On A Wing And A Prayer Part 28

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"Sounds wonderful. I'll make the toast," she said.

A half hour later, Jerri was on her way to work after kissing her wife soundly and promising a night to remember when she returned early the next morning.

Closing the door behind her retreating wife, Nikki sighed and looked around the living room. Well, Rox won't be up for another hour yet... what to do ... what to do? she asked herself. Nikki really hated being bored. After tidying up the kitchen, she searched through Rox's bookshelves, looking for something interesting to read. Finding nothing that really caught her eye, she decided to let her mind wander to the one place she had been avoiding - Rox's e-mail. She was dying to know if Ca.s.s had responded yet to her plea for help. Without another moment's hesitation, Nikki bounded up the stairs to the third story and quickly logged onto the Internet, only to be disappointed when there was no reply from Ca.s.s. She immediately started having doubts about Ca.s.s' sincerity. "Where the h.e.l.l is he?" she asked out loud. d.a.m.n him! If he's playing with Rox's heart, I'll kill the b.a.s.t.a.r.d! she thought before logging off. Glancing at the clock on the desk, she noted that it was nearly noon. I guess I'd better wake Rox up, she thought as she rose from the desk and descended the stairs to the second story.

Late in the afternoon, Nikki placed a gla.s.s of iced tea on the desk beside Rox, who was sitting there, typing away, diligently working on her book. Leaning in, she kissed her on the head then leaned over her shoulder to read the latest entries.

"I can't wait to beta read this thing for you," she remarked.

"Looks like it will be ready in a week or two," Rox replied. Suddenly, Rox stopped typing and turned her chair around to face Nikki. "Nik, have I told you lately how much I love you? You have been such a wonderful friend. Sweetheart, I don't know what I would do without you and Jerri," she said as Nikki blushed from the praise. "You know," she continued, "looking back on how we met, I realize now that my life would be very different if you hadn't come onto the scene six years ago and beat the s.h.i.+t out of that idiot who was trying to rape me. I owe you so much, Nikki. Thank you for being my friend," she finished.

Nikki leaned down and hugged Rox fiercely, causing the red head to wince from her bruises. "Oops, sorry," Nikki exclaimed, releasing her hold on Rox. "Hey, how about a walk on the beach. You really need to get some fresh air," she suggested.

"Sounds good," Rox replied as she shut down the computer. "Afterwards, I'll give you a hand with dinner ... or maybe we can just order take out," she suggested.

"Cool! Come on," Nikki said, reaching out for Rox's hand.

Soon the two friends were walking arm in arm along the beach, enjoying the setting sun, the light sea breeze, and pleasant conversation. Their heads dipped together on occasion, smiles on both their faces as they kicked up the surf and squished wet sand between their toes. The figure watched solemnly as the friends enjoyed their walk, angry thoughts of revenge tormenting the demented mind. Soon, Roxanne ... soon. You won't escape me this time, came the mantra as the figure watched the retreating silhouettes walk into the sunset.


"MAN! WHAT A rough two days!" Ca.s.s whined out loud as she kicked off her shoes and dropped down onto the couch in her condo. Leaning her head against the back of the couch, she rested her feet on the coffee table and let out a sigh. "How can someone get so tired just by sitting?" she asked to none one in particular.

Ca.s.s, you know, you really need a housemate. All this talking to yourself is really making me worried. Enforcer piped in.

Suddenly, Ca.s.s' stomach growled loudly.

Whoa! Time to visit Angie! Enforcer exclaimed. No offense, my friend, but airline food really sucks! After two days of eating that swill, I'm looking forward to some home cooking. Get your a.s.s in the shower so we can go to dinner! her alter ego demanded.

Ca.s.s did as she was told, thoroughly enjoying the warm spray of the shower ma.s.sage against her skin. She couldn't believe how sore and stiff she was just from sitting for long hours in the c.o.c.kpit ... and sleeping on hard hotel room beds. I really need to find another job, she thought, one that doesn't put me in the c.o.c.kpit for such extended periods of time.

While towel drying her hair, Ca.s.s sauntered into the office to power up the computer.

Ca.s.s, what the h.e.l.l are you doing? I thought we were going to dinner? Enforcer asked.

E, I haven't checked my e-mail for three days. I need to see if Rox responded to my last note, she replied. We can get some dinner afterwards.

It can't wait for a couple of hours? Geesh, Ca.s.s, you're p.u.s.s.y whipped all ready! Enforcer teased.

I am not! I'm just concerned that she may think I'm unresponsive. That's all, Ca.s.s explained.

Bull s.h.i.+t! Enforcer exclaimed. You can't fool me Ca.s.s! You are p.u.s.s.y whipped. You're madly in love and you'll do anything to make her happy.

Ca.s.s threw her hands up into the air. All right! All right! So what if I am? Yes ... I'll do whatever it takes. Are you happy now? she asked sarcastically.

