My Way To You 106 Truly...

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"The child of the priestess! The child of the priestess! The child of the priestess!" The members of the church chanted as the one that could bowed to their heads to the ground. "Mother how could you." Malachi muttered. "How could you do this?! You know that Naomi could have been saved!" Malachi shouted. "Theo is your brother!" Mrs. Nahia shouted. "Naomi is your granddaughter!" Malachi shouted back. "Malachi! I understand how you feel but there are others who want this child's help!" Mr. Nahia shouted as he pointed towards the members of the church.

"They tried to kill our family why would the girl help them?! They are nothing but sc.u.m bags!" A male voice shouted from the Nahia group. "If she is the child of the priestess should should feel obligated to help out her own rather than our family so of course she would create a miracle for Theo!" Another male voice shouted. "Norbert! How dare you agree with mom's selfish decision!" A new male voice shouted. "Shut it Nathaniel!" Norbert shouted back. "The girl should be unbiased and fair! Grant us all miracles!" A female voice shouted.

Ariana could feel anxiety starting to rise with in her. She turned to face the other Lumas and met their distant gazes. 'This is why you should have never revealed yourself. The selfishness of man is something that is unparalleled to anything else in this world.' Aroha said as she watched the show unfolding from the sidelines. 'Greed is the driving force in man. Without settings limitations on their possibilities they allow said greed to make all their decisions.' Rahul said as he started to lay down. 'Showing them something that they could have had and not offering a hand can be considered as a tease. Soon resentment will sent I their hearts and death will surely follow.' Loralei said as she protectively held the baby panthers in place. 'Yes, destruction will take place.' Duko said as his golden eyes stayed fixated on the Nahia family. Soon the whole family started to argue while the members of the church kept chanting and bowing.

"I can't believe our one chance for a miracle was given away to a traitor!"

"What about my mother-in-law! My wife is devastated that she can't walk anymore!"

"Our child could have had their magical infinity boosted! You know how weak he is!"

"How dare you speak about your mother-in-law! We all know you hate the old bat and just want to appease your wife!"

"Why should your child be the only one blessed! We could have asked for the whole family to be blessed with vitality and good fortune!"

"Good fortune?! Good Fortune?! She is not some kind of gold gifting magical creature! The girl is the daughter of the jewel eyed priestess! How dare you think so little of her true value! Do you want this whole family to be cursed because of your selfishness?!"

"The child of the priestess, the child of the priestess, the child of the priestess!"

"She could have taken in my child as an apprentice! My child could have gotten a promising future!"

"Your child is daft and couldn't find herself out of a wet paper bag! If anything you should have gotten her to bring up your child's IQ."

"Take it back!"

"The truth hurts!"

"Forgive my sins! Please put my mind at ease and help me think of the important things first."

"Please enough! I'm so sorry for what I did! I don't even know how to make it up to all of you!" Theo shouted as he dropped to his knees. "Theo I don't even think I could look at you ever again!" A female voice shouted. "Darling please be reasonable! Theo made a mistake and the child of the priestess has forgiven him!" Norbert shouted.

"The child of the priestess, the child of the priestess, the child of the priestess!"

'I warned you all she had no idea what she was doing. She just rushes in head first, without thinking about any of the consequences. We should have stuck to my plan. Better yet we should have allowed this disgusting family to be eliminated.' Aroha lectured. 'You pledged your allegiance Aroha.' Vasu said loudly as he glared at Aroha from behind Ariana. 'So what if I did! I am still aloud to give constructive criticism.' Aroha replied as she turned her head upwards in arrogance.

"The child of the priestess, the child of the priestess, the child of the priestess!"

"You only ever loved Theo because he was apprenticing in the jewel eyed priestess! Now that we all know that it was a giant lie how can you even have a place for him in your hear mother? Think about everyone else! Give your love to us instead of this good for nothing!" Nathaniel shouted at his mother as two males held him back.

Ariana could feel all the energy around her started to build up as her anxiety rose. Her heart was pounding while the Nahias were creating more chaos. Ariana watched as a fight broke out, Mrs. Nahia was brought to tears. Mr. Nahia tried to stop his children from fighting. "Please stop..." Ariana whispered as she brought her hands up and hugged herself. "Please.... stop." She said a little louder but it useless. Her voice was being drowned out by countless other voices.

Ariana's breathing became erratic. "This is all my fault, all my fault!" She said to herself as more energy started to flow around an into her. "Please stop!" Ariana finally yelled but again no one heard her. Theo was shocked. He barely heard Ariana's voice but felt the urge to look up at her. "Are you alright?" Theo asked as his gaze locked onto Ariana. Theo's eyes grew wide in fear.

