Last Riders: Lucky's Choice Part 47

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"Mine has patches. I took one that Viper bought for a new recruit. I'll buy him another one. Don't you dare tell me you'll find one on sale, or I'll smack that a.s.s of yours."

"Don't forget to shut the door." Willa usually checked to make sure the door was locked when Lucky wasn't looking. She was paranoid a gust of wind would blow the door open and she would look up when Lucky was making love to her and find a couple of The Last Riders watching.

"In a minute, I'm waiting for-"

Willa nearly ran to the bathroom, but Lucky caught her. "Trust, siren. Remember that, okay?"


Lucky turned her back to the doorway where Rider was standing, wearing black leather pants and no s.h.i.+rt. He was also holding a gleaming sword, that was held confidently in his hand.

"Why did I have to put these on? I almost couldn't fit in them anymore. I have to quit eating so many cookies or start working out more." He gave Willa a wink, grinning.

"You have a sword?"

"I like to collect different objects. I had it hanging on my bedroom wall."

"It's scary-looking." Willa stared at the long, thin sword.

"Yeah, it is, isn't it?" Rider appeared happy at what he thought was a compliment. It wasn't.

"I'll be right back."

Willa watched as her husband went to the dresser where he kept his clothes, opening the bottom drawer and pulling out a pair of black leather pants. Without saying a word, he went into the bathroom to get changed.

Willa spun back to face Rider.

"Dinner was good tonight," he said casually.

"Th-Thank you."

"Next time, could you fry more chicken b.r.e.a.s.t.s? Razer ate three of them, Shade two, and I only got one. Stingy b.a.s.t.a.r.ds."

"I saw you get three chicken legs," Willa reminded him.

"I like more meat. There isn't enough on a leg."

Willa took a step back. "I'll remember that."

"All right, let's get started," Lucky announced, coming out of the bathroom in the leather pants. "Shut the door, Rider."

Willa expected Rider to go out the door and close it behind him; instead, he closed the door and turned to face them expectantly.

"Willa, go stand by the bed for a minute while I talk to Rider."

She was about to argue, but then she remembered she had her safe word if she began to feel uncomfortable. Of course, she had no problem screaming it at the top of her lungs, either.

Warily, she watched the men as they talked. She looked down, rubbing her toes through the thick carpet, trying to overhear what they were saying.


Willa was proud of herself; she only hesitated for a second or two before she answered, "Yes, I'm ready."

Lucky's expression changed in an instant, becoming the man she had always sensed was hidden behind his sophisticated appearance. More surprising and frightening was the change in Rider.

His expression became cold and aloof, as if she was only there to please him. The look really suited the spoiled biker. Willa didn't know which man to look at first, as both were compelling.

Rider's easygoing nature was gone as he walked a circle around her, stopping once again by Lucky's side.

"Your s.h.i.+p is now my property, just as you are."

"No, I'm not," Willa muttered.

"What did you say?" Lucky's voice dropped to a lethal level that literally had goose b.u.mps going up her arms, and if she wasn't mistaken, he had a decidedly French accent. "My name is Captain Francois Le Danc. This is my quarter master, John Donnelly."

Willa couldn't resist another quick glance at Rider. She had never really paid much attention to the man's body before. He was only slighter shorter than her husband, but he was heavier. There was no sign of the easygoing friend she was used to cutting up with.

"Did you hear me?"

"Um, yes. I said, no, I'm not your property."

"Do. Not. Move."

Lucky took the sword from Rider, easily cutting through the belt of Willa's robe. As her robe parted, exposing her pajamas, Lucky lowered the sword, going behind her back. He slid the robe off, first one shoulder then the other, and the loosened robe fell to the floor.

Willa felt Rider's eyes drop to her red satin pajama shorts and her red cami. Neither showed any more skin than if she were wearing a tank top and shorts. Regardless, Willa was self-conscious of her plump curves in front of Rider. She forced herself to look at him, seeing him give her a wink, and Willa relaxed.

