On A Wing And A Prayer Part 29

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Ca.s.s was taken back by Rox's reaction. "Rox ... Its me ... Ca.s.s," she replied, still reaching forward with her hand.

Rox and Nikki gasped at the same time. "You can't be ... Ca.s.s is .... is..." Rox stammered, head darting side to side looking for an escape route. "Ah ... this can't be happening .. it can't be," she said, as she began to panic. Oh my G.o.d! Ca.s.s is a woman? A woman!? It can't be! her mind screamed.

Rox covered her hand with her mouth and started backing up against the door as Ca.s.s touched her palm to her cheek.

"Oh my G.o.d! No! Don't touch me!" Rox screamed, cringing visibly and brus.h.i.+ng Ca.s.s' hand away. "Oh my G.o.d, oh my G.o.d..." she said again before turning tail and running back into the kitchen.

Ca.s.s looked at Jerri and Nikki in alarm.

"It leads to the beach ... if you love her, go after her," Jerri suggested as she pointed to the door.

Ca.s.s headed for the door as Nikki looked at her wife. "But ... but ... but ... Jer?" she said before starting after Ca.s.s.

"No, Nik ... let them be. This is bound to be a huge shock to Rox. Give them time. If they truly love each other, it won't matter," Jerri said, holding on to Nikki's arm.

Rox felt a desperate sense of panic rise in her chest as she ran across the sand toward the surf. Oh my G.o.d, oh my G.o.d! she panted to herself, her head swimming with confusion as she peered over her shoulder to see if Ca.s.s had followed her. All of the sudden Rox felt like she hit a brick wall as she ran into a figure standing right in front of her ... a figure that stopped her dead in her tracks at the edge of the water. "Chris!" she shouted despairingly.

"h.e.l.lo Roxanne. My, you have such nice color in your face today," he said as he reached out and grabbed her by the throat.

"Chris!" she said again, grabbing onto his wrists as he lifted her off her feet by her neck. "Pl ... please ... don't!"

"You've humiliated me, Roxanne. You and your girlfriends. They're going to die too ... right after I'm finished with you," he threatened.

"No, Chr ... Chris ... please!" she cried again, trying desperate to take the pressure off her neck as her toes left the sand.

"Shut up, b.i.t.c.h!" he screamed. "Don't tell me you didn't f.u.c.k them! I saw you kissing them! How could you?" he ranted as he closed his hands tighter around her neck.

"Rox! Rox!" came a voice from a several yards down the beach.

Chris looked beyond Roxanne's shoulder at the tall, dark haired woman running toward them, then looked back to Rox with raised eyebrows. "Another new prospect, Rox? What's the matter ... two aren't enough for you?" he accused.

"Arghghhrhghh, Rox choked out, trying desperately to pull air into her lungs as she fought to remain conscious.

Ca.s.s stopped short when she realized the precarious situation Rox was in. "Chris, put her down," Ca.s.s warned. "Put her down and walk away from her. I don't want to have to hurt you."

Chris looked at Ca.s.s and laughed. "You don't scare me, b.i.t.c.h. I don't know who the h.e.l.l you are, but if you know what's good for you, you'll walk away and forget what you've seen."

"You son of a b.i.t.c.h!" Nikki screamed as she came running up behind Chris and jumped on his back. She had gone onto the back deck to watch the drama unfold between Ca.s.s and Rox, when she realized that Chris had made an appearance and was now threatening Roxanne's life. While Ca.s.s had him distracted, she ran off the deck and circled around behind them before Jerri could stop her. She managed to sneak up behind Chris and jump on his back where she was currently pummeling his head with her fists.

Chris dropped Rox into the sand and grabbed Nikki by the hair, bending over and depositing her in the sand next to the red head. Hauling back, he kicked her solidly in the ribs, in full view of Jerri who launched herself at him with a full body tackle, bringing them both to the ground. By the time he shook Jerri off and made it back to his feet, Ca.s.s had joined them and was faced off with him in a cla.s.sic Taekwondo stance.

Chris stood there and laughed at Ca.s.s. "Am I supposed to be afraid of you, little girl?" he asked bitterly.

