Heated Rush Part 8

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She finished getting ready quickly, going with the dark, glittery red dress. While she usually stuck with softer, spring colors, tonight she wanted to stand out, to be as vivid as a flame. To look like someone who should be on the arm of a man as good-looking as Sean.

Remembering the confusion in Sean's voice when he'd asked about the program, Annie grabbed the page she'd torn out. The comment he'd made about baseball a few minutes ago-not the s.e.xual innuendo, but the actual game-made her wonder why why he would offer a woman a date to a Cubs game. It just seemed so out of character. he would offer a woman a date to a Cubs game. It just seemed so out of character.

Something wasn't adding up. Intending to ask him about it over dinner, Annie folded carefully folded the page and tucked it into her purse.

When she walked back into the other room five minutes after she'd left it, her clothes were changed, her pulse was back to normal, and her freshly changed panties were completely dry.

Though, if they stayed that way all evening, she'd be shocked.

"Okay, I'm..." Her words trailed off as she noticed Sean holding something curled up like a baby in his arms.

It was Wally. And he was purring. purring.

Shock made her jaw drop. "You drugged him. Like in that movie Something About Mary. Something About Mary. He's He's never never this friendly." this friendly."

"Are you kidding? He's a big softie." He scratched the cat under his chin, and Wally rubbed his furry head against the man's hands. His very talented hands, as she knew well.

Maybe it wasn't so strange that Wally was being nice to someone else for the first time in his life. Sean's hands could make a grown woman purr...why not a cat?

Shaking off the memory of those hands on her body, she said, "He also sheds badly. Your jacket will be a mess."

Shrugging, Sean lowered the cat to the sofa, then began to pick the fur off his previously immaculate suit coat. Pus.h.i.+ng his hands away, Annie did it for him, suddenly struck by the cozy intimacy of such an act. Like they were a regular couple, going out on a regular date.

It was...nice.

A little confused and suddenly feeling awkward, she stepped back. "That's better. I guess we're both ready."

He looked her up and down. "I didn't know women were capable of getting dressed so quickly."

"I shouldn't be. It's not like I wear clothes like this very often. But I'm a pro at yanking on a new s.h.i.+rt to replace one that's got baby formula or strained peas on it."

He grinned. "Hazards of the job."

"Yep. But it's nice to do something different. Now, at least if my mother asks me if you've taken me anywhere special, I can honestly say yes."

His grin faded, and she immediately regretted reminding him of how they'd met and why they were together. So much for being a normal couple. It had been lovely to pretend for a moment...but it wasn't true.

Maybe it was good to be reminded of that. She needed to remember that whether or not they had an official "third date"-and everything it entailed-this wasn't going to go anywhere. How could it? She knew almost nothing nothing about this man. Not where he lived, where he worked. Not where he was headed after this weekend. She only knew how he affected her. about this man. Not where he lived, where he worked. Not where he was headed after this weekend. She only knew how he affected her.

Isn't that enough? that reckless inner voice whispered. A fling with a gorgeous man was probably just what the s.e.x doctor would order after the Blake fiasco. that reckless inner voice whispered. A fling with a gorgeous man was probably just what the s.e.x doctor would order after the Blake fiasco.

It was definitely something to consider.

"Have you been telling your family about a new boyfriend?"

Annie jerked her head back, wondering if he saw the guilt in her eyes. She quickly glanced around the apartment, looking for some telltale sign that she'd been seeing someone recently. Blake had only ever been inside her place a few times, so she had no idea what it could be.

"Because, I imagine they think he's someone special if you're bringing him home for a family event like this."

Of course. He wasn't overly suspicious, just asking a natural question. "Uh...yeah."

"Do I have a name?" He sounded resigned. "Please say it's not somethin' stupid like Pierce or Todd."

"Blake," she whispered.


"I haven't given any details about looks, personality, age or anything," she quickly added. "They just know-er-believe, that I've been seeing someone." that I've been seeing someone."

And thank G.o.d for that. Maybe not telling her family anything about Blake-including the fact that he had a son-had been an indication that, deep inside, Annie had known something was wrong with the relations.h.i.+p. That same instinct might have kept her from actually having s.e.x with him.

So perhaps she ought to give her instincts a break. They'd served her well in that much, at least.

"I should have known, given the mumbling you were doing at the auction the other night."

She'd forgotten about that.

"All right, I suppose we can work with that. But, oh, woman, did you intentionally set yourself up to have your brothers hara.s.s you? Why on earth did you pick such a girly-man name?"

She bit her lip, preventing a quick laugh. Oh, would she love to see Blake's expression if he heard those words coming out of this incredibly hot man's mouth.

No. Actually, she wouldn't. She never wanted to see that man again, never wanted to think about him or even remember she'd once let herself believe she was falling for him. Actually, she wouldn't. She never wanted to see that man again, never wanted to think about him or even remember she'd once let herself believe she was falling for him.

