Pitifully Ugly Part 28

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"My dad...was unfaithful."

Marvin rested his hands on my shoulders and sighed.

"Sweetie, I'm sorry."

"Kalen never knew, just me and Mom. I think that's why I'm so shy, and she's just so out there. I was so afraid that someone would take the place of my mom. Like Dad would move her out and bring someone else in." I smiled ruefully. "I used to cling to her leg whenever we had company. If she was going, I was going, too."Marvin looked as though he would cry. "Hailey cheated on her husband. She told me."

"I know in my heart that things can be good between us, but I'm afraid that I'll ruin everything worrying that one day she may replace me."

"A hairdresser, like a bartender, is often privy to secrets."

Marvin squeezed my shoulders gently. "I listen to men and women." He lowered his voice. "A few that work here included brag about their infidelity like it's the latest fas.h.i.+on. Hailey's ashamed of what she did. You can see the pain in her eyes when she talks about it." Marvin shook his head. "Cheating is never justified, but she didn't step out on her marriage because she was bored, but because she was coping with her s.e.xuality."

I digested what Marvin had to say as he dried my hair. Maybe I hadn't been tugging on the rope as hard as I thought I was, but it was time to start.


Chapter 28.

Fuzzy favors.

On the drive home, I mentally rehea.r.s.ed several scenarios for asking Hailey out. I prepared myself for possible rejection, but Hailey was going to have to come right out and tell me that she didn't want me before I'd give up. And if she did? I was moving to Peru.

When I got off the elevator, I found Hailey standing in front of my apartment with a leash in her hands. Her eyes were red and puffy when she looked at me. With a small cry, she moved into my arms and held me tight. "Fuzzy ran away," she said with a sob.

"I can't find her anywhere."

With one arm around her waist, I opened the door to my apartment and pulled her inside. "Just let me change my shoes and we'll go look together," I said as I reluctantly let her go. I ran into my room and tossed my boots into the closet and grabbed my sneakers. "Where were you when she got away?" I asked when I came back into the room.

Hailey turned from my window. "We were in the park. I was talking to this guy who had a dog that sort of looked like her, and when I turned around, she was gone." Hailey's face transformed from sadness to panic. "She's never run away. Do you think someone took her?"

The same thought went through my mind as I pulled her into my arms. "Maybe she chased a squirrel or something. I promise that we'll turn this city upside down until we find her."


*We left the building on foot, retracing their steps toward the park with both of us yelling, "Fuzzy," at the top of our lungs.

Someone yelled back "navel." At any other time, I would've found that hilarious, but Hailey looked so distraught.

"Was she wearing her collar?" I asked.

"Yes, it has my phone number on it. Hopefully, someone will call me-" Hailey patted her jacket pockets frantically until she found her cell phone. "Wouldn't you call if you found a dog roaming?"

"Of course I would." I tried not to let Hailey's panic infect me as we walked. One of us had to keep a cool head, though horrible scenarios were running through my mind. Cars barreled through the narrow streets of the Quarter without regard for pedestrians, much less an animal. I worried with every corner we turned that we'd find Fuzzy lying in the street. I couldn't bear the thought of Hailey seeing that.

We pa.s.sed another couple walking their dog along the street.

"Have you seen a blond fluffy dog that sort of looks like a golden retriever?" I asked.

The woman looked at us with compa.s.sion and shook her head. "We'll keep an eye out for her," her husband offered. "Do you have a number we can call if we spot her?"

I gave him my number and Hailey's that he jotted on a card in his wallet. "There's a five hundred-dollar reward for anyone who finds her."

"Shannon," Hailey began when we walked away.

"I'll pay it." I wiped the tear that streaked her cheek. "I would pay anything to wipe that painful look from your face." Hailey smiled through her tears, but I didn't allow her to say anything as I took her by the hand and hurried toward the park.

"We were right here," Hailey said as we stood on the winding park walk. "See, here's her ball." Hailey bent down and scooped up the dirty tennis ball with a sob. "I shouldn't have let her off the leash, but there's a gate, and I didn't think she'd be able to get out."We walked every inch of the park, weaving through branches of live oaks, calling for Fuzzy. Then we circled the outside. Hailey


*checked her cell phone nearly every step. My heart was growing heavy as dusk approached.

"Do you walk the same route every time you come here?" I asked.

Hailey frowned. "No, I switch it up all the time."

"Okay, let's take every one. Maybe she's following her trail home."

We walked back to the apartment twice and still no Fuzzy. In my mind, I was designing flyers that we would pin to every pole within a ten-mile radius. I looked over at Hailey. Her shoulders slumped in defeat and exhaustion.

