Monster Integration Chapter 4049: Prime

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Chapter 4049: Prime

The way revealed, he stepped inside without hesitation.

A moment later, the way begins to close, and the mountain wall becomes as it was before.

n.o.body could doubt anything else was there and I could bet a good money, that they have prepared anti-sensory measures, that would make it hard to detect.

I wanted to follow behind him. I could copy his energy and that rhythm, but it's too risky.

It might be a use pa.s.sword and me using it could activate the security measure. Even if I pa.s.s through the door, there might be other dangers on the other side.

The risk is too big, even for me.

I summoned my abode and entered the room. Abode is much safer than me standing out; its stealth is much stronger than mine.

I sat on the porch and waited, a minute later, another data packet came jumping through the markers.

I also sent the instruction, prolonging the time from one minute to five minutes. There are restrictions and quite heavy ones from what I could see from the data.

It would be better to be careful.

Soon five minutes pa.s.sed, and I saw him in the old-looking building. It hadn't been built recently; it is at least thousands of years old, with many of its formations still working.

He kept walking through it, without changing his pace.

Five minutes pa.s.sed and another data package. According to it, he stepped into the hallway and entered the room number seven.

There is a simple room, without any furniture. He took out the bed and lay there.

Time pa.s.sed, and data packet after packet came, but I saw him sleeping.

Doing nothing.

Seeing that, I too closed my eyes and worked on my inheritance with data packets appearing in front of me as they came.

Soon it was evening, when he got up and practiced for three hours, eating and then practicing again before sleeping.

Soon, it was past midnight, and I did the same.

I didn't practice Garsonath's Transformation. I plan to do it after I finish the inheritance and make a breakthrough.

There's no apparent reason for it, but I want to do it after the breakthrough. It won't change things much, since it is only a matter of a few days.

Three days had pa.s.sed, and he remained in the room.

The room is nothing special. There was no one looking at him as far as I could see. He is just staying there for reasons unknown to me.

It made me really curious, and I am not going to leave till I find out what the h.e.l.l is going on.

I sighed and turned to the thing in front of me. Seeing it, a smile appeared on my face. The thing is my inheritance, and the result made me pleased.

I am proud of it, especially when I look at the sheer number of ancient runes.

Despite it taking less time, the number of ancient runes is greater than I had thought. The power, this inheritance, let me harness would be amazing.

I admired it for several seconds, before raising my fingers up and immediately, it had broken through thirteen pierces. Twelve went to my clone and one came to me.

I could have replicated it, but looking through pieces is more efficient given our minds are connected.

I have finished the inheritance, and once the checks are finished, I will be ready to make a breakthrough. Once I do that, I will be really powerful.

It shouldn't take me too long for me to double-check it with the help of twelve of my clones.

Hours pa.s.sed, and we worked. Soon it was evening, and I took a break to eat, before resuming work again, till midnight, before sleeping.

As such, three more days had pa.s.sed.

'Wake up,'

I was sleeping when suddenly, the voice rang out, and I opened my eyes.

A moment later, my eyes widened. Understanding why the clone had woken up, in just two hours in my sleep.

There is an invisible sensory dome has formed around the mountain. So powerful that, Sky Sovereigns wouldn't be able to able to discover it.

It is really powerful, made of twenty-four powerful artifacts.

The shocking thing is, the artifacts were around me, but I hadn't discovered them.

The reason is simple; the monsters were keeping it in their body. They removed it on the command, and they activated it within a second.

I know it because I have been releasing the soul waves even while sleeping, looking at everything happening around me.

It's not a unique strategy, but still, I am surprised.

If I had put seeds in the monsters. I might have been able to discover them, but I rarely do that. I should have done it after the incident in the lake.

I had suspected the monster beneath the lake was a pet. It was one of the reasons, I had thought for its strange behavior.

I sighed and turned to the latest seed. It shows Yantis getting up and stepping out of the room; it happened thirty seconds after the dome appeared.

I don't think it is a coincidence.

Now, I am waiting for the next seed. It will appear in four minutes, and I have a feeling it will provide me with clarity on what is happening.

I am really curious, seeing the way. Yantis had moved and followed the instructions; he got

through the code.

I sat down and drank the water before waiting.

I could send a command to bring it sooner, but I decided to wait. Currently, I don't want to do anything, that could trigger something.

I feel like things are dangerous, and I should take every step as carefully as possible.

Time pa.s.sed painfully slowly. I did everything, even entered my core, before coming out. I realized entering the core would be extending the time.

Finally, the minute was over, and the seed came. I wasted no time in opening.

"f.u.c.k!" I cursed.

s.h.i.+t just hit the fan; the things have gone beyond me. Only Prime could deal with it because there is a f.u.c.king Prime in there.

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Monster Integration Chapter 4049: Prime summary

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