On A Wing And A Prayer Part 9

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Ca.s.s smiled. "Jason! Good to see you," she said, shaking his hand while running her gym towel over her forehead. "Where have you been ... I haven't seen you around the gym lately," she added.

"Oh, I've been around. Still flying?" he asked.

"Oh Yeah. I'm working for Southern Lights Airline now. No real complaints," she answered.

"Southern Lights? Where do they normally fly?" he questioned.

"Mostly on the west coast, some mid-west locations, and into Central America ... that's my normal route," Ca.s.s explained.

"Central America? Wow, that must be interesting," he exclaimed. "Why Central America?"

Ca.s.s ran the towel over her neck. "Well, I'm fluent in Spanish, and the flight schedule keeps me home on weekends ... and an occasional day off during the week, like today," she said grinning.

"Sounds like you've got it made," he replied. "Hey, uhm... would you be interested in dinner?" he asked.

Ca.s.s raised her eyebrow. Jason knew that she and Patti were a couple.

Seeing the silent question on her brow, Jason piped in, "Oh... oh, no, Ca.s.s. I'm sorry. All I want is dinner ... just between friends -- okay?"

Ca.s.s immediately relaxed and smiled at her friend. "I'm sorry, Jason. I'm afraid I haven't gotten out much since ... well, you know. Anyway, dinner sounds great. Can I meet you somewhere?" she asked.

"Why don't I pick you up at your place at ... say, 6:00 p.m., okay?" he asked.

"Okay. I'm in the Hillside Condos, unit 3, on Maycoumber Parkway. I'll see you at six," she said as she headed to the door.

"At six," he replied, raising his eyebrows up and down as he watched her retreating form.

The attendant at the desk looked at Jason and sneered. "You don't have a chance with her, you know. You won't get your hands within two feet of that gorgeous body," he said.

Jason looked at the man. "It's not her body I'm interested in," he said, grinning once more before heading to the weight room.

Ca.s.s arrived back at her condo around 3:00 p.m. and headed straight for the shower. Her body felt heavy with fatigue from her extensive workout as she stood under the spray. Ca.s.s, you overdid it again, she thought.

Ca.s.sidy Conway, when are you going to learn that you can't replace s.e.x with exercise? Enforcer scolded. d.a.m.n it girl, you do this every time. Now you'll walk around for the next several days so sore, you can't move. s.h.i.+t woman ... a little sheet action is what you need. That guy you've got a date with tonight is kind of cute ... so what if the equipment is wrong -- the desired result is the same. Go for it girl!

E, please back off. Jason is just a friend. Beside, you're right -- the equipment is wrong. I'm not interested. Ca.s.s replied.

Well then it's time to break down and buy some toys, don't ya think? Enforcer suggested boldly.

Ca.s.s just shook her head and blushed at the direction her alter ego's libido was heading, as she reached forward and shut off the shower. Moments later, she was toweled dry and heading to her bed. Plenty of time to take a nap before dinner, she thought as she laid naked between the cool sheets, drifting off almost immediately into the dreamscape.

Ca.s.s approached the red haired woman in the field of flowers. Walking straight up to her, she reached out and took the woman's face in her hands. Leaning in, she placed a very soft and delicate kiss on her lips. Her heart fluttered in her chest as bolts of electricity shot through her body at the contact.

"I want you," she heard herself whisper in the woman's ear.

The woman whimpered softly in response. Standing there in Ca.s.s' two-handed embrace, she closed her eyes and tilted her chin up for more, as a look of pure sensual joy crossed her features.

Ca.s.s lowered her face once more. Their lips touched, this time with more ardor, parting to admit invading tongues. Ca.s.s marveled at the wondrous taste of this angel before her as her tongue ventured deep into the red head's mouth.

Deep moans erupted from the woman's mouth as she hungry devoured the invading organ. The flowers she had been holding were suddenly forgotten as they scattered to the ground around their feet, allowing her hands to circle the taller woman's waist and pull her in close.

"Let me love you," the woman said as Ca.s.s released her mouth.

Now it was Ca.s.s' turn to moan as she threw her head back, allowing the smaller woman's probing lips access to her throat and neck. Ca.s.s' hands moved to the woman's shoulders and pulled her in tighter.

Reaching up to her neck, the red head tore open Ca.s.s' gown, exposing full, firm b.r.e.a.s.t.s, upon which she hungrily feasted. Ca.s.s was writhing in s.e.xual agony as the woman suckled her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Ca.s.s suddenly felt bare hands caress her thighs. She was so caught up in her s.e.xual haze, that she didn't feel the smaller woman lift her gown to expose the heated skin beneath.

"Oh my G.o.d!" Ca.s.s exclaimed as the woman slipped her hands inside the lace panties she wore, squeezing her cheeks firmly, and pulling her even closer.

