out bra number two, which was white lace. I dont think I can live through a break-up with Forde. I felt my eyes start to burn.

I get that. Right after my marriage fell apart, my dad was given weeks to live. Zoes voice was quiet. I broke down after he died, couldnt get out of bed, didnt eat unless someone stopped by and made me. She held out her hand to me.

I moved to her without thinking and took her hand.

I know the thought of loving another man is scary. Her hand gripped mine hard. But I watched Forde with you for twenty minutes, and you are his world. He looks at you like he wants to wrap his arms around you and never let go. Hes in love with you, and I think hes smart enough to give you time. She gave me a knowing look. But when hes waited long enough, well, he will get more imaginative in convincing you.

I let out a sigh. I think hes already started.

Well, good for you. But make him work a little for it. Make him show you what he can do. She made a s.e.xual hand gesture then laughed so hard tears came into her eyes.

I just might do that tonight. I joined her in laughter.

Good for you, Layla. She wiped her cheeks. I think hes right; the name suits you better.

I moved onto the next bra. He is sooo"I dont know what to call it"so in charge. He told me that my real name is s.h.i.+t so he changes it. He introduces me to everyone as Layla. I swear to G.o.d, Im going to look for my car one day, and h.e.l.l have replaced it, too. Christ, I needed to check on my poor car. It was parked behind the rental. I wondered if it had survived the fire.

Just wait until youre having his baby. You wont be able to move without him asking where youre going. Zoe gave a tiny frown, but she had a satisfied look in her eyes.

I was happy with the style of the first bra, so I started to sift through the panties Id hung on the wall hooks. He wants kids. I mentioned casually.

And you?

Ive always wanted a family. I pulled out the more demure pastel colors.

You need a pair of black, she instructed. So the family thing is settled. Thats good, right?

I counted eight pairs of panties, and my hand hovered, ready to dig in and lose one, but then I thought, What the h.e.l.l? Forde wasnt going to have a problem with an eighth pair. He wants to start soon. I glanced at Zoe to see her reaction.

Her eyes went big, and then she smiled and shook her head. Boy, he doesnt mess around.

Again, hes so sure. I started to take the panties off the hangars and fold them.

h.e.l.l be a good dad. Even if something happened between the two of you, hed stick around to be in your kids life. Zoe answered cautiously. Is that what worries you?

Suddenly it was hard to breathe, I could feel my chest start to heave. Last night, after we, uhm, were finished. I thought to myself, Well if we dont work out, Ill still have a piece of him. Is that wrong? I looked at Zoe.

She blinked a few times, her forehead furrowed in thought. It isnt the happiest after s.e.x thought, but I get that youre in protective mode.

Ive always had to look out for myself. My mom, well, she didnt. My voice faded.

Im the opposite. My dad, and then my ex were always there, telling me what to do. With Tony she smiled. He can get bossy, but its different, I get to have my say too.

Ive always been responsible for me. Even when I was married Brian was around, but he was rarely present. Do you know what I mean? His work, and then his addiction, just made him kind of inactive. I shrugged again.

Its a change for the better. Not that you arent going to have to set boundaries and have discussions, lots of them, but that man wants to make things work with you. I know it. Zoe started to bend forward to put her shoes on.

Here, let me help. I moved in front of her and bent over to help her slip her feet into the flats.

When its your turn, Ill do the same for you, she said as she stood.

I rolled my eyes as I followed her to the register.

So is there any room left on the card? Forde pointed to the stack of bags sitting in the corner of Limiteds reception area.

Zoe insisted on sticking to Nordstroms since walking tires her. And I tried to shop the sale racks. Ill pay you back, I promise.

Dont care about that. He grinned at me. Is she doing all right? I mean, with the baby and all? He was lounging in a chair across from me at my workstation.

She goes to the doctor on Tuesday, and I know shes worried theyre going to put her on bed rest. Shes taking it easy, sitting with her feet up. Its one thing to choose to rest and another when youre ordered to. Plus, Tony might cuff her to the bed. I opened the desk drawer, checking the supplies.

Not a bad idea.

I looked at him, and he was smiling. Zoe was right. He was totally fine with having a baby. Zoe said she was sorry about missing lunch, but she was wiped out.

No problem, I made other plans for us. Were supposed to meet Tye, and then grab some food. So do you have a handle on things here? Forde remained in the chair.

Uh, no. I can read the calendar and make entries, but you still need to teach me about who works when. Do your investigators do different types of work? Plus, Ill probably screw up the phones when they get busy. Forde was the type of teacher who told you things once and didnt give a lot of details. Thankfully, Id taken notes.

Dont stress over it. Jenn and I are in the office most mornings, and the others show around one or two. Arrival time is casual unless we have in office appointments. Thats your biggest responsibility, keeping us apprised of them, and then being at your desk when they show. Everything else you can figure out and do your way. He shrugged like he wasnt concerned that I was going to play a part in his business. From what I could see from the spreadsheets that hed shown me, it was a very profitable business. They billed for a lot of hours.

