My Female Prince 26 Reunion

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For days, the group led by Yun Long searched endlessly for Xiao Jun.

7 days pa.s.sed and they still did not find her even though they had also searched in the Suo Kingdom where the culprit was from.

In the middle of the night, Yun Long kept awake in case any wild animals attacked. From afar, he could hear the growling and barking of dogs along with the sounds of a horse.

Waking Yue Qi up, Yun Long stood and Yue had woken up as well, taking a defensive stance in front of Mei'er, whom had also woken up.

"What is it?" Yue Qi asked, looking at Yun Long.

"There's someone else in this forest and they seem to be chasing something."

Running, Xiao Jun held a sword in her hands, the sword was something she had stolen from Ming Yu's weaponry while escaping.

Each time a dog would get closer and bite at her, she would swing at them, killing them.

Ming Yu claimed that he loved her yet he was using such ways just to get her back.

This wasn't love!

Being cornered near a cliff, Xiao Jun stopped as the dogs slowed down and growled before backing away when Ming Yu got off his horse and he threw his torch into the snow.

"Jun'er, don't make this so hard on me and just come back. It's no use running. Didn't I tell you that if I couldn't have you, no one could?"

Holding the sword in front of her, Xiao Jun swallowed hard and glanced down at her abdomen. There was a that was very noticeable through her dress and Ming Yu eyed it with a look of hatred.

Advancing forward without stopping, Xiao Jun swung her sword and attacked, if this man wasn't going to stop, she wasn't going to be courteous. Not even if they had been friends in the past!

Frowning, Ming Yu was left with no choice to defend himself as he fought back just as hard, every time he tried to go for her abdomen, she would deflect him and send him back a few steps.

Looks like she still had her swordsmans.h.i.+p skills.

Becoming tired, Xiao Jun clenched her hands around the sword until her knuckles turned white. There was snow around them in the forest they were in and she wore nothing but a thin fur coat around her as she felt a small pain in her abdomen.

'Child, Mother apologizes for the hards.h.i.+ps you've gone through. Hold on for me! Hold on for your father!'

Suddenly, an arrow whizzed past them and lodged itself in the snow next to the them.

Turning to look, Xiao Jun's eyes widened as she saw Yun Long and her eyes watered.

"Hands off my wife!" Yun Long jumped off his horse and gliding over, he raised his sword against Ming Yu.

Two figures ran towards Xiao Jun and immediately put a thick coat over her shoulders. "Big Sister! Are you hurt anywhere?" Mei'er asked, sniffling. Xiao Jun smiled and then dropped the sword in her hand into the snow, shaking her head.

Walking towards the carriage, a hand grabbed her, pulling her away from Yue and Mei'er.

Ming Yu held her as he angled the sword towards Xiao Jun's neck, "Come any closer and I'll kill her! I've said before and I'll say it again! If Jun'er cannot be mine, she won't belong to you either! Nor will her unborn child be yours!"

Eyes widening in fear, Yun Long stopped any action of walking closer.

From her sleeves, Xiao Jun held her remaining hair pin and looked at Yun Long as she then swiftly jabbed the pin into Ming Yu's leg, making him falter and push her forward as he yelled out in pain. Falling forward, Xiao Jun covered her stomach with her arm and managed to not put all her weight on it, but inevitably, she had hurt herself as well as the child inside her.

Scrunching her face up in pain, Xiao Jun felt strong arms pull her into their embrace and when she looked up, Yun Long was holding her.

Yue Qi then grabbed Ming Yu and tied him up, they planned on bringing him back to be charged with his crime of kidnapping the wife of a General.

Yue, Xiao Jun's maidservant, exclaimed when she saw the red on Xiao Jun's dress from the light of the now dying torch, "Madam! Blood!" Running over, Yue touched the dress to see if the blood was wet and when she indeed felt that it was wet, she pulled her hand away quickly.

"Blood.. we must get Madam back and get a physician!" Yue exclaimed, Yun Long picked her up and set her inside the carriage with Mei'er and Yue before mounting his horse and together they went to the nearest town to find a doctor.

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My Female Prince 26 Reunion summary

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