He was the past. Who might be in her future, she couldn't say. But for her present-for this weekend-there was only Sean.

"Just a lapse in judgment," she admitted softly, both to him and to herself. "It was a simple mistake, one I need to forget about."

Starting right now.


SEAN HAD BEEN grabbing taxis while in Chicago for this trip. But since he had wanted Annie to get the full "auction date" package, he had hired a limo for the evening. When they walked out of her apartment building and she saw the long, s.h.i.+ny black vehicle standing at the curb, her eyes widened in delight. grabbing taxis while in Chicago for this trip. But since he had wanted Annie to get the full "auction date" package, he had hired a limo for the evening. When they walked out of her apartment building and she saw the long, s.h.i.+ny black vehicle standing at the curb, her eyes widened in delight.

"Thank you," she murmured as he escorted her to the door, where the driver stood waiting. "You went all out for tonight, when you didn't have to. I'm sure you spent way too much money."

He could certainly afford it, but didn't say that. Annie hadn't asked him about his job, how he lived, what he lived on. He wanted to keep it that way a little while longer. "Who says I didn't have to? You put out a lot of money at the auction..."

"For this weekend," she clarified as they got into the car. She slid across the leather seat, making room for him to sit beside her. As he did, her long, slim leg brushed against his, and Sean had to tug his stare away by sheer force of will. He hardly heard her as she continued. "And you're paying me back in full by helping me out with my family." She waved a hand, gesturing at the inside of the car. "This...was definitely over and above the call of duty."

His smile wolfish, he asked, "Does that mean you want to go back upstairs and give me a piece of pizza for date two?"

Laughing softly, she shook her head. "Not on your life."

During the ride to the restaurant, she checked out every inch of the car, peeking into the minibar, tapping her nail against the rim of a gla.s.s to test the crystal. She didn't go so far as to open the sunroof and pop up through it, but otherwise, seemed to enjoy every typical bit of a standard limo ride. He suspected she'd never been in one.

Sean wasn't the limo type. He much preferred taxis to get around cities he was visiting, or his own cars when he was at home. But it was fun to watch her. Considering the small apartment, her simple clothes, her understated jewelry and her salt-of-the-earth background, he suspected Annie didn't indulge in luxuries very often.

He liked indulging her. And was glad to be in the position to be able to do it.

It certainly hadn't always been that way.

Sean had grown up with money, though his father hadn't believed in spoiling his son and heir. But he'd never lacked for anything. When he'd lit out on his own, however, things had changed. He hadn't been broke, but the trust fund his paternal grandmother had left him had only gone so far. He'd nursed it along, doing the starving-student thing-hostels, backpacking-while figuring out what he wanted to do with his life. Still, the fund had grown dangerously small.

Then he'd figured out what he was really good at-charming people and making deals-and had begun to make serious money.

He'd never looked back.

"So where are we going?"

He named the restaurant, which she hadn't heard of. That didn't surprise him. He wasn't taking her to one of the typical well-known establishments in town. This was the kind of place that only locals frequented, since it sat atop a private condominium high-rise. Sean had stumbled across it on a previous visit and knew its ambiance, location near the water and outstanding food were perfect for tonight.

As nice as the restaurant was, he did have one regret about its location. It wasn't very far, meaning their intimate car ride would go by much too quickly. So he couldn't even think think about trying to introduce her to one of the nicest perks of being chauffeured-hot, steamy car s.e.x. about trying to introduce her to one of the nicest perks of being chauffeured-hot, steamy car s.e.x.

Second date, remember?

"I could get used to this," she finally said as she sank back into the seat, closing her eyes. Her long lashes brushed her high cheekbones. Sean suddenly had the urge to kiss her there, to brush his lips against those closed lids, then work his way across her temple and over to her fragile earlobes.

He resisted. They had a whole evening to get through, then an entire weekend surrounded by her family. He needed to get a grip on himself-on the desire that had been coursing through him since he'd first set eyes on Annie Monday night. For a man used to taking things slow, antic.i.p.ating and savoring the very best things in life, his hunger for her was maddening.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Sean tipped the maitre d' to get the table he wanted. It was a very private one in an alcove beside windows that overlooked the lake far below them. The dull green water appeared crystalline from this height and glimmered under the last rays of the setting summer sun.

"Beautiful," she murmured.

She was. The view was all right, too. was. The view was all right, too.

"You can see forever. It's hard to believe the ocean is bigger than this. Not that I'd know."

He raised a brow. "You don't mean..."

"Nope. I've never seen it." Her jaw stiffened. "But I intend to. In fact, I intend to see all all of them." of them."

That would be a good trick, given the temperatures in the Arctic. But he had noted her resolute tone and wasn't about to argue with her. This delicate, sweet-faced woman had serious will. She'd certainly proven the lengths she'd go to in order to get what she a weekend with him. him.