So, whats going on with Tye? Id heard a lot about the attorney but hadnt met him.

Forde glanced at his wrist and stood. He should be ready for us. It wont take too long, but I wanted us to talk and get some things settled. He motioned for me to stand and took my hand as soon as I came around the desk.

It didnt escape my notice that hed totally ignored my question. I considered that as I followed Forde into the hallway, and we headed to Tyes office door. The elevator chimed, and a tall man exited. I think he had been running because he was in shorts and was pulling a T-s.h.i.+rt over his head. Plus, he was sweaty with his hair was plastered to his skull, and he had a towel wrapped around his neck.

Hey, perfect timing. His head popped through the opening, smiling wide.

I couldnt help admiring the blonde man. He looked like he should be carrying a surf board instead of a briefcase. His hair was golden and long enough for the ends to curl, and he was long and lean. I think I heard the Beach Boys singing in the background as I checked him out.

Layla, this is Tye. Forde nodded at his friend.

I smiled and said, h.e.l.lo.

His gaze traveled over my body from top to bottom and returned to my h.e.l.lo, he said, his voice was low and a little scratchy.

Forde made a growling sound. Stop checking her out.

Tye shrugged and laughed, not looking at all apologetic. But shes gorgeous.

I fought to keep my smile neutral when I wanted to up it to flirty. I mean I had two gorgeous men snarling over me. The growling went no farther, and by their teasing manner, I could tell the two of them had been friends a long time. There was love and respect there.

We waited as Tye input the code and opened the door to his office suite. I couldnt help comparing the two men. Tye was taller by an inch or two and much leaner. He had a huge tribal tattoo that covered his chest, shoulders and upper arms. He had an easy going vibe that I bet had lulled many opponents into thinking he would be an easy opponent. I knew a little about his reputation as an attorney from my paralegal He was relentless and tireless. He hand-picked his cases and those of his firm, and he won far more than he lost. Students begged to intern in his office. The word was that he only hired the best, and it was a tight knit group. If you were a part of his team, you didnt leave.

Forde was much more broad in the chest. He carried more muscle on his frame. Hed pulled his dark hair back into a stubby tail, and he was wearing a collared white, knit s.h.i.+rt and faded blue jeans. He left the s.h.i.+rt untucked, because his gun was at the back of his spine, and there was another strapped to one ankle, and a knife to the other.

Make yourselves comfortable. Want anything to drink? Tye asked as he led us into his office.

The place was, well, a disaster. Files on every surface, yellow legal pads on the floor or marking places in books, and I saw several shoes in the corner, like he kicked them off as soon as he shut the door.

Sorry about the mess. He looked sheepish as he apologized and s.h.i.+fted some books from the sofa. Layla, you can sit there.

I did as told, while Forde cleared the s.p.a.ce next to me.

Tye grabbed his laptop and after s.h.i.+fting files from a chair, he sat. Typically, I see all my clients in the conference room. He gave me a guilty look.

Forde took my hand. I wanted Tye to set up an account for you. In case something happened, youd be fine.

I turned to him. What? I stumbled over the word. I was totally blindsided. I dont understand. I turned my head to look at Tye for clarification.

He chuckled and slumped back in the wing chair, propping his feet up on the coffee table in front of him. He balanced his laptop on his knees. Dont feel bad. He called me earlier and demanded I set this up today. Fordes a man of action when he wants something. Over the years, Ive found its easier in the long run to give in immediately or hes a pain. I honestly cant handle the whining. Tye smiled and started tapping on his computer.

I laughed at the thought of Forde whining-ever.

Tye winked at me while flas.h.i.+ng a huge smile.

I returned my gaze to Forde and tilted my head, signaling that I wanted him to talk.

Since we mightve made a baby last night. He gave me that grin, and I swear his eyes sparkled Forde, I screeched and felt my face go hot. I broke our hand hold and smacked his arm so hard that my hand stung. I couldnt believe he was saying this in front of Tye. I mean Id just been introduced!

Lay, he caught my hand, giving a little squeeze. I want to make sure you and my kids will be taken care of financially if something should happen. Tye can take care of that for us.

I could tell he thought that explained everything. I again looked at Tye. What must he think?

He was watching us and grinning. Maybe you should let me explain things to her. Why dont you leave us alone for a few minutes, Tye said as he typed.

Then lunch? Forde asked.

After I shower, yeah, I could eat. Tye flashed another grin.

Forde pulled on my hand, which made me fall into him. He caught my chin and kissed me. I tried to shorten it and pull away, but he held strong.

I guessed the kiss was going to end when Forde decided it would. I knew my cheeks were pink when I finally worked up the courage to look at Tye. Forde didnt close Tyes office door, but I heard the click of the door to the hall. I have no idea what you all are talking about, I blurted.

I can tell. Tye kept on typing.

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The Change: Better Part 13 summary

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