Whatever it takes, huh? Enforcer asked.

Whatever it takes, Ca.s.s reiterated as she selected the 'new mail' icon and waited for the server to complete its query.

Seconds later, the server delivered three pieces of new mail into Ca.s.s' account. As far as Ca.s.s was concerned, there was only one ... the one which read 'HELP!!' in the subject line.

"Oh my G.o.d!" she said out loud as she double clicked on the note and began to read.

"Hi Ca.s.s,

This is Nikki. As you can see, I am using Rox's e-mail account to send this note to you.

Ca.s.s, Rox is in serious trouble. Now, before you panic, let me say that she's safe at this very moment. In fact, she's in the hospital again, at least for the night. You see, Chris managed to break into the house undetected around midnight last night. Rox and I were the only one's home ... Jerri was working. Chris knocked me out cold and then attacked Rox in her sleep. Jerri interrupted the attack when she came home, but Chris managed to escape. The police have issued an APB, but so far, no luck finding the b.a.s.t.a.r.d.

Ca.s.s, she's a mess. She's not critically injured, but she does have a concussion, and she is so black and blue that even I didn't recognize her. It is such a pathetic sight, it makes me cry to see her.

You had said in your last note to her that you would jump on the next plane north if she needed you. Well, Ca.s.s - I would say that she needs you desperately right now. Last night's attack, while I was in the house with her, is evidence that she needs more protection than I can give her. Jerri is here with her during the day, but even an idiot like Chris wouldn't be stupid enough to attack during broad daylight. Jerri works mostly at night, so that leaves me here to protect her alone. Obviously, I am not capable of doing the job ... at least not by myself.

She needs you Ca.s.s ... please, if it is at all possible, find a way to come to her ... to be here with her, at least until Chris is caught and is behind bars. She lives in Rockland, Maine, at 1163 Oceanview Terrace. It's right on the ocean. Any taxi at the airport can take you there. Please hurry, Ca.s.s. There's no telling when Chris might show up again.

I will stay here with her and protect her to the best of my ability, Ca.s.s, but she needs more protection than I can give her. Please hurry.


Ca.s.s sat staring at the screen for several long moments before Enforcer broke her reverie.

Ca.s.s! Ca.s.s! G.o.d d.a.m.n it, girl, snap out of it. Your woman is in danger. Get your a.s.s in gear and do something about it! her alter ego scolded.

"Rox!" Ca.s.s said in a hoa.r.s.e whisper. "Hold on sweetheart, I'm coming," she added as she rose to her feet and ran through the condo, grabbing her car keys as she headed for the door.

Ca.s.s ... did you get the address? Enforcer asked.

Ca.s.s stopped dead in her tracks, one hand on the door handle. "s.h.i.+t! No, I didn't," she said out loud as she headed back to the office and selected 'print' on the message that was still displayed on the screen. She waited impatiently as the note printed out. "Come on ... come on ... print!" she urged, finally grabbing the piece of paper as it ejected from the printer.

Ca.s.s, aren't you going to shut the computer down? Enforcer asked.

"f.u.c.k it! I don't have time," she replied as she headed out the door.

"Look, I don't care what it costs ... now book me on the next flight to Maine, d.a.m.n it!" Ca.s.s shouted as she leaned over the ticket clerk.

The clerk nervously typed Ca.s.s' destination into the computer and waited for the program to provide available flight information as she chanced furtive glances at the tall anxious woman. As dreaded, there were no flights available for that evening.

"What?" Ca.s.s shouted. "d.a.m.n it! There has to be something. Here ... let me have the phone," she demanded from the timid clerk.

Ca.s.s quickly dialed a number and waited, impatiently drumming her fingers on the counter top. Finally, a connection was made. "Jimmy? Jimmy, this is Ca.s.s. Look, I need to book a flight to Maine for this evening. It's vital that I get on a plane tonight. Jimmy ... Jimmy, someone I love very much may be in danger ... I need to get on a plane tonight!" she insisted. "Look, I don't want to hear about special favors for pilots ... I need a flight out TONIGHT!" she yelled. "For Christ's sake, then rent me a chartered jet ... I'll fly it there myself!" she demanded. "Yes I'm f.u.c.king serious! ... Good ... all right ... when will it be ready? ... Two hours ... fine ... okay ... I'll be on runway three in half that time. Look, you'll need to find a replacement for my Thursday fight into Mexico. I don't think I'll be back until later in the weekend. All right ... and Jimmy - thanks, I owe you one. Good bye." Hanging up the phone, she thanked the receptionist and headed back home to collect an overnight bag.

Rox, I wish real life was more like one of your science fiction novels ... then I could just teleport myself to you instantly instead of flying for eight hours across the country. d.a.m.n! I wish there was a way to get to you faster, she complained internally as she waited for radio clearance to take off. It was nearly midnight before her flight had been cleared. I'm not going to reach you until 10 or 11 a.m. your time, she mused again. G.o.d, I hope I'm not too late.

