The Mech Touch Chapter 6400 The Revolution Has Begun!

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Chapter 6400 The Revolution Has Begun!

The product reveal of the Yellow Jacket was supposed to be a straightforward introduction of an innovative new mech model.

Compared to other mechs, the Yellow Jacket came with a range of new technological solutions.

A good mech design did not necessarily have to introduce completely new tech, but it at least had to introduce a new configuration of features that brought more value to the mech market.

The Yellow Jacket did that and more.

The live demonstration of the first Yellow Jacket continued. The machine, which had been built without the inclusion of a neural interface at all, began to perform a range of basic actions that tested the pilot's ability to control the wasp mech.

So far, Jacob Abbott managed to get his machine to follow a flight trajectory through crude and unskilled means.

It took a bit of time for him to figure out how to raise or lower the alt.i.tude of his Yellow Jacket, but he couldn't do so while moving forward or backwards at the same time.

Activating the modular weapon systems on the Yellow Jacket also turned into a struggle. The simplest loadout would be to mount it with nothing or just one single modular


Ves had descended to eschew that and slot a different system into all 6 hardpoints.

This decision vastly increased the burden and complexity of controlling the Yellow Jacket. If Jacob Abbott was not an Apprentice Mech Designer who already possessed at least a few ideas on how mech pilots controlled their machines with their minds, he may have remained stuck in the absence of further instruction!

Even so, it still took around 4 minutes of fumbling and accidental discharges for him to tentatively figure out how to command a specific weapon module to open fire.

One of the distinctively designed modular gauss guns fired a special projectile that created a burst of shrapnel that should be good at eliminating small and fast targets. Another gauss gun fired a solid slug that exploded upon impact.

A third hardpoint mounted with a laser gun fired a modestly powered laser beam that possessed a high firing rate.

Another hardpoint was not mounted with a weapon system at all, but instead held an additional scanning array that was able to conduct powerful short-range directional


All of this versatility seemed fairly notable on a third-cla.s.s budget mech, but the problem was that the aiming of these systems was far off the mark!

None of the guns. .h.i.t their targets!

Despite presenting a completely stationary target dummy right in front of the Yellow Jacket, the mech exhibited such poor control and stability that it never managed to hit its target once!

Even the gauss gun loaded with shrapnel rounds failed to achieve a single hit despite the generous usage conditions of this ammunition type!

If this was a normal product reveal where Ves merely attempted to introduce a normal frontline mech designed to raise the standards of cannon fodder, then he and his work would have attracted a lot of ridicule!

Either his Yellow Jacket was so badly designed that a pilot could not exert proper control over it, or the test pilot he selected to hold this demonstration was so incompetent that it was a miracle that he managed to graduate from a mech academy!

No one was laughing.

Not a single person among the audience had expressed any contempt or ridicule at a display that should never happen beyond the first month of at a mech academy. This was because they all knew that the Yellow Jacket was not a dysfunctional mech, and that Jacob Abbott bore no fault for lacking any real piloting skills.

This disgraceful display was no laughing matter at all. Instead, it represented a miracle that far too many people had prayed for, yet never managed to witness since the start of the Age of Mechs.

For the first time since mechs became a human obsession, the finally witnessed with their very own eyes that it was truly possible for a norm to pilot a mech with their minds!

Even if the control system was completely different from a neural interface, it didn't matter to these people anymore because the approach towards piloting seemed similar enough!

"This is truly real... is it? Please wake me up from this dream if this is false."

"How... how can this be? How does this even work? What are the principles of this Blood Pact?"

"So this is our hierarch's great ploy. By gifting red humanity the ability to pilot mechs without regard for genetic apt.i.tude, he gain the overwhelming support and goodwill of the on the eve of the founding of the Red Collective. Once he concludes this event, he will become unstoppable."

The Yellow Jacket continued to demonstrate a few more features, though Jacob Abbott. struggled to execute the more advanced and convoluted instructions. There were several instances where he failed to pull an action, but n.o.body minded his b.u.mbling performance.

In an exhibition hall that was filled with millions of demanding critics, no one expressed

any sort of blame or rebuke towards the Carmine mech pilot.

Instead, they harbored great respect for Jacob Abbott for being able to control the Yellow Jacket to this extent with no piloting experience and a complete lack of familiarity in this mech model!

Once the demonstration had come to an end, Ves slowly instructed fthe pilot to settle Yellow Jacket and deactivate the machine.


To be honest, Jacob did not want to disengage from his machine at all. His mind entered a high that never seemed to end! Not only had he managed to fulfill his cherished childhood wish of becoming a 'mech pilot, but he also bared open his soul to that of another ent.i.ty for the first time!

The Blood Pact was far more than a channel for data transmission. It was a sacred covenant that represented the permanent bond of trust and camaraderie between two

like-minded beings.

Though Jacob should have felt weirded out by the fact that he had bonded his soul with that of a machine, the experience was so euphoric that he simply could not generate any thoughts of ill-will towards his well-meaning Carmine mech!

Sadly, all good things must come to an end.

The product reveal had to continue. Jacob knew that he would have other opportunities to pilot his new Carmine mech. Now that he had bonded with this Yellow Jacket, it had already become his machine. He trusted that the designer of this groundbreaking mech would never try to deprive him from his new partner.