"Once more, okay?" I rubbed her shoulders. She nodded wearily as we trekked back toward the park.

Knowing Fuzzy as we did, we should've hiked the last route first. The smell of Chinese food wafted on the breeze. Hailey and I looked at each other and quickened our pace. In front of her favorite restaurant sat Fuzzy looking expectantly at the doors.

Hailey sank to her knees and hugged the stupid mutt's neck while Fuzzy looked up to me as if to say, I hope you brought your wallet, you owe me chicken on a stick. That was one reward she wasn't getting from either of us.

"I came this way twice before I came to find you." Hailey looked at me as she tugged the leash from her pocket and clipped it to Fuzzy's collar. She stood without a word and latched onto my neck, hugging me tight. "Thank you so much. You have no idea how much your willingness to help means to me."

I allowed myself the enjoyment of being in her arms for a minute before saying, "I'd do it again and again, but if you buy her chicken on a stick anytime soon, I will choke you both."

Despite my aching feet, the walk back to our building was the most enjoyable stroll we'd ever taken together. Hailey looped her arm through mine as Fuzzy led us at a leisurely pace. "I didn't realize that I was starving the whole time we were looking for Fuzzy," Hailey said when we entered the courtyard. "Would you join me for a late dinner?"

There was no hesitation as I jumped at the offer. "I'm sure I'll enjoy whatever you're serving even if it's liver."


*Hailey made a disgusted face, but Fuzzy seemed interested.

"I was thinking more along the lines of eggs and fried potatoes and maybe some bacon."

"Much better than liver. I'll peel the potatoes," I said with a smile.

Fuzzy made no complaints about eating her dog food, after which she sprawled out on the living room floor and actually snored while Hailey and I ate.

"She's a cute little s.h.i.+t," I said between bites. "I didn't want to tell you, but I was so afraid that we wouldn't find her."

"I could see it on your face." Hailey looked over at me. "You were so rea.s.suring, but I could see the worry in your eyes. That was more comforting to me than anything you said. It shows you care."

"I won't deny that I'm attached to her chicken-chasing a.s.s, but if I were to be honest, I'd have to say that I was equally worried about you, if not more so." I looked at Hailey unflinchingly. "I've tried hard not to care for you, but I do."

Hailey looked away and pushed her plate back. I wasn't expecting her to jump into my arms, but a smile would've been a bit encouraging. "I'm tired and I know you are, too." I gathered our plates and took them to the sink. Hailey picked up the and followed me into the kitchen.

She gently grabbed my arm when I began to the plates.

"Don't clean up. You've done enough already."

I backed away from her touch. She was looking at me oddly like she wanted to say something, but for whatever reason, she couldn't. "Thank you," she said finally and moved in close to give me a hug. I pulled her into my arms and kissed her hard. Her surprise lasted for only a second before she gave into my lips. Her body felt hot as she molded into me, but the kiss burned hotter.

I pulled away breathless, still holding on to her. "Deny what you will, Hailey, but when you kiss me back, I feel what you refuse to say." I let her go and walked toward the door. When I turned back to look at her, she was still standing in the same spot. Her cheeks were flushed, and her lips were bruised from my kiss.


*"That's the second time I forced a kiss on you. The next time, you'll meet me willingly."

I watched as a small smile crept across her face. "Next time?"

"Yep, like after dinner tomorrow night."

"I'll be ready at seven," Hailey said haughtily, matching my tone."See you then." I walked briskly out of her apartment and past the elevator. I ran up the stairs to stave off the urge to charge back into her apartment.


Chapter 29.

The Southern inquisition...

I awoke the next morning feeling less than I did when I left Hailey's apartment. I didn't think she would back out on our date. What worried me was the way I felt when I kissed her.

I barely had enough control to back away from her then, and that night, I wondered if I had the restraint to keep things from getting out of hand. I tasted the pa.s.sion in her kiss, but I didn't want to destroy the progress we'd made by jumping on her like a wild herd of hormones out of control.

My phone rang as my body responded to the memory of Hailey's sigh when she gave into my kiss. The way her hips felt as she pressed into me- "What, Kalen?" I said as I answered on the fourth ring.

"Is that how you answer your sister when she calls?"

"Sorry, Mom, and yes, I do bark at her when she calls me first thing in the morning," I said with a laugh. "Had you called me from your phone, I would've been sweet."

"Kalen and I were discussing brunch. Why don't you join us?"I wanted to stay in my l.u.s.t-induced haze, but it was probably best if I didn't. "How about I pick y'all up at ten?"

I watched as Mom took the salt shaker from Kalen's hand for the third time. "The eggs are bland," Kalen complained before attacking a bowl of mandarin oranges.


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Pitifully Ugly Part 28 summary

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