Soon the panties were gone as was the gown, as small hands caressed the bulbous mounds, moving in circular patterns across her skin. The woman moved around Ca.s.s to stand behind her, wrapping her arms around the taller woman's waist and slipping her hands lower over her abdomen, closer and closer to the triangle of dark hair that stood guard in front of her treasure. Ca.s.s arched herself backward into the woman as her hands reached behind and pulled the woman closer.

Ca.s.s' breath caught in her throat as deft fingers slipped in between dark curls.

"Ahhhhhh" Ca.s.s yelled as she bolted awake, sitting straight up in bed, covered in sweat and strung quite tightly with s.e.xual desire. Looking around, she frantically searched for her red haired lover. Realizing it was all a dream, she dropped her head into her hands and took several deep breaths. Oh my G.o.d, oh my G.o.d, she chanted in her mind, realizing her body needed s.e.xual relief like a drug addict needed a fix.

Realizing too that she was drenched in sweat, Ca.s.s climbed off the bed and headed back to the shower. Standing under the cool spray, she replayed the dream over and over in her mind while her hands roamed freely over her own body. Leaning back against the shower wall, she lathered her body with soap, raising her level of s.e.xual desire ten-fold. Finally, when the stimulation was more than she could take, she plunged her own fingers between her legs and brought herself to fulfillment, leaning heavily against the shower wall, knees week with o.r.g.a.s.mic relief, as the red haired woman's face filled her mind and her heart.

After her shower, Ca.s.s dressed for dinner then powered up her computer to see if Rox had responded to her last e-mail. She had. Double clicking on the icon next to Rox's note, she read: "Hi Ca.s.s,

I wanted to drop you a line to say that I really enjoyed chat last night. It has been a long time since I had such an interesting discussion about my work. My normal audience isn't usually interested in such things. I would very much like to chat with you again some time.

Btw.... you have an advantage ... you know what I look like, but I am at a loss. Wanna share?

Let me know when it is convenient for you to chat again. I work out of my home, so nearly any time is okay for me. Drop me a line and let me know.

I'll talk to you later,


Ca.s.s smiled when she read the note. Yeah, I had a good time too, she said to herself. So, she wants to know what I look like. Okay, I'll just power up the scanner and send that picture of Brian and I. Its the best one I have of myself. I hope she isn't disappointed.

Clicking on 'Reply', Ca.s.s wrote: "Hi Rox,

I really enjoyed our chat session too. I couldn't believe how fast the time flew. I hope I didn't keep you up too late.

I'm sorry to hear that you don't have someone to discuss your work with more often. I find science fiction so captivating and stimulating. I can't imagine why someone wouldn't want to discuss it -- especially with a talented writer such as yourself.

So, you want a description of me, huh? Okay, I hope I don't disappoint you. I'm nearly six feet tall, relatively slim, somewhat muscular from working out and from Taekwondo (I earned my black belt a few months ago). I have dark hair and blue eyes. That's about it. I'm attaching a scanned photo of myself and my co-pilot so you can see for yoruself. If you need to know more, just let me know.

I too would like to chat with you again. I am finding myself very enchanted with you, Roxanne Ward. You invade my thoughts at the oddest moments. It is a welcome invasion, mind you. I have not had any real companions.h.i.+p since the woman I was seeing pa.s.sed away nearly three years ago. I have guarded my heart relatively close since. It seems good for it to be invaded again.

Well, I'm on my way to dinner, so I will bid you adieu for now.

I am looking forward to chatting with you again. Please let me know when it is convenient for you.


Ca.s.s. .h.i.t the send b.u.t.ton, then powered down the computer. Off to dinner, she said to herself as she grabbed a light jacket and headed out the door to wait for Jason at the curb.


AS PROMISED, JERRI picked Rox up at exactly 5:30 p.m. Climbing into the car, Rox leaned over and kissed her friend h.e.l.lo.

Jerri immediately noticed the bruises on Rox's face and neck. Taking Rox's chin in her hand, she turned the author's head side to side. "d.a.m.n it, Rox. Why does Chris feel the need to hit you like that? One of these days, I'm going to corner the son of a b.i.t.c.h and return the favor," Jerri exclaimed.

"Jer, please ... let's not get started on that, okay? I'd really like this to be a nice evening," Rox said softly.

Jerri placed her hand on the side of Rox's face and looked at her affectionately. Taking a deep breath, she forced a smile and said, "All right, Rox. I'll behave ... but I meant what I said. Nikki and I love you very much and it kills us to see that b.a.s.t.a.r.d do this to you." Jerri saw a slight flash of anger in Rox's eyes. Throwing up her hands, she said, "All right ... all right ... enough said. Let's go have some lobster, okay?"

Jerri flashed a crooked smile at Rox, instantly dissolving her anger. "Okay," Rox replied, a smile covering her own face.

