My Female Prince 5 Handsome Brother?

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"Fix your stance, relax your arms."

Xiao Jun sternly taught Mei'er with no mercy. She held a stick in her hand and would hit Mei'er at the spots where she was not standing properly.

"Big Brother! Be a little kinder!" Mei'er whined, she only acted this way around Xiao Jun and called her by 'Big Brother' by Xiao Jun's request and could only call her Big Sister when they were completely in a private setting, right now, Xiao Jun could feel someone watching her from afar.

Xiao Jun sucked her breath in sharply and sternly looked at Mei'er, "If I train you a little kinder, you won't learn! I thought you wanted to learn how to use a sword?"

Mei'er pouted and crossed her arms across her chest, breaking her position. "What learning how to use a sword? You're only teaching me how to hold stances! My legs and arms are so sore!"

Flicking the young girl's forehead, Xiao Jun put her hands on her waist, "If you cannot hold your stance, you cannot hold a sword. A sword is not something light and with learning the stances, you can build strength in your arms, legs, and abdomen. If you can hold your position for two hours, I will stop teaching you stances and will allow you to practice the art of swordsmans.h.i.+p."

Huffing, Mei'er got into the stance again and there she stood for two hours straight.

"Young Master, that person you have asked to investigate is currently in the capital right now. He has bought himself a small home and a young girl lives there. She calls him Big Brother and he trains her." Yue Qi reported, Yun Long nodded and then said, "Keep an eye on him."

Yue Qi left and a.s.signed someone trustworthy to watch Xiao Jun in the dark.

'After being so shameless, you dare take a girl and train her?'

Xiao Jun smiled as she watched Mei'er handle the sword in her hand well, she faulted in some parts but she was quite the fast learner.

Suddenly, the doors opened and two men came inside the yard, pus.h.i.+ng the front door shut and pressing themselves against it.

Mei'er turned and put on a defensive stance as Xiao Jun's eyes turned cold and she looked at the intruders. "Who is it?!"

The two men walked out from the shadows next to the doors and Yue Qi bowed politely, "We apologize for the sudden intrusion, hopes that the Young Lord will not be offended."

Xiao Jun's eyes widened and she walked over to them, "Handsome brother?! It's you?"

Mei'er watched what was going on but her attention was mainly on Yue Qi, the silent guard next to Yun Long.

Yun Long just stared at Xiao Jun and had nothing to say, being called handsome brother all of a sudden.

Mei'er smiled a bit as she heard Xiao Jun call him 'handsome brother', "So shameless? He looks so scary...."

Yun Long looked over as he felt eyes on him and he caught the little girl looking down quickly, he eyed the sword in her hand and then looked at Xiao Jun.

"You teach how to use a sword?" he asked, without waiting for a reply, he glanced over at Yue Qi and with that glance, Yue Qi pulled out the sword from its sheath and charged at Xiao Jun. Sensing the oncoming sword, she took the sword from Mei'er and backed up a few steps, blocking the first attack.

Mei'er watched in amazement as she had never seen Xiao Jun in action with a sword. The sounds of the two pieces of metal rang out as one blocked and the other was merciless in their attacks.

Gritting her teeth, Xiao Jun maneuvered the sword in her hand and crouched down low before launching herself towards him and with her free hand, she grabbed Yue Qi's wrist and pulled him forward before pointing the sword towards his neck as his sword fell out of his hand.

Mei'er clapped and smiled, "Wahhh! Big Brother! You're amazing!"

Smiling a little, Xiao Jun removed the sword away from his neck and stepped back, letting his hand go and cupped her hands together respectfully. "Handsome brother, your guard is quite skilled."

Yue Qi rubbed his wrist as he walked over to his master's side and just stood there quietly. Yun Long looked at his guard and then he turned to walk away, "Go back and train."

Yue Qi's eyes widened and he looked at his Young Master, this was strange.

'Young Master! Why are you like this?!'

"Eh?! Leaving already? Come and keep me company for some tea, okay? It's repayment for you saving me." Xiao Jun ran over to him and hooked her arm with him before dragging him over to a stone table, telling Mei'er to go make some tea.

Yue Qi didn't know whether he should follow or go train but one look from Yun Long had him running back to the Huo Manor.

Mei'er stayed in her room and practiced on her own as she left the two alone, a little smile on her face.

Staying with the straight faced Yun Long, Xiao Jun managed to make a smile show on his face.

'Oh My Heavens! He is even more handsome with his smile! Must make this man smile more!'

Yun Long internally slapped himself as his resistance fell, he couldn't keep a cold, straight face in front of him and ended up smiling a bit, he even chuckled!

'What has gotten into him? Is he possibly under some sort of spell?'

(A: no... it's called making friends and letting walls fall for certain people...)

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My Female Prince 5 Handsome Brother? summary

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