The Change: Better Part 7

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I needed to be sure. Youll be careful, right?

Now, his smile was sweet. He knew that I got it, all of it. Always, and now that I have you, Ill be more vigilant.

I couldnt meet his gaze. I felt really shy. Like something had s.h.i.+fted between us. Well it had. Id taken a step closer to him, to what he wanted for us. I looked around his place. So, youre rich?

Yeah. He sighed the word.

I dont know what to say to that. I cant even begin to understand it, I said honestly.

Dont think about it. Its there for us, so we dont have to worry about keeping the lights on or getting kicked out of our place. He smiled because wed both grown up with the fear that wed have no place to sleep at night. If you want to work, thats cool. Id like you to do it at Limited. Ive got a receptionist position opening up, but I know you were taking some legal courses. If you want to go to Tyes, thats cool, too. Just know, I have better benefits. He wiggled his eyebrows.

I couldnt help it. I barked out a laugh that made my ribs throb. How about this? I dont know how well I can handle all your receptionist duties, but I think I can figure out how to do it better than that girl who was there when we met.

When you get a little better, Ill bring you in and you can check it out.

Deal, I said softly.

Give me a couple of minutes to get things ready, and then you can have that shower.

Like I said, he knew me. That would be awesome. I relaxed back into the settee, for the minute, accepting that I was getting everything that I wanted. Well for now and maybe if things worked out, for the rest of my life. A little voice in my head told me I should be freaking out. It couldnt be this easy. But for now, I told that voice to shut up, and I enjoyed this feeling of security.

Chapter Ten.

I moved towards the chair Layla was currently looking very comfortable in. Ready?

Id quickly stripped and remade the bed. She was correct; there was a faint, musty smell lingering on the sheets. If my woman wanted fresh sheets every day, I could give her that. Right now, I was still recovering from seeing her in the hospital bed bruised and battered.

She slowly leaned over to untie the elastic bandage from her knee. She fumbled with one hand, but slowly unknotted the fabric.

I think you should take one of your pain pills now, and then another after the shower. I stood by her side waiting for her decision. I wanted to help, but I could tell she was determined to do it herself.

Im starting to have second thoughts, she said, her voice strained. She looked up at me, her lips were in a tight line. This is going to hurt a lot, isnt it? She bit her bottom lip, waiting for me to answer.

Probably. When your shoulder and ribs get f.u.c.ked up, it sucks because every movement hurts. I reached out and lightly stroked her bad shoulder.

She sighed. I feel dirty, and I hate that I smell, especially around you, in your home. She paused, and closed her eyes as if she was trying to control her emotions. Then she slowly opened her eyes and nodded twice. Give me the d.a.m.n pill and lets do this.

I started to move away.

One problem, I dont have anything to change into.

I chuckled. You mean, you dont want to walk around naked?

She acted like she was considering it. Im sure you arent going to want to look at my bruises. Can I wear one of your T-s.h.i.+rts?

I liked the idea of her in my tee, especially with nothing on under it. Sure, Lay.

I gave her a pain pill and hurried to my bathroom to start the shower. I was turning to go get her when she shuffled into the bedroom. I motioned with my hand for her to join me in the bathroom.

She moved to the shower area, pa.s.sing the separate tub against the far wall that was big enough for two.

Can I just say that I love your bathroom? She pulled the shower door open and looked inside. Holy s.h.i.+t, you can fit like six people in here, she said, her voice full of awe.

Theres also a built-in bench along the wall. I moved to her side. There are shower heads on both ends, and also handheld attachments.

I want to live in this room. She turned her head to smile at me.

As much as she wanted to shower, her body language screamed that she was apprehensive. I moved behind her and spoke softly. Im going to unhook this harness so hold onto the shower door. To help offset those nerves, Id talk her through everything I was going to do. If you feel like youre getting light-headed or shaky, you tell me immediately.

She s.h.i.+fted her weight and stood still as I started to remove the harness. Okay, I dont want to do any more damage to my poor body.

Try to keep your arm still.

She nodded.

I laid the brace on the vanity, and then moved to untie the hospital gown. Im going to take this gown off now.

I hope you burn it. Im tired of walking around with my a.s.s hanging out.

I gently moved the gown from her sore shoulder and let it fall to the floor. Now, Im gonna pull down your panties, and you just walk into the shower and sit on the bench, or do you want me to hold onto you while you walk in? I was going to be right behind her, it was just a question of me touching her or not.

I dropped to a knee and eased my fingers into the sides of her blue cotton panties. I felt her body tense. Easy. I dragged them down until they joined the gown.

I, uh, feel a little shaky, Her voice sounded anxious.

I stopped looking at her naked back and pulled my T-s.h.i.+rt over my head, then hurried out of my jeans, kicking them to the side. I gotcha. I placed my hand on her elbow and my other on her left hip. Just head to the opposite wall, slow and easy.

I helped her sit down. G.o.d, her side and part of her back were covered in purple and red bruises.

She was panting from the exertion and to some extent, nerves. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes. Eventually, she whispered. Im okay. Her knuckles were white and pushed against her skin as she held onto the edge of the bench.

Im going to move the nozzles so that you stay under the water. Tell me if any of the jets hurt you. I tried not to think about her nakedness. I felt my c.o.c.k stir in my boxer briefs. This most definitely wasnt the right time.

She sighed. It feels so good.

My c.o.c.k responded. Im going to wash your hair first. Remember, if we need to stop, just say the word.

