On A Wing And A Prayer Part 16

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Well, my friend, I'm starting to agree with you, and that in itself terrifies me! Ca.s.s said, as she reached forward and flicked the drain switch.


NIKKI CARRIED THE lunch tray up two flights of stairs, entering the attic just as Jerri was helping Rox settle into the hide-a-bed.

"Well, did you send your note?" Nikki asked as she placed the tray on the end table next to the bed.

Rox nodded as Jerri came up behind her wife to see what was on the tray. "That looks heavy, you should have yelled, I would have given you a hand," she said, taking in the a.s.sortment of fruits, breakfasts cereals, pastries, milk, coffee and dinner wear.

"Hey, I'm stronger than I look. I lug on patients all day, remember?" Nikki said.

"I've got something you can lug on," Jerri said, wicked eyebrows rising up and down, as her arms circled her wife's waist. Nikki grinned ear to ear.

"Ah, guys... yoohoo!! Over here?" Rox said, waving her good hand at her friends. "Can you save that for later? I'm kind of starved here?!" she added.

Still holding Nikki in her arms, Jerri looked down at Rox on the bed. "You're just jealous," she accused.

"You're d.a.m.ned right I am. Now cut that out and feed me!" the redhead demanded.

Nikki looked up at Jerri. "She's a bossy little s.h.i.+t, isn't she? Are you sure you want to stay here with her?" she asked, straight faced.

"Aarrgghh!!!" Rox yelled.

"All right, all right, pull the wedgie out of your b.u.t.t... we'll feed you!" Jerri exclaimed.

Moments later, all three ladies were sitting on the bed with plates in their laps.

"So, what did the note say?" Nikki asked, plopping a strawberry into her mouth.

"It said that Rox wanted to fly to California and jump this guy's bones," Jerri volunteered. "Oh!" Jerry yelled as a grape hit her in the side of the face.

"It did not!" Rox said, grinning at her good aim, especially considering it was left handed.

Nikki gave Rox a high-five for good marksmans.h.i.+p.

"Hey, you're supposed to be on my side!" exclaimed Jerri to her wife.

"It was a good shot! Even you have to admit that!" Nikki replied. "Can't let good work go un-rewarded, now, can we?" she asked. "So, what did it say?" she asked again.

"Well, he was concerned that I was already involved in a happy relations.h.i.+p, and didn't want to do anything to disrupt it. I told him that wasn't the case, and that I was very interested in getting to know him," Rox explained. "Oh, and he sent a picture of himself with his co-pilot. He's really very good looking," she added.

Jerri looked at Rox with pleading eyes, begging her not to divulge her comment about the co-pilot. Seeing the distress in her friend's face, Rox couldn't resist. "... and his co-pilot is quite a looker too, hey Jerri?" she said, grinning ear to ear.

Nikki looked expectantly at her wife, eyebrows raised into her hairline.

"Ah ... ah, yeah, a real looker," Jerri replied, giving Rox a dirty look.

"Mind if I see?" Nikki said, rising to her feet to boot up the computer.

"No.. not at all ... you know my pa.s.sword," Rox said, maintaining eye contact with a squirming Jerri as she gave her friend permission to log on.

Jerri scooted her way over to Rox so that she was sitting side by side with the red head. Sitting next to her with her long legs stretched out in front of her, ankles crossed, hands clasped in her lap, she looked over at her friend and grinned. "You're lucky your wrist is already broken, little one," Jerri said evilly.

Moments later, Nikki turned from the computer screen to look at her wife, who wore the saddest pair of puppy dog eyes ever seen. Dropping her chin to her chest, Nikki began to chuckle. She just couldn't stay mad at her when she looked like that. "You are in so much trouble Big Guy," she said to her dark haired wife.

Jerry began to whimper like a puppy dog.

"Jerri... it won't work!" Nikki said, trying to act angry, but failing miserably.

"What if I roll over and play dead?" Jerri asked.

"Nope... still angry," the blonde replied.

"What if I sit up and beg?" Jerri offered Nikki shook her head no, covering her mouth to hide her grin.

"How 'bout ..... how 'bout if I ride your leg?" Jerri said, s.e.xy eyebrows dancing up and down on her forehead.

Nikki's eyes widened as big as saucers. Without breaking eye contact with her wife, she said to their friend, "Ah, Rox. Will you be all right here by yourself for a while?"

"Sure. There are three guest rooms... pick the one you want," Rox said grinning. "I'm just going to take a nap, so keep the noise down, will ya?"

Jerri was off the hide-a-bed in a jiff. Picking Nikki up and throwing her over her shoulder, she carefully negotiated the stairs, while Nikki held on for dear life and squealed all the way down.

Rox grinned as she slowly settled her aching body under the covers. Those two are just way cute. Someday I'll know that kind of love ... someday, she thought as she drifted off to sleep.

Ca.s.s put her body through 15 minutes of stretching exercises after she got out of the Jacuzzi, feeling 100% better than when she first stepped into the hot water. After toweling herself dry, she slipped a matching pair of blue briefs and sports bra on and went to power up the computer. Glancing at the clock, she realized that it was already almost noon. She couldn't believe Angie actually sat there and talked to her for three hours. While she waited for the computer for finis.h.i.+ng booting, she picked up the phone and called pizza delivery then went to her room to slip on some shorts and a T-s.h.i.+rt. The last time she answered the door in her underwear, the condo a.s.sociation put her on notice for indecent exposure. The poor elderly gentleman who lived in the end unit was collecting a.s.sociation fees when she answered the door and she nearly gave him a heart attack.

