Last Riders: Lucky's Choice Part 36

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"Yes. Like, I use knives, but don't cut. It's about erotic play."

"Oh." Willa still couldn't imagine becoming aroused with someone holding a knife to her, but she could understand how each person had their own fantasies. Lucky had figured prominently in most of hers. With that thought, her own face blushed a betraying red.

Lucky stared down at her, his interest caught. "Want to tell me what your fantasy is?"

Willa laughed, shaking her head. "Maybe after we've been married a few years. Finish telling me what happened with Killyama."

"There's nothing else to tell. I was mad as h.e.l.l at being interrupted at gunpoint, and my hand hurt like f.u.c.k. I told her to get out or sit on the couch and watch. It wasn't one of my better moments." He winced when she hit him on his shoulder. "Don't worry; Killyama paid me back. She told me to shove my knife up my a.s.s, and if she heard another scream coming from my room, she would shoot and ask questions later."

Willa tried not to grin. "She was a little harsh," she lied, crossing her fingers at the same time she wrapped her legs around his waist then ran her hands down his back soothingly. The woman had probably hurt Lucky's feelings when she had threatened him.

"I didn't blame her. I shouldn't have been a smarta.s.s. But it was a big knife."

She kissed his jawline. "She still didn't need to be so ... graphic." She began wiggling her hips again to make him move.

"I don't think I'm in the mood anymore," Lucky said grumpily.

"Let me see if I can help you find it again."

Chapter 28.

Lucky parked his SUV in The Last Riders' parking lot. "We're here."

Willa held her cookie jar tighter against her chest, pasting a smile on her face.

Lucky turned to her, taking her hand in his. "We don't have to do this, siren. We can live in your house." It was the thousandth time he had made sure that she was willing to move. Even after he had told the deacons that he was leaving and had found a new pastor for the church, he had wanted to make sure she wasn't having second thoughts.

"I want to give it a try. Besides, it's only until your house is built. As soon as Douglas is finished with my house, he can start on our new house."

"Douglas isn't going to be doing our house."

"Why not? He's an excellent contractor."

"I'm not disagreeing with you. When I texted him to set up a meeting to discuss him taking the job, he told me he already has another job lined up. I thought you would prefer to find someone who could start right away."

"I would," Willa admitted.

The sound of someone banging on her window had her jumping. She rolled her gla.s.s down.

"You two going to sit here all day, or are you going to get out?" Rider gave her a welcoming smile as he opened the door for her.

Willa climbed out, seeing most of the clubhouse had come out to greet them.

After Lucky went to the back of the SUV, raising the hatch, everyone reached in to help pack the last of their belongings up to the clubhouse. The men had moved everything else the day before.

Razer and Viper took the larger boxes, and Knox took Lucky's two large suitcases. Willa went to pick up her make-up bag, but Jewell took it from her hand.

"Let me help." She shook the travel case gently. "That perfume you always wear in here?"

"Yes," Willa answered, not liking the gleam in the other woman's eyes.

"Cool." She left before Willa could ask why she wanted to know.

"There any cookies in that jar?" Rider asked.

"Yes. I made them this morning."

"I'll pack it up the steps for you."

"Be careful. That's my grandmother's jar."

"I'll be careful," he promised, pa.s.sing Lucky and Train who were struggling to get a shelving unit out.

"Aren't you going to help?" Lucky asked.

"I am," Rider responded, lifting the lid of the cookie jar to take out a cookie then taking a large bite. "Oatmeal raisin, my favorite." He went up the steps, shoving the rest of the cookie in his mouth.

"I'm going to kick his a.s.s," Lucky threatened.

"Don't worry. We've got all this," Train grunted.

"He's going to eat all the cookies before I can get up there," Lucky complained.

Willa watched as the men unloaded the rest of their belongings, not knowing what to do. Lucky and Train were walking up the pathway to the side of the clubhouse where they would go down the side door into the bas.e.m.e.nt. Lucky had told her they would be taking the large bedroom in the bas.e.m.e.nt until their house could be built.

She decided not to tag along with the men. Going up the steps, she braced herself before opening the door. They didn't have s.e.x out in the open during the day, did they? Willa wished she had asked Lucky that question before she came in by herself, but thankfully, the front room was empty.

"Thank you, Lord. If you could give me a couple of days before..." Willa trailed off, unsure whether it was appropriate to ask G.o.d not to let her see any of the members have s.e.x until she grew used to living in the house. Then she worried that G.o.d could hear her thoughts. She decided to add that question to her list-if He could hear their thoughts.

Hearing voices in the kitchen, she went in that direction then remembered when she had come in the clubhouse with Shade. Slowly opening the door, she peeked around the corner, seeing the room filled with the members.

Lily and Beth were putting food on the counter, Raci and Stori were cooking, and Rider was setting out drinks. Willa went through the door, enjoying the smell coming from the kitchen. The platter of fried chicken looked mouthwatering and doomed the diet she had promised to start today. Fried chicken was her weakness. She made sure she never went into the diner the day it was on special.

