Last Riders: Lucky's Choice Part 4

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Rachel shook her head, laughing, and then placed her hand on her arm. "Relax, mother hen. Jace would be a bad influence on Sissy. Drake is constantly getting him out of trouble."

"In that case, I agree." Willa smiled back. "The last thing I need is to deal with a teenager whose hormones are going crazy over a bad boy."

"Take it from me; some bad boys are worth the trouble," Rachel quipped.

"I'll take your word for it." Willa said tiredly, already thinking of the baking she was going to have to do before she could go to bed.

A strange look crossed Rachel's face. "I have a feeling you're going to find out for yourself." Her hand dropped to her side when Willa took a step back. "Goodnight."

Willa closed the door after Rachel left, s.h.i.+vering at Rachel's words. She didn't need any more trouble in her life. She was almost at her breaking point.

"G.o.d, if you're listening, please ... please let me get these children settled before anything else can go wrong. If not, then give me the strength to bear whatever you have in store for me because, from that look on Rachel's face, I'm going to need all the help I can get."

Lucky stared out the window into the darkness of the mountains, seeing a lone figure walking across the backyard. He watched as Lily stood, staring out at the mountains with her head bowed, and he felt a lump rise in his throat. No other paris.h.i.+oner had more faith than the woman who was obviously praying.

As a flicker of movement caught his attention, he turned his gaze to where Shade stood in the shadows of the gazebo, keeping his wife within view. Lucky's mouth quirked. The lucky b.a.s.t.a.r.d kept Lily on a tight leash she was unaware of, or if she was, she didn't mind. Lucky hadn't figured out which one it was yet.

"You done?"

Rider's question drew his focus back toward the bed he had just left.

"Not yet."

Indifferently, Lucky stared at the woman lying on the bed, sucking Rider's c.o.c.k. Her body bore the marks of the rough s.e.x he enjoyed, her a.s.s bright red from his hand.

At his words, her gaze met his with trepidation. The woman hadn't even blinked one of her impossibly long, fake eyelashes when he had asked if she wanted Rider to join them.

Lucky felt his tired c.o.c.k twitch. The way she looked at him reminded him of Willa-fear and need intermingled. In Anna's eyes, need reigned supreme, while Willa's fear always had the upper hand when he was around.

Lucky let the curtain drop back in place, squelching the internal struggle he fought daily. He went to the bed, staring down at Anna sucking Rider's d.i.c.k, his own hardening and jutting upward. Leaning down, he moved his hand through her hair, pulling it back and forcing her to release the c.o.c.k she had been eagerly enjoying.

"Dammit, Lucky, I was about to come!" Rider complained.

"Did I tell her to let you come?"

Rider's head fell back against the headboard. "Brother, you're killin' me."

They had begun the night in his room then made their way to the main floor for a few beers before heading upstairs to Rider's room. Lucky made sure to leave the door open for anyone else who wanted to join in the impromptu orgy.

Viper secluded Winter in his bedroom whenever Lucky wanted to play since he was still uncomfortable to do so in front of her, but not to the extent he was with Lily. Therefore, the night had been a much needed release from the facade he still presented in front of Lily.

Lucky refused to admit to himself that guilt was the reason. He wasn't the man Lily believed he was, and he never would be.

Lucky reached over to the night table beside Rider's bed. Picking up the red candle, he held it over the blonde staring up at him cautiously. Her hand went behind her back to cover one rosy cheek.

"What's your safe word?" Lucky took a step back from the bed, giving her s.p.a.ce to make up her mind. "You just want to f.u.c.k? 'Cause we don't have to play if you've had enough."

"Fire." She licked her bottom lip. "I want to play, and I never have enough."

I would bet my last paycheck on that statement being true, he thought cynically.

Lucky tipped the candle, the hot wax slipping over the edge and dripping onto her stomach in a stream which trickled toward her c.u.n.t, stopping a centimeter from the fleshy lips, making the woman moan in ecstasy.

Lucky set the candle back onto the nightstand before reaching for the lethal looking knife he had placed there earlier. Expertly, he leaned over Anna, letting the tip of the knife rest against the base of her throat before sliding it down between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s toward her stomach without leaving so much as a scratch on her flesh. When he came to the line of wax, the knife slipped under it, removing it deftly and leaving behind a faint red line.

The hand holding the knife went upward before striking downward, burying the knife in the mattress between her splayed thighs, a hairsbreadth from her glistening p.u.s.s.y.

"f.u.c.k, Lucky, you're going to ruin my mattress."

Lucky rose, lifting a brow at Rider's hand on his c.o.c.k as he tried to give himself the o.r.g.a.s.m Lucky had interrupted.

Anna's eyes narrowed in jealousy as Raci and Jewell strode in barely clothed and jumped on the bed.

