The Change: Better Part 8

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I didnt even breathe heavily. It was easy, I bragged.

Once Layla was settled under the covers, she took another pain pill.

I finished drying off and threw on a pair of cut-off sweats. I took the gla.s.s from her hand and set it on the nightstand. Night, babe.

She reached for my arm. Where are you going?

Ill be in the other room. If you need anything, just yell. Ill hear you. I put my hand on top of hers.

She didnt loosen her grip. You could sleep here. She cut her eyes to the other side of the bed. If Im on your side, I can move over.

You want me to sleep with you?

She nodded slowly. Yeah.

I dont want to you or hurt you in the night. Are you sure? I wanted to give her an out.

Her gaze locked with mine. Please.

Give me a minute to check the doors and the alarm, and then Ill be in. I gave her hand a squeeze. It didnt matter that I wasnt sleepy, I wasnt about to say no to her request.

She nodded and relaxed into her pillows.

I took care of the security measures, and then turned off the bedroom lights. I climbed carefully into my bed.

Forde? Her voice was soft.

Right here, Lay. I moved closer to hear her and to be near her.

Thank you for all of this.

I moved in so that I was close but I wasnt touching her. I like taking care of you. Thank you for letting me.

She was quiet for a bit, and I thought she was asleep. But then, I mean, thank you for keeping me safe.

Some might say I havent done a real good job. I moved my hand lower to stroke her upper thigh.

I feel safe with you. Maybe, for the first time in my life, I dont have to be on guard. Her words were a little slurred from the pills and the physical exertion.

I continued stroking her thigh, making circles with my fingertips then switching to a long slide. Weve both spent most of our lives looking out for ourselves. Sometimes, its nice to give that responsibility to somebody else for a little bit. Let them help you. It doesnt make you weak. It takes a lot of strength to trust somebody that much.

I felt her body start to shake. She was crying. My chest tightened. I didnt mean to upset her.

I was so scared, Forde. I didnt know what was happening, and I froze for what felt like forever.

You did the right thing, Lay. Freezing is instinctive. Youve never been shot at before, but you did everything exactly right. I wanted to pull her to my chest, but I knew it would be excruciating. I could only continue to stroke her thigh.

I dont know what made me think to go down into the bas.e.m.e.nt. I knew that it would be a good place to hide.

When youre ready, Ill go over more things with you so that youll always be prepared. Were going to keep you safe Layla, I promise. I kissed her shoulder.

Chapter Eleven.

I heard a phone buzzing. I was still half asleep, but I knew it wasnt a dream. I felt the mattress dip as Forde moved.

Forde. He sounded alert even though I knew hed been asleep.

I half listened as I took inventory of my body this morning. I wanted to feel better. I didnt want Forde to have to sit with me another day. I couldnt picture him lazing in bed on a Sunday morning. I bet he only spent extra time in bed being busy, and we werent going to be doing that. Although in the shower, Id wanted him to touch me. Id yearned to feel his thick fingers inside of me, stroking and stretching me. I s.h.i.+fted to my back and let out a sigh as I studied Lucas Forde.

He had his back to me and was sitting up. It was wide and thick, slightly tapering to his waist. His skin was darker than mine, like he had a perpetual tan. His hair was longer than I was used to and there was just the hint of wave to it. I wondered what he would look like if he pulled it back into a short tail. He was speaking softly into the phone.

I twisted my hips and stretched my leg over until my foot could stroke his thigh. He captured my foot with his hand and glanced over his shoulder. I gave him a good morning smile. He released my foot, s.h.i.+fted, and laid back onto the mattress beside me, rolling onto his side, facing me.

Shes still sleeping. Ill give you a call after she gets up, Forde told the caller.

I watched him as he listened to the response.

The muscle at the side of his jaw flexed. No, well come to you. Take it or leave it. He ended the call.

I didnt say anything. I just waited to see what that call had been about.

He dropped the phone behind his hip. Sorry about that.

You dont have to apologize. My voice in the morning was always a little raspy.

