A Demon Lord's Tale: Dungeons, Monster Girls, and Heartwarming Bliss Chapter 547

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Chapter 547

Side Story: Christmas Special 2022

A decorated Christmas tree.

Several strings of glittering decorations stretched from the star at the top of the tree, and decorations resembling snow were placed here and there, giving the room a Christmas atmosphere that even adults would enjoy.

The decorations in colorful hues were fun to see, and Riou, whom I was holding in my arms, was gazing at the tree with her mouth wide open.

“Is it beautiful, Riou? Do you like it?” (Yuki)

“Daa, daal!”

“Oh, yes, yes. My daughter seems to like it, I’m glad to hear that as your father.” (Yuki)

Riou looked happy with a smile on her face. Not only that, even her moving ears showed her emotions, making her look adorable.

By the way, Sakuya was crying a little, so Lyuu and Nell just put him to sleep a few minutes ago.

Riou was also asleep until about 30 minutes ago, but she suddenly woke up, so we were now showing her various Christmas decorations.

“Did Riou see the Christmas tree?” (s.h.i.+)

“Oh, yes, of course. Since a while ago, she has been focused on looking at decorations.” (Yuki)

“I see! I’m so happy because s.h.i.+ also worked so hard on the ornaments!” (s.h.i.+)

“Indeed, I also had a lot of fun during the process. Riou also enjoyed looking at the ornaments, trying to grab the presents with her hands.” (Yuki)

“That’s a secret, you know~” (s.h.i.+)

“Daaa!” (Riou)

At that moment, Riou extended her arm toward s.h.i.+.

“Oh, s.h.i.+, it seems like Riou wants s.h.i.+ to hold her.” (Yuki)

“Un, okay!” (s.h.i.+)

When I handed Riou to s.h.i.+, s.h.i.+ held Riou with both hands carefully and spoke to her.

“Riou, Christmas is fun! It’s full of sparkles, delicious food, and snow play! Oh, yes, later on, s.h.i.+ Santa will bring you a present… Oh, no! I shouldn’t have said that. You didn’t hear me, did you?” (s.h.i.+)

“Oh, she didn’t seem to be listening, but s.h.i.+ is a kind and great girl.” (Yuki)

“Hehehe, I don’t know why, but I got a compliment!” (s.h.i.+)

I patted her on the head and s.h.i.+ grinned happily.

She was also really adorable.

“s.h.i.+…you’re a big sister now, aren’t you?” (Yuki)

“I would be so happy if she thinks so! –Riou, I’m going to protect you!” (s.h.i.+)

s.h.i.+ smiled at Riou as she said this, and Riou also smiled at her happily.

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A Demon Lord's Tale: Dungeons, Monster Girls, and Heartwarming Bliss Chapter 547 summary

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