Last Riders: Lucky's Choice Part 43

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"She has to have physical therapy. I've already called Donna."

"The Last Riders keep her in business," Beth joked.

"I have to admit, I did like Conner." Winter sat down at the end of the table with a fond smile of remembrance.

"He's not an option," Lucky said.

"Why? Maybe I should meet him."

"No, he had to leave town." Lucky glared at Winter.

"I don't know, Lucky. There were a lot of benefits to having him around," Shade commented, taking a seat next to his wife and placing his arm over her shoulders.

"Don't you all have somewhere else to be, like taking care of your kids?" Lucky asked grumpily.

Beth laughed. "Evie and King have them for the day."

Willa stood up, going into the fridge to refill her gla.s.s. When she came back to the table, Lucky had taken her chair, and the rest of the table was full. Lucky's arm went around her waist, tugging her down onto his lap, his hand resting casually on her denim-covered thigh. Lucky grinned unrepentantly at her faint flush.

"Is this the same table and chairs?" Willa asked, studying the table.

"Yes," Lucky answered, rubbing her thigh.

She could have sworn the table had been a darker shade of oak.

"Did Sissy get on the plane?" Winter asked as she stood up to let Viper sit down and then sat down on his lap, wrapping her arm around his shoulder.

"Yes, Knox drove her to Lexington. She didn't argue, from what Knox said. She was ready to go live with her family," Lucky said. "She finally realized being young doesn't make you invincible."

"She almost got herself and Willa killed. She's fortunate her a.s.s isn't sitting in a jail cell. I bet she wouldn't be throwing around how she's f.u.c.king eighteen if she was in front of a judge."

Willa sent Shade a reproachful look.

"She came by the hospital after I came out of surgery, and we had a long talk while Lucky was there with Knox. She finally believes I wasn't having an affair with Lewis. I still can't believe it was Brooke. She didn't seem like the type."

"s.l.u.ts never do."

Shade jerked his leg back, giving Lucky a glare.

"Did you just kick Shade under the table?" Willa frowned at her husband.


Rider came through the kitchen door. "Alec's here to see you, Willa."

Douglas came in the door, wearing an expensive suit. Willa still couldn't grasp the fact that Angus's handyman was a bodyguard, no matter how much Lucky had explained it to her. Apparently, Alec was usually on the road with Mouth2Mouth. He had rented out Evie's house because he'd thought it would be a quiet place to relax. With Angus living next door, he would help him out occasionally, and Willa had simply a.s.sumed he was Angus's handyman, which had provided Alec with the perfect cover.

"h.e.l.lo, Doug-Alec."

"Hi, Willa. I stopped by the hospital to see you, and they said you had been released early."

"She wanted out before she was charged for another day," Lucky griped. "If you had picked a better insurance policy, you wouldn't have had to worry."

"I'm young and healthy. I'll buy a better plan when we're ready to start a family." Willa started to get up. "Let me get-"

"No!" Alec cleared his throat then lowered his voice. "I have something to confess now that I'm not working for Lucky. I hate coffee, and I don't eat sweets. I'm kind of a health nut."

Willa's face dropped. "You should have told me. I could have made you some tea."

"I didn't want to hurt your feelings," he said gently. "With Bridge in jail, I can lose the six pounds I've put on. My men will miss all the freebies, though."

"I still think you should have told me you hired a bodyguard," Willa chastised her husband.

"I should have," Lucky agreed. "But like I told you, Alec only stays in Treepoint when he's not on a security job. Besides, it worked. If Alec hadn't followed you that day..." Lucky pulled her closer to him.

"It shouldn't have gone down the way it did. I was watching for Bridge to take her, not for Willa to go to him. When I followed her, I thought at first she was rus.h.i.+ng to make a delivery, but then she turned off at the lookout, and I knew something was wrong. Then she stopped at the side of the road, and I thought she was turning around, so I backed up to give her room, but when she didn't come back down, I knew I had screwed up. Thank f.u.c.k I called you and my men when she made the turn."

"At least we won't have to worry about Bridge anymore," Willa said, rubbing Lucky's tense shoulders.

"At least until he gets out of prison," Lucky agreed grimly.

"He won't be giving you any more trouble, regardless," Shade said.

Willa saw the silent battle between the men then found her attention diverted again.

"Is that my cookie jar?" Willa rose from Lucky's lap, going to the counter to gently touch the gla.s.s cookie jar.

"Bliss found it on eBay and bought it for you."

"I'll have to thank her." Willa blinked back tears of happiness. It wasn't the same one, but it would bring back the same memories, and it was the memories she cherished, not the jar.

Willa noticed the sad looks on the women's faces and the grim ones on the men.

"What's wrong?" Willa looked around the crowded room. "Where is Bliss?"

"She's out looking for an apartment," Lucky finally answered when no one else spoke up.


"She was voted out of the club. Her behavior toward you was the last straw."

Willa adjusted her sling carefully. "Then vote her back in. I don't want to be the reason she has to leave."

Viper shook his head. "It wasn't because of you. It was because she showed disrespect to Lucky by hurting you. She's also hurt several of the women who are members."

"Was it the women members who voted her out?"

"No, it was the same men who voted her in."

Willa blushed at his reminder of how the women were admitted to the club.

She could see why Viper had been made president. He showed no remorse for the decision the club had made. His stern expression also showed that the decision was written in stone and wouldn't be changed.

"I was hoping she would decide to leave Treepoint and make a fresh start, but she wants to stay here."

"Because all her friends are here," Willa dared to take up for Bliss. The woman might have hurt her feelings, but she had ended up being the loser. Willa felt terrible for Bliss. "When Lucky left the club, you remained friends; he didn't stop being your brother. Bliss deserves the same as a former member. She can still be your friend." She looked at Jewell, Ember, Stori, and Raci.