Rider was her friend, and his casual att.i.tude made her feel comfortable in a strange way.

"What's your name, la.s.s?" Rider's voice was gruff as his molten silver eyes glided over her body.


Lucky raised a brow.

Willa shrugged. What fun was a fantasy if she couldn't be herself, albeit more sultry and trampy? She firmly kicked her mother's voice out of her head.

"Are you denying you're my property?"


"You leave me no choice but to show you I am your master."

Before Willa could blink, she was tossed over Lucky's shoulder and carried across the bedroom floor, placing her against the wall. He grabbed one of her hands, raising it above her head where two paintings had hung. Now there were two hooks that looked like they had been drilled in the wall.

Lucky went to the cabinet and opened a drawer, pulling out two chains with cuffs on one end. He handed one to Rider, and then both men cuffed a wrist and raised it above her head, chaining her against the wall.

Lucky and Rider took a step back, surveying their handiwork.

"Who is your master?" Lucky asked again.

This time, Willa remained stubbornly silent. No good would come out of it if she answered him the way she was tempted to.

Lucky read the stubborn determination in her eyes.

"She's a fiery la.s.s, isn't she?"

"Break her, Captain," Rider said, turning on his heel and going to the nightstand to pick up two scarves and a wicked-looking knife that looked sharper than anything she would have in her kitchen.

Rider strode back, handing Lucky one of the scarves and taking the sword from him before handing him the knife.

Willa watched as Lucky, with a flick of his wrist, used the knife to cut the scarf in two pieces that floated softly to the floor.

Rider then handed Lucky the other scarf that looked thicker and was black. He tied it around her eyes, blocking them from her sight.

"I have her under control now. Go swab the deck," she heard him order Rider.

The room went silent. She thought she might have heard a shuffle then a loud grunt before the door was slammed shut. Then she heard the distinct sound of a lock clicking into place.

Willa relaxed against the wall, sensing Rider was gone.

Lucky's French-accented voice whispered in her ear, "Don't look so pleased with yourself. How do you know he's really gone? Maybe he's standing beside the door to guard it from my crewmembers who want to steal away the beautiful woman I captured." His words cast doubt on whether Rider had left. Only knowing her husband as well as she did calmed her fears. Plus, he won points for calling her beautiful.

"Don't move. Stay completely still," he ordered again.

Willa held her breath. She was rapidly learning that, when he ordered her not to move, something was getting cut. She felt the blunt side of the knife on her skin as he cut upward, severing the strap on her shoulder. A second later, she felt the other one cut, and the top slipped to her waist. The blunt side of the knife ran along the length of her leg before then cutting the shorts off her body. Her stomach quivered when she felt the blade against her as the remains of her top fell away. Willa released her pent-up breath.

"Captain Francois, you're going to owe me a new pair of pajamas and a robe."

Lucky grinned, glad she couldn't see his amus.e.m.e.nt. Quietly, he turned, going to the nightstand and replacing the sharp knife before taking out one he had spent hours sharpening when he had bought a new set of knives. He had thrown away the set he had used on other women. No equipment he had used on another woman would ever touch the skin of his wife.

He slid out another knife that was an exact match to the one he had just replaced except for one difference. He had used a scouring pad to blunt the blade. He had checked it a dozen times before, but he still slid it across the palm of his hand to make sure it was completely dull and there were no nicks in the metal to scratch her skin.

He picked up a cigarette lighter, placing it in his tight leather pants. Rider wasn't the only one who needed to quit eating Willa's cookies.

He silently walked back toward Willa, releasing the blindfold. Willa gasped as he took out the lighter, holding it underneath the blade for several minutes, then turned it over, doing the same on the other side, repeatedly flipping the knife. Then Lucky tucked the lighter back into his pocket before using his free hand to tug the blindfold back up.

