Last Riders: Lucky's Choice Part 34

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Lucky's hand smacked her b.u.t.t, and Willa's hand went back to soothe the slight sting while she pouted down at him.

"You could have just said no."

"I thought that answer would be more effective."

"Kind of puts me out of the mood," she said.

"Let me see if I can help you find it again." Lucky grinned unrepentantly up at her, each hand sliding up a thigh until they met at her p.u.s.s.y with his thumbs resting on her c.l.i.t.

Willa ground herself down on him.

"Nope." Lucky took his hands away.

"You do want to make love, don't you?"

"Yeah." Lucky arched his hips underneath her, pressing his c.o.c.k against her mound. Then his hands went to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, tugging them out of the bra cups until they were pushed up and framed by the leopard material. "Lord have mercy," Lucky breathed.

Willa placed her hands on his chest, exploring the ridges of his muscles. "I say that every time you touch me," she confessed.

She kissed the firm jaw that made her melt. Then she licked the groove of his throat, feeling him swallow hard.

The women at her bachelorette party had all shared the particular trigger that made them h.o.r.n.y. Just looking at Lucky made her feel that way: each time he stood next to her when church released, when he winked at her, when he swiped another oatmeal cookie, or even when he became angry because she insisted on serving him at the table. There was nothing about her husband that she didn't like ... except for one thing.

"Quit teasing me," she moaned when he put his hands behind his head.

"Whatcha gonna do about it?" He smirked up at her.

Willa's eyes narrowed on her arrogant husband, believing he needed to be taken down a peg or two. Having been observant long enough to know what Lucky's trigger was, Willa gave her husband a saccharine sweet smile that brought a worried frown to his brow.

She scooted down his body, bringing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s to his eye-level, then unclasped the front closure, letting her t.i.ts swing free. Lucky's eyes widened. He leaned forward, but before he could trap a nipple in his mouth, she slid down farther, placing b.u.t.terfly kisses on his flat stomach. When she heard his groan, she slipped her legs between his. Taking his c.o.c.k in her hand, she adjusted her body then seductively-she hoped-rubbed his c.o.c.k against her breast, using the crown of his d.i.c.k to tease her nipple. When his hands clenched the sheets, she knew she had him.

She lowered her head, flicking the tip with her tongue to make it wet, and then pressed it against her nipple. His eyes glazed over when he saw the moisture clinging to her nipple.

Her head lowered again, and this time, she twirled her tongue over the entire head before rising and placing the tip against her other nipple.

"Siren..." He didn't have to tell her; she could tell from his expression he was about to lose control.

Quickly, she pressed his c.o.c.k in the cleft between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Using her hand, she stroked him as fast as she could, and he practically ripped the sheets off the bed he came so hard. Willa waited until he quit shuddering before releasing him and crawling back up to lie next to him.

Lucky turned to his side. "Remind me never to get you mad at me."

"I will."

"It's going to take me a few minutes to recover."

"We have all night."

"I know what will make me hard again in a second." His trying to be helpful didn't fool her.

"What?" she said, feeling his hand slide under her panties.

"Do that again."

Lucky jerked awake, breathing heavily. He sat on the side of the bed, angry at himself for falling asleep. He had been so careful not to fall asleep next to Willa, but tonight, there had been a newfound confidence in her that had made her initiate their intimacy, and they had spent most of the night making love. Regardless, he had meant to only lie beside her long enough for her to fall asleep.

Standing, he went to his dresser and pulled out a pair of jeans. Unable to bear the thought of anything else on his body, he soundlessly left the bedroom. The wooden floor under his feet reminded him he was home and not back overseas, trying to figure out how to save Kale's life.

He took a deep breath of air as soon as he stepped outside. Running a hand through his damp hair, he came to the realization he was going to have to take the medication he had been avoiding since he had been let out of the service. Willa was already worried, and he wasn't going to have her concerned that him being unable to sleep with her was her fault.


Startled, he almost turned around at her voice.

"Go inside." He clenched his fists at the unintentional harshness in his voice. "Please, go inside." This time, he was successful in making his voice appear normal.

"Let me help you."

Composing his expression, he turned his back to the sun just as it was beginning to rise in the sky.

Willa was standing five feet away, holding her hand out to him.

"I don't want to hurt you, Willa. You're not safe with me. Go-"

She took a step closer, not dropping her hand. "John 1:5 'The light s.h.i.+nes in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.'"

"You didn't know you were taking on a f.u.c.ked-up mess when you married me." He took a step back.

"You're fighting a cruel war you can't win, Lucky. You're not responsible for Kale or any of those men's deaths. You're a hero."

He grimaced. "I'm not a hero."

"Yes, you are," she insisted. "You left The Last Riders because you love me, and I'm asking you to go back to them for the same reason."

"You would hate it there. I might be happier there, but you would be unhappy."

"Romans 12:18. 'If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.' As long as we're together, I don't care where we live." Her sincerity began to sink into the darkness that had been clouding his nightmares.