"Hi, Willa."

Both Lily and Beth came from behind the counter to welcome her. Then Winter stood from the table, handing her a vase of flowers without meeting her eyes.

"Thank you." Willa blushed, remembering the last time she had seen her.

"We all wanted you to know how much you're welcomed and that we're looking forward to having you live here," Lily enthused.

"It's going to be really nice when we add her name to the ch.o.r.e list," Rider said then winced as Ember elbowed him in the ribs.

"What? It's the truth. One less week I have to do the dishes. It's not like we aren't all thinking the same thing."

"I'm not thinking that," Lily protested.

Beth glared at Rider. "Me, either."

"I am. I hate the f.u.c.king dishes." Jewell picked up a chicken leg, biting into it.

"I hate clothes," Raci admitted, "but I'm still glad you're here."

Willa laughed. "I don't mind"

Lucky came up from behind her, placing his arm around her shoulder. "Just make sure that you don't do everyone else's."

"I'll try." Willa didn't want to make promises she couldn't keep.

"Let's eat before it gets cold." Viper walked around them, taking a plate from the large stack.

Willa got in line with Lucky, filling her plate sparingly with only a chicken thigh and a scoop of potatoes.

Before she could move down the line, Lucky placed a chicken breast on her plate. "I know it's your favorite."

She was doomed to have a big a.s.s until she died. She tried to remember how many carbs green beans had then didn't think it mattered, considering the fried chicken. While Lucky lagged behind at the apple cobbler, Willa steered clear, going through to the dining room after seeing the kitchen table was full.

Searching for a place to sit, she saw Viper and Winter sitting at a large, round table where Bliss and Raci were also sitting. There were two empty chairs, so Willa set her plate at the table. She was pulling the chair out when Bliss rose, carrying her plate away without a word and sitting down at another table.

"Did I do something wrong?"

Winter cast Bliss an angry frown. "No, have a seat."

Lucky came up next to her, taking the other empty chair.

"Something wrong?" Lucky asked when she didn't sit down.

"No." Willa would ask Bliss later if there was a problem. She had always been friendly with the woman and couldn't understand why she had left the table.

Willa observed her laughing and joking with Train and Rider who shared her table.

"What do you think?" When he placed his hand on her arm, she realized her husband was talking to her.

"What about?"

"Viper and the brothers are going for a ride after dinner; want to go with them?"

Willa knew he was anxious to be back on his motorcycle.

"I want to get unpacked. You go ahead." The memory of Bliss's b.u.t.t on the back of his bike would forever be ingrained in her memory, so there was no way she was getting on a bike with him. After all, she didn't want the person who came up behind her on Lucky's bike to have nightmares.

When she finished, she carried her dishes into the kitchen and washed them off, not wanting to interrupt the others talking at the table.

Raci placed her dishes in the sink on top of hers. "It's Ember's turn to do the dishes."

"Oh ... okay." Willa dried her hands on the towel rack before self-consciously going to the door that led to the bas.e.m.e.nt.

Once in the room that was going to be her new home for the time being, she set about getting comfortable before she started unpacking. She lifted her suitcase to the bed, opening it and taking out a pair of jeans and a loose top. Carrying them into the bathroom, she changed out of her dress. She zipped up the jeans, surprised to find they were loose. She then went back into the bedroom and searched through her clothes, finding her favorite pair of size eighteen jeans. Knowing her weight was like an escalator, she kept two different sizes of clothes. Next week, she would be back in her twenties.

Going back in the bathroom, she slid on the jeans then the cotton top and felt more comfortable as she moved around the room.

She had finished unpacking one suitcase and was about to unpack another when Lucky walked in the bedroom.

"You ready?"

Willa gaped at him. "I'm still unpacking."

"I'll help when we get back. Come on." He took her hand, dragging her out of the bedroom.

She tried to tug against him. "I don't want to go," she protested shrilly.

Lucky stopped. "Why? And don't tell me you want to unpack when we can easily do that after we come back."

"I don't want to go," she mumbled, looking down at her shoes.

"Look at me and tell me the truth."

Willa lifted her lashes. "I'm too heavy. I'll make you wreck."

"I don't know which me off more-you insulting yourself or me."

Willa gasped. "I didn't insult you."

"So, you admit you insulted yourself after I have told you repeatedly not to? You think I can't handle my bike with my woman on it?"

"No." She was aghast that he thought she was putting down his skill.

"Good, then let's go."

Willa didn't know what to do, but she darn sure didn't want to embarra.s.s herself with her a.s.s half hanging off the motorcycle. .

He was pulling her up the side steps when she broke and began crying helplessly. "I don't want to go."

Her husband stopped on the top step, staring down at her with a frown. "I know what's going on here, Willa, and it's really p.i.s.sing me off."

"No, you don't-"

"You're comparing yourself to other women you've seen on my bike."

Well, h.e.l.l, maybe he did.

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Last Riders: Lucky's Choice Part 36 summary

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