The Kill-off Part 3

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I fell asleep, slipping almost immediately into that old familiar dream where everyone in the band was me. I was on the trumpet, the sax-and-clarinet. I was on the trombone, at the drums, and, of course, the piano. All of us were me-the whole combo. And Danny Lee-Janie was the vocalist, but she-they were also me. And it was not perfect, the music was not quite perfect. But it was close, so close, by G.o.d! All we-I needed was a little more time-time is all it takes if you have it to work with-and . . .


It was a little after twelve, noon. The smell of coffee drifted through my window, along with s.n.a.t.c.hes of conversation.

It came from the boys' cabin-they were batching together to save money. They were keeping their voices low, and our cottages, like the others, were thirty feet apart. ("Don't like to be crowded," Pete told me, "and don't figure anyone else does.") But sound carries farther around water: "Did you hear what he said to me, claimin' I had a lip? Why, G.o.ddammit, I been pla yin' trumpet . . ."

"h.e.l.l, you got off easy! What about him asking me if I had rheumatism, and I needed a hammer to close the valves. . . ?"

"The wildeyed b.a.s.t.a.r.d is crazy, that's all! I leave it to you, Charlie. You ever hear me slide in or off a note? I ever have to feel for 'em? Why . . ."

They were all chiming in, trying to top one another. But the drummer finally got and held the floor. I listened to his complaints-the bitter low-pitched voice. And I was both startled and hurt.

Possibly I had seemed a little sharp to the others, but I certainly hadn't meant to. I had only been joking, trying to make light of something that could not be helped. With the drummer, however, I had been especially gentle-exceedingly careful to do or say nothing that might hurt his pride. He had nothing at all to feel bitter about that I could see.

It was true that I had joked with him, but in the mildest of ways. I had not so much corrected him as tried to get him to correct himself.

I had tossed him a bag of peanuts on one occasion. On a couple of others I had suddenly held a mirror in front of him, at the height of his idiotic, orgiastic contortions. I had had him look at himself, that was all. I had said nothing. It was pointless to say anything, since English was even more than a mystery to him than music, and I saw no necessity to. It seemed best simply to let him look at himself-at the man become monkey. And how that could possibly have made him sore, why he should blame me for the way he looked . . .

Well, the h.e.l.l with it. He wasn't worth worrying about or bothering with. None of them were. Only Danny Lee- Danny Lee's voice. I wished to G.o.d I could have gotten hold of her a couple of years sooner. By now, she'd have been at the top, so good that she wouldn't have been caught dead in a place like this.

I shaved and bathed and dressed. I walked over to her cottage, and told her to show at the pavilion at two o'clock sharp.

Then I dropped in on the boys.

They saw or heard me coming, for their voices rose suddenly in awkward self-conscious conversation. I went in, and there was a stilted exchange of greetings, and a heavy silence. And then two of them offered me coffee at the same time.

I declined, said I was eating in town. "By the way," I added. "Can I do anything for you guys in town? Mail some letters to the local for you?"

They knew I'd heard them then. I looked at them smiling, one eyebrow c.o.c.ked; glancing from one sheepish, reddening, silly face to another.

No one said a word. No one made a move. They almost seemed to have stopped breathing. And I stared at them, and suddenly I was sick with shame.

I mumbled that everything was Jake. I told them they'd better get out and have some fun; to rent a boat, buy some swim trunks-anything they needed-and to charge it to me.

"No rehearsal today," I said. "None any day."

I got out of there.

I ate and went to the pavilion, and went to work with Danny Lee.

After a while, Ralph Devore showed up.

Ralph's the handyman-janitor here. Also the floorman- the guy who moves around among the dancers, and maintains order and so on. He's a h.e.l.l of a handsome guy, vaguely reminiscent of someone I seem to have seen in pictures. He has a convertible Mercedes, which, I understand, he got through some elaborate chiseling. And dressed up in those fancy duds he has (given to him by wealthy summer people) he looks like a matinee idol. But he wasn't dressed up now. Now, when Danny Lee was seeing him for the first time, he looked like Bowery Bill from Trashcan Hill.

She was so burned up when he gave her a hand-and I kidded her about it-that she flounced her b.u.t.t at him.

She stomped off to the dressing room. Ralph and I chewed the fat a little. And I began to get a very sweet idea, a plan for giving Miss Danny her comeuppance. I could see that Ralph had fallen for her. He wanted her so bad he could taste it. So with him looking as he did-or could- and Danny being what she was...