Logging onto 'Netscape Messenger', she selected 'new messages' and waited nervously while the server went out to retrieve any new posts. She found herself crossing her fingers, hoping that Rox had responded to her previous two notes. Finally, one new message was displayed ... from

"Yes!" Ca.s.s shouted out loud as she double clicked on the note.

"Hi Ca.s.s,

I picked up the paper this morning and read about this heroic pilot named Ca.s.s Conway who skillfully saved a plane full of people from sure death. Know anyone by that name?

I can't tell you how it made me feel to know your life was in danger. I know we haven't gotten to know each other very well yet, but I too feel this connection you mentioned in your last post. I thank the powers above, that I didn't lose you so soon after finding you.

Please don't feel that you have overstepped your bounds. I am currently not in a loving relations.h.i.+p. In fact, I am just ending a very dark and disturbing relations.h.i.+p with someone I am sure is being unfaithful to me. I too will guard my heart carefully from this point on, however, somehow, I feel that it would be safe in your hands. I am looking forward to knowing you better, and to see if my feelings are correct.

You say that you are enchanted with me, and that I invade your thoughts. I too am enchanted. I long to know the sensitive, caring and compa.s.sionate person described in the news clipping from this morning's paper. I am truly impressed by your gallant nature, Ca.s.s Conway. I am looking forward to becoming your friend and companion.

Please write soon. I await your reply in hopes of starting a new and wonderful relations.h.i.+p ... one that is mutually satisfying and enjoyable.

You are in my thoughts,


Ca.s.s sat there, staring at the screen. Scrolling back to the top of the note, she read it again.

"Oh my G.o.d! Oh my G.o.d! E ... do you read what I read?" she asked her alter ego.

What, you forget how to read English, Ca.s.s? Get a grip, woman! What I read, is someone who's interested in getting to know you... maybe you'll even score - ya think? Enforcer offered.

Ca.s.s sat there for several more moments, reading the post yet a third time.

h.e.l.lllloooo! Anybody home??? Earth to Ca.s.s! Okay... it's real easy. Step 1, pick up the mouse. Step 2, click on 'reply'. Step 3, type "I want to jump your bones ... what time do I pick you up". Okay? Very simple, Ca.s.s... move your a.s.s! Enforcer demanded.

Ca.s.s shook off the voice and poised her hands over the keyboard.

"Hi Rox,

I can't tell you how much your words mean to me. I was so afraid that I was pus.h.i.+ng this relations.h.i.+p too fast and too far. For all I knew, you were married with children. The last thing I want to do is break up a relations.h.i.+p that is happily working. I am sorry for your heartbreak, but at the same time, elated that this opens the realms of possibilities for us. You have been in my mind, night and day. You invade my dreams, Roxanne Ward.

I'm afraid the newspaper articles are way overstated. I do not consider myself a hero. I was just doing my job. It is my responsibility to ensure the safety of the pa.s.sengers, no matter what it takes. Of course, it would have been a lot easier if I had landing gear, but a belly flop was the only recourse. I thank the powers above that allowed me to live another day so that I would be here for you.

Do you believe in fate, Roxanne? I do. I believe that people are destined to be together. I believe that you and I have known each other in past lives, and will meet again in the future. Our karma dictates it. I know this probably sounds like a bunch of mumbo jumbo to you, but it is real. I feel strongly that our souls have met before. The connection we have both mentioned is evidence of that.

I want to know your heart and your mind, Rox ... and I want you to know mine. If we were indeed destined to be together, as I believe we are, we will cross the barriers of distance and time, and our souls will be one. Open your heart to me Rox. I promise to hold it near, caress it tenderly, cradle it lovingly, and protect it with my life. Trust in me, Rox. I will not hurt you.

Please write again soon,

You are in my heart,


Ca.s.s moved the mouse pointer to 'send' and clicked the b.u.t.ton. Her heart filled with such an intense feeling of joy and antic.i.p.ation at this turn of events that she felt like running a marathon, sore body and all. Sitting there, holding her breath, she closed her eyes and allowed her heart to feel the sensation. Suddenly, her eyes snapped open and she jumped to her feet, staring at the computer.

"Oh my G.o.d!" she shouted. Pressing her hands against her heart, she took a deep breath and just stared at the screen. "It can't be. I've only known ..... it's impossible! It can't be!" she said, pacing back and forth for long moments. Finally, she realized that no amount of pacing would change the obvious.

She was in love.

Roxanne fought the urge for as long as possible, but finally, had to give in and get out of bed. After three failed attempts at convincing her broken ribs to let her sit up, she laid back down and yelled.

"Nikki! Jerri! Guys!! I could use some help here!" she yelled, waiting patiently.

Moments pa.s.sed with no response.

"Nikki? Jerri? For the love of Zeus, if someone doesn't give me a hand, we're gonna have a bed to change!" she yelled.

"Geesh, woman! Hold your bladder, will ya?" Jerri exclaimed, taking the stairs two at a time.

"What to you think I've been trying to do?" Rox complained.

"All right ... come on," the taller woman said as she helped Rox to her feet.

"Some nurses your guys are... leaving your patient all alone like that!" Rox fussed, half grinning while she teased her friend.

"I'm not a nurse, I'm an EMT... blame it on Nikki - she's a nurse," Jerri explained.

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On A Wing And A Prayer Part 16 summary

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