My Way To You 136 Vasu Part 9

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'Yes! I have chosen to stand next to this young lady.' Rahul answered as he bared his teeth. 'Why? You are the proudest and most loyal Luma. No one can compare to your dedication to our mission but you threw that all away the moment you sided with her!' Aroha yelled as she pointed her stubby wing to Ariana. 'And that is why you should stop and think about Ariana! Is she really that untrustworthy? Is she really going to fulfill any of those monsters desires! No! I have faith in her, as should you.' Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

'Rahul you are acting insane! Asking us to side is unthinkable!' Aroha shouted again. 'They way you are acting now shows that you already have. You chose the G.o.ddess and not the salvation of humanity. What you want is your old life back but you will never get it back. You will be reborn into a new life forgetting everything... but then again the G.o.ddess could let you keep all your memories then what? Will you be able to live a happy life? Will you not feel guilty? Will you ever forget how you obtained your new life?' Vasu asked.

'Guilty for what? We are just in charge of watching over this child.' Aroha said with a small smirk. 'We are supposed to kill her if she strays!' Vasu shouted causing Aroha and Rahul to calm down. "Aroha..." Ariana said as she walked up to her chibi, blue bird and picked her up. "It's fine." She whispered. Aroha started to flap around but Ariana kept a firm hold on her. She gently pressed her against their chest and embraced her with all she had. 'Why?! Do you not understand that we are here to kill you?!' Aroha said as she struggled against her. "I just need to prove that you don't have too." Ariana whispered causing Aroha to stop moving.

'That is not... how is works.' Aroha answered. "Has everything up until now has it been a lie?" Ariana whispered. 'What?!' Loralei shouted as she jumped down. Ariana looked up and made eye contact with the remaining Lumas. "Have you played with my emotions from the beginning? Always planning different ways to kill me if I didn't behave?" Ariana asked calmly. Davita flew in front of her face and narrowed her gaze. 'How could you think that?!' Davita spat but Ariana shook her head. "What choice do I have? Secrets, lies and betrayal? Do you think I don't have feelings? That I'm some sort of monster?"

Duko jumped down and placed a paw on top of Ariana's foot. 'We've never thought that.' Duko said with a small whine. "How can I believe you?" Ariana asked with a shaky voice. 'Because we haven't killed you.' Aroha replied. Ariana gave her one last hug before releasing her. 'The moment you changed into your blood dragon self should have been your judgement day...' Aroha said as she flapped her tiny wings towards Ariana's bed. "I know." Ariana sighed as she watched Aroha.

'How?!' Aroha shouted causing Ariana to give her a small smile. "It was the only logical thing. I scared people, I killed others. You are working with the G.o.ddess of Creation to lift whatever remorse is holding you down... how could I not piece things together. She created everything, controls everything and to have someone destroy what she gave life too? Why not kill it?"

'No! Ariana you have it all wrong!' Loralei shouted but Ariana had enough of the conversation. She turned her back to them and was heading for the door. "I just wanted to apologize to all of you. I forced you to have free will and went against the G.o.ddess's plan." Ariana said before she looked back at her Lumas. "Whatever happens next just know I won't blame you... I love you all." Then turned her gaze to the door and walked out.

'The choice is yours now.' Vasu said before he followed after Ariana. 'She is right. We made a choice before and encased ourselves along with her. We should have disappeared but we didn't. We allowed our emotions to decide for us back then and after all this time... after all we have seen... can we really have any doubt in this girl's heart and soul? I will never regret the decision I made. Can you say the same?' Rahul said before taking leaps across the air, chasing after Ariana. 'Aroha?' Duko said as his puppy eyes flashed doubt. Aroha sat in silence. 'Let's wait and see.'

Ariana sighed as she walked out of the room. She looked around and saw her friends waiting for her at the end of the corridor. "You okay?" Edlyn asked. Ariana just gave her a bittersweet smile. "All great relations.h.i.+ps need a little bit of conflict every once in a while." Talisha said as she gave her a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. "Makes you stronger in the end." Ariana sighed her thanks but wasn't really in the mood to explain what happened.

"Well enough of this melancholy! Let's go de-stress and have some fun! Our mentors are already there and honestly I need to go see me some eye candy." Halina cheered. "Eye candy?" Edlyn asked. "h.e.l.l ya! Guys all dressed up and looking their best! What more can you even ask for! But I guess only some of us are going to be looking for someone specifically there... I mean I know some pretty love struck ladies that have been deprived. It's not easy when your dream guy goes missing for a couple of days." Halina said with a wink.

"Edlyn! Has it been going well with Xander?!" Ariana asked. "I have no idea what she's talking about!" Edlyn shrieked as her hair stood on end. "No need to get your pretty head so worked up. My intel says that Xander went home after our little feast and hasn't come back." Talisha said as she placed her chin in the crevice of her thumb and index finger. "What do you mean he went home?" Ariana asked as Edlyn tried to calm her nerves. "You know my policy for information. Gotta be fair ya know. What info can you trade me for what I got?" Talisha said with a raised eyebrow.

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My Way To You 136 Vasu Part 9 summary

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