Heated Rush Part 7

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He glanced at the clock. After four. If he was going through with his date with Annie, he probably ought to get a move on. And if he wasn't....

He honestly couldn't decide. But knowing he didn't have time to fool around, he headed for the shower, using the hot water and the steam to clear his head, let him think straight.

"Second date or not?" he muttered.

The question reminded him of their conversation at the bar the other night, the way she'd made him work for that second date. And, hopefully, a third. G.o.d, but she'd been adorable.

Thoughts of Annie's gentle laugh, her bright smile, her slim, graceful body, had filled his head often since then. Now, though, what he remembered most was the smell of her. That soft, peaches and cream smell. He didn't know if it came from her shampoo, body lotion, or some kind of perfume. He only knew that whenever he thought about it, he wanted to taste her. To savor her like a ripe, juicy piece of fruit.

Right here in the luxurious bathroom would be a nice place to start doing all the things he wanted to do to her. He'd love to stand Annie in front of him in the shower, aiming the twin jets of water pulsing from the two showerheads directly at her.

Sean would tuck in behind her, his chest to her back, his c.o.c.k nestled up against her soft, sweet a.s.s, their bodies slick with soap. Though the tension of it would kill him-and he'd be dying to lean her forward and clench her hips so he could slide up into her from behind-he'd show restraint. Go slow.

He'd soap his hands, then reach around to delicately wash her. Thoroughly. Intimately. Giving careful attention to her throat, her neck, her beautiful b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Sliding one leg between hers, he'd hold her thighs apart, exposing her s.e.x to the stream of hot liquid cascading down from above. And then he'd help the water in its quest to pleasure her. He'd use his touch, the feel of his hot breath on her skin, his sultry whispers about how much he wanted her, to bring Annie's arousal level to a fever pitch.

"G.o.d, yes," he groaned, realizing he was already there.

His body had reacted to the heated thoughts and the stroke of his own hand as he washed himself.

Knowing there was no way in h.e.l.l he'd give up the chance to see her tonight-to have their second date as they inched closer to that ever-important third one-Sean gave himself over to it. To fantasy, to sensation, to antic.i.p.ation.

His mind filled with images of Annie with her head thrown back as he pleasured her. Her pink-tipped b.r.e.a.s.t.s arching toward his mouth. It was her her hand on his c.o.c.k, wrapped tight, stroking him into madness. hand on his c.o.c.k, wrapped tight, stroking him into madness. Her Her touch bringing him higher and higher. touch bringing him higher and higher.

His mind suddenly conjured up the scent of peaches.

Leaning one arm against the slick tile wall, he pumped into his own fist, practically feeling Annie's tight little body clenching him, wringing him dry of thought and sensation. Until finally his every muscle stiffened. A roar of heat rushed through his veins and he came with a soft groan of pleasure.

It was enough for now. But it couldn't begin to compare, he knew, to what was waiting for him when he did truly make love to Annie Davis.

Which meant the answer was yes to their second date.

ANNIE HADN'T HAD to go shopping for a dress. She wasn't a clotheshorse, and seldom had use for dressy outfits. But that didn't mean she hadn't done what every red-blooded American woman did whenever she pa.s.sed an end-of-season clearance rack-grab a little black c.o.c.ktail dress if she saw the right size. to go shopping for a dress. She wasn't a clotheshorse, and seldom had use for dressy outfits. But that didn't mean she hadn't done what every red-blooded American woman did whenever she pa.s.sed an end-of-season clearance rack-grab a little black c.o.c.ktail dress if she saw the right size.

She'd forgotten about the ones she'd stashed away at the back of her closet in recent years. Not just in black, but in red and navy, too. All with the tags still attached.

But she didn't decide to wear one of those. Because Annie had a problem. She did not know for sure sure that Sean was taking her somewhere that would require a c.o.c.ktail dress. that Sean was taking her somewhere that would require a c.o.c.ktail dress.

According to what she'd just discovered, a pair of jeans and a baseball cap might be more appropriate.