"Last time I looked, I wasn't exactly little," Ca.s.s said as she hit Chris in the jaw with the heel of her foot, sending him cras.h.i.+ng into the surf. Jerri took the opportunity to pounce on him and bury her fists into his face several times before Ca.s.s finally pulled her off. Chris laid there in a pathetic heap as Ca.s.s and Jerri stood over him.

"d.a.m.n that felt good!" Jerri exclaimed, fists clenched by her sides. "I've been wanting to do that for months!"

"Jerri, please see to Rox and Nikki ... I need to find something to tie this b.a.s.t.a.r.d up with until the police come," Ca.s.s said.

"Rox, you stay here with Ca.s.s. I'll take Nikki to the emergency room to have her ribs checked out," Jerri suggested as Rox made a move to get into the backseat of Jerri's car.

"Jer...." Rox said pleadingly, not wanting to be left alone with Ca.s.s who was currently answering questions for the police. Chris was handcuffed securely in the back seat of the cruiser.

Jerri took Rox by the shoulders. "Rox ... I know this is uncomfortable, but you have to deal with it. Just listen to your heart, okay?" she said leaning in and kissing the red head on the cheek before climbing into her car.

Nikki had already settled into the front pa.s.senger seat and was leaning against the door, her arms wrapped around her middle. Leaning down to poke her head in the window, Rox kissed Nikki lightly on the head and whispered, "I'm sorry," to her friend.

Nikki smiled gently and a.s.sured Rox that she'd be okay, promising to call later from home. Rox nodded and waved as Jerri backed out of the driveway and headed to the hospital. The police cruiser left moments later, leaving Rox and Ca.s.s standing in the driveway, an uncomfortable silence between them.

Rox watched the police cruiser as it drove out of sight, avoiding direct contact with Ca.s.s' eyes. She jumped when she felt Ca.s.s' hand on her upper arm. Ca.s.s pulled it away immediately.

"I ... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you," she apologized.

Rox wrapped her arms around herself and nodded, dropping her chin to her chest. "It's okay," she said before adding, "Maybe we should go inside."

The pair moved into the house, the tension between them almost palatable. Rox did her best to keep a safe distance between them, wis.h.i.+ng beyond all hope that she was anywhere but alone with Ca.s.s right now.

Once inside, Rox's manners kicked in. "Can I get you anything ... coffee, ice tea ...?" Rox offered politely as they stood awkwardly in the foyer.

Ca.s.s, this woman is Little Suzie Homemaker! Would you like some tea, kind sir? Enforcer mocked. Maybe this was a mistake? the alter ego suggested.

No, E. There's something else going on here ... I don't know what it is, but I intend to find out, Ca.s.s replied internally as she reached out and took Rox by the shoulders. "Rox ..." she began.

Rox immediately shook her hands off, flapping her own arms in the air repeatedly. "No! ... No, please, don't touch me!" she demanded as she moved away from Ca.s.s, crossing the room and wrapping her arms around herself once more.

Ca.s.s was thoroughly confused. This was not the woman she shared loving and intimate e-mails with. "Rox, honey, talk to me. What's wrong?" Ca.s.s asked, her hands spread out in front of her in a pleading gesture.

Roxanne looked her in the face for the first time and was immediately stunned by the brilliant blue of the taller woman's eyes. Their eyes held each other's for several moments, threads of attraction spanning the physical distance between them. Threads that scared the h.e.l.l out of Rox.

"Rox ...?" Ca.s.s questioned once more.

"Ca.s.s ... you're a woman!" Rox finally answered.

Ca.s.s' brow immediately furrowed as she stood to her full height.

No s.h.i.+t Sherlock! So she finally noticed, huh? How the h.e.l.l could she possibly think you were anything BUT a woman? With knockers like yours, even a blind man could see! Ca.s.s this woman is a head case ... run while you still can! Enforcer encouraged.

Ca.s.s shook off the offending thoughts and took two steps toward Rox, who immediately backed up the same distance. Ca.s.s stopped short and stared at the pet.i.te red head. "Rox ... I don't understand ... of course I'm a woman ... I a.s.sumed you knew ... I sent a picture!" she stammered, not fully understanding the implications of Rox's fears.

