Open A Clinic To Cultivate Myself Chapter 235 The Price Of Willfulness

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The moment Yang Hai realized the situation was against him, he turned to go.

“Stand right there for me!” Wu Wenbo said in a low voice. “The case isn't over. Who allowed you to leave?”

Blood momentarily drained from Yang Hai's face. Even his voice was quavering. “This… has nothing to do with me. I need to rush back to the hospital.”

Hu Jilu said, “What's the hurry? You weren't nervous at the start. Why are you in such a hurry now? Feeling guilty, eh?”

“No… no.” Although he said this, Yang Hai was obviously guilt-ridden.

Tian Mengjiao and Yang Ting's eyes converged on Yang Hai.

At this moment, Wu Wenbo added, “Hey girls, do you know what the punishment is for framing Ning Tao? It's the death penalty for murder. If you succeed and Ning Tao is sentenced to death, it is equal to murder. What a heinous crime, to frame him and send him to his death! Why are you girls so wicked?”

“I… I… I… ” Liang Ting kept stammering a string of “I”s. She stared at Yang Hai as if imploring him to say something.

Tian Mengjiao suddenly pointed at Yang Hai and said, “It's him. It was Yang Hai's idea! He wouldn't do it himself, but would have me and Liang Ting report Ning Tao.”

Yang Hai immediately panicked and said in anger, “Tian Mengjiao, what nonsense are you blabbering? When did I get you and Liang Ting to report Ning Tao? You're trying to frame me. I know nothing of the affair between you and Liang Ting!”

“Yang Hai, you… ” Yang Ting's tears almost gushed out.

Yang Hai pretended not to have seen. His eyes were fierce and aggressive.

Tian Mengjiao burst into tears. “Yang Ting, take a good look at him! This is the man you love! And you prefer to be his subst.i.tute girlfriend and sleep with him. Now you have to lie on his behalf before Tang Ling. Look how he's treating you! He got us into trouble and then pushed all the blame to us. You fool, you must accuse him. Can't you see he's a cad?”

In the corridor, many had heard the din and had gathered to watch. They were staring at Yang Hai.

“Yang Hai! Admit it. You were the one who instigated us to report Ning Tao!” Liang Ting was shaken out of her daze by Tian Mengjiao. She growled at Yang Hai, her face in tears.

“Shut up! Don't talk nonsense!” Yang Hai really wanted to throw himself forward and tear Yang Ting's mouth.

Wu Wenbo was enraged. “You should be the one shutting up. How dare you intimidate them in front of us police! Do you think we don't exist? Or that you are cast out of iron, so we can't take care with you?”

“I… ” Yang Hai no longer dared to threaten them so blatantly.

“Put him in handcuffs and bring him back for investigation!” Wu Wenbo commanded.


Yang Hai's hands were both handcuffed.

Yang Hai was not willing to give up. “I want to use the telephone. I want to find my Dad. I want to engage a lawyer!”

Wu Wenbo gave a cold snort. “Those serial killings are serious crimes, and yet you dared to put us on a red herring. Let me tell you, even if your father's a deity, he won't be able to save you! Lawyer? There's no use engaging one hundred!”

The door of the room opened. Ning Tao, in a torn T-s.h.i.+rt, walked out. The medical box slung on his shoulder was very eye-catching.

Wu Wenbo and Hu Jilu merely gave Ning Tao a glance. They did not greet him, nor did Ning Tao greet them. He left for the exit to the corridor with the medical box on his back.

Tian Mengjiao suddenly dashed out and knelt down in front of Ning Tao, sobbing. “Ning Tao, I did wrong. Will you please forgive me?”

Ning Tao halted his footsteps, his face bewildered. “Miss Tian, what are you doing? Get up now. Hey… why are you in handcuffs? What crime have you committed?”

“I… ” Tian Mengjiao's throat seemed stuffed with something. She could not speak what was in her mind.

Yang Ting also braced herself and knelt down, sobbing. “Ning Tao, we… had been instigated by Yang Hai. We claimed that you were the serial killer…. We did you wrong. We were immature. Our eyes played tricks on us. Please ask the police to release us.”

Ning Tao seemed to come to a sudden realization. “So it's you girls who had reported me. I didn't know that. Since you have admitted your misdeed, I too agree that you have done wrong. But you are both grown-ups and ought to be responsible for everything you do. I can't help you.”

“You… you mean you won't help us, even though we are cla.s.smates?” Yang Ting's tears began to course down even more. She looked extremely pitiful.

Help them because they were cla.s.smates?

Ning Tao gave a cold sneer. “If you had treated me as your cla.s.smate, you wouldn't have done something so wicked. The brain is an important organ. Please bring it along with you the next time. Don't think that you can be willful just because you're rich. And don't think that an apology will settle everything. A simple apology can not settle some things.”

Liang Ting and Tian Mengjiao slumped onto the ground.

Ning Tao came to Yang Hai's side and stared steadfastly at him. There was no expression on his face, and his eyes were calm and quiet. Even so, Yang Hai felt a chill tingle down his spine. He seemed to be possessed, his body stiffening and his heart in great trepidation.

But Ning Tao said nothing. He merely glanced once at Yang Hai with a hateful look, turned and left.

Ning Tao returned to the dissecting room and knocked on the door.

“Coming, coming. What's the matter today? So many people are knocking on the door… ” He could hear Xu Xingrong's complaint through the door.