Ariana's body was starting to glow brighter. It was practically blinding. Ariana felt hot, she needed to disperse her left over energy but her anxiety got the better if her. She was completely frozen in place, doubting her decision as everyone argued and chanted. She made a mistake and the scene before her muddled her concentrate. "Please stop! It hurts!" Ariana cried out as she hugged herself, trying her best to keep the energy from escaping her body. Vasu sighed as he closed his eyes and placed his face next to Ariana's cheek. "Mother, father! Stop! Everyone stop! The child is in pain!" Theo shouted as he rose from the ground. "STOP!" Theo screamed at the top of his lungs.

Unfortunately the anxiety, the fever, the fear and energy circulating within Ariana's body had already reached its limit. "I can't stop it!" Ariana screamed in agony. 'You do not have to stop it. Just take a deep breath and let it flow out of your body when you exhale. Let it carry your will and you will be fine.' Vasu said softly.

A fiercer magical pulse waved outwards as Ariana screamed. Her cries echoed along the wind with the magic, colliding into everyone around and it just kept moving outwards. 'Shhh Ariana. You need to get better control. Listen to me and make your magic carry your will.' Vasu whispered as tears rolled down Ariana's cheeks. It was an unbearable pain. By instinct she always dispelled her extra energy. She never knew it was her body's way of protecting herself.

"I just want them to be alright." Ariana whispered as more tears spilled from her eyes. 'As you wish. I will help you carry your will.' Vasu said before bringing his pink tongue to Ariana's cheek and licking up the new tears with gentle movement. Suddenly a pink and white swirling pillar shot upwards. Raindrops made of light fell onto the area as it carried Ariana's whispers.

The members of the church stopped chanting and started gasping as they the magical pulse entered their body. The Nahia family all started to calm down and found peace as the magic entered them. A scream was heard from the house. Malachi recognized the voice screaming from within the house. His wife Kaela ran towards him, tears were flying everywhere. "Kaela?" Malachi shouted as he turned to his wife.

"The children! The children!" Kaela screamed. Malachi turned back to the pillar but stoped at the members of the church. His eyes grew wide as he watched the same scene he had seen earlier with Theo. His heart pounded with antic.i.p.ation but then calmed down again. As he watched her could her Ariana whispering into his ear. "Everyone run back to the house and grab the sick, disabled and weak! The child of the priestess is blessing all in front of her!" Malachi shouted.

Everyone turned and raced back to the house. They wasted no time brining out every one. Soon the Nahia family started crying out in joy. Unknown to anyone in the area, Ariana's magic was not only exclusively for them. The magic rain and pulse went out in a 100 km radius. Them being at the center of everything. People from the town's and city witnessed the miracle. The homeless, sick and left for dead were instantly revived. When asked why they went out into the mysterious rain they replied that they were coaxed by the mysterious whispers that came with the rain. Soon others walked out, they could feel a boost within themselves that they could not explain. While others feared what the miracle could mean.

Soon the pillar disappeared, the rain stopped and the pulse was long gone. Standing in the middle of the field was a young woman. Wearing nothing but a grey pullover and dark slacks. Ariana had become incredibly pale. Vasu had turned back into his chibi self but he looked furious as he stared at the onlookers. 'She needs medical attention!' He shouted as Ariana's eyes rolled back. The Lumas rushed forward in their chibi form, hoping to cus.h.i.+on her fall. However Thor was faster then the rest and zipped out of his hiding place with Davita's help. Ariana was laying on Thor's back, he tried his best to keep her upright while Davita gave him a wind boost.

A small chuckle was heard. The Lumas had finally made to Ariana just as James and Leigh did. "You think nothing would shock me to the point that I forget my duties." James said as he gently picked up Ariana into a princess carry. "You are not worthy to touch the child of the priestess!" A member of the church shouted as he stood up with an accusing finger. "Are you any better? You devoted yourselves to the teachings of the church and to the priestess... Just so you could then turn and cause her harm?! What have you been doing?! I am not any better! None of us realized that the priestess was gone and that she left her child in the care of others. What happened to her? How could the church keep pretending? How can we ever hold our heads up high when we cross over to the afterlife?" Theo shouted as he slowly rose from the ground.

Everyone dropped their heads in shame. "Let her go home, to her family... I know I want to go home to my family and end this charade I have with the church." Theo said as he turned to his family. "If that is what you wish but if you are afraid of what the church may do in retaliation for your abandonment then please come look for my mistress! She will be more than willing to help anyone who stands on the side of her beloved granddaughter!" Leigh shouted, surprising everyone there. "That's right the Countess Drake will always protect her precious granddaughter. Adopted or not Miss Ariana is a member of the Countess's esteemed family. If you dare return to the church and reveal the truths you have heard or witnessed. I swear to you I will personally hunt you down and make you wish that you died here tonight." James said with a demon like smile and glowing eyes.

