Last Riders: Lucky's Choice Part 27

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The young girl turned red, looking down at the floor.

"I'm ready for you," s.e.x Piston said as the pretty blonde left the shop.

Once Willa crossed the floor and sat down in the chair, Sissy began sweeping again. Then Willa felt a tug on her hair. Thinking s.e.x Piston was being unusually rough, she glanced upward, and their eyes met in silence. With the flick of her wrist, s.e.x Piston flipped her top up, showing a scar on her abdomen. Then she felt s.e.x Piston's finger touch the bald spot on her scalp which she always kept hidden.

s.e.x Piston was one of the strongest women Willa knew, and she was telling her she had also been a victim of bullying. Ever since the day Georgia had attacked her, she had felt like a scared child who was too afraid to strike back. However, right in that instant, a burgeoning of confidence began to grow inside of her.

"d.a.m.n, b.i.t.c.h, look at that rock on her finger!" s.e.x Piston grabbed her hand, lifting it so the other women in the shop could see.

"Lucky and I are engaged." Willa smiled. She couldn't contain all the joy she was feeling.

"I don't talk to Lily and Beth one day, and I miss all the gossip," s.e.x Piston fussed.

"I asked them not to. I wanted to tell you all today."

"Does this mean we get to have another bachelorette party?" Crazy b.i.t.c.h asked.

"f.u.c.k no. The last one almost killed me," Killyama complained.

"I'm with Killyama; one was more than enough." Willa still had problems with recalling certain parts of that night.

"I heard one is never enough for Lucky." Willa's smile slipped at Sissy's snide comment. "For none of The Last Riders, either. I don't know why anyone would want to pick one when you can have them all. Viper promised, as soon as I turn nineteen, I can join the club. Don't worry, Willa; I only need six of the eight votes."

Willa gasped, not at what Sissy said, but at Killyama's reaction.

The woman moved like a pouncing tigress, jerking the broom away from Sissy, and began hitting the girl with it.

"s.h.i.+t!" Crazy b.i.t.c.h ran toward Killyama, but she couldn't get close because the broom was moving so fast.

Willa tried to get up to stop the crazed woman, but s.e.x Piston pushed her back down on the chair.

"Sit your a.s.s down. Killyama won't hurt her too bad. It's a plastic broom."

Willa could only sit and gawk as Killyama hit the girl several times across her b.u.t.t and thighs. Sissy curled into a ball on the floor with her hands over her head.

"If I see your a.s.s near The Last Riders, I'll f.u.c.king rip those t.i.ts of yours off! You want a man, you find him in Texas, because that's where I'm taking you when I get done. I see you back in Treepoint or Jamestown again, and I'll make f.u.c.king sure the only man who wants to f.u.c.k you is a blind one!" Killyama threw the broom down on the floor then reached down and jerked Sissy to her feet by her hair.

Sissy screamed in pain, tears pouring down her face while Killyama threw her in Willa's direction at the same time the shop door opened as T.A. came inside.

"Tell Willa you're sorry," Killyama ordered.

"I'm ... I'm sorry." Sissy was crying so hard she could barely talk.

"It's all right-"

"Shut up," snarled Killyama. "That b.i.t.c.h should be kissing your a.s.s. Talking about babies' snotty noses when she's an ungrateful little snot. Quit crying! I took a worse beating when I was in fifth grade." Killyama threw one of the shop towels at Sissy. "Get your a.s.s in my car. I'll be there in a minute."

Sissy ran past T.A. and out the door.

"What did I miss?"

"Killyama beat the s.h.i.+t out of Sissy," Crazy b.i.t.c.h told her, reaching for a cupcake when her client practically ran outside after throwing some cash down on the reception desk.

"Oh." T.A. went to the counter, taking a cupcake while Killyama went to the door.

"Is it just me or is this box-" T.A. began.

"Make up your f.u.c.king mind about what color pink to use," Killyama said as she shot a glare at Willa.

Willa opened and closed her mouth. Killyama in a temper was scarier than Georgia ever had been.

"I guess that one then. Everyone noticed it."

"What shade is it?" T.A. asked dubiously.

"That one is Pink Flamingo."

"I'd pick another one," s.e.x Piston offered her own business advice. "And she's not the only one who needs to make up her mind."

Killyama threw her friend a glare of rage before going out the door and slamming it shut behind her.

Willa turned back to face s.e.x Piston.

"Don't worry about Sissy. Killyama's calmed down. She just has STS."


"Sudden Train Syndrome. She freaks the f.u.c.k out when she thinks about Train and a clubhouse of women."

"She likes Train?" Willa asked, grateful for the change in topic.

After all, Lucky had told her he had given up his cut, which Willa took to mean that he was no longer a Last Rider. He had told her all her friends' husbands remained faithful to their wives, and she was happy for them, but she was much more comfortable with the quiet life she envisioned for herself and Lucky.

"She hates Train, but that doesn't stop her from wanting him."

