The Change: Better Part 6

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You sure? He used his finger to move my chin so that I was looking into his eyes. I dont want you to hurt yourself.

I nodded.

If you need me, just yell, he instructed.

I was happy to feel him loosening his grip. This was embarra.s.sing enough. Deal, I moved slowly into the luxurious room. It was bright with the lights reflecting off of the white tile and lighter blue accents.

After taking care of things, I slowly stood and flushed. I tried to ignore the fact my a.s.s was hanging out of the hospital gown that I was still wearing. I limped to the sink and almost cried happy tears. Hed left a toothbrush and toothpaste out for me.

Feeling much better after brus.h.i.+ng my teeth, I slowly plodded out of the bedroom and followed the sounds of someone moving around in the kitchen. Oh my lord, what a kitchen. It was s.p.a.cious, had fabulous top-of-the line equipment, and so much counter s.p.a.ce that I couldnt imagine how anyone could ever fill all of the cabinets above. I must have looked surprised because Forde grinned at me.

I cant cook like you do, but I manage the simple stuff, he told me. I dont think you should climb onto the chair at the bar. The counter had four tall chairs, and he made the right call. There was no way my legs could manage that.

I was lightly holding onto the doorway as I watched him walk toward me. Something in my stomach fluttered. I told myself it was probably hunger.

You need to sit down before you fall down. He, again, wrapped his arm around my waist and helped me into the living room area. He deposited me on a huge chair that was wide enough for two, and then he moved an enormous ottoman over and gently placed my legs on it. He shoved it close to the chair so that I was supported. Running his palm lightly over my bruised knee, he said, Needs ice.

I started to move to get up. I can get it.

He stopped me by gripping my thigh with authority. Babe, no. Ill get it. Well, after I do this. He leaned over and kissed me lightly on the lips. Glad to see you moving around, Lay, he said softly then moved away.

I heard him moving in the kitchen. I tried to find a comfortable position, and then checked out the area. G.o.d, whoever had decorated this place had done a great job. The room was inviting and comfortable, the furniture expensive and made for giants. Someplace where a large man, or a few men, could lounge comfortably. The walls were a soft gray, and the furniture was black with deeper grey accents.

Forde returned with two bags of peas and an elastic bandage. He efficiently placed and secured the bags to my knee.

You seem to have a lot of experience doing things like this, I said when hed finished.

Comes with the job. He shrugged. Toast or a bagel?

Im not really hungry, just thirsty. Can I have a Sprite? I moved my knee a little trying to find a comfortable place.

You need food because its time for another pain pill. He stood looking at me.

I wrinkled my nose. Toast, please.

Ill get you your Sprite. He grinned.

I ate both pieces of b.u.t.tered toast and drank almost the entire can. Thank you.

Take your pills. He pointed at the two pills on the side of the plate.

I will in a minute. The pain isnt that bad. I knew they would make me sleepy, and I felt like I should try to stay awake for a bit. It was unnerving to know I had been asleep for hours in the home of a man I barely knew.

Not yet, but the deal is, you have to stay in front of the pain, not wait until you can feel it getting worse.

I rolled my eyes, and then took the pills. You know theyre going to knock me out, right?

Then lets get you back to bed"unless you want to nap in the chair?

I dont want to be in your way out here. I dont even want to take over your bed. Where did you sleep last night? I was embarra.s.sed that it just occurred to me he didnt sleep in his own bed.

In the workout room. Theres a sectional in there.

Im so sorry to make you sleep on a couch, I rushed to say.

Ive fallen asleep in there more times than I can count. Dont worry about it. He stood and walked to me.

After removing the bags of peas and my plate, we slowly made our way to the bedroom. He helped me settle into the bed again. I leaned back into the pillows. Yuck, I can smell the bas.e.m.e.nt. It must be in my hair, and now its on your sheets.

What? He was now leaning over me.

My bas.e.m.e.nt smells musty, like standing water. I must have absorbed the odor when I was down there. I can smell it all around me.

He moved closer and sniffed. I dont know, babe.

I could feel the pills kick in. I might be nuts. I have this thing about fresh sheets. I tried to wave my hand in the air but was too tired.

Fresh sheets, huh? I could hear the teasing in his voice as he sat beside me.

