On A Wing And A Prayer Part 8

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Rox looked up at her friend and blushed. Nikki's eye brows took up residence in her hairline at the shade of her friend's face. "A new e-mail friend. We've been trading notes for about a week now ... met in chat last night. He seems like a very intelligent person," Rox said.

Reaching over, she placed two fingers under her friend's chin. "You look pretty in pink, Rox," Nikki said. "You must like this guy. I haven't seen you blush over anyone since you first met Chris."

Nikki looked at the screen again. "By the looks of it, you are planning on 'seeing' him again," she said, a bit cautiously.

Rox's eyes followed Nikki's line of vision to the note still on the screen. "Yeah, I guess I am," she admitted, smiling.

Turning her friend to face her, she looked into green eyes and said, "Rox, you know if Chris finds out about this, you'll be in big trouble. The whip marks on your back will feel like mosquito bites compared to what will happen."

Rox suddenly became serious. "I know, Nik. That's why Chris can't ever know ... 'kay?" she asked.

"I'll take it to my grave -- you know that, don't you?" Nikki asked her friend, who just nodded and hugged her in response.

Pus.h.i.+ng the bangs off Rox's forehead, Nikki brushed her palm against her friend's cheek and said, "Okay, so tell me about Ca.s.s," she said.

"There's not much to tell. We've only chatted once ... and we spent most of the time talking about my writing. I didn't get a chance to even ask him what he looks like. The only thing I know for sure, is that he's a pilot ... see, his userid is ... Ooohh, and I know that he flies a lot into Mexico and Central America." she finished.

"Well, that's certainly enough to base a relations.h.i.+p on," Nikki said sarcastically.

Now it was Rox's turn to swat her friend on the shoulder. "Nikki! No one said anything about starting a relations.h.i.+p! At this point, we're just friends."

"Just friends.... that's what you said about Chris two years ago," she replied.


IT WAS EARLY afternoon before Rox was able to convince Nikki to go home and let her work. Nikki was nervous because she wasn't sure when Chris was coming home. She didn't really want Rox alone when that b.a.s.t.a.r.d came back.

Nikki went straight home, then called Jerri at work to fill her in on the Ca.s.s situation. She also expressed her concern about Rox being alone when Chris got back.

"Sweetheart, call Rox and invite her to dinner tonight," Jerri suggested. We'll keep her out late. If Chris does come home today, maybe the son of a b.i.t.c.h will be sleeping by the time she gets there,"

"Jerri, my love, I knew there was a reason I keep you around!" Nikki exclaimed into the phone. "Well ... that and other things," she added coyly.

"Yeah, well, you can demonstrate those 'other things' when I get home tonight. Okay?" Jerri asked.

"Are you sure you want to keep Rox out late? I mean, it might eat into some of our 'quality time' together," the pet.i.te blonde said suggestively.

"There's only one thing I want to 'eat into' tonight, short s.h.i.+t -- and you know what it is!" Jerri teased.

"You are such a pig!" exclaimed Nikki into the receiver.

"Oink, oink!" came the reply. "Look, we'll keep Rox out till a respectable, but late hour, then we'll drive her home to make sure the house is safe before she enters. Okay?" Jerri added.

Nikki almost didn't catch that second part -- her concentration was too heavily focused on the first part of Jerri's statement.

"Respectable hour ... right ... okay, Jer. I love you sweetheart. Hurry home, okay? Maybe we can have appetizers before dinner," Nikki said in a sultry voice -- leaving no doubt as to what she meant.

After hanging up the phone, Nikki sent an e-mail to Rox ...

"Hey Girl, Are you free for dinner tonight? I just spoke with Miss Gorgeous and she suggested I invite you over.

Let me know ... 'kay?

Love ya!


Roxanne made significant progress on her story before taking a coffee break late in the afternoon. As was her usual habit, she carried her coffee out onto the back deck and sat in her glider, looking out over the ocean as she enjoyed the flavorful brew. She loved to spend time there where it was serenely quiet, save for the sound of the cras.h.i.+ng surf and the cawing of the seagulls overhead. All of her novels and journal entries had their origins there. It was there that the first sparks of romance between her alien lovers began to take shape.

For some reason, the atmosphere inspired her creativity. It was part of what she loved about her home. Rox sat there staring at the ocean long after she had seen the bottom of her coffee cup, a gamut of emotions running through her mind. She felt trapped. Caught in a relations.h.i.+p that was cruel and controlling. She didn't love Chris ... not anymore ... not since the beatings. They had been together for nearly two years, however it had only been the last six months or so that the abuse began. It was about six months ago that Rox started suspecting Chris was having an affair. She supposed the beatings were a way of soothing guilt ... of transferring the blame to her. Many times, she thought of leaving, but each time, Chris would bring up how a separation would break her father's heart. Rox just couldn't do that. She loved her parents devoutly, and vowed to make her father's last few months as happy as possible ... even if it meant living in her own personal nightmare.

Taking a deep sigh, Rox reached up and wiped a lone tear from the corner of her eye. Rising stiffly from the glider, she headed back to work, refilling her coffee cup on the way.

Sitting down in front of her computer, Rox decided to check her e-mail before starting to write again. She had two new messages, an advertis.e.m.e.nt from her local server, and one from Nikki. Clicking on Nikki's note, she began to read.

Hhmm, dinner. Sounds good to me. I haven't seen Jerri in a few days. It should be a good visit, she thought as she clicked on 'Reply'.

"Hey Nik,

I'd love to come to dinner ... but are you sure you two can tear yourselves away from each other long enough to take visitors? After all, my little mattress queen, you and the big guy have the most active libidos in Maine!