"You're too tenderhearted. The men won't be polite all the time. In fact, they're usually a.s.sholes, and the women can be b.i.t.c.hy."

"Proverbs 27:17. 'As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.' I'll learn how to give as good as I get."

"I would be the vice-president. There would be things that I do that go against the church's beliefs."

Matthew 22:21. 'Render therefore unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and unto G.o.d the things that are G.o.d's.' I know that, even if you leave the church, G.o.d will dwell in our home," she said with certainty.

Willa took another step forward, standing directly in front of him, still holding her hand out to him. Her love and faith s.h.i.+ned clearly from her eyes as the sun glistened down on her at the beginning of a new day, a new life they were about to begin.

"You were meant to be a pastor's wife," he said achingly.

"I was meant to be your wife." Her whispered vow released him from his last doubt.

Lucky reached out, taking her hand. Stepping forward, he grabbed on to the future that G.o.d and Willa both held for him.

Chapter 27.

"Hi, Douglas, come in. I wasn't expecting you." Willa held the door open as the handyman entered.

"I wanted to stop by to go over the kitchen costs with you one more time before I took out the cabinets."

"That's fine. Lucky's at the hospital visiting Angus. He's doing much better. I stopped by at lunch today."

"I know. He told me you stopped by, and Lucky was coming by this evening."

"Hopefully, they'll get his blood pressure down and release him tomorrow. Let's go in the kitchen, and you can show me ... You didn't bring the spreadsheet?" She glanced over her shoulder curiously, looking at his empty hands.


When they walked into the large church kitchen, Douglas came to a stop as Dustin turned around, and a moment's frustration crossed Douglas's face.

"Don't worry; Dustin won't mind if we take a short break on our meeting. He's stuffing his face with a new cupcake I'm working on."

"I should have called first. I don't want to interrupt-"

Willa waved away his concern. "Don't be silly. Take a seat. I have a fresh pot of coffee, and you can give me your opinion on the cupcake."

Douglas's shoulders slumped as he gave in, taking a chair.

Willa introduced the two men while she poured Douglas's coffee and picked him out the largest cupcake on the platter, placing it on a pretty saucer with a paper doily. Humming, she set them in front of him then sat down at the table next to him while Douglas stared at the cupcake and coffee making no move to touch either.

Scooting her chair closer to the table, she placed her elbow on the table, propping her cheek on her hand, wanting to see his reaction when he bit into the cupcake. He hesitated until he looked up and saw she was waiting expectantly.

"I've been working on tweaking a recipe I found in an old cookbook for two days."

"It looks delicious." He didn't sound as if he thought it was going to be good.

Willa frowned then smiled when he took a large bite.

"It's great. It's even better than your chocolate lava." He licked a dollop of frosting off his lip. "Do I taste bourbon?"

Willa nodded. "Did I use too much? I don't drink, so I couldn't taste-test."

"You might cut back on it some," he advised, taking a drink of his coffee.

"I told her she should use some more," Dustin said, getting up to get another one.

"That's your last one," Willa threatened. "I don't think you'll be able to drive if you eat any more."

Dustin sat down, already biting into another cupcake. "I can just see Knox's face if he pulls me over, and I tell him I've been eating drunken cupcakes."

"They aren't drunk; they're tipsy," Willa countered.

"They're drunk off their a.s.s," Douglas muttered, taking another bite.

"I'll adjust the recipe." She put her full attention on Douglas. "So, you wanted to talk about the costs?"

"What? Oh, yeah. I emailed you the cost of the new cabinets."

Willa picked up her cell phone, pulling up her email, and then she started getting heart palpations at the figure she was staring at.

"I just wanted ordinary white cabinets."

"You already have those. For the same price, you can get those. They're on sale, and with my discount, it's a good deal."

"Are the white ones on sale? If they are, they would be cheaper. I could save-"

"They aren't on sale," Douglas cut her off.

Willa stared down at the figure, her mind running the total cost of the project.

"Get the cabinets. Kitchen upgrades always increase the value of the home."

"I know, but..."

They went back and forth. She was finally satisfied when Douglas promised to check a compet.i.tor's price. She also showed him a sale ad for the carpet she had picked out, telling him she would give him a check to go ahead and make the purchase.

"I told you it would be better to wait. They always run sales on the first of the month. I saved eighty-nine dollars," Willa said proudly.

"I'll take care of it tomorrow," Douglas said, getting up and carrying his dirty cup to the sink. "I need to get going."

"I'll see you later this week. Lucky wanted to stop by yesterday, but we didn't get time. We're packing-"

"You're moving?" Douglas asked sharply.

"Don't worry; I'm not moving back into my house. We're moving just outside of town. Lucky wants to build his own home."

"What about the one you're working on?"

"I'll probably rent it out. I want to save it for my children."

"I see."

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Last Riders: Lucky's Choice Part 34 summary

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