My Way To You Chapter 177

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Published at 9th of November 2019 04:32:21 PM Please help us improve Trinity Audio
Chapter 177

"You didn't even take that long!" Halina exclaimed . "Thank educational boot camp for that . " Ariana said with a giant smile as she put the pen down and shook out her hand cramps . "Honestly those days were tough . " Ariana laughed . "I bet! I mean I missed the first bit . When I joined in you were already used to it . " Edlyn said . "Ya but by then I was able to have more free time . Well, I also had a reason to focus or else I couldn't go play . " Ariana said as she quickly grabbed her pen and hide her face behind a veil of her own hair . She started to furiously write again . "So a play date was the best incentive for you to work hard?" Talisha chuckled as she got up and stretched out her arm . She then gently moved Ariana's hair out of the way . Suddenly Talisha started laughing loudly . A very bright red Ariana was glaring right back up at her . "You are so innocent!" Talisha laughed .

"Stop teasing her already! She has to finish her essay or Professor Waldemar will have her head . " Edlyn lectured as she gently slapped Talisha's hand . "Alright mom . Jeez, no one can have any fun around you . " Talisha said with a giant pout . "Sure you can!" Halina shouted . "Absolutely! Mom's the best! Love you . " Ariana chimed in happily . Edlyn turned a bright red, causing Thor to jump up into her arms . 'Mommy has more babies?' He asked as he licked Edlyn's red face . "Not yet . Once she marries Xander and starts a family then you will have a big family to play with . " Ariana said with a mischievous grin .
'Can you marry daddy soon? I want babies to play with me . ' Thor asked sweetly . Edlyn turned a brighter shade of red and to everyone's surprise fainted backwards . "EDLYN!" Everyone shouted but instantly relaxed when they saw her goofy smile . "Give me a second I got a sentence left . " Ariana said with a shake of her head . "I'll grab some water . " Talisha sighed as she got up . While Halina rushed over to provide Edlyn a lap pillow . "Rise and s.h.i.+ne sleeping beauty . " Talisha laughed as she gently flecked water onto Edlyn's face with the tips of her fingers . Edlyn's eyes started to flutter .

"Too much stimulus for a pure girl like you?" Ariana said with a small chuckle . "Yes it was . " Edlyn replied honestly as she slowly sat up . "Well I'm done my essay . I will try to study for the math test today while in Waldemar's cla.s.s . " Ariana said with a heavy sigh . "We have a math test today?!" Halina shouted . "Supposed to be every other Friday starting today . Halina don't tell me you forgot . " Talisha groaned . "N-no . " Halina replied with a higher pitched voice as she averted her gaze . "So we need to look out for two people cramming while in history cla.s.s . Flipping fantastic . " Talisha said as she face palmed herself .

"Well at least I can get some studying in . " Halina said with a mild shrug . "I'm already studying . " Ariana said . The girls looked over and felt an urge to slap Ariana . She was already knee deep into her math book . "Nerd . " Talisha said affectionately . Ariana repositioned her hands so that her right hand was now on the bottom, center in the book . Her fingers automatically fixated themselves on the spine while she brought up her left hand and flipped Talisha off . "Oy! Do you even know what that means?!" Talisha shouted in surprise . "F*ck me, f*ck you, shove it up your a**, up yours or go f*ck yourself . Take your pick . " Ariana said nonchalantly as she brought back her left hand and put it back to her math book .

"You being a proper lady and all I thought something so obscene would be rather beneath you . " Talisha said with a smirk . Ariana brought her head just high enough to have her eyes seen . She raised an eyebrow as her eyes sparkled with mischief . "Oh? I can think of a number of obscene things a lady scould or rather hould do . More of an obligation between two people and I can guarantee you that the man I love will be underneath me . " Ariana said before she brought her gaze back to the math book . Edlyn and Halina both gasped but Talisha quickly moved and pulled the math book out of Ariana's hands . She instantly started laughing hysterically when she saw Ariana's face glowing a bright red .

"You got b.a.l.l.s Ms . Drake! Huge, freaking b.a.l.l.s . I honestly thought you could have pulled it off but my G*d your so pure!" Talisha shouted . "Hey! You know I love you and all but you better get moving . I want to started cleaning up early today . Got a hot date and I don't mind me some obscene things either . " Lee shouted from the serving counter . "Ah! Look what you did! You just corrupted sweet, old Lee into saying those kinds of things! Come on now children, let's get away from the bad example and go to cla.s.s like good students . " Talisha said as she started herding a shocked Edlyn and Halina . "Say that with again with a straight face! I dare you!" Ariana shouted as she closed her book with a loud thud .

Talisha tried her best to suppress her laughter as they rushed towards the exit . "No, puff, idea, puff, what y-y-you're talk-hahaha! I can't! I can't! You win!" Talisha laughed as she hugged her abdomen . "Good . Let's go then . I don't want to be late . " Ariana said with a victorious nod .

. . . .

It was finally after school and Ariana felt more swamped then she was at lunch . "I am going to die now . " Ariana sighed as she hung her head in defeat . "It's not so bad . I mean it was only one draft a.s.signment you missed . " Edlyn said with a comforting tone as she rubbed Ariana's back . "Kinda forgot ourselves . " Talisha said as her face darkened . "What are the chances that we would forget to draft our STEM project proposals . " Halina said sadly . "Monday was kinda hectic and I wish Professor Penon would have at least given us a reminder on Wednesday . " Edlyn said . Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

"Well we have the end of today to hand in our drafts to him . Have you guys started?" Ariana asked hopefully . She didn't want to be the only one who hadn't started . "Kinda, it's enough to go hand in . I have it back in the dorm . " Edlyn said with an awkward smile . "I have half done . The reference book is in the dorm I just need to read the rest so I can finish my draft thesis . " Halina replied . "I got stuff in it . I mean it's a draft and I could just give it to him . It's not that important to me . " Talisha said with a shrug .

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My Way To You Chapter 177 summary

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