Wilde Creek: The Protector's Heart Part 16

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When he was clean, she pulled the plug to drain the water and lifted him from the tub. Malachi wrapped a towel around him, patting his skin gently. Within a few minutes, he was dressed in footy pajamas and hugging his favorite stuffed wolf.

Malachi picked Jack up and turned away slightly when she reached for him. "It's your turn, sweetheart."


"To get checked out. I know I appear to be calm, but seeing your injuries and the blood on your skin, knowing what you went through without me - I need you to get fixed up and cleaned up. Now."

She looked down at herself. Was.h.i.+ng Jack had cleaned some of the blood from her hands, but Malachi's reminder of her injuries suddenly made everything hurt.

"Ouch." She looked at the gouges in the top of her hand.

Malachi snorted and said to Jack, "How about some dinner, big guy?"


"I'm right here, buddy."

She smiled as he carried her son out of the bathroom and then looked at Doc, who was watching her with a serious expression. "I'm sure you're anxious to get back to your son, so why don't you grab a quick shower and then I'll examine you."

She nodded and he slipped out of the bathroom, shutting the door. She stripped and turned to face the mirror. Her eyes widened as she took in the injuries to her body. She was glad that Malachi wasn't there to see her right now, he'd probably flip out. As it was, she felt like she was just hanging on by a thread.

One thing at a time, she reminded herself.

She gave herself a once-over. There were bruises around her waist from where Tanner had grabbed her. Her wrists were raw and red from the rope. She had light bruises up and down her legs and arms. The worst damage seemed to be her hand, where Tanner had curled his claws into her flesh.

Inhaling slowly and deeply, she let out the breath and met her own eyes in the mirror. She'd survived. No matter what scars she retained, they were badges of honor now. Jack was safe now because of her actions and Malachi and the pack members who had come to their aid.

She showered, using Jack's soap because it was mild and wouldn't irritate her wounds, and then she dried herself off carefully, once more cataloging her injuries so she could tell Doc everything.

A large duffel was on the counter, and she found her clothes on top and dressed in a pair of soft lounge pants and a tank top. She slipped socks on her feet and grabbed a sweater to cover up with after Doc examined her.

After he finished examining her, he bandaged her hand and wrists and put his supplies away. He gave her a silver mesh ball that dangled from a thin chain with a hook on the end. She could smell herbs, and looked at it curiously.

"It's a tea ball, an infuser. It's filled with healing herbs that have been magically enhanced. Boil two cups of water and steep the herbs in it for three minutes, then remove it. Give Jack one quarter cup of the cooled tea and drink the rest yourself. For Jack it's more of a calmative than for healing, but it will promote a restful sleep for you both and help your body's natural healing ability to work even better."

She didn't have to ask Doc if it was safe for Jack, because she knew he'd never give anything to her or her son that would harm them. "Thank you, Doc."

He smiled, and she walked out of the bedroom with him. She found Jack on Malachi's lap in the kitchen. Malachi was feeding him cut-up chicken nuggets from a large plate that also contained cheese cubes, halved grapes, and carrot coins.

"Mama," Jack said, grinning around a mouthful of chicken.

"Hi, baby." She bent and kissed his forehead.

"What's the diagnosis, Doc?" Malachi asked. He was smiling, but his words were serious.

"She should wear the bandages until tomorrow, and if they're healed over, which they should be, then she can remove them. Ibuprofen for pain, and it wouldn't hurt if someone let her rest tomorrow and kept an eye on Jack."

Mia and Brynn both said, "I'll do it."

They laughed and agreed to watch him while she took it easy. Adam took the infuser from her, and Nila watched him go to the stove and turn a burner on under a teapot as he listened to Doc's instructions for the tea.

Adam was handsome - tall and muscular with dark hair and piercing blue eyes, the color of faded denim. As he turned from the stove to open a nearby cabinet, she noticed he had a scar on his neck that traveled up his jaw and curled over his cheek. She'd seen enough injuries as a nursing a.s.sistant to recognize a burn scar when she saw one, and her heart went out to him. He'd clearly been burned severely, and if he was scarred then it must mean that he was young when it happened and hadn't been able to s.h.i.+ft to help heal himself. Although she could admit she didn't really know that much about wolves and their physiology.

"I'll check in tomorrow evening," Doc said, and Brynn walked him to the door, speaking quietly.

"Sit, sweetheart," Malachi said, pus.h.i.+ng a nearby chair out with his foot.

