My Female Prince 1 “Damsel” In Distress

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Discarding the cleaned bones into the dirt, Feng Xiao Jun rubbed her full stomach with a satisfied sigh and leaned back against the rock she sat on.

It truly was great living freely!

Hours pa.s.sed as she slept and she rolled over after she felt something swipe past her and a sharp feeling tingled in her cheek.

Waking up, she ran her fingers against her left cheek and when she looked, there was blood!

Eyes widening, she stood up and looked around.

"Who is it?! Who dares ruin my face?! b.a.s.t.a.r.ds! Boo hoo, my beautiful face.." she pouted and her eyes flared with anger.

Suddenly, six figures dressed in all black dropped down from the trees and surrounded her, swords in hand as they directed them at her.

Their leader walked towards her with a smile and then pointed a knife at her. "Prince Xiao Jun, it's a pity you came without guards."

Feng Xiao Jun lazily laughed, "So what if I didn't bring any guards? They would just get in my way."

The leader waved his hand and the six men ran towards her, killing intent in their eyes.

Feng Xiao Jun twisted her body and then jumped up in the air with her qinggong before landing on a tree branch.

"Ha! You thought you would be a match for me?" she laughed but then was kicked down from behind by an that had been hiding on that exact same tree.

'Dammit! I should've watched my back!'

The six surrounded her and she rolled her eyes before standing up again, dusting herself off as she rubbed at her sore stomach and sides.

"What are you staring at? Ah? Haven't seen someone fall from a tree?" she asked, voice flat.

With a quick flick of her wrist, needles shot out and p.r.i.c.ked three of the men, making them fall onto the ground, paralyzed.

The other three men looked at her and she laughed nervously before making a run for it. She had no weapon on her at the moment and she worked better with a sword in hand, h.e.l.l, even a dagger would be of great help!

She ran as fast as she could but the three men behind her began to catch up, crying internally, she stopped and picked up a pretty decent sized stick.

"Alright! Since you keep pursuing me, don't cry later!"

One of the men ran towards her and with the stick, she whipped his legs and then his head, making him fall to the ground in pain.

Another ran towards her but she pointed the stick in front of his face, "Don't tempt me to hit you!"

He ignored her warning and struck her with his sword. With a sharp swish, a bit of her sleeve was cut off and revealed a pale, skinny wrist.

"Oh? Who knew that Prince Xiao Jun has skin as delicate as a female. I wouldn't mind committing cut sleeve just to have a taste of you." the leader laughed.

Feng Xiao Jun's eyes narrowed at the comment and she ran forward while bringing the stick down onto the leader.

A force pushed her back and she hit the tree hard. She may be trained in martial arts but she wasn't that powerful, at least not yet.

With the force of the hit, blood rose from her throat and she splattered in front of her.

Staggering to her feet, she spit out the remaining blood in her mouth and glared at the leader.

"Go ahead and try to kill me."

Not holding back, she picked up the sword of one of the dead and ran towards the other remaining

Feigning an attack, she poked his eyes and he yelled out in pain. Taking the opportunity, she flipped over and jumped onto his shoulders. Angling the sword at his throat, she sliced his throat open and blood splattered onto her face.

Getting off, she watched the body fall and then she pointed the sword at the leader and the last standing

"Come~ Come~ Be good and try and kill me!" she shouted, anger in her voice, her eyes glinting with temporary malice.

With frightened looks on their faces, the and leader charged forward regardless of being afraid and went straight to attack her.


The two fell to their knees and with their eyes open, they died on the spot.

'What the?....'

Turning around, Feng Xiao Jun's knees buckled and she fell to a kneeling position. The hit earlier sent her strength flying away and her sudden movements of killing the drained her of the remaining energy she had left.

"I should've trained more... boo hoo..." she cried, pus.h.i.+ng herself up to her knees.

Suddenly, she was pulled into a standing position and her eyes widened. Looking at the man in front of her, she smiled internally.

'Wow! Such a handsome man! Who knew I would meet such handsome man today? Hehe~'

[A: O-O ....shameless Xiao Jun!]

"Are you alright?" he asked, eyes cold and devoid of any emotion.

Nodding quickly, she held onto his arm.

"Hey, handsome. Let me tag along, alright?" she asked, eyes twinkling as she looked at the man.

The man stared her down and his eyebrows furrowed.

For some reason, whenever he stared at her, he couldn't bring himself to say no to the male in front of him.

Minutes pa.s.sed and she made a pleading look before he sighed and shook her off.


He walked over to his horse with Feng Xiao Jun following him weakly.

"Hey! You can't leave a disabled person on their own!" she shouted, voice coming out hoa.r.s.e and weak.

'Handsome jerk! How dare you leave me to walk alone?!'

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My Female Prince 1 “Damsel” In Distress summary

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