My Female Prince 29 Assassin

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In the Suo Kingdom, the citizens threw brightly colored flower petals everywhere as a sign of good luck when Xiao Jun arrived. The weather wasn't as hot during this time, but it wasn't cold either so she had taken off her fur cape.

Yun Long sat on a horse outside as a few children looked at him admiringly and he gave kind smiles back, making the children run back to their parents with giddy smiles.

The palace gates opened for them and waiting for them was her parents and her three elder brothers along with their wives and children.

Her oldest brother out of the three welcomed Yun Long and the two younger ones followed.

Zhang Wei glanced at Xiao Jun and his eyes widened, "Little Fourth, y-you!"

Li Wei and w.a.n.g Wei gazed at their elder brother confused and then they finally looked at Xiao Jun, an equally shocked look on their face.

Xiao Jun smiled and with a hand on her stomach, she walked over and curtsied slightly.

"Have I surprised you three so much that you've become speechless?" she laughed. "Auntie Fourth!" two voices yelled, glancing, Xiao Jun saw the twins of her brother, Zhang Wei, running over.

Two boys around the age of 5 ran over, they cupped their hands and then bowed properly in front of Yun Long before looking at their aunt. "Auntie Fourth, are you going to have a little one?" Jun Hui, the older of the twins, asked.

Nodding, Xiao Jun smiled and it made the two boys run back to their mother excitedly.

"Jun'er! My lovely Jun'er!" a woman's voice exclaimed, a beautiful woman bearing a similar resemblance to Xiao Jun walked over and Yun Long bowed lightly, "Mother, Father. I've brought Xiao Jun to come visit and to relax her mind."

Her father then smiled and laughed, raising Yun Long back up, "We're family, no need to be so courteous."

Going to hug Xiao Jun, her mother's eyes widened when she saw her daughter's abdomen. "You! You're expecting?"

"I am, you and father are going to be grandparents." she replied, taking her mother's hands into her own as she gave a big smile. Her mother was smiling ear to ear and they all entered a private courtyard together. "It's such a rare event to see you all here.. now my youngest is even going to become a mother herself. You must take care of yourself well!"

Xiao Jun then glanced up at the sky and inside her heart, said, "My twin, Xiao Liu, if you are indeed watching us from above, protect us well. How great it would've been if you were here to see all of us, to see me, to see all your nephews and nieces."

In the middle of the night, Xiao Jun woke up from her nightmare, she was sweating all over and turning to her side, Yun Long was still asleep. Carefully getting up, she slipped her shoes on and draped a cloak around her as the nights in the Suo Kingdom were quite cold.

Walking unattended, she made her way to her late brother, Xiao Liu's, courtyard. Standing in front of the gates, she hesitated before walking inside, pus.h.i.+ng the cold doors open.

'It's been so long.. how many years has it been since I've walked in here..'

Pulling the cloak around her more, she glanced at the walls and while she was walking, she heard footsteps behind her. "Who's there?!" she exclaimed, pausing in her steps as she looked around cautiously. A figure in all black ran from the side and a glint of silver flashed, making Xiao Jun back away as quickly as her figure would let her. The man laughed and then pulled out a familiar sword, making her eyes widen.

'It was him! That was the sword that had killed my brother that day!'

"Y-you! You're the one who killed my brother that day! What have we done to you to incur your hate?!" she exclaimed, Xiao Jun glared up at the man as fear clouded her and the traumatic event from the pa.s.s flashed through her eyes.

"Indeed I am. Oh, you haven't done anything. It's just that you both shouldn't have been born. You should've died that day but instead, my little sister died instead!"


"What are you talking about? Who's your little sister?" Xiao Jun asked, she was thoroughly confused, what was he talking about? What did he mean that they should've died?

Is there something that mother and father haven't told me?

As the man raised the sword in his hands, Xiao Jun protectively covered her stomach and let out a loud scream, hoping someone would hear her. It was her fault for wandering at night without anyone but she also didn't carry any weapons with her.

Feeling his side as he slept, Yun Long frowned as the spot next to him was desolate and cold. "Jun'er?" he called out. Opening his eyes, he found that she had disappeared and he got up, looking around worriedly before putting on his outer-garment and running outside of their room.

Yun Long walked around and his heart rate accelerated, afraid that something had happened to her.

He made his way to where Yue Qi was staying and woke the latter up, telling him to take his sword and to accompany him in finding Xiao Jun.

In the dark of the night, who would've thought that the from 10 years ago would show himself again.

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My Female Prince 29 Assassin summary

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