It started when we got married. I changed the sheets every morning. I loved knowing Id go to sleep on fresh sheets every night. It had to be the pills. I was telling him silly things.

Ill change the sheets later, after you wake up.

This time my hand did move, and I gripped his wrist. I dont want to make more work for you, honey. That last part just slipped out.

He smiled. If it makes you happy, it isnt work. He leaned over and kissed my forehead. Now, close your eyes and rest.

Kay. Now wasnt the time to ponder what the h.e.l.l I was doing. I could feel myself drifting away. My eyes slid closed, and I fell asleep knowing that I was avoiding this, this thing with Forde, and I was okay with that.

When I next opened my eyes, it was dark outside, and there were two nightlights burning, illuminating the room so that I could make out the doors to the hall and bath. I knew Forde had done this for me. He didnt seem like the nightlight kind of guy. In fact, it wouldnt have surprised me to learn that he could see perfectly in the dark.

I didnt know what to do with this"me being here. How the h.e.l.l had I let that happen? And why did it feel so good, so natural? I started the process of scooting to the edge of the bed and rolling to my side. I gingerly sat up as my shoulder and ribs screamed. I waited until my breathing calmed then flexed my bad knee a few times. Slowly, I stood and made my way to the bathroom.

The condo was quiet as I walked to the entrance of the living room. I was thirsty and a little hungry. I took that as a good sign. I wanted a shower so I made sure I moved as gracefully as my body would allow. Forde was sitting at the end of his giant sofa with his legs propped on his coffee table, working on his laptop. When I neared, he looked up and scanned my body from head to toe.

Hey. I stayed still as he studied me.

He smiled and moved to put his laptop onto the table. I noted that he logged out before he got up. Very thorough, my Forde.

Hungry, thirsty?

No, dont get up. I limped into the room. I dont want to interrupt your work. I stopped at the back of the two-seater. I leaned against it. Walking was easier this time, but the burning pain in knee increased every time I put weight on it.

It wasnt anything too important, just checking some of my accounts.

Is it all right if I make something to eat? I watched him approach as my heart rate picked up.

Lay, I know you have cooking skills, but Im not sure about you cooking with one hand. He reached out and lightly stroked the arm that was secured to my side.

I wanted to lean into his body. Fighting the urge, I asked, Could I take off the brace and see?

He shook his head. The doc said only when you bathe.

I stiffened, but there was no use arguing. A shower sounds so good. I knew I smelled like the bas.e.m.e.nt and sweat. Plus, I was still wearing the stupid hospital gown with my a.s.s on display.

How about this"you eat something, and then we see about a shower? This was a different side of Forde, caring and so gentle.

Deal, I smiled.

He returned my smile. So what sounds good, food-wise? Say whatever pops into your head.

A McDonalds cheeseburger and fries, I said without even pausing to think.

His lips twitched. I didnt see that coming. I thought that was a hangover remedy. Ill put out a call. Do you want anything else?

No, but you dont have to do all of that. Im fine with more toast. I didnt want to be any more of a bother. It made me feel a little weird; he was being so thoughtful and patient. I didnt know what to do with this side of Forde.

Sit. He lightly grasped my good arm and urged me to sit on the chair. He helped me lift my leg onto the ottoman. Then he sat next to my leg and ran his hand up and down it. Still swollen. He wrapped both of his warm palms so very carefully around my knee.

I watched his hands on my leg. They were large, callused, and I knew they were strong" but dear G.o.d, they could be so gentle, just a whisper over my skin. Itll be fine.

The corners of his mouth raised a little. I get it that you arent used to letting someone do for you. Youve taken care of yourself since you were a kid. Can we make another deal? For the next forty-eight hours, will you let me take care of you?

I opened my mouth to immediately refuse.

He shook his head. Just until you get over the worst of the pain. He continued holding his palms against my knee and said no more.

I liked that he gave me time to consider what hed said, and I hated it, because he knew I was a thinker. It was like he understood me and knew my internal rhythm. That made me feel warm inside and scared as h.e.l.l. If he already knew this about me, then he could break down my walls. I didnt want that. My mom used me to take care of her, and my ex used my love to make me blind to his addiction and failings. I didnt trust myself. I couldnt screw up again and survive.