"You are such a contradiction," she mumbled, staring at Sean's photo in the slick brochure from Monday night's auction.

She had grabbed the program from the center console of her minivan when she got home from work, shoving the usual contents-empty bottle, rattle, spare pacifier, blanket-out of the way. Hoping to find out the name of the restaurant where they'd be dining so she could decide what to wear, she'd read the paragraph beneath his picture. And had been thoroughly confused.

"A home game at Wrigley," she read again. "Followed by wings and beer at a pub."

That so so didn't sound like the kind of dinner she'd envisioned. Sean had specifically mentioned her yellow dress, and even the most clueless of guys-which he wasn't-would know a woman wouldn't wear something like that to a baseball game. didn't sound like the kind of dinner she'd envisioned. Sean had specifically mentioned her yellow dress, and even the most clueless of guys-which he wasn't-would know a woman wouldn't wear something like that to a baseball game.

Wally, who was sprawled in his favorite so-not-cat-like spread-eagle position on the couch, lifted his head to see if she was speaking to him. Not that he usually paid any attention, at least, not unless she had food. "Go back to sleep," she said. "Better yet, go into my room and stay there so you can't be mean to Sean."

He ignored her. Wally wasn't the most friendly creature. When her brother Jed had come to visit, the disdainful cat had actually peed on his shoes.

Picturing the horrendous possibilities, she picked Wally up and took him with her to the bedroom, bringing the brochure along, too. Now that she'd caught sight of that picture again, her eyes kept going back to it, acknowledging that, yes, she truly was going on a date with that that incredible man. incredible man.

Giving in to a sudden impulse, Annie tore Sean's page out of the program so she could save it. She was obviously channeling her Tiger-Beat-Magazine-loving tween self. Because if she drew hearts around his face and wrote "Sean Loves Annie" in spiky cursive handwriting, it would look much like the artwork that had adorned her bedroom walls when she'd been twelve.

"Crazy," she said, laughing at herself for the silliness. Tara would have such a field day with this one.

Realizing she was running out of time, Annie showered, put on the basics in terms of makeup, and left her hair down in its usual slick bob.

But that didn't solve the problem of the clothes. That was why, when she heard a knock on her apartment door at seven o'clock, she was wearing nothing but a bra and panties, covered with a short, silky blue robe.

When she answered and saw Sean standing there in a dark, tailored suit, she knew she should have gone with a dress.

"Good G.o.d, woman, are you tryin' to kill me here?"

He stared at her from the doorway, his eyes narrowing as he noted the deep vee of the robe and the tight cinch of the tie around her waist. She could almost see the hunger wash over him, like a wave of warm water, as he parted his lips and breathed audibly across them.

"Give me a piece of pizza," he muttered. "We'll call this number two and I'll come back in an hour for our third date."

Pizza wasn't a food anyone would a.s.sociate with someone who looked like him. Not tonight, anyway.

His long, dark hair was pulled back into a short ponytail, his ruggedly handsome freshly shaved. The impeccably tailored jacket highlighted the broad shoulders, the splashy colors of his tie completely in style. The trousers skimmed over his lean hips and she'd wager his shoes were Italian.

And he was a rescue worker? Good grief, the man looked like he should be on the pages of a Hollywood magazine. She couldn't help thinking any ambulance he stepped out of at a rescue scene could only be on a movie set.

She really needed to ask him where he worked.

Wherever it was, pizza just wouldn't cut it. Caviar, maybe-though Annie had never tasted it, and had no desire to.

"Or have you changed your mind about that third date requirement?" he asked, sounding hopeful as he stepped inside.

Annie pushed the door closed, then looked up at him, wanting suddenly to lean up on tiptoe and nibble on that little gold stud in his ear. "This wasn't intentional. I wasn't sure what to wear," she replied.

Her voice was shaky, her attention still on that tiny nub of gold. She had absolutely no doubt that if she nibbled, he'd have her on her back in two minutes flat.

So take a bite.

"Please tell me you're not one of those those women." women."