"Maybe you're right, Willa. We can keep an eye on her and still put enough distance between her and Shade so she can move on." Viper brought out the elephant in the room-the real reason Bliss couldn't remain.

Willa looked at Lily who was twisting her hands together until Shade took them in his. Lily looked up at her husband, but from his expression, he wasn't going to give in to her silent pleas.

Willa sighed. Beth didn't seem any happier with the decision. None of the women did. However, Willa could see in some ways that Viper was right. When Lucky had been seeing other women in town, she had been miserable, and she hadn't even been with Lucky. He hadn't even noticed her. As a result, Bliss must be in agony watching Shade and Lily together. Maybe she would stand a chance of finding what the other couples had when she moved into town.

"She's going to be lonely living by herself after living with so many people..." Willa said, touching the cookie jar.

Bliss regretted her actions, or she wouldn't have gone to the trouble of replacing the jar. Willa lifted the lid, deciding she would make-her eyes watered when she saw it was filled with oatmeal raisin cookies.

The baker in her had her lifting one out and taking a bite. Then Willa started laughing.

"What's so funny?" Lucky came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Those are mine. She must have bought them from the church store."

"Bliss is going to be fine," Lucky a.s.sured her.

"I know she will." Willa leaned back tiredly on her husband, and her eyes caught something else on the counter. "Is that a new crockpot?"


Willa pulled her jeans up, snapping them closed. She looked across the room at Lucky, who was standing in the bathroom, drying his hair with a towel.

"What's wrong?" He stopped his hand. "Did we hurt your arm in the shower? Maybe you should call Donna back and tell her it's too soon to release you."

"I'm wearing a size sixteen," she said in awe. "I haven't worn a sixteen since I was in high school and had a crush on Drake. I starved myself all summer-"

"You used to have a crush on Drake? He's a lot older than you," Lucky snapped.

"Calm down. He didn't even know." Willa giggled as she went to the dresser mirror, twirling around.

She'd had these jeans in the bottom of her drawer. They were the size she had aspired to get into every single time she had started a new diet. Her eighteens had been loose, so she had taken the chance to try them on.

"I can't believe it. I haven't even really changed my eating habits. I'm working out with you, but we both know I only last twenty minutes. I wonder how..." Willa turned to look at her husband who hadn't bothered to wrap a towel around his hips, and his perfect body still had droplets of water clinging to his tanned skin.

"What?" Lucky asked warily.

"I think I've finally found a way to lose weight that I enjoy." Willa smiled at her husband seductively.

"I thought you had to get to work. Isn't Lily waiting to drive in with you?" Lucky narrowed his eyes on his wife as she slowly began to unb.u.t.ton her pink blouse.

"She can drive in with Ginny."

Ginny had been working for The Last Riders for three weeks, and it had worked out surprisingly well. The women didn't fuss as much about the other, each picking the ones they could live with.

Willa let her blouse slip to the floor.

"I'm going to need a nap. You kept me awake most of the night." Lucky tossed the towel toward the hamper.

Willa s.h.i.+vered when he walked toward her like a predator stalking his prey. She took a teasing step backward toward the doorway as she slid her bra straps down her arms. Her fingers found the doork.n.o.b and she twisted it, opening the door.

"Where are you going?" Lucky's voice dropped.

Willa felt herself get damp. Whenever he used that lethal voice on her, it made her-Willa refused to think of the word.

She put her finger in her mouth then glided it down the curve of her breast tauntingly.

"That does it!" he growled.

Willa spun around, throwing the door open, laughing as she ran down the hallway where she came to an abrupt halt.

Moon was sitting at one of the exercise machines, lifting weights. Willa didn't see him that often, but Lucky had told her that he liked going back and forth between the two clubhouses.

Willa's face flamed as the biker's gaze dropped to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s that were barely contained by her bra. None of the men ever came downstairs before noon. That was why she had playfully run from Lucky. It did something to her insides when he chased after her.

Willa turned on her heel, intending to run back into her bedroom, but she crashed into Lucky's chest, instead.

"Caught you." He grinned, taking in her embarra.s.sment and Moon sitting there, gaping.

"Anything I can do to help?" Moon's gruff voice had Willa pressing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s harder against Lucky.

She leaned back against the wall next to the washer and dryer so her back was to Moon.

"Yeah, you can tell Lily to ride into town with Ginny. Willa's going to be late."

"Anything else?"

Willa's eyes widened when Lucky's hand went to the washer where clothes were neatly stacked. Willa had seen Winter folding them last night. She had bought a new outfit and was was.h.i.+ng it, and the scissors she had used to cut the tags off were still sitting there. He grasped the scissors and Willa swallowed hard, wondering what he was- The sudden release of her bra answered her question. He had cut her bra off.

Willa opened her mouth to yell at him then found his mouth on hers, and the pa.s.sionate kiss had her hands going to his hair.

Lucky leaned his head back, taking his mouth away. "No, that's all I need from you, brother."

As Lucky turned, keeping his arms around her so she was out of Moon's sight in the hallway, Willa stared at her husband, trying to catch her breath. The feel of the cold metal on her back and Lucky's mouth on hers had awakened a primitive reaction to danger. His naked body covered in tattoos combined with the ruthlessness on his face made Willa run without caring who watched.

Lucky's laugh didn't sound good-natured; it sounded sinister, strumming her already-spiked desire. She ran into the bedroom, tossing her ruined bra onto the floor. Then she turned around, gasping as Lucky slammed the bedroom door.

"You're going to buy me a new bra!"

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Last Riders: Lucky's Choice Part 43 summary

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