I put it up to Ralph, giving him slightly less than the facts about Danny. I said that she not only looked like a nice girl, but she was one. Very nice. The sole support of her family, in fact. So how did that cut any ice? He wasn't going to rape her. He could just take her out, and leave the rest up to her. If she wanted to cut loose okay, and if not the same.

"Well . . ." He hesitated nervously. "It just don't somehow seem right, Rags; I mean, fooling a nice little girl like that. I don't like people foolin' me, and-"

"So where's the harm?" I said. "If she really wants to hang on to it, money won't make any difference to her. If it does make a difference-all the dough you're supposed to have-there's still no harm done. What she loses can't be worth much."

"Well, yeah," he said. "Yeah, but . . ."

I was afraid he was going to ask why my enthusiasm for the enterprise. But I needn't have worried. He was too absorbed in Danny, so hard hit that he was in kind of a trance. And vaguely, with part of my mind, I wondered about that.

Ralph had seen s.e.xy babes before. Seen them and had them. They were invariably kitchen maids or shop-girls on an outing, but still they had what it took. All that Ralph, being married, was interested in.

"She looks kind of tough," he murmured absently. "Awful sweet, kind of, but tough. Like she could be plenty hard-boiled if she took the notion."

"Oh, well," I said. "Think what a hard time, she's had. Supporting an invalid mother and-"

"I bet she knows her way around, don't she?"

"And you'd win," I said. "She can take care of herself, Ralph. You won't be taking advantage of her at all."

"Well . . ." He squirmed indecisively. "I-I-What you want me to do?"

He had some good clothes in his car. I told him to get washed and change into them, while I fixed things up with Danny. "And hurry," I said, as he hesitated. "Get back here as fast as you can. You can't keep a high cla.s.s girl like her waiting."

He snapped out of it, and hurried away.

I went down to the dressing room.

She was waiting there, sullen and defiant and a little afraid. I hadn't told her she could go to her cottage, so she waited. I looked at her sorrowfully, slowly shaking my head.

"Well, you really tore it that time, sister," I said. "You know who that guy was? Just about the richest man in this county. Owns most of the beach property around here. Has a big piece of this pavilion, as a matter of fact."

"I'll bet!" she said-but a trifle uncertainly. "Oh, sure."

"How did Pete Pavlov stack up to you?" I said. "Hardly a fas.h.i.+on-plate, huh? You just can't figure these local people that way, baby. They keep right on working after they get it. They don't go in for show while they're working."

She studied my face uncertainly, trying to read it. I took her by the elbow and led her to the window. "Who does that guy look like down there?" I said; for Ralph was just taking his clothes out of the Mercedes. "What do you think a buggy like that costs? You think an ordinary janitor would be driving it?"

She stiffened slightly; h.e.l.l, that Mercedes even bowls me over. Then she shrugged with attempted indifference. So what, she asked. What did it mean to her if he was loaded.

"Just thought you'd like to know," I said. "Just thought you might like to meet him. He could do a lot for a gal if he took the notion to."

"Uh-huh," she said. "You just want to help me, I suppose! You're doing me favors!"

"Suit yourself." I picked up my s.h.i.+rt and began putting it on. "It's entirely up to you, baby. You do a little thinking, though, and maybe you'll remember me doing you a favor or two before. It maybe'll occur to you that I can't be any harder on you than I am on myself, and it ain't making me a penny."

"All right!" she snapped. "What do you want me to do about it? I've tried to thank you! I've-I've-"

"Never mind," I said. "I'm satisfied just to see you get ahead. That's all I've ever wanted."

I finished b.u.t.toning my s.h.i.+rt. I tucked the tails in, studying her out of the corner of my eye.

She was wavering-teetering one way, then the other. Wavering and then convinced, like the stupid moronic tramp she was. There was nothing in her head. Only in her throat.

And you could dump a thousand gallons of vinegar down it, and she'd still expect the next cup to be lemonade.

"Well," she said. "He did seem awfully nice. I mean, I couldn't tell what he looked like much, but he acted nice and respectful. And-and he clapped for me."

"He's a wonderful guy," I said. "One of the best."

"Well . . . well, I guess I ought to apologize, anyway," she said. "I ought to do that, even if he was only a janitor."

She preceded me up the steps. She started to open the door that leads out to the bandstand, and suddenly I put out my hand.

"Danny. Wait . . . baby."

It was the way I said it, the last word. A way I'd never thought I could say it. To her. She froze in her tracks, one foot on one step, the other, the shorts drawn high and tight upon her thighs. Then, her head moved and she looked slowly over her shoulder.