"I swear my loyalty to Miss Ariana!" Theo shouted as he turned to face the unconscious girl. He then put his right fist over his heart and dropped to on knee, bowing his head in respect. "I will give my life to Miss Ariana!" Theo shouted proudly. Soon everyone followed suit. The children weren't sure what was going on but felt the urge to follow their parents actions. "I will inform the Countess. Please make time to stop by the estate in the coming days so we can make arrangements." Roland proclaimed. Everyone cheered while the unconscious Ariana had no idea that she just started the rebellion of the century.


Light was. .h.i.tting Ariana's face and she did not welcome the interruption. She wanted to sleep a little longer so she rolled to her side and snuggled further into her comforter. "Thank goodness she's okay!" She heard a familiar voice shout in a slightly hoa.r.s.e voice. "Of course I'm okay. Just really tired." Ariana muttered. "I'd say you've been sleeping for three days." Edlyn said with a sigh of relief. "Three days!" Ariana shouted as she scrambled to get up. "Of course you would be sleeping for so long! Do you have any idea what you have done?!" Talisha shouted as she grabbed Ariana's shoulders. A wide grin greeted her as Talisha's eyes sparkled with mischief.

"No...." Ariana said awkwardly as she looked at her friend's in the dorm room.

The members of the church stopped chanting and started gasping as they the magic entered their body. The Nahia family all started to calm down and found peace as the magic entered them. A scream was heard from the house. Malachi recognized the voice screaming from within the house. His wife Kaela ran towards him, tears were flying everywhere. "Kaela?" Malachi shouted as he turned to his wife.

"The children! The children!" Kaela screamed. Malachi turned back to the pillar but stoped at the members of the church. His eyes grew wide as he watched the same scene he had seen earlier with Theo. "Everyone run back to the house and grab the sick, disabled and weak! The child of the priestess is blessing all in front of her!" Malachi shouted.

Everyone turned and raced back to the house. They wasted no time brining out every one. Soon the Nahia family started crying out in joy. Unknown to anyone in the area, Ariana's magic was not only exclusively for them. The magic rain and pulse went out a 100 km radius. People from the town's and city witnessed the miracle. The homeless, sick and left for dead were instantly revived when they were outside, coaxed by the mysterious whispers that came with the rain. The others that walked out could feel a boost within themselves. While others feared what the miracle could mean.

Soon the pillar disappeared, the rain stopped and the pulse was long gone. Standing in the middle of the field was a young woman. Wearing nothing but grey pullover and dark slacks. Ariana had become incredibly incredibly pale. Vasu had turned back into his chibi self but he looked furious as he stared at the onlookers. 'She needs medical attention!' He shouted as Ariana's eyes rolled back. The Lumas rushed forward in their chibi form, hoping to cus.h.i.+on her fall. However Thor was faster then the rest and zipped out of his hiding place with Davita's help. Ariana was laying on Thor's back, he tried his best to keep her upright while Davita gave him a wind boost.

A small chuckle was heard. The Lumas had finally made to Ariana just as James and Leigh did. "You think nothing would shock to the point that I forget my duties." He said as he gently picked up Ariana into a princess carry. "You are not worthy to touch the child of the priestess!" A member of the church shouted as he stood up with an accusing finger. "Are we any better? We devoted ourselves to the teachings of the church and to the priestess... Just so we could cause her harm?! What have we been doing?! We had not even an inkling that the priestess was gone and left her child in the care of others. What happened to her? How could the church keep pretending? How can we ever hold our heads up high when we cross over to the afterlife?" Theo shouted.

Everyone dropped their heads in shame. "Let her go home, to her family... I know I want to go home to my family and end this charade I have with the church." Theo said as he turned to his family. "If that is what you wish and are afraid if what the church will do in retaliation. Then please come look for my mistress! She will be willing to help anyone who stands on the side of her beloved granddaughter!" Leigh shouted, surprising everyone there. "That's right the Countess Drake will always protect her precious granddaughter. Adopted or not Miss Ariana is a member of the Countess's esteemed family. If you dare return to the church and reveal the truths you have heard. I personally will hunt you down and make you wish that you died here tonight." James said with a demon like smile and glowing eyes.

"I swear my loyalty to Miss Ariana!" Theo shouted as he turned to face the unconscious girl. He then put his right fist over his hear and dropped to on knee, bowing his head in respect. "I will give my life to Miss Ariana!" Theo shouted proudly. Soon everyone followed suit. The children weren't sure what was going on but felt the urge to follow suit. "I will inform the Countess of today. Please make time to stop by the estate in the coming days so we can make arrangements." Roland proclaimed. Everyone cheered while the clueless Ariana had no idea that she just started the rebellion of the century.