I get calls at all hours, he said, waving the phone. Is that going to be a problem for you?

As long as the calls arent coming from ex-girlfriends, I dont care. I poked him with my foot again. I guess in your line of work, its twenty-four seven.

Our, he answered.


Our line of work, and yes, it can be twenty-four seven.

My gaze met his, and I felt something warm and melty in my stomach. Are you always so certain of your decisions? I liked that hed included me.

If I tell you yes, will it stop you from questioning me? Now, he was smiling, and Fordes smile was mesmerizing.

Maybe. He scrambled my brain. I gave my head a little shake, hoping to clear it. Was that call about me?

Yeah, Detective Eames wants to interview you about the other night. I dont want him here, so if you feel up to it, well go to the station.

I didnt have good memories of the police station. Id spent way too much time there. The interview rooms were cold and smelled, plus the coffee sucked. I dont have anything to wear.

He laughed. Thats your biggest concern?

Well, yeah. I cant go there in one of your T-s.h.i.+rts and no underwear. It wouldnt be, uh, professional. I started to laugh, too. I used to laugh at myself all of the time. It felt good to be able to do it again, even though it made my ribs hurt. I mean, as the new administrative a.s.sistant at Forde Limited, I need a certain level of respectability and, uhm, bad-a.s.sery.

Bad-a.s.sery? He leaned closer to me, Is that even a word?

Probably not. I loved it when he looked at me like this, sweet and a little hungry. But I need my clothes.

Ill make a call and fix it so we can get in your place and pack your s.h.i.+t.

I nodded. That sounded good, I needed to wear more clothes around Forde, maybe even my winter coat and mittens. Otherwise, it was too easy to rub my bare skin against him, and that would be bad for my focus.

Then to the interview and maybe grab some lunch on the way back, if you arent too tired. He started to play with my hair, running his fingers through it.

I let out a loud sigh, loving the feel of his hand touching me. I dont have much to tell. I didnt see anything.

He s.h.i.+fted and rolled so that he was suspended over me, with his weight resting on both of his hands, and kissed me on the lips, careful to not jostle my bad shoulder.

I ran my good hand up his shoulder to the back of his neck. I made the move to deepen the kiss.

His phone rang again. s.h.i.+t, he said against my lips.

I let him go so that he could take his call.

Rick Khaled met us at my rental house. I tried not to stare while Forde did the introductions. I didnt remember very much from our drive from the hospital. He was taller than Forde and had a very muscular build. His skin was the color of coffee with just a drop or two of cream. He shaved his head but wore a full beard. He was scary until he smiled, and then his golden eyes sparkled. He acted as a guard while Forde helped pack my suitcase then tossed everything in my bathroom into a duffle bag. I sent up a silent prayer, hoping that the lids were all on tightly or there was going to be a mess. All of this went on while I tried to figure out what I was going to wear. I couldnt wear a bra with my ribs so tender and the brace in the way. I settled on a camisole, a long-sleeve top, and I kept Fordes huge hoodie on with my oldest pair of jeans. I was a walking fas.h.i.+on victim, but I was covered and comfortable.

I insisted on packing my own underwear. He found my insistence hilarious. I didnt know how to explain my reluctance for him to handle my intimates when he had bathed me and helped me dress. It wasnt rational, but our budding relations.h.i.+p wasnt either. I mean, wed never had a date! Hed just moved me in, and according to him, we were an us.

You have that freaked out look on your face. Whats upsetting you? Forde asked as I sat on my bed.

Im not upset, I murmured.

Is it being in the house? He sat beside me, taking hold of my hand. I liked that he touched me often. I was getting used to the casual affection from this man.

No, thats not it. I let out a sigh. Im glad you and Rick are here with me. He looks scary, and I know you are, so Im good.

He didnt press, but he continued holding my hand.

Its all so fast, I blurted.

Back to that again, are you? He started to make circles on the back of my hand with his thumb. He didnt sound irritated, more like he found it cute.