Rox talked about her new novel all the way to Jerri and Nikki's place. Like Ca.s.s, her two friends were fascinated by science fiction, and even prouder, that their friend was a highly successful sci-fi author. Rox's over active imagination never ceased to amaze Jerri as she sat and listened to the summary of Rox's new book. Rox had an unspoken agreement with her two friends to allow them beta access to her new stories before going to the editor. On more than one occasion, they had made significant observations and suggestions that greatly improved the overall story.

"So when will this one be ready for beta?" Jerri asked anxiously.

"Well, if I keep writing at my current pace, it should be done in a month or less," she replied. "Getting a little anxious, are we, Jer?" Rox teased as her friend pulled into the driveway of her home.

"Anxious isn't the word for it, Rox ... and you know it, you little tease," Jerri shot back, turning off the engine.

Rox reached over and patted the side of Jerri's face. "Patience, dear heart ... patience," she said as she reached for the door handle.

Nikki met Rox at the door, taking her into her arms as she entered the kitchen. Jerri leaned over and kissed her wife as she hugged their friend. Nikki was wearing an ap.r.o.n with a huge, obviously female, lobster on the front of it. The head of the lobster was missing ... to be replaced by the head of the wearer, it's claws were curled up and pinching it's own b.r.e.a.s.t.s. The caption below the lobster said, "Lobsters Do It In A Pinch."

Rox laughed heartily when she stood back and took a good look at her friend. "Nikki, you look like you belong at a carnival!" she exclaimed with a chuckle in her voice before adding, "So what can I do to help?"

"Well, you can set the table it you'd like. Dinner will be ready in about 15 minutes," she said as she pointed Rox in the direction of the cupboard. "Oh, by the way, did you bring the salve?" she asked.

"Yes I did. It's in my purse," Rox replied as she retrieved the necessary dinnerware and headed into the dining room.

While Rox was setting the table, Jerri came up behind Nikki as she was retrieving the b.u.t.ter from the refrigerator. Seeing Nikki bent over to reach the lower shelves was more than Jerri could stand. Spooning herself behind her wife, she reached around and cupped Nikki's b.r.e.a.s.t.s, pinching the nipples firmly, while whispering in the blonde's ear, "Can I do it in a pinch, sweetheart?"

Nikki moaned and pressed herself back into Jerri, holding onto the open refrigerator door for support just as Rox came into the kitchen for napkins.

"You'd better close that door before your body heat melts everything in there," she said dryly. Retrieving the napkins, she nonchalantly sauntered by, acting as though seeing her two friends in the midst of foreplay in front of the open refrigerator door was an everyday event.

Nikki blushed and Jerri grinned as they were caught in the act by their friend.

"That's a pretty shade of pink, Nikki!" Rox called loudly from the other room.

"Oh groan!" Nikki said, turning and burying her face in Jerri's shoulder as she died of embarra.s.sment.

Dinner was very pleasant. The three ladies complimented each other well, all of them trying to outtalk the others. They spent a couple of hours talking about Rox's new book, and about Ca.s.s. Rox's face took on a look of utter excitement when she discussed her new e-mail friend. Jerri was very interested in this Ca.s.s Conway ...and a little wary that her friend was setting herself up for a big disappointment.

"Rox, honey, Ca.s.s lives three thousand miles away, you realize that, don't you?" Jerri pointed out.

Rox frowned. "I know that, Jer," she said, sighing deeply. "Look, we've only exchanged a few e-mails, and met in chat once. I don't know what it is about this guy, Jerri. Something has clicked between us. I'm not saying it will develop into anything more substantial, but right now, it just feels really good. I need that right now," she pointed out.

Jerri nodded her head. Reaching out, she covered her friend's hand with her own and squeezed. "Yes, you do," Jerri agreed, looking again at the bruises on Rox's face.

After dinner, the friends worked together to clean up the kitchen. When the were done, Nikki turned to Rox. "Okay, sweetling ... time to apply the salve. Strip!" she commanded.

Jerri raised her eyebrows at Rox and said, "Pushy broad, isn't she? She bosses ME around like that all the time too! You two go ahead, I'll pour us all a gla.s.s of wine to enjoy while we watch the movie."

Rox laughed as they went into the living room. Stripping off her T-s.h.i.+rt, she laid down on her stomach on the floor. Nikki straddled her friend's backside and reached over to unhook her bra, pus.h.i.+ng it off her shoulders. Jerri came into the living room at that very moment and got her first glimpse of the damage on Rox's back. Even knowing the damage was there, she was still so shook up by what she saw, that she almost spilled the three of wine on the carpet. Shaking with rage, she managed to put the wine down, then started to pace back and forth, sputtering obscenities at Chris.

"Jerri! ... Jerri!" Rox said firmly from her position on the floor.

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On A Wing And A Prayer Part 9 summary

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