Legend of Swordsman Chapter 6007: 30 Billion

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Chapter 6007: 30 Billion

“Fellow Daoist Wushuang, please don’t say that. Divine Wood King and I have always regarded each other as brothers. If you call me senior, it truly this old man. If you don’t mind, just call me Brother Bai. I am only slightly older than you, Brother Wushuang. In the future, this might be the only advantage I have over you!” The ancestor of the Bai family spoke with extreme politeness, showering Jian Wushuang with flattery.

Divine Wood King, upon hearing the Bai family ancestor’s words, couldn’t help but scoff inwardly. Back when he had yet to reveal his true strength, this old man wouldn’t even spare him a proper glance.

Whenever they met, he would always hold his nose high.

He feared that others wouldn’t know that the current Pope of Ancient Moon s.p.a.cetime was his daughter.

Now that he had revealed his power and was one of the top figures in Ancient Moon s.p.a.cetime, with a connection to the G.o.d of Life, the Bai family ancestor was willing to call him “Brother Divine Wood”.

Everything still boiled down to strength.

Jian Wushuang naturally understood this principle and knew why the other party was being so courteous.

After a few polite exchanges, he brought up the matter of compensation and proposed a trade with Bai Divine Mountain, and even with the Ancient Moon G.o.d Sect.

“Origin Source treasures?”

The Bai family ancestor, who had just sat down and started making tea, asked in surprise, “Brother Wushuang, how much do you need?”

The Pope of Ancient Moon s.p.a.cetime sat to the side without speaking.

The Bai family ancestor had already discussed it with the Pope of Ancient Moon s.p.a.cetime.

If Jian Wushuang’s demand for Origin Source treasures was not excessive, then Bai Divine Mountain would handle it.

If Bai Divine Mountain couldn’t meet the demand, the Ancient Moon G.o.d Sect would step in.

Divine Wood King wasn’t interested in this matter. He had acquired a vast amount of Life force, enough to share with some juniors and friends, and still had a huge reserve left. “Around this amount,” Jian Wushuang said, holding up three fingers.

The Bai family ancestor, seeing this, asked, “300 million primordial stones?”

This quant.i.ty was just manageable for their Bai family.

After countless years of acc.u.mulation, they had enough.

The best Origin Source treasure was primordial stones.

If primordial stones weren’t enough, they could use some Origin Source treasures to make up the difference.

“No, no,” Jian Wushuang shook his head and then stated a number that would drive anyone mad.

“30 billion!”

“I need 30 billion primordial stones. If primordial stones are not enough, then Origin Source treasures will do. If Origin Source treasures are still not enough, then treasures of all kinds. If even treasures of all kinds are not enough, then…”

Before Jian Wushuang could finish speaking, the Pope of the Ancient Moon personally poured tea for him, speaking in a steady tone, “Our Ancient Moon Sect will accept!”

“Good, the Pope is indeed magnanimous!” Jian Wushuang praised.

This amount of transaction.

Aside from the three Eternal Realms, it seemed only the Ancient Moon Sect could afford it.

The three Eternal Realms did not have a single dominant ent.i.ty.

Among the nine s.p.a.cetimes, only the Ancient Moon s.p.a.cetime was entirely dominated by the Ancient Moon Sect.

They controlled everything.

“Transaction time?”

The Pope of the Ancient Moon asked about the matter of utmost importance to her.

That was the time.

In fact, no matter how much time was needed, it was bearable; the main thing was to see Jian Wushuang’s sincerity.

When the time came, one hand would deliver the power of Life, and the other would provide the primordial stones.

Jian Wushuang rubbed his chin and calmly said, “100,000 years. In 100,000 years, I will produce three 30 billion worth of Life power!”


“But…” At this moment, Jian Wushuang’s brow moved, and his tone changed slightly, “I need the Ancient Moon Sect to provide 300 million primordial stones in advance!”

This was his startup capital.