Killyama was the complete opposite of herself. She was filled with confidence. The clothes she wore clung to her body yet weren't as suggestive as her friends. They fit along the lines of her body so that, when she walked, it was like a cat about to spring on you if you made the wrong movement.

Willa had talked briefly with Train at Winter's wedding and Lily's shower. His low voice had sent her scurrying to her friends. He had been polite, but in his dark eyes she had seen swirling emotions.

"She should go for Rider. He's much friendlier."

"Rider would p.i.s.s himself. He's afraid of Killyama." Crazy b.i.t.c.h threw herself down in the shop chair next to hers, eating a cupcake.

s.e.x Piston began pasting Willa's hair with the hair color, lifting the sections as she worked.

"I noticed last time that you don't have your ears pierced. How come?"

"I just haven't ever done it." Willa brought her hand to her ear, but it was slapped away by s.e.x Piston.

"Why not?" T.A. pressed.

Willa sighed. "I'm afraid of needles."

All three women burst into laughter, and Crazy b.i.t.c.h even had to wipe tears away.

"How do you feel about knives?"

Willa knocked on Lucky's office door.

"Come in."

She opened the door, seeing her fiance sitting behind his desk, working, and he was wearing one of her favorite suits. The charcoal-grey color did things to his skin that made Willa get a warm feeling in her stomach.

His face broke into a welcoming smile when he saw her.

"I see your appointment went well. You look fantastic."

Willa blushed at his compliment, coming to a stop on the other side of his desk. "Thanks. Are you busy?"

"For you? No."

"I wanted to ask a quick question."

"In a minute." Lucky leaned back in his chair. "Come here."

Willa tilted her head to the side. "Why?"

"Because my future wife needs to give me a h.e.l.lo kiss."

"Oh." Willa turned red as she moved around the desk to bend down and kiss Lucky briefly on the lips. When she would have risen up, his hand went to the nape of her neck, holding her in place.

"Like this." His seductive voice had her stomach clenching tighter. Then his tongue thrust demandingly into her mouth until her hands plastered against the front of his s.h.i.+rt, and she kissed him back. "That's the way I want you to tell me h.e.l.lo."

"I can do that," Willa whispered.

"Good. Now what was the question you wanted to ask?"

Willa stared helplessly in his eyes, unable to return to reason as quickly as him.

"You said you had a question to ask me."

"Oh." Willa straightened, reluctantly taking her hands away. "Did Viper promise Sissy that she could join The Last Riders?"

"Moon did, not Viper," Lucky admitted.

"You're joking, right? Moon promised an underage girl that she could join a s.e.x club?"

"Relax, Willa. Moon told her she had to be nineteen." Lucky held his hand up. "The promise is one that Viper has no intention of honoring, though. You have nothing to worry about," Lucky a.s.sured her.

"I don't?" Willa was having a hard time retaining her temper. "Did you know that Sissy ran away from Texas? s.e.x Piston gave her a job... well, she did. I think she's been fired. Killyama is driving her back."

"She is?"

Willa nodded.

Lucky laughed. "We won't have to deal with her again."

She decided to change the subject before she became angry at his att.i.tude toward Sissy. Willa traced a paper on his desk. "You have several appointments today."

"I schedule couples' counseling on Wednesdays. In the morning, I spend my time with couples about to be married. In the afternoon, with those already married."

"Why haven't we done that?" Willa asked with interest.

"Because it would be hard to counsel myself," Lucky replied with a grin.

Once the idea took hold, Willa didn't want to give it up. "What kinds of things do you counsel the ones getting married on?"

Lucky leaned back in his leather chair, rocking it back and forth casually with his hands laced together across his flat stomach. Willa swallowed hard. Lucky made her want to touch him, yet she couldn't work up the courage to.

"I discuss their expectations of each other, their finances, if they want a Christian marriage."

"We could get counseling from the pastor in Jamestown. He's very nice."

"Yes, he is. I've met him several times. I'm more than willing if that's really what you want. I'll call and make an appointment."

Willa smiled happily until Lucky's next words had her rethinking bringing in a third party to discuss their relations.h.i.+p.

"I'm surprised. I thought you would balk at talking with someone. You usually try to avoid personal topics..."

Lucky had the phone in his hand, but Willa put her hand over his.

"Personal topics?" she questioned.

"Yes. He will talk briefly about s.e.x and-"

"Maybe we should wait."

"We're getting married in two weeks," Lucky reminded her.

"I know that," she snapped. "Now that I think of it, I really don't have the time. I have several orders scheduled, and Beth and Lily still haven't picked their bridesmaids dresses. It was just a thought, anyway."

"Sit down, Willa." When Lucky motioned her over to the chair by the window, she crossed the room and gingerly sat down. "Perhaps it would be better if we just have an open discussion between us. Will that make you feel more comfortable?"

Willa gave a relieved sigh. "Yes."

"All right." Lucky sat down in the chair across from her, and Willa looked at him expectantly. "What do you envision for our marriage?"

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Last Riders: Lucky's Choice Part 27 summary

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