Rox's head snapped up as Ca.s.s mentioned the picture. Of course! she said to herself. She's the woman in the picture! I thought she was the man! Oh my G.o.d! Roxanne, you really f.u.c.ked up this time! "Ca.s.s," she said to the woman, "I a.s.sumed the man in the picture was you ... I'm sorry," she said as her eyes filled with tears. "I'm so sorry."

Ca.s.s placed her left hand on her hip and ma.s.saged her forehead with the other hand. Sighing deeply, she tried to think back to what she had told Rox about the picture. I'm attaching a scanned photo of myself and my co-pilot so you can see for yourself, she recalled. Closing her eyes, she dropped her chin to her chest and mentally kicked herself for not at least mentioning Brian's name when she referred to her co-pilot. Ca.s.s, you're such a screw up! No wonder she was confused! she scolded herself. G.o.d, how can I fix this?

"Rox," Ca.s.s began, taking several steps toward the smaller woman before Rox stopped her once more. "Rox, please let me touch you ... let me hold you," she pleaded desperately. "I promise not to hurt you," she added.

Looking into the dark haired woman's eyes was almost her undoing. What Rox saw there went straight to her heart and filled her body with such a rush of heat, she thought she was going to faint. Raging confusion filled her heart and mind as she nodded slightly, giving the taller woman permission to envelope her in a loving embrace.

Ca.s.s slowly pulled Rox into her arms, holding her close and running her hands up and down the smaller woman's back. By the G.o.ds, she feels good in my arms, she thought as she buried her face in Rox's hair.

h.e.l.llllooooo!?? Enforcer interjected. Earth to Ca.s.s! Don't you get it? She's not into chicks!

Enforcer's words came cras.h.i.+ng in on Ca.s.s with such force, she felt like someone had punched her in the stomach. Slowly, she relaxed her hold on the woman, tears clouding her vision as she took a step backward, trembling hands dropping to her sides.

Rox couldn't believe the sense of loss she felt when Ca.s.s released her. Part of her wanted to reach out and cling desperately to the taller woman. She felt so safe, so loved. The other part of her wanted to run away ... run as far as possible. This isn't supposed to be happening, she thought. Even as close as Nikki and I are, I've never even considered this type of relations.h.i.+p. G.o.d, why do I feel this way? Why does it hurt so much?

Rox's right hand flew up to cover her mouth, stifling a sob while her left arm circled her own waist, pulling in tightly to reduce the impact of her sobbing on her injured body.

"Rox ... I'm sorry ... I ... I..." Ca.s.s stammered through her tears. She had never felt such pain in her life. Her heart was literally tearing in two, her breath coming in short pants, eyes darting around wildly for some sign that this wasn't really happening. Never before had she felt such a sense of despair - not even when Patti died. "Rox, I love you," she finally managed to say. "I thought you knew ... I ..."

"Ca.s.s," Rox said through her tears. Taking a step forward, she reached up and touched the side of Ca.s.s' face. "I care about you too," she whispered. "The fact that you're a woman doesn't change that ... it does however, change the way I view what I feel."

Ca.s.s covered Rox's hand with her own and pulled it down close to her chest. "What do you mean?" she asked, tilting her head down so that her nose was within a hair's breath of Rox's.

Rox dropped her chin to her chest for a moment before looking up once more into the captivating pools of blue. "Ca.s.s, I have never been attracted to women ... I don't know if I can ... I just don't know," she whispered, shaking her head side to side.

Ca.s.s leaned her forehead against Rox's and closed her eyes, allowing the tears to run down her cheeks. Taking a deep breath, and swallowing hard, she resolved herself to the inevitable. "I understand, Rox. It breaks my heart, but I do understand," she said.

Rox pulled her head back and took Ca.s.s' face between her hands. Looking directly into her eyes, she allowed her own tears to fall as she sought the words to comfort this beautiful woman and to waylay her own fears. "No, Ca.s.s, you don't understand. I DO care for you, but these feelings terrify me. I have never felt this way for a woman before. I don't know if I can do it ... I need time," she pleaded.