Lucky made a couple of tsk sounds at the woman's reaction. "I told you not to put your mouth on him. You were supposed to use your hand. Rider can't resist coming in a woman's mouth."

His hands went to her thighs, tugging her downward until her c.l.i.t rested against the hilt of the knife.

"Am I playing or watching?" Raci asked, staring enviously at Anna.

"Playing. Rider could use some help." Lucky mocked Rider's frustrated groan.

The brother was putty in a woman's hand when she had her mouth on his d.i.c.k, and Lucky had wanted to make sure the brother's d.i.c.k would be too sore from the hand jobs to ride his bike for a week, much less chase after Willa.

Raci immediately crawled toward Rider, hooking a knee over his hip before sliding her p.u.s.s.y down on his c.o.c.k that he had rolled a condom onto before taking her hips and slamming his d.i.c.k deep inside of her.

"What about me?" Jewell pouted.

"Have I ever left you out?" Lucky reached beside Anna, dragging Jewell across the bed toward him until she was hanging off the side of the bed. He reached for a condom on the nightstand, expertly sliding it on his thick c.o.c.k.

If he and Rider f.u.c.ked anymore tonight, they were going to have to grab more condoms from one of the other brothers.

When he was covered, he parted Jewell's p.u.s.s.y lips with his fingers, seeing she was more than ready for his c.o.c.k. Her perfect p.u.s.s.y was red and s.h.i.+ny, waiting to be plundered.

As Lucky placed the tip of his c.o.c.k at her entrance, thrusting inside of her in one stroke, she arched, jutting her b.r.e.a.s.t.s upward. Lying next to them, Anna groaned, as if she was the one he had entered. Lucky watched her rub her c.l.i.t against the hilt of the knife as she watched the two couples f.u.c.king.

Jewell writhed under his steady strokes as his hands gripped her hips, raising her a.s.s off the bed so he could f.u.c.k her harder. She clawed at the sheets as his c.o.c.k slid through her tight p.u.s.s.y. It never failed to surprise Lucky how good it felt to f.u.c.k her.

She clamped the muscles of her p.u.s.s.y around him, d.a.m.n near making him come before he was ready. He reached over her, taking a nipple between his fingers and pinching the bud into a point.

"Stop," he commanded, and the muscles around his c.o.c.k relaxed.

"You take all the fun out of it," Jewell complained.

"You think so?" Lucky murmured, speeding up his strokes so she couldn't catch her own climax, building her frustration until a sheen of sweat glistened on her lithe body. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s shook with her rapid breaths and the ferocity of his driving thrusts.

"Lucky, you've got to let me come," Jewell panted.

Lucky lifted her hips higher until only her shoulders rested on the bed. She tried to twist her hips but Lucky held her steady, forcing her to take only what he was willing to give her.

Raci's moans filled the bedroom as she began to come, and Jewell began to shake with her own o.r.g.a.s.m as her head tossed back and forth on the mattress without making a sound. Lucky liked that the woman wasn't excessively noisy.

His own climax built, and he was barely able to maintain the iron control to prevent himself from coming. When Jewell's climax had played out, Lucky removed his d.i.c.k from her, ripping off the condom and throwing it in the trash can.

Anna was frantically using her fingers to achieve an o.r.g.a.s.m on her own. Going to the opposite side of the bed, he took her under the shoulders, tugging her until her head fell over the side of the bed.

"You still want to suck d.i.c.k?"

Anna's mouth opened, and Lucky drove his c.o.c.k into it as he leaned over her, sucking her c.l.i.t into his mouth, ravenously licking at it as if he had never sucked one before. His expert tongue had her convulsing with her o.r.g.a.s.m before he could work his c.o.c.k to the back of her throat.

Without stopping, he continued to play with her c.l.i.t until he felt her begin to climax again, and then he gave in to the frantic desire that had his c.o.c.k twitching his own release into her greedy mouth.

When he finished, he raised her head up and turned her until the unconscious woman was lying back on the bed.

"She dead?" Jewell asked, turning her head to look at Anna.

"No, she pa.s.sed out when she came the last time," Lucky said, unconcerned for the woman he had never seen before today and wouldn't see again.

He picked his jeans up from the floor and slid them on. He was zipping them closed when Anna began coming to, staring dazedly around the room.

Lucky sat down on the side of the bed to tug on his boots. Standing, he grabbed the T-s.h.i.+rt he had thrown on the chair. After putting it on, he turned to Rider, who was sucking on Raci's nipple.

"Make sure she get's home." Lucky stated, checking to make sure his wallet and keys hadn't fallen out of his jeans.

"I'll take good care of her." Rider grinned, content to be the lone man with three naked women.

Lucky nodded, moving away from the bed.

"That's it? You're not even going to tell me good-bye?" Anna rose up on her elbows, glaring angrily at him.

