On A Wing And A Prayer Part 15

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Please forgive me?


Rox stared at the note. "Nothing could be further from the truth, Ca.s.s," she commented out loud. Without turning around, she said, "Jer, I guess I need to take you up on that offer."

Jerri rose to her feet and came to stand behind her friend. Looking down at Rox for permission to read the note, she received her silent approval before allowing her eyes to scan the screen. When she was through, Rox clicked on the first note and allowed her friend to read that one as well.

"Go back to the second note, Rox," Jerri said. Scanning it one more time, she looked at the red head and said, "Sounds like this guy is pretty taken with you. How do you feel about that?"

"I don't know exactly," Rox said, fl.u.s.tered. "I have this tingly little feeling in the pit of my stomach when I read it ... kind of like b.u.t.terflies," she said.

"Well, what do we know about him?" Jerri asked, trying to take an a.n.a.lytical approach to the issue.

"Well, I know that he's nearly six foot, dark hair, blue eyes, muscular, works out, has a black belt in Taekwondo. He's a pilot for a commercial airline, lives in San Jose, California, apparently very skilled in flying a plane, and cras.h.i.+ng one by the looks of it, so he's probably cool under pressure. Considering he refused medical help until all the pa.s.sengers were safe, he must be pretty gallant. That's about it. Oh ... oh ... I also know that he was in a relations.h.i.+p and that his companion died three years ago," Rox recounted.

Jerri listened carefully, then recapped what she had heard. "Okay, single, tall, dark and handsome, good job, even tempered, smart and respectful. Sounds like the perfect guy. He's also a safe distance away, so that will give you time to get to know him before he physically invades your life. I'd say, go for it!" she recommended.

Rox grinned. "I was hoping you'd say that," she said.

Jerri looked down at Rox expectantly.

"What???" Rox said, confused.

"I can't type if your b.u.t.t is in the chair!" she said, stating the obvious.

Rox chuckled and gingerly rose from her seat, sitting in the chair Jerri had pulled along side her.

Settling down in front of the computer, Jerri selected 'reply' and sat with her hands poised over the keys. "Shoot!" she said.

"Ah.... ah ... okay... let me think," Rox said. "Okay, type this ..."

"Hi Ca.s.s,

I picked up the paper this morning and read about this heroic pilot named Ca.s.s Conway who skillfully saved a plane full of people from sure death. Know anyone by that name?

I can't tell you how it made me feel to know your life was in danger. I know we haven't gotten to know each other very well yet, but I too feel this connection you mentioned in your last post. I thank the powers above, that I didn't lose you so soon after finding you.

Please don't feel that you have overstepped your bounds. I am not currently in a loving relations.h.i.+p. In fact, I live with this brutal, mother-f.u.c.king, wife beating son of a b.i.t.c.h that my friend Jerri wants to pulverize..."

"Jerri! Erase that! Jesus Christ, woman, this is MY note, remember!" Rox scolded her friend.

"Gee Rox, you're no fun! I opt for telling it like it is.... maybe Ca.s.s will fly out here and kick Chris' a.s.s for all of us!" Jerri whined.

"Jerri......." Rox warned.

"All right ... all right! I'm erasing it! Don't get your panties in a wad, Gees.h.!.+" Jerri said as she held the delete b.u.t.ton down over the last sentence.

"All right, where were we. Oh yes ..." Rox said.

"Please don't feel that you have overstepped your bounds. I am currently not in a loving relations.h.i.+p. In fact, I am just ending a very dark and disturbing relations.h.i.+p with someone I am sure is being unfaithful to me. I too will guard my heart carefully from this point on, however, somehow, I feel that it would be safe in your hands. I am looking forward to knowing you better, and to see if my a.s.sessment is correct."

"a.s.sessment?? Come on Rox... why so clinical? It sounds like your telling the guy you want to do his tax return or something?" Jerri inserted.

"Jerri!!" Rox said, aghast.

"Well, it does!" Jerri said, defending her self.

"Okay... Okay. Change it to ... I am looking forward to knowing you better and to see if my feelings are correct," Rox suggested.

"Better ... much better," Jerri commented as she typed the correction.

"All right... one more paragraph ..."

"You say that you are enchanted with me, and that I invade your thoughts. I too am enchanted. I long to know the sensitive, caring and compa.s.sionate person described in the news clipping from this morning's paper. I am truly impressed by your gallant nature, Ca.s.s Conway. I am looking forward to becoming your friend and companion.

Please write soon. I await your reply in hopes of starting a new and wonderful relations.h.i.+p ... one that is mutually satisfying and enjoyable.

You are in my thoughts,


"Okay, Jer, read it back from the beginning," Roxanne asked.

"Hi Ca.s.s,

I picked up the paper this morning and read about this heroic pilot named Ca.s.s Conway who skillfully saved a plane full of people from sure death. Know anyone by that name?

I can't tell you how it made me feel to know your life was in danger. I know we haven't gotten to know each other very well yet, but I too feel this connection you mentioned in your last post. I thank the powers above, that I didn't lose you so soon after finding you.

Please don't feel that you have overstepped your bounds. I am currently not in a loving relations.h.i.+p. In fact, I am just ending a very dark and disturbing relations.h.i.+p with someone I am sure is being unfaithful to me. I too will guard my heart carefully from this point on, however, somehow, I feel that it would be safe in your hands. I am looking forward to knowing you better, and to see if my feelings are correct.