He leaned closer and lightly captured my chin. Layla, I can feel you thinking, and wherever your brains going, its upsetting you. He gave me another searching look. Dont. Im only offering you time to rest, eat, shower, and do nothing if you want, without feeling like you need to be helping out. Thats it. He nodded once.

I hoped I was doing the right thing by believing him. Thank you. That sounds really good, I whispered. I felt like there was a rock in my throat.

Relief flashed in his eyes. He stood, leaned closer, and kissed my lips lightly.

I raised my good arm and rested my hand on his shoulder.

He deepened the kiss as I held onto him. I liked how the man kissed. He was in control yet gentle, an amazing combination.

He slowly eased back. Ill make the call and then get those peas back on your knee.

Thank you, Mr. Forde, I teased.

I heard him chuckle as he moved away and pulled his phone from his pocket.

Id finished the best-tasting cheeseburger in the history of fast food and was relaxing in Fordes living room. I know you looked busy when I came in, but Id really like to take a shower. I need it. I leaned my head closer to my shoulder and wrinkled my nose.

I was updating my investments. Nothing pressing. He took a drink of his beer.

Am I taking you away from your, uh, other work? Patrolling the streets like Batman.

His eyes turned a deeper blue. Things are calm for now. That is, until I speak to Vador. I dont have to go out tonight.

I didnt know what to think about Forde meeting with the gang leader. He travelled in very different circles than I did. He was a bada.s.s, no doubt, but I didnt want him to take on trouble on my behalf.

His gaze locked with mine. You look worried. Dont be.

d.a.m.n, I needed to practice having a poker face. How can I not be? My words came out shaky. I s.h.i.+fted my body to buy some time. I know youre very good at what you do, although I dont know everything that you can do. I smiled and then stopped it. I also know you own a business, and I cant pay you for all of the time and manpower youre spending on me.

Not going over this again. He leaned back and crossed his arms over his strong chest.

So youve told me. I sighed so loud that my throat hurt. Forde, you know about how I was brought up and about my marriage. Im still getting my footing"and now all of this. I had to stop and take a deep breath because I felt like I was going to start sobbing. Youre a strong man. I gave my head a quick shake. That isnt what I want to say. Youre somebody I dont know what to do with, and I find myself in the position of being dependent on you.

He stayed perfectly still, but I knew that he was taking in my bodys language, the words I was saying, and what I couldnt verbalize.

I find myself trusting you, and I dont know if it thats a good thing. I swallowed hard. You have a plan, and Im overwhelmed. I paused, I didnt know how I got on this track, but it was time to change direction. I do know that what you took on as a little job has turned into a bigger mess with me staying with you and your people picking up food for me.

He leaned forward and grinned. I love that your biggest concern is the businesss bottom line, and if Im being inconvenienced. He chuckled. Its been a while since someone has cared about my schedule.

I bit my lip. I wasnt sure what was so funny.

Let me educate you a little about my businesses. Note that I made that plural.

I wanted very much to hear what he had to say. I tilted my head a little to the side to signal that I was waiting and paying attention.

When I got out of the Army, I went to college. It was there I figured out I knew how to make money. Tye calls me a savant; I know how to play the market. Ive made a lot of money, Lay. Enough to live good for the rest of my life. Actually, theres enough for us and our kids to live good.

I felt my body tense at that statement. Like I said, he was way ahead of me, and I was now totally freaking out.

Deep breath, Layla, he said, his manner was easy going. I own properties all over the city. h.e.l.l, I own this building.

I know my eyes got huge. I couldnt fathom that. I didnt run in the types of circles where people owned a building, let alone multiple.

I run Forde Limited because I like it. Theres a part of me, a darker part, that needs the street and to be in touch with that life. He shrugged. Plus I promised Tyes dad that Id help his son. So we do investigative work for his law firm, usually the messy stuff, and then I can pick and choose what cases we take independently.

So, you do it because a part of you loves it, I summarized.

Thats why the people who work for me do it. We need it, the balancing on the edge. We arent lily white. Sometimes we cross the line, but I like to think that, in general, we are more good than not.

That wasnt a surprise. Id grown-up with people who straddled the line.

He was staring at me intently. Im not going to apologize for who I am, Lay. You get that?

You dont have to. I wont ever ask you to, I promised.

His body relaxed a little. I felt it more than I saw it.

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The Change: Better Part 6 summary

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