"Let us take a break." He said as he finally initiated the simplified shutdown procedure. The third-cla.s.s Yellow Jacket slowly powered down. All of its weapon systems got locked and secured while its power reactor entered into its lowest state.

The entrance of the c.o.c.kpit slid open. Jacob struggled to regain his wits as he slowly floated out of the c.o.c.kpit.

His smart clothing had already closed the tiny gaps where the needles had pierced in order to connect the blood tubes to his veins. Careful application of medicines and other substances ensured that Jacob did not experience any pain or suffered any serious health issues due to replacing much of his blood with a synthetic version.

"Come over here, Mr. Abbott.." Ves beckoned.

The first-cla.s.s Apprentice Mech Designer did as instructed. He slowly managed to pull himself out of his wondrous daze by the time his shoes touched the podium.

"Everyone here has witnessed your first attempt at piloting the Yellow Jacket." Ves spoke. "What are your first impressions, Mr. Abbott?"

"It is... magical" Jacob gasped. "I cannot describe it. I dare not ruin this experience for all of the norms that want to pilot a mech like this themselves. I only dare to say that it is worth it. Even this simple third-cla.s.s mech is a joy to pilot because it has made me feel

larger and more awesome than ever before. I do not have the qualifications to tell everyone whether my experience is identical to piloting mechs with a neural interface, but I suspect it may be due to the load on my brain."

The new Carmine mech pilot nursed his head as if he was still suffering a headache.

"According to the readings of your Yellow Jacket, your brain has indeed endured far greater strain than it has typically withstood in the past." Ves explained to Jacob and his audience. "Piloting a mech remains data intensive. That hasn't changed from conventional mechs. Potentates are much better predisposed to endure this level of strain over long periods of time, particularly when they are still young and malleable. Any mech pilot that chooses to pilot a mech that is equipped with a Carmine System will not experience anything that they cannot handle. They have an inherent advantage in this


That caused a lot of norms to grow a little disappointed. Did Ves imply that the genetic apt.i.tude tyranny still managed to retain its existence?

"Are norms not entirely suitable to pilot. Carmine mechs?" Jacob asked. "Norms are not advised to pilot Carmine mechs under challenging conditions without a long period of practice and conditioning. Long piloting sessions, complex configurations, and continuous high-intensity actions will ma.s.sively increase the load on your brain and may induce permanent damage as a result. For safety reasons, every Carmine mech will monitor the load on the brain and give out plenty of warning signals if you approach the danger threshold. The owner of the Carmine mech can even activate a setting that will forcibly shut the machine down if serious brain damage is imminent."

This made a lot of sense. Conventional mech pilots also had to worry about how much

load their brains could endure. Pilots with inferior genetic apt.i.tudes could not pilot second-cla.s.s or third-cla.s.s mechs at all without getting overwhelmed by the excessive amount of data throughput!

Still, many people did not mind this problem too much. The most important part was that they managed to get their foot in their door. Now that they finally unlocked the ability to pilot a mech, it did not matter that they had to start with the most simple and weakest forms of mechs!

As long as they trained their skills and conditioned their brains to handle the data throughput, they were hopeful that they would one day be able to pilot Carmine mechs that resembled the prime combat machines that often showed up on the frontlines!

After Ves clarified a few more issues, he decided to move on to the proper product introduction phase.

He clapped the lucky volunteer on the back. "Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Abbott. This third-cla.s.s Yellow Jacket is completely yours. My a.s.sistant has already transferred its owners.h.i.+p to your name. You can upgrade it yourself or let others do the job. You can also keep it in its current condition, though I can imagine that your new partner will not like that decision. Remember that you are not dealing with a lifeless object. You are partnered yourself with a living mech that can think and feel. You should at least treat it as a loving pet. So take care of it and reciprocate its trust. This Yellow

Jacket can become far more than a trophy in your life. Do you understand your new responsibility?"

The Apprentice Mech Designer seriously nodded.

"I will never mistreat the partner that has allowed me to fulfill my dream of piloting a mech. I will cherish it and make sure it remains happy under my care."

"You do not have to coddle it and lock it away in your deepest vault. Mechs are made for

the purpose of waging war, and this Yellow Jacket is no different. If it is necessary, your

living machine is willing to die for your cause."

"Then let us hope that never happens."

After Jacob and his new Yellow Jacket got moved from the podium, Ves attracted

everyone's attention.

Three new Yellow Jackets emerged from the floor behind him. One of them was identical

to the previous machine, but the other two models were clearly a lot more powerful and

sophisticated! "Everyone." Ves addressed the audience. "Now that you have obtained unquestionable proof that the Carmine System works exactly as described, I hope that you can finally accept that we have entered into a new epoch of mechs. Each of you are blessed to live through this transition. People in the feature will speak of mechs in a time before and after the introduction of the Carmine System. The genetic apt.i.tude tyranny that has cast a spector over every human's heart has been toppled by my invention! You are free now!

Each of you have gained the ability to pilot a mech! Let us celebrate this liberation and

welcome the arrival of a new revolution! A Carmine Revolution!"

The Carmine Revolution!

This phrase instantly captured the imagination of the! Already, trillions of people whispered or shouted this compelling combination of words throughout every corner of human-occupied s.p.a.ce!

The Carmine Revolution had overtaken the mech community and human civilization as a


The entire dwarf galaxy seemed to turn a little more red due to the outbreak of this bloodless revolution!

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The Mech Touch Chapter 6400 The Revolution Has Begun! summary

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