"Those women?"

"I mean, I'm not going to have to stand here for an hour while you try on everything in your closet and get my opinion?" His expression suddenly wolfish, he added, "Though, of course, if you want my opinion on what to wear under under your dress, I'd be happy to oblige." your dress, I'd be happy to oblige."

Hmm. Tempting. Especially since she was wearing a peach-colored bra and panty set that brought a warm glow to her skin.

Forget it. You're being careful now, remember? Three dates isn't too much to expect.

Yeah, yeah. The woman who'd been knocked down by romance recently knew the little voice of caution was right.

The one who hadn't had a lover in a year-and was looking at the s.e.xiest man she'd ever seen-was saying, "Screw it." Especially since she knew Sean would only be around through this weekend. Then he'd be leaving, gone back to...wherever. Exiting her life as quickly and decisively as he'd entered it.

The realization stung, hitting her hard somewhere deep inside, where she shouldn't shouldn't already be affected by a near-stranger. already be affected by a near-stranger.

So do it. Take him while you've got the chance.

G.o.d, it was tempting. And if it hadn't been for her recent experience with Blake, she might well have done it. As it was, however, she just couldn't. "I think I can manage. I'll dress quickly and we can go."

He wasn't paying attention. Sean's gaze had moved down and his clenched jaw and stiffened shoulders told her he was definitely affected by what he saw.

She glanced down and realized why. Her mouth might have been saying they needed to go, but her hands obviously hadn't gotten the message. Because she'd released her grip on the edges of the robe. The silky fabric had slid apart, deepening the vee. It now extended all the way down to the loose tie at the waist, revealing her bra...and a whole lot of skin.

"Peach," he whispered. "My new favorite."

Sean stared at her with such raw want, such masculine intensity, she didn't know whether to be drawn forward, or intimidated into stepping back.

She simply wasn't used to it. Annie Davis, the glorified babysitter, just wasn't the type to inspire the kind of raw desire she saw in this man's eyes. And while it thrilled her, it also scared her half to death. Because all her protestations about being careful and going slow were on the verge of flying out the window.

"I have to taste you," he said.

And there they went.

Sean eliminated the s.p.a.ce between them without another word. He walked right into her mouth, capturing her lips with his, his tongue plunging fast and deep.

Already shaking from the pleasure of it, Annie lifted her arms to encircle his neck, and tilted her head for more. More heat, more wild thrusts, more sensation.

His big, strong hands separated the robe, pus.h.i.+ng it wide so he could stroke her waist. His fingers skimmed up her body, across her midriff, then sliding around to capture her hips. He tugged her against him, until Annie could feel the big, hard ridge of his erection pressing against her.

Pure, undiluted need flooded her. Her panties tightened against her s.e.x, and she arched harder against him, desperate for more. "Sean," she groaned against his mouth.

He kissed his way along her jaw and down, licking, tasting, even biting a little as he reached her neck. Every touch brought another quiver, each taste sending another thrill through her until her legs shook.

"I've been dreaming about peaches," he admitted as he kissed his way down her. Gently pus.h.i.+ng her until the backs of her legs reached the edge of the sofa, he lowered her onto the arm of it. "Let me see how sweet you taste."

The very idea of refusing him was ridiculous. She wanted his mouth on about a hundred different spots on her body-followed by a hundred more.

"Please do," she whispered, shrugging her shoulders to let the robe fall off. She tossed it away, then lifted her hands to his hair, twining her fingers in its inky black strands.

Sean bent to nuzzle in the seam between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, breathing heavily, as if he wanted to inhale her. Annie's skin puckered, her nipples hardening against the lace of her bra. Noticing, Sean rubbed his cheek against the tip of one, even as he ran his finger along the swell of the other.

She arched toward his touch, wanting more than the tauntingly light caress he was giving her. As if knowing it, Sean drew the tension out even more, toying with her, moving back and forth to breathe on her nipples through the fabric, until Annie was squirming.

She squirmed so much she fell back onto the couch.