Silently, he moved away again. Reaching into the gla.s.s of ice water, he took out a couple of the melting ice cubes, placing them in his mouth. Before placing the knife in the ice water, he took out another blunted knife that he had placed in there before Willa had come out of the bathroom. Running the knife across the palm of his hand, he felt the cold metal then crossed the floor to Willa and began to show his wife just how sensual his knife play could be.

"Don't move."

Willa tensed. He heard her breath catch again as he pressed the blunted edge of the knife against the side of her breast, watching as the water that had been clinging to the blade caressed her flesh while it slid downward, making a path toward her stomach to cling to the mound of her p.u.s.s.y.

"You're wet for me, aren't you, siren?"


Lucky slid his finger through the damp lips of her p.u.s.s.y, rubbing her moist c.l.i.t before removing his hand. He then bent his head, taking her peaked nipple into his mouth and rubbing it with his cold tongue. Her breath hissed when he sucked it in again, and Lucky ran the edge of his teeth against her cold nipple.

His finger returned to her p.u.s.s.y, rubbing through her slit again, letting his palm press down on her c.l.i.t. He switched b.r.e.a.s.t.s, sucking her other nipple in his mouth, teasing the tip until it stood out in a hard nub. Using his tongue, he pressed it against the roof of his mouth until he felt her knees buckle. Then he stepped back.

Using the blunt tip of the knife, he traced the line of her thigh and then across her belly, watching as goose b.u.mps rose on her flesh.

"Is that with desire or fear?"

Willa licked her bottom lip. "Desire."

"Who's your master?"

"You are," Willa moaned, arching her hips, showing that she wanted his hands back.

He was going to give her more than she antic.i.p.ated.

Unb.u.t.toning his pants, he released his aching c.o.c.k then nudged her feet apart with his booted foot and placed his c.o.c.k at her wet opening, thrusting hard inside of her. He buried his face against her b.r.e.a.s.t.s as his c.o.c.k slid into her as if begging for more. He gave her every inch he had, rising onto the toes of his boots to give her more than he had ever before.

Her legs lifted, wrapping around his waist as he f.u.c.ked her like the pirate she wanted him to be. He wasn't rough with her, but neither was he gentle, making sure the leather of his pants rubbed against the inside of her thighs, and the leather vest sc.r.a.ped against her tender nipples.

"Come with me, siren. Show me you can keep my bed warm on the cold nights at sea and serve all the needs I desire from you."

"Francois!" Willa screamed as her o.r.g.a.s.m hit, her body stretched from the metal chains.

As the erotic intensity on her face captured his l.u.s.t, Lucky came, grinding his o.r.g.a.s.m out in his wife as her cries filled the room.

When they both quit shaking and Lucky didn't feel as if his own knees were going to buckle from the ecstasy he had just experienced, he unchained Willa, removing her blindfold.

He pointed the knife at her. "I'm only releasing you because of the pleasure you've given me. Anger me and I'll chain you back up until you plead for me to release you."

"Is that a threat or a promise?" Willa teased, letting him pull her to him then laying her head on his shoulder.

"It's a promise."

"I love you, husband."

"I love you, wife. Let's go take a shower. By then, I'll be able to show you how those sheets feel on a tender a.s.s."

Willa walked to the bathroom then turned back as he was replacing his knife in the leather pouch.

"The next time I make frosting, I might let you have some."

"Is Willa all right?" Lily asked as she and Shade walked through the backdoor with a wiggling John held securely in his father's arms. "She almost ran us down with those boxes she was carrying."

Lucky's lips twitched. "She's fine. She was late to help Genny set up for the Forrester's wedding, and she hates being late."

"That wasn't what it sounded like to me." Shade bent over, placing John in a highchair. It should seem out of place in the motorcycle club, but strangely, it wasn't. Lucky prayed one of his children would be the next to use it.

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Last Riders: Lucky's Choice Part 47 summary

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