"W-what?" she stammered. "What did you cal-say?"

"Nothing," I said. "I guess I . . . nothing."

"Tell me," she said. "Tell me what you want, Rags."

"I want," I said. "I want . . ."

The un.o.btainable, that was all. The nonexistent. The that which never-would-be. I wanted it and I did not want it, for once achieved there would be nothing left to live for.

"I want you to get your b.u.t.t out of my face," I said. "Fast. Before I kick it off of you."


I finished at the Thorncastle estate about four-thirty in the afternoon, and Mr. Thorncastle-that fine, democratic fat-bottomed man-paid me off personally.

My bill came to twelve dollars. I looked at him from under my lashes as he paid it, and he added an extra five. Managing to stroke my hand in the process. He is a very juicy-looking character, this Thorncastle. I had some difficulty in getting away from him without kicking him in the groin.

Father was already at the table when I reached home. I washed hastily and joined him, begging his pardon for keeping him waiting. He s.n.a.t.c.hed up his fork. Then he slammed it down, and asked me just how long I intended to keep up this nonsense.

"The yard work?" I said. "Why, permanently, perhaps. It would seem well suited to my station in life-you know, with so much racial discrimination-and-"

"Stop it!" His face whitened. "Don't ever let me hear you-"

"-and there's the money," I said. "A chance to advance myself financially."

"Like Ralph Devore, I suppose! Like the town odd-jobs man!"

I shrugged. The facts of the matter were under his nose even if he, like the rest of the town, was too dullwitted to see them. Ralph had earned approximately twenty-eight hundred dollars a year for the past twenty-two years. He had spent practically nothing. Ergo, he now had a minimum of fifty thousand dollars, and probably a great deal more.

He had it. He would have to. And now that his income was cut off, he would be worried frantic. For fifty thousand would not represent enough security to Ralph. Not fifty thousand or a hundred thousand. He would visualize its disappearing, vanis.h.i.+ng into nothingness before his life span had run. He would be terrified, and his terror must certainly react terrifyingly upon Luane.

I wondered where he had hidden the money, since, naturally, he had hidden it-how else could he keep its possession a secret?-as, in his insecurity, he would feel that he had to.

Well, no matter where it was now. There was still this first stage of the game to play. When it was played out, I would concentrate on the money-locate and appropriate it. And watch what happened to Luane, then.

She had behaved very badly, Luane. She had made the serious mistake of telling the truth.

That was unfair; it was theft. The truth was mine-I had earned it painfully and it belonged to me. And now, after years of waiting and planning, it was worthless. A heap of rust, instead of the stout, sharp-p.r.o.nged lever I was ent.i.tled to.

What good was the truth, now? How could I use it on him, now?

Not much. Not enough. Not nearly enough.

He was talking again, b.u.mbling on with his nonsense about my returning to school whether I thought I was or not.

"You're going, understand? You're going to complete your education. You can finish up your high school here, or you can go away. And then you're going on to-"

"Am I?" I said.

"You certainly are! Why-what kind of a boy are you? Letting some gossips, some fool woman spoil your life! No one believes anything she says."

"Oh, yes, they do," I said. "Yes, they do, father. I could name at least three who do, right here in our own household."

He stared at me, his mouth trembling, the mist of fear and frustration in his eyes. I winked at him, hoping he would start blubbering. But of course he didn't. He has too much pride for that-too much dignity. Ah, what a proud, upright man my father is!

"You have to leave," he said slowly. "You must see that you have to leave this town. With your mind-with no outlet for your intelligence . . ."

"I'll think about it," I said. "I'll let you know what I decide."

"I said you'd leave! You'll do what I say!"

"I'll tell you what I'll do," I said. "Exactly, dear father, as I d.a.m.ned please. And if what pleases me doesn't please you, you know what you can do about it."

He stood up, abruptly, flinging his napkin to the table. He said, yes, he confounded well did know what he could do; and he'd just about reached the point where he was ready to do it.

"You mean you'd call in the authorities?" I said. "I'd hate to see you do that, father. I'd feel forced to go into the background of my supposed incorrigibility, and the result might be embarra.s.sing for you."

I gave him a sunny smile. He whirled, and stamped away to his office.

He was back a moment later, his hat on, his medicine kit in one hand.

"Do one thing, at least," he said. "For your own good. Stay away from that Pavlov girl."

"Myra? Why should I stay away from her?" I said.

"Stay away from her," he repeated. "You know what Pete Pavlov's like. If-if you-he-"

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The Kill-off Part 3 summary

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