"Don't leave without me," he said with a laugh as he followed her down, kneeling on the floor in front of her.

"I'm not going anywhere anywhere without you," she said, letting him hear the innuendo in her words. without you," she said, letting him hear the innuendo in her words.

"I don't know, love," he said as he moved his mouth back to her body, now tasting the vulnerable flesh below her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. "I'd like to see how far I can make you go."

Then he proceeded to find out. Sean lowered the strap of her bra, kissing his way down every inch of her breast as he revealed it. She was a living bundle of nerve endings, waiting for the touch she most craved, and when he gave it to her-covering her nipple with his mouth-she cried out.

He drew deep, sucked hard, until she felt the draw between her legs. Uncovering her other breast, he toyed with the taut peak, his fingers feeling almost as good as his mouth.

Eventually, when he'd driven her out of her mind with his attention to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, Sean moved down her midriff, kissing her stomach, tasting her navel. He went lower, until his lips brushed the elastic of her panties and his hot breaths pressed the silky fabric against the lips of her s.e.x.

They were reaching the point of no return here. h.e.l.l, they were probably already past it. And Annie was absolutely desperate for him to tug that fabric away with his teeth and dive into her like a starving man would at a buffet.

Instead, he surprised her by kissing his way back up her body. Reaching her face, he brushed his mouth against hers, and slid his hand into her hair. "Second date...second base, right?"

She let out a shaky breath. "I don't remember the bases...but I kind of think we went around second and were sliding into third there."

"I'm an Irishman. What do I know about baseball?"

He kissed her again, so tenderly she knew he was about to stand up and end the interlude. Half wanting to bless him for having the strength to stand by her her convictions-when she so obviously didn't-she also wanted to grab him by the hair and pull him back down. convictions-when she so obviously didn't-she also wanted to grab him by the hair and pull him back down.

"Annie," he murmured as he began to rise. "I didn't come here to seduce you into changing your mind. Let me take you out and we'll stick by our agreement." Reaching for her hand, he added, "Just be prepared. When I bring you back here on Sunday after our third date-at your parents' place-I won't be leaving for many many hours." hours."

His words weren't so much a statement as a promise, and it was emphasized by the sultry half smile on his mouth. It didn't exactly make the ache between her thighs go away, but did relieve the one in her head which had started the moment she'd realized he really was going to stop.

She couldn't think of what would happen after Sunday. Where he'd go, whether she'd ever hear from him again.

That would turn the pounding behind her eyes into a full-blown migraine.

"Now go get dressed."

"Okay," she said, letting him pull her to her feet. His gaze locked on her bared b.r.e.a.s.t.s, the heat in them stopping her heart and almost sending her tumbling back to the couch. Then he reached for her robe and handed it to her.


"I know exactly what I'm wearing," she whispered as she tugged her bra back into place and donned the robe. Hoping she didn't still sound as thoroughly aroused as she felt, she forced a smile. "I'll only be a minute."

His eyebrows went up. "So the answering-the-door-in-the-robe wasn't really necessary?"

"Oh, it was necessary," she said over her shoulder as she strode across the small living room. "I was confused about whether we were going on the date you offered in the program, or to a nice restaurant. I just had to wait and see how you were dressed before I knew for sure."

"What program?" he asked.

But Annie didn't turn around to answer. It had taken sheer determination to stride away from him as if she'd gone back to normal just as easily and quickly as he obviously had. She wasn't up for trying to chat when her legs felt like two bunches of rubber bands, without strength or form. Pus.h.i.+ng her bedroom door closed, she leaned back against it, taking the opportunity to suck in a few deep, shattered breaths.

It took about a minute, but her heart rate finally returned to normal. Once it had, Annie moved fast. She grabbed her brush, fixed her hair, then touched up her makeup.

"Elegant," she told her reflection, going a bit heavier on the eye shadow. For a ball game, the soft beige would have been fine. A shadowy restaurant called for something more dramatic. At least, as dramatic as she could get in sixty seconds.

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Heated Rush Part 7 summary

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