Light was. .h.i.tting Ariana's face and she did not welcome the interruption. She wanted to sleep a little longer so she rolled to her side and snuggled further into her comforter. "Thank goodness she's okay!" She heard someone familiar shout with a slightly hoa.r.s.e voice. "Of course I'm okay. Just really tired." Ariana muttered. "Incredibly fine." Edlyn said with a sigh of relief. "However I find it hard to believe that you're still tired you've been sleeping for three days." Edlyn said with a small laugh. "Three days!" Ariana shouted as she scrambled to get up. "Of course you would be sleeping for so long! Do you have any idea what you have done?!" Talisha shouted as she grabbed Ariana's shoulders. A wide grin greeted her as Talisha's eyes sparkled with mischief.

"No...." Ariana said awkwardly as she looked at her friends in the dorm room. "I actually don't remember a thing." Ariana said apologetically. "Why?! Is this payback for what I said?! This isn't fair! I wanted to apologize but now you won't even know why! I can't believe this! My mom is coming this weekend to personally visit you and I can't face her properly because you don't remember a thing! I'm so sorry, I know I'm being super selfish and this isn't about me but I can't handle this right now. I'm gonna go on ahead. I will let everyone know that Ariana is over her cold and that she will be back in cla.s.s today." Halina ranted as she tried her best to hold back her tears.

"Later you and I will have to have a talk. Hopefully we can jog your memories. I need to clean up my mess so be prepared!" Halina shouted as she stomped towards the door. Halina took a bitter look back and slight blushed. "I'm glad you're okay!" Halina shouted then left the room. "What happened?" Ariana asked as her mind tried to process Halina's rant. "It's probably best that the two of you talk.... but I would wait a little bit. I think she might be too emotional and I don't want to see the whole thing start all over again." Edlyn said awkwardly as she dabbed away some sweat from her face with her handkerchief.

"The only thing we know for sure is that you went out three nights ago. My girls said some weird sh*t went down in Tetsu Forest. Oh and some weird rain and light show happened in the area. We tried asking the familiars but even Thor was pretty tight lipped." Talisha reported as she looked towards Thor. 'Aunty! Aunty! Aunty! Thor did good right? Thor listened to big sister Davita and said nothing!' Thor shouted as he jumped into Ariana's arms. "Whoa! Thor! If you did what Davita said then yes you were a very good boy." Ariana replied as she hugged Thor affectionately. "Vasu, can you please tell me what happened?" Ariana asked as she pa.s.sed Thor to Edlyn.
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'You started your rebellion.' Vasu said nonchalantly as he eyed Ariana's arms with envy. "What do you mean?! Please explain specifically!" Ariana shouted in disbelief. 'Ariana we can talk about this in detail after cla.s.s. You have missed so much as it is. My advice is to act normally for now. You can not afford to be kicked out especially with what you did recently.' Aroha said with a stern face. "Alright." Ariana replied flatly as she moved to get out of bed.

"I guess we're going to cla.s.s." Talisha said with a giant sigh as she slumped onto Ariana's bed face first. "I'm so curious! Bacon please, just give me a little hint." Talisha whined. 'Stop complaining. Get to cla.s.s.' Bacon replied as he poked Talisha's head with his snout. "Talisha, even if you got a hint you will be more curious and it will distract you. Trust me." Edlyn said as she quickly helped Ariana get her bag ready. "No way! Edlyn you got a hint?! No fair! I won't get word from my girls until this weekend!" Talisha shouted as she shot up from the bed. "I started a rebellion." Ariana said as she tied the top half of her hair up with a red ribbon.

"How?!" Talisha shouted with excitement. "I wish I knew." Ariana muttered. "Okay, thaty enough now. We need to get to cla.s.s, look at the time. So come on Talisha get ready." Edlyn said with a mixture of confusion and worry. "Fine." Talisha said as she started to calm down. They got ready and rushed out the door. "Do we even have time for some breakfast?" Ariana asked as her stomach rumbled loudly. "Unfortunately no." Edlyn said as they walked down the corridor. "c.r.a.p, I am starved." Ariana complained as her head dropped to her chest in disappointment.

"Well that is what I am here for!" A chipper voice said. "Halina?" Ariana said as she brought her head back up. "Is this why you left us behind! I thought you didn't feel comfortable around Ariana anymore. Who knew." Talisha said as she grabbed an orange zest, cream cheese bun but her eyes still shone with suspicion. "I-I-I-I-I know I did something wrong but I'm not a horrible person to avoid someone. In my family we don't stay mad for long." Halina said as she blushed a deep red. "Thanks Halina." Ariana said with a bright smile as she grabbed her share of breakfast.

"Move, we will need to eat and walk. Ariana chew! You better not choke on the food." Edlyn said as she pushed everyone forward.

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My Way To You 106 Truly... summary

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