This isnt how I do things. Im a planner. I dont just act and see what happens, I said. I dont know very much about you, and yet, Im staying with you. We havent even gone to dinner. My words were rushed, and I sounded a little hysterical to my own ears.

He raised our joined hands to his mouth and kissed my knuckles. I get why youre freaked. I wouldve liked to have taken you to dinner, seduced you into coming back to my bed.

I made a sound in my throat. I could count on one hand the number of men I had dated. I could count on one finger the number of s.e.xual partners Id had. I was not experienced. I blushed when the love scene in a book got hot and adventurous. Never on the first date.

He chuckled and brushed another kiss to the sensitive skin. And you would have held me off. He flashed me a smile that was a little bit But, Layla, this isnt usual circ.u.mstances. Mark this about me: Ive got no problem taking advantage of circ.u.mstances to get my way.

My heart thudded so hard, I bet he could hear it with his superpowers. I tried to seem cool when I felt like my body was on fire. Really? I sounded a little sarcastic.

His eyes were focused on mine. I havent waited around to be given things in my life. If I want, I take.

I knew all of this. Forde was confident, and I was, well, more reticent, always worried about the outcome. Thats probably why youre a success, I whispered, and Imwell me.

Success means different things to different people. To me, it means I can do what I want, with whom I want.

Now, he was giving me the gentle smile. I knew he was trying not to upset me. I let out the breath I was holding. I just dont know what Im doing. Im used to having a plan, even if it was to just get through the day. Im not sure what is going on.

He looked into my eyes for a few beats. I get that. How about tonight we come up with a plan for the next few days? Will that help?

I nodded.

See? That wasnt so hard.

Then he gave me that s.h.i.+t-eating grin, and I couldnt help but giggle. I was getting what I wanted, but then, so was he.

Rick was given Babysit Layla Duty the next day. He didnt seem too upset. He was kicked back in Fordes huge recliner in the condos man cave area. I didnt know what else to call it. It was a room that ran the entire length of the side of the condo. It had a huge sectional and the biggest TV that Ive ever seen. It also had a bar and multiple pieces of workout equipment, plus two gaming systems. If Forde would have enlarged the half bath to include a shower, I could have happily lived in this room.

I sat against one end of the sectional with my legs stretched out in front of me and a frozen bag of peas tied to my knee. The old adage that day three was the most painful was proving to be true. I was moving slow, and I hurt everywhere. I was glad Rick required very little interaction from me. The morning had started with me sleeping through Forde getting up and showered. Hed woken me up to tell me it was time to get dressed.

Leaning over me, he frowned. I hate to make you get up, but Lay, I dont like the idea of Rick being here, and you lying in bed in my tee and panties.

I thought he was your boy? I was trying to sound like I was a part of their world, but I must have failed badly, because he chuckled.

Hes my employeeand a friend, but I still dont like the idea of my woman wearing next to nothin around him.

Hmm, possessive much? Im getting up, and since you have issues, you can figure out what Im going to wear. I dont want to cause you any worries while youre off doing your superhero stuff. I slowly sat up on the side of the bed.

Babe. He wrapped his arm around me and moved in for a kiss. Thank you for lightening my load. He gave me his sweet smile. It made me want to pull him down on top of me on his big bed, but dammit that would hurt.

It wasnt a big deal to be dressed, and honestly, I wouldnt have been comfortable being partly undressed with Rick in the other room.

So, you and Forde? Ricks question brought me out of my thoughts.

I bit my bottom lip as I considered how to answer. I dropped my head and looked at him under my lashes. Yeah, me and Forde. I figured I would be working with Rick at the office, and I didnt see any reason to be vague. I mean, hed put my belongings in Fordes Lexus, and he couldnt have missed his boss kissing me goodbye earlier.

He smiled. Thats good. Good for him, I mean. I dont know about you.

Why? Is it because I was a case, or because Im not a super model like his last one? I felt defensive, and that surprised me a little, getting feisty with a man I had just met. Suddenly, it was important that Rick like me and want me to be with his friend.

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The Change: Better Part 8 summary

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