Still, the idea that she'd never even traveled to either side of her own country stunned him. Maybe it was because the width of his his country could be traversed in a single day. country could be traversed in a single day.

Or maybe it was because he had such a hard time seeing her in that world. How could this strong-willed woman-who'd gone after what she wanted with both hands-have come from a family who had never even noticed her hunger for something more?

He was still shaking his head over it when the waiter brought the wine he'd ordered. As he sampled it, doing the typical wine-opening dance with the tuxedoed waiter, he realized Annie was watching closely, wearing a tiny frown.

"What's wrong?" he asked when they were again alone.

"Nothing." She shook her head slowly, then admitted, "It's just...I don't know how this weekend is going to go over."

"Because we're practically strangers and have to pretend to be intimately involved?"

Her cheeks colored a little, and he knew she was thinking of the intimacies they'd shared at her apartment.

"Okay. So we are intimately involved," he conceded. Though not intimately enough Though not intimately enough. "But we haven't known each other long."

"And you're very different."

Since he'd just been thinking about her background, he knew where she was heading. "You mean from your family."

She nodded.

"Are you saying I'm not exactly the 'bring him home to meet the parents' type of bloke?"

She shook her head. "I shouldn't have said anything. You'll be fine. Even if you aren't what I'd expected."

"What were you expecting?"

She lifted her gla.s.s of wine, sipped, raised an appreciative brow, then replied. "Not an Irishman, for one thing. From the bio, I thought I'd be getting some nice boy from a blue-collar neighborhood who grew up watching E.R. E.R. and decided to become a paramedic." and decided to become a paramedic."

"A what? what?"

She eyed him quizzically. "A paramedic. That's what you are, right? Or, do I have the terminology wrong? Are you an EMT?"

"Annie, I haven't got any idea what you're talking about."

Hesitating for one moment, as if making sure his shock was genuine, she reached for her purse and pulled out a folded piece of paper. "I grabbed this earlier. I had the feeling something was a little strange. Read it for yourself," she said, shoving the page at him. "It says nothing about you being an Irishman...just about you being a rescue worker."

Sean grabbed the page, read it intently, and shook his head in utter bewilderment. Because the words beneath his picture made absolutely no sense. "That's not me."

"It's you," she insisted.

"I meant the description. description. I'm not that man." Unable to figure out what the h.e.l.l was going on, he frowned, "I know I sent the correct information, that I'm a..." How had he worded it? "An international, traveling businessman." I'm not that man." Unable to figure out what the h.e.l.l was going on, he frowned, "I know I sent the correct information, that I'm a..." How had he worded it? "An international, traveling businessman."

Annie's eyes widened and she grabbed the sheet out of his hands. She flipped it over, scanned the words beneath the photo of Bachelor Number Nineteen, and said, "Aha! Is this this what you wrote?" what you wrote?"

Sean read the bio. European businessman. Worldly. Loves travel, women and playing. European businessman. Worldly. Loves travel, women and playing. Yeah, that sounded like what he'd said. After all, putting "paid escort for rich women" hadn't sounded right. "Consultant making difficult deals for international companies" hadn't either. So he'd gone a little overboard with the adjectives that might appeal to the bachelor-auction type. Yeah, that sounded like what he'd said. After all, putting "paid escort for rich women" hadn't sounded right. "Consultant making difficult deals for international companies" hadn't either. So he'd gone a little overboard with the adjectives that might appeal to the bachelor-auction type.

"Yes, it is. Somebody obviously mixed up the biographies." A small smile widened his lips as he caught sight of the picture above his his bio. "I wonder how that Jake guy liked being mistaken for a...for bio. "I wonder how that Jake guy liked being mistaken for a...for me. me."

"Let's just hope the woman who sh.e.l.led out twenty-five grand wasn't dying for a guy with an accent."

He was silent for a moment, considering, then suddenly laughed out loud. Good G.o.d, the women who'd bid in such a frenzy over the laid-back paramedic...Was it possible they had been tipped off about what to look for in Sean's Sean's bio, and that's what had driven the amount up to such an extreme figure? bio, and that's what had driven the amount up to such an extreme figure?

If so, he really really felt bad for the other man. Boy, was he going to have some explaining to do to the woman who'd sh.e.l.led out that much money to be with him. felt bad for the other man. Boy, was he going to have some explaining to do to the woman who'd sh.e.l.led out that much money to be with him.

Sean, however, had no such worries. Annie had bid on him for no reason other than the ones she'd already shared. Which was pretty d.a.m.ned honest and refres.h.i.+ng, considering the dealings he'd had with women for the past several years. "Well, then, now I don't feel so bad about being outsold."

Annie sipped her drink again, her soft blue eyes gleaming in the low light. The sun had gone down, the interior of the restaurant descending into shadow and candlelight. The golden flicker of the flame picked up the highlights in her long, blond hair, and emphasized the fragility of her jaw, the slenderness of her throat.

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Heated Rush Part 8 summary

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