The Change: Better Part 14

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I waited. A million questions were running through my mind. First, I loved it that Forde wanted to show me he cared. But, I wished he would have given me a little warning. Although if hed discussed it with me, I would have argued, so I guess this way, it worked out for the best. I frowned at how easily he handled me. d.a.m.n Forde.

Ill print out a copy for you. Well sign the original before we go eat. I know you have some paralegal training, so you can read through everything, but Ill give you the basics. If Forde is in long-term medical care, you will have immediate access to five million dollars, and every month after, the amount of five thousand will be deposited in an account in your name only. A trust will be established for each child produced with Forde within three days of their birth. At that time, five hundred thousand dollars will be deposited.

Wait, I held up my hand. I cant all that money? I fell"yes, collapsed"against the back of the sofa. I was speechless.

Tye watched me, and then shook his head, You had no idea did you?


I dont mean about this, he gestured at his laptop, I mean that that he has so much money.

G.o.d no. I let out a breath in a whoosh. I knew that he was rich, but hes really richy rich isnt he?

Yeah, the guy knows how to make the green. Tye continued typing away.

I tried to grasp what he had just told me. I was shocked.

Well, he wants you protected and comfortable. We need to open an account for you. He wants to deposit the money as soon as possible.

I interrupted him. Dont tell me anymore. I tried to follow all of this. My brains going to explode.

No, its not, he told me calmly. Stop thinking about the numbers and look at the meaning behind it.

I tried to calm down as he recommended. He told me he was good with money, like investments and stuff, but I had no idea.

Tye kept smiling as he continued working on his laptop.

This wasnt my idea. Any of it. But it means a lot that he cares. I wanted Tye to know that. I needed him to believe me.

He nodded. Oh, sweetheart, I got that the moment I met you. You arent a gold digger"no way, no how.

That made me feel a little better.

Fordes like my brother. My dad was his C.O. in the Army, so Ive known him a long time. Plus, I know him really well. He paused to let that sink in. Hes never acted like this. I never met his first wife, but I know that whole deal was a mistake. Tye shook his head. He wants to build a life with you.

It took everything I had not to ask about the first wife. But it wasnt Tyes story to tell. Instead, I tried to calm down. Dont you think its all rather fast? I wiped my palms on my thighs. I felt like a broken record. Why was I the only one who thought this was all so crazy, us moving at warp speed?

Tyes smile was sincere. Were talking about Forde. His gut tells him something, and he acts. And Layla, his gut, its always right. Trust me on that.

Im going to work for him. I dont know why I shared that.

And if he turns out to suck as a boss, youll come work for me. It was Tyes turn to give me his version of the s.h.i.+t-eating grin.

I could see why they got along.

With everything thats going on in your life, its a good move. Youll be safe at Limited, and he wont be going crazy being away from you. Tye started typing again. If you want to have another attorney look this over, but Im going to ask you to sign it today, and Ill put in some language that you have thirty days to negotiate changes. Sound fair?

More than fair. I dont have an attorney. G.o.d, another thing to add to my list.

We can be highly improper, and I can tell you its a good deal. If you think youll need more money, just ask, and h.e.l.l give it to you. Tye glanced at me.

Oh, dear G.o.d no. I felt a little out of control. I mean, thank you, but I dont want more. I rocked back and forth a few times. The amounts are mind-blowing. Im still in shock that he would Yeah, the guy is totally in protector mode. I heard the printer start somewhere behind the ma.s.sive desk. Tye shut the lid to this laptop and made his way to the printer.

I tried not to hyperventilate as he handed me a heavy gold pen.

Listen, Im happy for you, but Im really happy for Forde. He deserves someone good in his life. Someone wholl be there for him. Tye pointed to where I should sign.

I did with a shaky hand.

I felt like I was dreaming. This was all so surreal. Forde had just changed my life. I knew he cared, really cared, but now it was in black and white. I was hungry, but I wished we could go home so I could tell and show him what this meant to me.

Chapter Fourteen.

Something had definitely s.h.i.+fted within Layla after our meeting with Tye. I knew it wasnt the money. She really didnt seem to care about that. In fact, I think it embarra.s.sed her that I had so much. Throughout lunch, it seemed as though a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She laughed with us and touched me. Shed never pushed my hand away, but now she made the move to hold my hand, to lean into me.

Shed insisted on stopping at the grocery on the way back to the condo. Surprisingly, I enjoyed it. It was fun to watch her shop while we discussed our likes and dislikes. The woman wanted to get into the kitchen and create. I was too selfish to say no.

Osi and Rick had stopped in before they hit the streets to go over a few things. She made sandwiches and baked cookies for the boys. Then she fell asleep on the sofa in the man cave while I watched a college football game. I liked this. h.e.l.l, I loved it. I wanted to get used to this.

I woke later in bed when I heard the vibration of an incoming text. I checked my phone. The update was nothing that needed to be dealt with tonight. Before I tried to go back to sleep, I dropped a kiss onto her shoulder. Then another.

She s.h.i.+fted, her a.s.s rubbing against my rapidly hardening c.o.c.k.

This time, my lips made a trail from her shoulder to her back.

Hmm. She tilted her neck for maximum exposure.

I smoothed her hair away from her neck and kissed her there. Babe, you awake? I whispered, my mouth close to her ear.

Maybe, she slurred sleepily. Depends.

I chuckled while moving my hand over her waist, travelling lower on her body.

She s.h.i.+fted so that her legs opened. She knew my goal.

I ran my hand over her mound.

