Monster Integration Chapter 3894 Yetok Town

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Chapter 3894 Yetok Town


A woman stepped inside. She is humanoid, with purple hair, that had a specks of blue in it.

She had violet skin and a violet tail with a black line running through it.

She is a beautiful woman and looks to be in her mid-twenties. She is tall, tall as me, and has a saber at her waist.

She is Taev Somersall; my teammate for this mission.

"Team leader," she greeted, before nodding at the Magli, the middle-aged Bull Beastman standing beside me.

"Since you have arrived, Miss Somersall, let's go," I said and walked toward the red-piercer. It will take us a few hours away from the Yetok Town.

The journey would take us four weeks to complete conventionally.

I had really missed it.

The red piercer covers nearly half of the continent and could send one anywhere it wants. Saving months and sometimes years of journey.

It is one of the reasons why the Tor is so successful in dealing with the cultists.


I opened the door and entered the vast hall. There are hundreds of people there. Every second people will step on the disk and disappear to their destination.

Eight and a half minutes later, we stepped on the disk together, and a second after that, everything turned dark.


A few seconds later, we found ourselves landing in th.o.r.n.y shrubs, spoking the monster.

For a fraction of a seconds, it wanted to attack us, but at the moment, it had sensed our aura. It tucked its tail, between its legs and ran away.

"Manage your aura," I said, and the two nodded before sitting down.

I didn't sit. There is no need for me to do it.

Instead, I sent the soul waves out, while my aura began to lower itself, before stopping at Mid-Earth Sovereign, my actual level.

We can't show our real level to the cultists; it might scare them.

We need to have a level, that our enemies would feel at ease. The Earth Sovereign is the perfect level. It is not weak and not strong either.

Most importantly, they won't feel threatened by us.

A few minutes later, both of them opened their eyes, with their aura being at the Initial Earth Sovereign Stage.

"Let's go, we have to reach the town by midnight," I said and moved.

They were a little surprised but didn't question it. I didn't move from my spot, but the soul waves were enough to tell me where I was.

With that, it was easy to calculate the distance to the town.

As me moved, I began to go through the information once again. My clone had already read through every page of it, but I went over it.

It helped me pa.s.s the time.

I have already discussed every aspect of the mission with my teammates. So, there is no need to discuss any further.

Hours pa.s.sed, and the sun went down.

We avoided every one of those of the same level as us and stayed away from those of lower level. We are ghosts. n.o.body could see us, without us knowing.

Soon, we were only four hours away from my destination, when we stopped.

I took a deep breath and soon changes began to occur in me. My level remained the same, but everything began to change.

First is my aura, which had become feeble and unstable. My soul becomes also becomes weaker and grey spots begin to appear on my body.

"Will it work? I heard those healers are quite proficient," asked Magli, looking at me from up to down.

"Why don't you check? You have my full permission to any method you have," I replied and gave him my hand and other to Taev.

They were surprised, but quickly took my hands with excitement lightning in their eyes.

People are very protective of their secrets and here I am, giving full permission to use any method they want to see mine.

A few seconds later, I felt their investigative methods.

They begin to scan me, or rather the sh.e.l.l. It is a replica of me, except for forbidden power and other things. Through, it, I can show them what I want.

I am doing this, not only to give confidence to my plan but also to collect data.

I want to see how they investigated, the methods they used, and what they looked at.

As they activated the methods. I noticed the Magli had gone for the soul, while Taev went for the body.

Their methods are good, and they begin scanning deeply, but they find nothing. I could see, how they are going deeper for proof, but seeing what I am trying to show them.

They changed methods and then another and another but found nothing.

"Find anything?" I asked, as they finally let go of my hands.

They looked at me in frustration but didn't reply.

"Take me," I said. Their energies covered me, and we began to move again.

I am playing a sick man who can barely move his body because of the ailment, I am suffering.

The town we are going to has famous healing hot springs. There are special types of healers there, that heal ailments with the spring water.

I have read about the water, and it is good. Unfortunately, one can't take water away. It loses efficacy, after being taken out of the spring.

Two hours pa.s.sed and we could see the snowy mountains, which were getting closer with every step we took.

Soon we reached the mountain and began to move toward it.

We aren't the only people moving toward it. There are many. Most of them suffer something.

The spring water is miraculous, but it couldn't heal every ailment, only certain kinds of it.

The temperature got colder as we moved higher and soon it had reached low enough that only Sovereign could bear it.

We are Earth Sovereigns. We could easily bear the temperature and didn't slow down as many others did.

Finally, we could see the town and the two increased the speed toward it and twelve minutes later, we reached its gates.

They are being guarded by mean-looking guards.

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Monster Integration Chapter 3894 Yetok Town summary

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