He turned on a booted heel, returning to the bed. Reaching down, he jerked his knife from the bed. Then, picking up her s.h.i.+rt off the floor, he wiped it off before sliding it into his boot.

"The last time you came was my good-bye."

Leaving the room that had become stifling, he went down the steps to where the party was still in full swing. Lucky went out the front door, heading down the large flight of steps to his bike. He rode into town, the cool night air cleansing the scent his carnal night of s.e.x had produced. He had wanted to shower yet hadn't been in the mood for any of the women to join him.

Lucky slowed his bike and pulled into a dark lot. Parking, he went to a side door and inserted his key before walking through the eerily quiet building that had once held him hostage through his desire to stop a dangerous drug ring.

Walking down the long hallway with the gleaming wood floors, his eyes went to the stained gla.s.s doors. His hand shook when he reached out to open the door, going inside where he took a deep breath. Why was there always a distinct smell that seemed to belong to all churches?

He sat down in the last pew, staring at the pulpit where he'd stood and preached for so many years. The case had dragged on too long, trapping him in the profession he had walked away from in the military.

Lucky bowed his head, clearing his thoughts before he began.

"Lord G.o.d, forgive me, for I have sinned against you."

Chapter 4.

Willa brushed her hair back from her flushed cheek. Without a doubt, this was the worst idea she had ever had. Bringing all five children to the diner for lunch had been meant to give herself a welcome break from cooking and cleaning for the afternoon. Instead, it had become a visit to h.e.l.l.

Caroline was ready for her nap. Chrissy was grumpy, and nothing was making her happy. Then there were Leanne and Sissy who were arguing, and Charlie was still angry that she had made him leave his video game when he had reached a new level.

As if that wasn't enough, The Last Riders came in to take a table not far from hers and were able to easily observe the pandemonium going on at her table.

Chrissy spilled her gla.s.s of milk then burst into tears as the cold liquid dripped onto the new dress that Willa had put on her.

She gratefully took the towel from the waitress hovering near The Last Riders' table, cleaning the mess and trying to ignore being the center of everyone's critical gazes.

Opening her purse, she took out the plastic bag of toys she kept for emergencies. She found a toy car and a small stuffed bunny she hoped would occupy the girls then gave each of them one to play with. They instantly began to fight each other for the toys, wanting what the other had, so Willa took the toys away, switching them then giving each girl the toy they wanted. Silence reigned for a short time until they became bored. Thankfully, the waitress was able to drag her attention away from the bikers long enough to serve their food, and Willa was given a few moments of peace as they ate.

Her food grew cold as she concentrated on the younger girls not making a mess. She was wiping Chrissy's ketchup-filled fingers when she heard the sound of a chair back.

Lucky dragged his chair closer, placing it between the girls and her chair, blocking her from them.

"Eat," he ordered.

Willa didn't know if he was commanding her or the girls, but all three of them obeyed. Chrissy and Caroline stared at Lucky while they chewed on an apple slice. She took a bite of her grilled chicken sandwich, trying not to choke on the nervous tension his hardened expression was raising. Even Sissy and Leann stopped arguing, picking up their forks.

He motioned to the waitress to bring his coffee, leaning back as she poured him a fresh cup. Razer, Viper, and Shade all watched from their table as Lucky calmly poured sugar into his black coffee.

Willa forced herself to swallow the bite she had taken before she told him quietly, "I have it under control."

Lucky's hazel eyes met hers directly. "Willa, you've not had control of your life since I've met you." He reached over, taking Caroline's cup away before she could take the lid off. "You need to get them some sippy cups."

Willa raised her brow at his authoritative tone. "They need to learn to drink out of regular cups."

"Doesn't seem to be working." He picked up the towel still lying on the table and cleaned the new mess Caroline had made.

Willa refused to sit still and let Lucky intimidate her. She opened her mouth to snap at him then changed her mind. Taking another bite of food, she instead stewed silently as the children suddenly seemed to remember how to behave appropriately in public.

When the waitress came back with his food, Willa, feeling self-conscious, tried not to stare as he ate his burger and fries while she continued to eat her own food.

She had no idea how to talk to men, much less one she battled her constant attraction to despite telling herself it was only his handsome face that drew her. His muscular body in suits had been a thing of fantasies, but Lucky in jeans and T-s.h.i.+rts with his tattoos showing on his arms was enough to make any woman speechless.

"You must have had a hard time keeping your tattoos covered." Willa blushed, not able to believe she mentioned something personal about his body.

"It was hard during the summertime, but I was used to hotter temperatures overseas, so it wasn't too bad."

"Do you miss being a pastor?" Willa asked curiously. "You had the whole town believing that ministering was your calling in life."

He left her question unanswered. "Everyone, it seems, but you." Lucky tilted his head to the side. "Why?"

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Last Riders: Lucky's Choice Part 4 summary

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