She rolled onto her back and opened her legs a little wider, giving my fingers greater access. Want you. She still sounded sleepy.

Ill go slow, I promised as I traced my finger along her inner lips.

She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and wiggled a little to push her shoulder under my chest. Slow would be good. She lifted her head and kissed me. Then fast and hard.

Well see. I dipped my finger into her channel. f.u.c.k, she was ready and wet.

She lifted her hips and opened her legs even wider.

I moved over her, kissing her deeply. I wished Id turned on a light. I wanted to see her clearly when we were like this. Layla put me in.

She gave a deep s.e.xy laugh. So needy. She worked her hand between us and lined me up with her opening.

I moved my hips forward slowly until I filled her. G.o.d, I loved how tight she was around me. Slowly, I moved back and paused with just the head of my c.o.c.k inside her. The muscles in my arms tensed.

Lucien, she begged as she moved her hands to my a.s.s.

I moved again, keeping a slow tempo. G.o.d, it was killing me.

Her hands were halfway up my back, and she held me, her cheek against mine. Lucien, I wantI need, she panted.

Tell me, G.o.d, please, I needed to hear the words. I didnt want to scare her with my hunger, my desire for all of her.

Harder, please. Her voice cracked as she dug her nails into my back.

Thank f.u.c.k, I lifted her knees higher and increased my speed and my weight on her.

Yessss, she hissed as I hit something good. She raked my skin.

I was lost in the sounds of our f.u.c.king. The feeling of her heat, her body holding me tight. When I ran my fingernail lightly over her c.l.i.t, Lay bit my shoulder.

More, Lucien, she urged.

I pushed her knees higher as I went up on my knees. I couldnt keep her like this very long. I knew it had to be putting a lot of pressure on her shoulder and ribs that were still tender. I pumped with short strokes. G.o.d, my b.a.l.l.s were burning, and I was close.

I felt her clamp down around my c.o.c.k, those muscles holding me as my woman let out a cry.

I joined her.

I was on top of her. Shed dropped her legs but they were still wrapped around me and I needed to move. She couldnt be comfortable under my bulk. I started to push myself up, but she tightened her body around me.

No, she said breathlessly. Stay.

Am I your dog now? I teased, but I stayed put.

Hmmm, isnt there a position that has something to do with a dog? She ran a hand through my hair.

Yeah, doggie style. My mind went there. Well, it went a little farther, because she had a succulent a.s.s.

We need to do that. She ran her hands over my shoulders.

I s.h.i.+fted my hand under her side and took her with me as I rolled onto my back. Now? I smiled at her.

She pushed her hair off of her face. Well, maybe not right now, but soon.

My womans feeling adventurous. I let her hear the laughter in my voice.

She s.h.i.+fted and tried to sit up. I dont know about that.

I felt my c.o.c.k leave her warmth, but I stopped her from moving away from me. Lay, if you want to try new things, its all right. I ran my hand over her soft skin.

She settled against my body. Theres a lot I dont know, she said against my chest.

Thats not such a bad thing. I didnt have a problem that she didnt have a great deal of s.e.xual experience. That was something I could remedy. In fact, I looked forward to enlightening her.

She ran her finger along my jaw line, lightly stroking the sensitive skin. I guess I could do some research.

What do you have in mind? I was curious about what she was thinking.

She continued stroking my jaw. She had to be biting her d.a.m.n lip, but I couldnt see her clearly from this angle. Like watch some p.o.r.n, I guess, she whispered.

f.u.c.kin kill me now. We could do that together. I ran my hand along her ribs, stroking the side of her full breast. You see something you want to try, you could tell me.

She raised her head and looked at me. Thats not weird?

I knew she was trying to see my expression in the dark. f.u.c.k no, its hot. I kissed her hard to prove my point.

I felt her body relax a little. I continued kissing her and made a note to scan through some sites for the next night.

Things heated up, and I think she enjoyed being on top. However, my woman really got off on reverse cowgirl. I loved how open she was in bed with just a little encouragement and guidance. I hoped that transferred to the shower, the kitchen, and the office.

Jesus, Im going to go into a diabetic coma. Its just not right to call them apple pancakes when theyre ninety percent sugar. We were sitting at the breakfast bar. Layla had insisted on making breakfast.

She waived her fork at me. I thought after all of the stuff we did last night and this morning that we might need some extra energy.

Feeling a little worn out, are you? I teased and shoved another bite of the pancake in my mouth. I was going to have to add more minutes to my workout if this was how she cooked every day.

She blushed prettily and smiled as she ducked her head.

It hit me right in the chest that she could sit there blus.h.i.+ng after demanding I f.u.c.k her harder. What was the saying? A lady in the street and a freak in the bed I liked it, all of it.

So, uh, Tye mentioned about you being married before, and youve never said anything more about it since the night of the fire. She took a sip of her juice and looked at me over the rim of the gla.s.s.

Fuuuck. Yeah, that was a long time ago. I leaned back in the chair. I was young and dumb. I let my c.o.c.k do the thinking.

She put her gla.s.s down carefully. So, it didnt last long?

I knew she was trying to ask carefully, and I hated that she thought she needed to. I was twenty-four and on leave. She was twenty and looking for an adventure. She wanted out from under her family, and I was a means to that end.

Her gaze softened. Oh. She moved her hand to my thigh.

Tessas family owned a ranch in Texas, and she was supposed to marry the guy from the family with land that bordered their property. She felt trapped, so she married me instead. I shrugged.

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The Change: Better Part 14 summary

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