Ca.s.s raised her head out of Rox's hands and took a step back. Reaching up, she wiped the tears from her cheeks with the back of her hand and forced a smile onto her face ... a smile that did not reach her eyes. Nodding her head, she spoke, "Ah ... maybe I should go. I'm sorry, Rox ... sorry that I messed things up so badly," she said as the started toward the door.

Rox beat her to it, slamming the door hard and blocking it with her body. "No, Ca.s.s. You're not going anywhere. You look like you're dead on your feet. When was the last time you slept?" she asked the tall woman.

"Rox, please," Ca.s.s said, reaching once more for the door handle.

"I said, NO!" Roxanne said forcefully, "now answer my question ... when was the last time you slept?" she asked again.

Ca.s.s placed both hands on her hips and debated about whether to physically move Rox out of the way, before reconsidering. "Rox..."

"d.a.m.n it, Ca.s.s Conway! I said you weren't going anywhere!" Rox declared loudly, still blocking the door.

Ca.s.s threw her hands up in defeat. "All right! All right! I haven't slept since Monday night, okay!" she confessed.

"Monday night? Monday night? Ca.s.s, that was two days ago for Christ's sake!" Rox ranted. "Jesus Christ, woman! The only place you're going is to bed," she said. Reaching forward, she took Ca.s.s' arm and directed her toward the stairs.

Ca.s.s resisted. "Rox, this isn't necessary ... really," she said.

"Oh yes it is," Rox insisted, turning Ca.s.s around once more and pus.h.i.+ng her toward the stairs. "Ca.s.s ... you flew all the way across the continent to protect me from Chris. Please let me do this for you," she pleaded when it was obvious she was getting nowhere trying to maneuver the larger woman toward the stairs.

Ca.s.s looked down into the forlorn look in Rox's eyes, and knew she was powerless to resist.

"Okay ... I'll stay, but just for a short while. I'll take a nap, then I'll be on my way," she explained.

Rox didn't know what to say. A little voice inside of her told her to hang onto this woman for dear life, but the fear of facing the truth presided over her heart and demanded she let Ca.s.s go.

"All right," Rox said, "a nap it is."


"h.e.l.lO?" ROX SAID as she picked up the receiver while pouring herself a cup of coffee. She had just gotten out of bed a half hour earlier and was ready to enjoy her first coffee while relaxing on the back deck.

"Hi Rox! How are you feeling this morning," came a grumpy voice.

"Nikki!" Rox exclaimed. "I'm pretty sore, and quite a sight to look at, but otherwise, I'm okay. How are your ribs?" she asked.

"Bruised and tender," she replied. "Rox, how did things go last night?" asked the anxious blonde.

"None too subtle, are we, Nik?" Rox giggled.

"Look, Rox ... my ribs hurt, my head is pounding, and I've got my period ... don't mess with me this morning - okay? Just answer the question!" she insisted.

"You got your period, huh? Well, that explains the frustration in your voice," Rox teased.

"Roxanne Ward!" Nikki yelled into the phone.

"Okay! All right! Chill, will ya?" Rox joked. "She went to bed after you left."

"Alone?" Nikki asked.

"Well, of course, alone! Geesh Nikki, what do you think I am?" Rox exclaimed.

"Right now, I'd say you're lucky ... six feet of gorgeous in your bed ... yep - I'd say you're d.a.m.ned lucky!" Nikki replied.

"Nikki, she's not in my bed ... she's in the guest room," Rox explained.

"Well, technically, that's your bed too," Nikki reached.

"Aarrgghh!" Rox exclaimed at her friend's logic. "Nikki, don't you have anything better to do with your time than hara.s.s me?" she asked.

"No," Nikki answered.

"Anyway," Rox continued, "she went to bed shortly after you and Jerri left yesterday, and she's been sleeping ever since."

"Rox, that was, let's see ... about 18 or 19 hours ago! She's STILL sleeping?" Nikki asked incredulously.

"Well ... she hadn't slept in about 36 hours before she got here, Nik. She was exhausted," Rox explained, starting to feel a little uneasy that Ca.s.s hadn't yet made an appearance. She decided to check on her as soon as she hung up with Nikki.

"So what happened?" Nikki asked.

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On A Wing And A Prayer Part 29 summary

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