Clearance was finally granted as she taxied the jet onto the runway. Minutes later, she was gaining alt.i.tude and was on her way to the East Coast.

Ca.s.s ... You know, you really should have gotten some sleep before taking off. You flew for six hours earlier today. How are you going to stay awake long enough to fly eight more? Enforcer asked.

Don't worry about me, E ... I'll stay awake ... I have to - Rox needs me. I can't afford to fall asleep, she replied.

I certainly hope so, my friend, you won't be much good to her dead! Enforcer pointed out.

Seven hours and 38 minutes later, Ca.s.s landed in Augusta, Maine, 35 miles northwest of Rockland. With the crossover in time zones, she touched down at 10:32 a.m. EDT. She was thoroughly exhausted and spent a good portion of the next 20 minutes in the ladies room at the airport, splas.h.i.+ng cold water on her face to revive her tired body before hiring a taxi to take her to Rockland.

Well, Nikki, I've decided that you have to die too ... seeing as you never leave her side, the stealthed figure thought evilly as the pair drank coffee on the glider together. It was a beautiful morning and the best friends had decided to take their coffee outside as they sat on the glider and discussed ideas for the next section of Rox's book. Jerri had worked the night before and was still sleeping at 11 a.m. on this beautiful Maine morning, although she was not scheduled to work that day.

Nikki and Jerri had a long discussion the night before about Ca.s.s' unresponsiveness to Nikki's note. Nikki was convinced that Ca.s.s was not sincere in his declaration of love, and was debating about whether to tell Rox she had sent the note. Jerri was more ready to give Ca.s.s the benefit of the doubt, but left the decision to tell Rox, up to Nikki.

Jerri rolled over and looked at the clock. 11:17 a.m. Sometimes she hated working the night s.h.i.+ft. It always seemed as if half the day was gone before she rolled out of bed. Throwing her legs over the side, she sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Rising to her feet, she went straight to the bathroom before heading downstairs for a cup of coffee. Filling her coffee cup, she peeked onto the back deck to say good morning to her wife and friend before heading back up stairs to shower. On her way to the stairs, she heard a knock at the front door. Reaching for the k.n.o.b, she pulled the door open, to come face to face with a tall, dark haired beauty, who looked vaguely familiar.

"Hi!" Jerri said. "May I help you?"

"Rox ... I'm looking for Roxanne Ward," the woman said.

"She's on the back deck. May I ask who's calling on her?" Jerri said.

"Ca.s.s Con...." came the partial reply.

"You're s.h.i.+tting me!" shouted Jerri, taking a step backward. "You're Ca.s.s???!! Holy f.u.c.king Mother of G.o.d... she's going to s.h.i.+t!"

"Rox, when was the last time you heard from Ca.s.s?" Nikki asked as she sipped her coffee.

"Ah, let me see, that would have been a few days ago when he sent his last note. Why do you ask?" Rox replied.

"Well....." Nikki started before she was interrupted by a yell from the living room.

"Rox... there's someone here to see you!" came Jerri's voice.

Jerri just stood there staring at Ca.s.s.

"May I come in?" Ca.s.s asked awkwardly, still standing on the front porch holding the screen door open.

"Sure ... sure, come in. Sorry about that," Jerri said, stepping back to let Ca.s.s enter.

"Well, you know who I am ... and you are...?" Ca.s.s asked.

Again, Jerri shook herself mentally for staring. "Ah ... I'm Jerri Lockwood - Rox's friend. Nice to meet you," she offered her hand, grinning ear to ear. Man! Rox is going to be shocked! she thought to herself. Wow, Ca.s.s, you're even better looking than your picture!

Both women looked at the door to the kitchen as they heard noises approaching from the other side.

Nikki looked at Rox. "Are you expecting any visitors?" she asked.

"Looking like this?" she commented, referring to her bruises, "No way! I wonder who it is?" Rox replied.

"Well, there's only one way to find out," Nikki replied, hoping against hope that it was Ca.s.s. Rising to her feet, she held her hand out to Rox. "Come on," she said.

"Nik, will you go see for me? I really don't want to be seen like this," she asked her friend.

"No Rox ... now come on, don't be such a chicken. Let's go," she said again, reaching for her friend's hand.

Rox finally complied as Nikki helped her to her feet and they entered the kitchen on route to the living room.

The door to the living room swung open as Rox and Nikki stepped through. Rox stopped dead in her tracks as she came face to face with a beautiful dark haired woman who towered over her by at least eight inches.

Nikki looked questioningly at Jerri, who just grinned in response.

"Oh my G.o.d, Rox!" Ca.s.s said in anguish, stepping forward to reach out for Rox when she saw the condition the red head was in.

Rox narrowed her eyes. Why does she look so familiar? she asked herself. "Do I know you?" she asked.

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On A Wing And A Prayer Part 28 summary

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