In a span of 100,000 years, it would not be possible to convert such a ma.s.sive amount of Life power.

He also needed to create a s.p.a.ce with a slow flow of time, at least 10,000 times slower, and it had to be extremely stable.

More importantly, his Life power did not come out of thin air; it required a large amount of the power of All Things.

Although the power of All Things was easy to obtain, he couldn’t possibly devour the Origin Source Universes of cultivators!

Therefore, he needed 300 million primordial stones to continuously create Life power.

In fact, 100 million would be enough.

But his third universe still required a considerable amount of primordial stones.

To stabilize the three universes and connect them in a line.

A ma.s.sive amount of primordial stones was needed.

Now, the path of resurrection had not yet appeared, and his Life power still had value.

Once the path of resurrection emerged, or he went to the Realm G.o.d Continent, Life power

would no longer be worth much.

He needed to make a few more gains quickly.

300 million was not a small number, and the Pope of the Ancient Moon could not afford to be careless, so she set a precise time.

But providing 300 million in advance was something she could decide on her own.

If it was three hundred billion, she wouldn’t be able to come up with it alone. Even returning

to the Ancient Moon s.p.a.cetime, she would have to consult with the elders to make  calculations.

But 300 million as a deposit was not a problem for her.

She immediately took out 300 million primordial stones.

This time, she had brought quite a few with her.

The reason she could part with them so readily was her trust in Jian Wushuang.

After all, he possessed the power of Life and had made a great name for himself in the Wanliu

Divine Realm. He wouldn’t run away over 300 million primordial stones.

After receiving the primordial stones, Jian Wushuang felt more confident.

This time, he would light up the third universe in one go. As for the Tribulation, he could take

his time; it wouldn’t be too late to undergo it on the way back.

The Bai Family Patriarch watched as the 300 million primordial stones fell into Jian Wushuang’s hands so effortlessly, feeling a bit emotional. Comparing it with his own possessions, he instantly felt they were too small.

“Don’t worry, Brother Bai. I’ll also take care of your share and deliver it in 10,000 years!”

Seeing the other party’s concern, Jian Wushuang did not hold back. A bit more or less didn’t make much difference.

Moreover, compared to his previous exchanges on the Ancient Wood Continent, 300 million

was an astronomical figure.

Back then, it was small families and forces he was dealing with, incomparable to the Bai Family of the Primordial White Heaven.

Once the deal was settled, everyone didn’t want to delay Jian Wushuang’s time any longer.

After some brief pleasantries, they all took their leave.

Divine Wood King and the Ancient Moon Pope also left.

Only the Bai Family Patriarch remained.

After finding a prime location for Jian Wushuang, he also hurriedly took his leave.

As for Wutian, originally a prisoner suppressed by the Bai Family, in deference to Jian Wushuang, he was treated as if nothing had happened, with good food and drink fully


Before closing his retreat, Jian Wushuang reminded Wutian not to act rashly.

At most, in 10,000 years, they would leave the Primordial White Heaven.

Wu Zuo and the others, heading to the Azure Sea s.p.a.cetime, had also smoothly found Gu


Soon, they would reach the Ancient Moon s.p.a.cetime and rendezvous with them.

The last person was Hu Qing.

At that time, they would need the Realm King to personally search for his whereabouts.

Once Hu Qing was found, it would be time for them to leave the upper stream of the

s.p.a.cetime River.

Returning to Qishen Temple!

It was getting closer and closer.

A ten-thousand-year retreat for Jian Wushuang felt like ten eons.

Because of the accelerated time, this incredibly long period surpa.s.sed the time he had spent


In the beginning, it was manageable as he lit up the third universe.

This was still considered cultivation, and then it was about connecting the three universes to

become one.

A rudimentary form of the s.p.a.cetime River had already taken shape.

It was also the foundation.

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Legend of Swordsman Chapter 6007: 30 Billion summary

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