The tea kettle whistled and as she looked at Malachi while he fed her son in his alpha's kitchen, and the only thing she could think of was that she'd finally found a place she could call home. It wasn't about the walls or the roof or the furnis.h.i.+ngs, it was about the people. She'd found a home with Malachi and his pack, and she didn't ever want to be anywhere else.

Chapter 15.

Malachi waited for Nila to fall asleep on the guest bed before he slipped away and shut the door. She and Jack had pa.s.sed out after drinking Doc's special tea, and although she'd walked into the bedroom while he carried Jack, she hadn't stayed awake very long. Jack slept soundly in the playpen next to the bed, and Nila had curled up next to Malachi. She stayed awake long enough to bare her soul to him, crying softly and breaking his heart a thousand times as she struggled with the guilt over her actions. When she'd told him everything, she seemed to relax. Whether it was from the tea or from her heartfelt confession, he didn't know, but he was glad she finally found some peace.

He walked out to the family room and found Acksel and the other pack members who had joined him in getting Jack back. He paused next to the couch, too d.a.m.n overwhelmed by the events of the evening to really say much of anything, but he did manage a heartfelt, "Thanks."

Acksel was letting Brynn fuss over his injuries, although Malachi didn't think he'd been hurt too much. He glanced at everyone and noticed that none of his friends had been gravely injured. He was thankful for small miracles.

Malachi sat down on the couch next to Mia and said, "Is there anything I need to know?"

Adam and Jeremiah brought the kitchen chairs into the family room and everyone sat down. They left and returned with beer and a tray of roast beef sandwiches.

"Thanks guys," Brynn said as she reached for two sandwiches, giving one to Acksel.

Malachi twisted the top off a beer and took a long drink. Acksel watched Brynn devour the sandwich, shaking his head with an amused grin. Turning serious, he said, "Isaiah showed up after the fight was over. He said he didn't know what Damien was planning to do and didn't condone it. He ordered his people back to their homes, and then he seemed to realize that Damien wasn't there. Ren showed up with the body and took the blame."

Malachi's eyes widened as he looked at his beta. Ren shrugged. "I wasn't sure what would happen to Nila if Isaiah knew that she'd killed Damien, regardless of whether it was an accident or not. If he wanted physical retribution, I figured I could handle it better than she could anyway."

"I don't know what to say, except thank you," Malachi said, feeling completely humbled by his pack member's actions.

Ren smiled. "Someday you can repay the favor and take the fall for me, okay?"

"You got it."

Acksel cleared his throat. "I'm sure it's no hards.h.i.+p, but Isaiah said that he doesn't want our pack to step foot in Dorlan again, even if the zombie apocalypse has come and the world is ending. He never wants to see Nila or Jack again and, in front of his pack members, he renounced his genetic tie to Jack."

Brynn swallowed a large bite of her second sandwich and said, "What does that mean?"

Dade scrubbed his fingers across his stubble-laden jaw. "It means that he no longer claims Jack as his flesh and blood."

"Um, he can't just make a statement like that; it's a scientific fact that they're related."

"Not according to pack law. It's an old-school thing, love," Acksel said. "If he hadn't renounced his claim on Jack, then Jack could have possibly shown up at his pack some day and asked for sanctuary."

"Like at a church?" Brynn gave another confused look.

"Yes, like at a church. A relative is required to offer sanctuary if it's asked for, unless the relative has publically renounced their relation, which Isaiah did. Now, Jack is on his own, severed from contact with that side of his family. Nila never has to worry about Isaiah or anyone else from Damien's pack or family members coming for Jack."

"That's good news," she said.

"It's the best d.a.m.n news I've heard all day," Malachi said.

Ren said, "By the way, I found that a.s.shole's finger on the floorboard."

Mia made a gagging sound and Malachi chuckled. "I think Nila will be glad to hear that Jack didn't eat it. Did you give it back to him?"

"h.e.l.l, no. He tried to hurt your mate. I stomped on it and then kicked it into the gutter."

"Thanks, man."

Ren chuckled and took another swig of beer.

The conversation switched to lighter topics, including the upcoming full moon. In a week, Malachi would have to leave Nila and Jack and go hunting. He wasn't crazy about it, especially when he knew that she harbored bad memories from many full moons waiting for Damien to come back and knowing he'd been unfaithful to her.

When the tray of sandwiches was gone and beer bottles littered the top of the coffee table, Acksel sent the pack members home to rest, save for those protectors who were on schedule to patrol. Adam and Jeremiah began to clean up while Acksel and Brynn argued about her ability to help clean. In the end, Acksel won, because Brynn kept yawning and making his point.