You say that you are enchanted with me, and that I invade your thoughts. I too am enchanted. I long to know the sensitive, caring and compa.s.sionate person described in the news clipping from this morning's paper. I am truly impressed by your gallant nature, Ca.s.s Conway. I am looking forward to becoming your friend and companion.

Please write soon. I await your reply in hopes of starting a new and wonderful relations.h.i.+p ... one that is mutually satisfying and enjoyable.

You are in my thoughts,


"What do you think?" Rox asked her friend.

"Well, it doesn't make me cream my jeans, but it's a start," Jerri replied.

"Well, Jerri... what do you want me to do, tell the guy I want to jump his bones? Christ, I don't even know him yet!" Rox responded in a shrill voice.

"Whoa... calm down there Tiger ... I was only kidding. Rox - it sounds good. Not too pushy, not too desperate, but definitely interested. It's good!" Jerri said, trying to soothe her injured friend's temper.

"Do you really think so, or are you just saying that to shut me up?" Rox asked seriously.

"I'm just saying it to shut you up .... No! no! ... Rox, really, it's good," she quickly added when she saw the red head's temper begin to rise again.

"Okay, then... send it," Rox said.

Grinning, Jerri moved the mouse over to 'send' and clicked the b.u.t.ton. Seconds later, the note was gone.

Ca.s.s was really in a lot of pain from being jostled around in the plane crash. So much so, that it took her forever to pull herself out of the chair when she finished her breakfast at Angie's diner. Of course, it didn't help that Angie sat and talked to her all through her breakfast, feeding her coffee after coffee, keeping her there long enough to get all the details out of her about the crash. Finally, after she had given the woman each and every detail at least three times, she called a halt to the cross examination and simply told Angie that she had to go home and soak in the hot tub.

Half way home, she cursed herself for walking instead of driving to the diner. d.a.m.n! And here, I thought I was in good shape, she told herself.

Not enough s.e.x. That's it, you know. Not enough s.e.x! Enforcer interjected.

What the h.e.l.l are you talking about? What does s.e.x have to do with a plane wreck? Ca.s.s said to her alter ego.

Well, what hurts the most? Your legs, right? Enforcer asked.

Yeah ... and your point is? Ca.s.s inquired.

Well your legs would be in better shape is you spread them more often... Hey... it can happen! Enforcer said, in defense of herself.

Oh for Christ's sake, will you take a chill pill and go to crawl back into your corner, please? Ca.s.s said to herself disgustingly.

Hey ... I'm just trying to help! Enforcer said defensively.

Your kind of help I don't need, Ca.s.s said as she unlocked the door to her condo and stepped inside.

Ca.s.s went directly to the bathroom and started filling the Jacuzzi with hot water, and scented bath oils. Standing in front of the full length mirror, she stripped her clothes off and stretched her arms straight over her head, bending her body side to side at the waist in an attempt to loosen the sore muscles before immersing herself in the hot water. Turning around to the left, she looked over her shoulder at the shape her body was in. Relatively pleased with what she saw, she turned to the right to look at the left side. It was then that she noticed the large bruises that extended from her shoulder blade to her hip bone, and then again from the top of her thigh to her knee.

"Holy s.h.i.+t!" she exclaimed when she saw the bruise. Placing her hands against the mirror, she closed her eyes and dropped her head down, trying to remember the point of impact. She remembered being thrown violently forward into the control panel and cutting her forehead, and then roughly to the left against the side of the c.o.c.kpit when the plane rolled that way. "No wonder you're all bruised and sore," she said to her reflection.

Finally, the Jacuzzi was filled and Ca.s.s gingerly slipped into the hot water. "Oooo, aahhh, ahhh, oooo," she complained against the heat as first her feet, then legs, b.u.t.tocks, back, b.r.e.a.s.t.s and finally her arms and shoulders were immersed. She struggled to breathe, gasping in short breaths until her body acclimated to the temperature of the water. Finally, she allowed herself to relax as she leaned her head against the built-in foam headrest and allowed the ma.s.saging action of the churning water to chase away her soreness. Closing her eyes, she found herself wis.h.i.+ng she had something to read. Recalling the last time she laid in the tub with a book, led her to thoughts of Rox.

"Roxanne," she whispered into the air, liking the sound of the name as it rolled off her tongue.

She imagined what it would be like to hold the pet.i.te woman in her arms ... to caress her skin ... to kiss her lips. Closing her eyes, she pictured their bodies entwined ... one light, one dark ... one tall, one short ... green eyes and blue, locked in a gaze of love. If she concentrated real hard, she could hear the woman call out her name in the throes of pa.s.sion as she pushed her closer to the pinnacle of fulfillment.

This isn't fair, Ca.s.s! Enforcer said, snapping her back to reality.

What isn't fair? she questioned the voice.

You're trying to drive me crazy, aren't you? Enforcer complained. You'd better buy those toys real soon before I do something to embarra.s.s you, capishe?

Gimme a break, E. I take care of you when its necessary, don't I? she asked herself.

Your definition of 'when its necessary' and mine, are not the same, unfortunately, Enforcer exclaimed.

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On A Wing And A Prayer Part 15 summary

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