Yes sir, Mr. Forde, she said with a little bit of att.i.tude. Her eyes were still closed as she s.h.i.+fted on the bench so that more water was falling onto her body.

I shampooed and conditioned her hair. It was a first for me, but she didnt complain. I was rolling the bar of soap in my hand as she eyed me warily.

She rolled her bottom lip with her teeth. Where do you want to start?

Your neck, and then Ill work my way lower. Why dont you try to wash your face? I dont want to hurt you. I worried about my big, rough hands her fragile skin.

Give me some of those suds. She held out her hand.

When she finished was.h.i.+ng her face, I used the nozzle to rinse.

She spit out some water. I think you liked that way too much. She smiled for a moment.

When youre healed you can return the favor. I started to wash her graceful neck.

She dropped her head back and closed her eyes. I kept my gaze on her face as my hands moved lower to her chest.

She made a noise deep in her throat as my slick hands kneaded her full b.r.e.a.s.t.s. I couldnt help myself; I did it again, weighing each one in my hands.

Her eyes opened slowly, and she exhaled, Forde.

Sorry, I got carried away. She had great t.i.ts. Her nipples were hard, and I wanted to suck on them.

Hmmm. She smiled at me.

I knelt next to her and lifted her good arm and started to wash it. Then I ran the water over her chest and arm. Tell me how high I can lift your bad arm. I dont want it to hurt. She started to move it, and I helped her slowly flex her elbow a few times.

That feels better now. She had a determined look on her face. Its not fair that my elbow is fine, but because its been immobile, it hurts to move. She finished with a little growl of frustration.

Christ, my c.o.c.k liked that sound. I started reciting the alphabet backwards in my head. I didnt want to make her uncomfortable when shed placed her trust in me to take care of her. I washed along her bruised ribs. I tried to drop the suds onto the purple bruises and not touch them at all.

She was breathing shallowly and a little faster after I rinsed her.

Doing good, Lay, I encouraged her as I moved to her legs. Were almost done.

This isnt so bad. She stretched out her legs, trying to sound positive.

We both knew she was lying.

I knelt between her legs, widening them with my size, and her eyes opened immediately. I ran my hands up and down her inner thighs. I did this to give her time to stop me. When she said nothing, I gently started to stroke the lowest part of her belly, and then I moved lower to her mound. I didnt rush this part, but I didnt play with her like I wanted to, either. When I ran my fingers over her outer lips, I glanced at her face.

Her head was resting against the wall, her mouth was open a little, and she was breathing hard. G.o.d, I could get lost in that look.

Mmm. She made the sound deep in her throat.

I rinsed her, and then placed a light kiss on her mound. I would love to do more, but I dont want to hurt you.

I know. She opened her eyes, and her pupils were huge.

Soon, I promise. G.o.d, I wanted to do more, and I loved it that she did too.

I put my hands on her soft hips. Use your good hand to hold on. I scooted her a.s.s forward and ran the bar of soap along her crack.

Uh, I can get that, she rushed to tell me.

Ill help you stand so I can get your back, and then you can take care of yourself. Id let her, but soon there wouldnt be a part of her body I wouldnt taste or touch.

She was a little unsteady as she leaned facing the wall.

I washed her back. G.o.d, youre so beautiful.

You mean the parts that arent purple?

I lightly ran my fingertips over an area that wasnt discolored.

She sighed and pushed her a.s.s out, rubbing against my hard on. This isnt how I pictured our first time naked together.

I gently leaned into her and ran my tongue around the sh.e.l.l of her ear. I like that youve thought about us being naked. I kissed her neck and ran the hot water over her back. Then I gave her the soap and stood behind her so close, that when she dropped the soap, she turned her hand and cupped me.

Wow, she breathed.

I looped my arm across her chest and palmed her breast. Soon, I promise. I dont know if I was reminding her or myself. Time to get you out of here and dried off. I knew if we stayed like this a moment longer, I wouldnt be able to stop. How are you doing?

I feel so much better being clean, but Im starting to feel a little shaky. She tried to inject some enthusiasm into her voice, but she sounded exhausted.

I moved her slowly to the shower door and stepped out first. I helped Layla to the padded bench in the corner and wrapped her in a large towel, then grabbed another to dry her hair. I worked quickly, and yet there were gooseb.u.mps on her body.

Im not really cold, she said.

It must be my touch, I teased, and I swear she blushed.

Do you have something I can put on?

I dropped the towel and turned to grab the tee I had sitting on the shelf by the door. Im going to be as gentle as I can, I warned her.

She used her good arm to lift the injured one. She groaned once before the s.h.i.+rt dropped over her curves. She was pale.

You with me? I reached for the brace. This was going to hurt her, and I tried to work quickly.

As I adjusted the strap around her chest, she said, This brace is good, but G.o.d, Im glad I was knocked out when they put it on me the first time.

I knew she was hurting. You should be happy you werent awake when they moved your arm every which way to test its mobility. That s.h.i.+t hurts like a b.i.t.c.h. I know from personal experience.

Her eyes got big, So thats why youre so good at all of this? Youve been through all of this before?

Once for each shoulder. I shrugged. Lets get you into bed. Can you walk?

Its not like Im going to make you carry me. She gingerly scooted forward off of the bench.

I carried you from the Expedition to my bed last night. Dont you remember? I put my hands on her waist and helped onto her feet.

G.o.d, I didnt even think about it. Im so heavy. I hope you didnt hurt your back. She started touching my side with her hand.

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The Change: Better Part 7 summary

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