Let me know what time.

Love ya back...


Roxanne clicked on 'send', then sat back to see if Nikki was monitoring her mail. Sure enough, moments later, a reply appeared. Rox grinned broadly as she read her friend's response.

"Roxanne Ward ... you are almost as bad as my wife. If I told you what she said to me earlier, I'd bet I could see you blush right over the phone. So big guy and mattress queen, huh? Do I sense some jealousy here?

Dinner at 6 p.m. Jerri will pick you up around 5:30 p.m. on her way home from work, okay?

See you then,


Roxanne couldn't resist. As cra.s.s and straightforward as Nikki could be, she blushed easily when confronted about her overactive s.e.x life. Clicking on 'Reply' once more, she wrote: "Hi again, Nik!

Oh yeah ... Big Guy and Mattress Queen ... I like it! BG and MQ for short. Hey! Maybe I can write a comic strip about the two of you ... no, no ... better yet, I'll write a full length novel. Yeah, that's what I'll do! MQ can walk around with a self inflating mattress in her pocket! Whenever she gets the urge (say 10 times a day at a minimum), she just whips it out, pulls a cord and poof! Instant playground! Of course, BG would have to be available and ready at a moment's notice ... but somehow, I don't think that'll be a problem ... and no toys with pointy edges -- don't want to pop the playground!

BG could carry a pager, so she'd know when MQ is 'wantin' her woman' ... no, wait! I have a better idea ... BG could have super hearing, like supergirl or the bionic woman or something. Then she could hear MQ pull the rip cord and know exactly when she was needed ... oh yeah ... this is getting good. Oh, oh!!! Another good idea -- maybe BG could even blink herself places... you know, like I Dream of Jeannie??? Cool idea, huh? Then, as soon as she hears the rip cord, she could just blink and whammo ... she's jumping MQ's bones in an instant! That will save BG some time trying to find a phone to call the little hussy!

Now ... let me see, BG needs a costume ... super girl, wonder woman ... nah, those costumes are too dorky ... Hey! What about ... yeah, that's it! What about a skimpy little dominatrix outfit instead of blue tights and red cape, or those corny little wrist bands and star spangled suit that Wonder Woman wears?? That would be cool ... Yeah, yeah ... I can see it now -- short leather skirt, skimpy halter that just barely covers the essentials, boots, whip, bra.s.s gauntlets and wrist bands ... definitely a s.e.xy breastplate. s.h.i.+t ... one look at her and Ziiiippp ... it wouldn't take very long for MQ to pull that rip cord! Oh boy ... this will definitely make the best seller list.

Now tell me Nik ... which of you wants to be the alien?


Rox sat back and chucked to herself as she waited for her friend's reply. It didn't take long ...

"Jesus, Rox. What have you been smoking? What ever it is, save some for me, huh? This is hysterical! Wait until Jer sees it! s.h.i.+t woman! I am red to the roots of my hair right now, but -- Wow !! -- what an imagination you have, my friend.

Seeing as BG has the super powers (hearing, blinking), then she should be the alien. I'll let her know when she comes home ... just do me one favor -- when you write this story, make sure BG has REALLY long tentacles ... okay? Jeeeeesus Chrrrrrist!, I can't believe I just wrote that! Nikki - you are becoming and evil, corrupt little hussy, aren't you? Must be the influence of a certain GIRLFRIEND of mine! :-) I'm gonna log off now before I get myself into MORE trouble! Jerri will be there to pick you up around 5:30 p.m., okay, Hon?

We're having lobster, so bring a bib! Oh, and bring the salve with you - I'll rub it into your bruises again while you're here.

I'll see you in a few....

Love you,


Rox smiled once more at her friend's reply. Nikki was certainly a study in contrasts, she thought. One moment she's all fire and pa.s.sion, the next, she blus.h.i.+ng like a schoolgirl. That's why I love you, Nikky-girl, Rox thought as she logged off e-mail and returned to her writing.

It was nearly noon by the time Ca.s.s left Angie's diner. After eating a leisurely breakfast, she hung around and visited with the older woman for over an hour. She simply didn't want to be alone, so returning to her empty condo was not an option. When she wore out her welcome and kept Angie from her customers long enough, she headed over to the gym to work out and to get in a little Taekwondo practice. She had taken martial arts lessons for the past three years ... since Patti. She had decided she would never be defenseless again. She was an apt pupil, a quick study, and had just earned her first degree black belt a few months ago.

The gym provided Ca.s.s with a release valve. Located in the heart of San Jose, it was open 24 hours a day to cater to their Silicon Valley customers who worked odd s.h.i.+fts. There were many nights when Ca.s.s lay awake, nightmarish memories running through her mind, when she ultimately headed to the gym to work out her nervous energy, or to tire herself out enough to sleep. Her job required her to be alert, so the gym had been a G.o.dsend on several occasions, allowing her to get the sleep she needed to be fresh for her next flight.

Ca.s.s spent a couple of hours that afternoon working at the various nautilus stations throughout the gym, enhancing her already toned muscles. It was at times like this, when she understood Patti's drive for weight lifting. After finis.h.i.+ng her workout, she had such a sense of euphoria from the endorphins, that she pushed her body further than ever while running through her Taekwondo routine. By the time she had finished, her aerobics wear was drenched with sweat and her damp bangs were plastered to her forehead.

Before leaving the gym, she ran into a friend she had met a few years back while Patti was still alive.

"Hi Ca.s.s!" he said. "Looks like you've had quite a workout."

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On A Wing And A Prayer Part 8 summary

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