"See you guys in the morning," she groused.

"I think I can head home, right? I don't need to stay here?" Mia asked.

"Don't like my couch?" Acksel asked.

"It's not that, I just want to sleep in my own bed. Mal?"

"I think its fine. Do you want me to run you home?"

"Nah, Adam said he'd drop me off on his way."

Acksel watched Mia and the omegas clear the table and then he turned to Malachi and said, "What do you want to do about the full moon? I know I don't have to tell you that my home is open for Nila and Jack that night. Brynn and Eveny would enjoy the company."

"Thanks. I'll take you up on that. I'd like to claim her and Jack."

"I'll have my dad and the elders make the arrangements, and you can do it before we go hunt."

A weight lifted off his shoulders and he breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks for everything, Acksel, I mean it. You're a good alpha and a good friend. You went above and beyond tonight; I'm indebted to you."

"I'm a great alpha," he amended.

Malachi said goodnight to Mia in the kitchen and made Adam promise to get her home safely, and then he strode silently back to the guest bedroom. He really wished he'd been able to take Nila home tonight, but he'd needed to hear what had happened while he was gone. He was surprised that Ren had taken the fall for Nila, but in a way he also wasn't surprised. Although Ren could be a tough son of a b.i.t.c.h, he was a good guy at heart. Someday Malachi would be able to repay the favor.

Jack and Nila were still asleep, and he stood at the bottom of the bed and watched them, Jack in the play pen, his favorite stuffed wolf tucked up under his chin, and Nila just as he'd left her, on her side with her hand under her cheek. Jack's lips were parted and Malachi could see that his teeth had returned to normal and the claws were gone from his fingertips, too. Whatever stress had brought on the partial s.h.i.+fting, it didn't linger. He knew Nila would be happy about that. Stripping, he stepped into the bathroom and took a quick shower to wash off the dried blood and sweat from the fight. He put on clean shorts from the duffel and slid under the covers, pulling Nila close. He inhaled her sweet scent and closed his eyes, thankful she and Jack were safe now.

Chapter 16.

Monday morning, Nila and Malachi dropped Jack off at the house of a widowed she-wolf named Olive. She lived next door to Doc, and was happy to take care of Jack while Nila worked. The daycare had contacted her on Sunday night and told her that Jack was no longer welcome due to his dangerous a.s.sociations with wolves. She hadn't been surprised. After dropping Jack off, Malachi took her to Doc's and she accepted his job offer.

Malachi hung up her coat in the breakroom of the clinic. "I won't need you to drive me to work every day once I start working for Doc. He lives close to your house."

"I like doing it."

"It makes Brynn late."

"Acksel makes her late."

She giggled. "I like driving with you, Mal, but it's important to me to do some things on my own."

"At least let me drive you through the winter. I don't like your car."

"Don't bad mouth the car."

"You know what I mean. I'm going to get you a nicer car, by the way."

"You don't have to."

He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her to his chest. "Don't be surprised if you wake up one morning and find a new car in the driveway with your name on it."

"Hmm, how will I ever repay you?"

"I'll think of a few hundred ways."

"I'll bet," she laughed. He kissed her and gave her a gentle push toward the door and the conversation she wasn't looking forward to having with Doctor Kimmi.

Glancing over her shoulder, she smiled at his thumbs-up. She straightened her shoulders and walked down the hall to Doctor Kimmi's office. Rapping on the doorjamb, she said, "Do you have a minute? We need to talk."

"Uh-oh," Doctor Kimmi said, looking up from her paperwork. "I never like conversations that start that way. Have a seat."

Nila sat down and pressed her hands together, willing the nerves away. She had truly enjoyed working at the clinic, especially Doctor Kimmi's kindness and her willingness to overlook all of her infractions when a lesser person would have fired her after a week.

"I've accepted a job with the wolf doctor. I'll have less hours and more freedom to be with Jack. It's not as demanding, since he doesn't have a ton of patients, but I can learn about holistic healing from him and also learn more about wolves, which will help Jack when he gets older."

"Aw, I'm so sorry to see you go. I really want to ask you if there's anything I can do to get you to stay, but I don't want to take you away from Jack and what sounds like a perfect job for you. How long can you give me?"

"Two weeks."

"All right. d.a.m.n, I was hoping to get you to work here for about thirty years."

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Wilde Creek: The Protector's Heart Part 16 summary

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