As the door opened, Ning Tao said with a smile, “Professor Xu, I'm back.”

Xu Xingrong also smiled. “Everything settled? You aren't in any trouble, are you?”

Ning Tao replied. “No. But the ones reporting me are.”

“They deserve it! How can anyone be so wicked! The school ought to have dismissed them!” Xu Xingrong remembered the scene when someone pointed a gun at her and could not help getting angry.

Such an incident had occurred, and Hu Jilu and Wu Wenbo personally oversaw the case. Even without their intervention, the school would have quickly dismissed Yang Hai, Yang Ting, and Tian Mengjiao. The same went without saying on the hospital's side. They would have rejected their duties as interns.

It was not a severe offense for young people to be willful. But there must be a limit to everything. Their framing might cause an innocent party to be hanged. It was no longer a matter of willfulness but sheer wickedness.

“Let's forget those people. By the way, Professor Xu, did you look into the area I asked you to?” Ning Tao came straight to the point. He no longer wished to think about Yang Hai, Tian Mengjiao and Liang Ting.

… Xu Xingrong replied, “Yes, I have. I gave it a special examination. There is a scar, but I don't know what caused it. I took some photos. Come and take a look.”

Xu Xingrong led Ning Tao into the dissecting room. He looked at the photos Xu Xingrong had taken. His response to those photos was not so extreme.

“What do you think caused the scar?” Xu Xingrong asked.

Ning Tao was silent for a moment before saying, “I suspect it was a ring.”

Xu Xingrong gave a slight start. “A ring?”

Ning Tao did not wish to give further descriptions. He went on. “There might be a wooden ring. Write this in your autopsy report, and you might help the police crack this case.”

Only now did Xu Xingrong recover. She said excitedly, “There are similar scars on the earlier bodies. I thought they might have been…. Forget it. I will get the forensic doctors to examine again. Ning Tao, if you are right, we can eliminate many suspects. As long as we find suspects wearing wooden rings, the police could zero in on them.” She paused and suddenly looked at Ning Tao. “Wait. You… ”


Xu Xingrong asked, “How did you know?”

Ning Tao shrugged his shoulders somewhat awkwardly. “When I saw your photos, I quite oddly thought about that.”

He had discovered the clue because of the smell of wood. And the plaintive pleadings of Zhou Ying's deceased spirit had verified this too. But he could not reveal these to Xu Xingrong.

Xu Xingrong did not continue to ask. After all, it was an awkward topic. Ning Tao was still a young man. So she said, “I will write the report now. This clue is too important.”

Ning Tao said, “Go ahead and write, Professor Xu. I shall make a move.”

Xu Xingrong did not ask Ning Tao to stay. Eager to write the autopsy report, she saw Ning Tao to the door and then shut it.

Riding the electric motorbike G.o.d's Will, Ning Tao left the school gate of the Shan City Medical University. The streets were bustling, and as usual, it was a lively and noisy scene. Its inhabitants would not stop their hurried feet simply because a female undergraduate had died. They would soon forget her.

Ning Tao took out his mobile phone and was preparing to call Qing Zhui. Before he could dial the number, he saw someone beckoning him from the pedestrian pavement. It was two girls, and their two hands were waving at him.

Bai Jing and Qing Zhui were opposite across the road.

Riding his electric motorbike, Ning Tao came to the sisters. He asked, “When did you girls arrive?”

Qing Zhui answered, “We've been here for a long time. We wanted to go in and look for you, but since you said it wasn't convenient, the two of us decided to wait for you here.”

Bai Jing said, “Look how obedient your wife is. It'll be hard to find a better wife.”

Qing Zhui was a little bashful. She cried angrily, “Sister!”

Bai Jing continued, “Look how happy she is. She will be satisfied by a mere sentence. You don't even need to spend a single cent.”

Ning Tao said, somewhat helplessly, “Let's talk about serious matters. I've found a clue. The fellow wears a wooden ring. But, there are so many people in Shan City. I don't know how to hunt him down.”

Qing Zhui said, “Brother Ning, I heard that the criminal threw the body in a garbage dump. Can't we pinpoint him through the odor?”

Ning Tao gave a wry smile. “So even you know that it was a garbage dump. There are quite a lot of odors out there. And many had gathered there to watch. How can we pinpoint the criminal through his odor, given the fact that there were so many people and odors out there?”

There would come a time when doing something was impossible. If the criminal had dumped the body in the quiet, secluded suburb, he could have located him using the odor. But since the criminal left the body in a garbage dump in a bustling city, he could not. Anyone lingering there might be a criminal. How long would it take for them to track everyone down?

Qing Zhui frowned. “He brought along a dead body. Isn't there some surveillance device in the neighborhood? Can't we zero in on a possible suspect or vehicle?”

Ning Tao answered, “If there had been, the police would have acted long ago. During the autopsy, I heard Professor Xu say that the killer had already killed six people. But the police don't even have a clue. In other words, they don't even know how the killer had dumped the body—let alone pinpoint a possible suspect.”

Bai Jing said, “He couldn't have soared up into the sky and dump the body from the air, could he?”

Ning Tao suddenly raised his head and gazed into the sky. Suddenly, an inspiration flashed across his mind.

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Open A Clinic To Cultivate Myself Chapter 235 The Price Of Willfulness summary

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