My Way To You Chapter 178

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Published at 9th of November 2019 04:32:20 PM Please help us improve Trinity Audio
Chapter 178

"This is important though!" Edlyn exclaimed . "This is the one project that sticks with us for the next four years . " Edlyn continued . Ariana groaned and she squatted down . Edlyn paled as she started to panic . "I mean it's just the draft part right? We have plenty of time to switch our thesis's around . I mean he just wants to see if you are seriously considering improving mankind and there will be lots of chances to talk and brain storm with him . " Edlyn rambled . "Ya but I haven't started . " Ariana groaned . "There's 8 hours before midnight . Run to the library now and start . Knowing you, you would come up with something brilliant in no time . " Edlyn encouraged .

"Oh! Did you hear about the indoor farming school that they are going to start building next month?! That was genius! I mean to grow vast amounts of food inside a controlled environment and providing education for practically anyone who wants to learn!" Halina shouted in excitement . Ariana looked up and gave Halina a crooked smile . "No one can top something that amazing right?" Ariana asked sadly . "Right! The best solution of the century!" Halina shouted in excitement . "My brother Kruger is already looking to see if he can enroll . " Halina continued .
Ariana got up . "I'm going to the library . " Ariana groaned as she dragged her soulless body towards the direction of the library building . "What's eating her now?" Talisha said as she pointed towards Ariana's back with her thumb . "She came up with that idea . Even gave the board, drafts of the build and a working prototype of the planters . " Edlyn said with a sad smile . "So now she has to top herself . " Talisha said with a melancholy look . "How can she?" Halina asked . "No idea but we should quickly finish and hand in our drafts . I want to go help her as soon as possible . " Edlyn said before she turned and walked towards the female dorms . Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

Ariana finally made it to a coliseum like building . The bricks and stone arches were done in red . Doors and windows seemed to alternate all around the round building . It stood three storeys high with a giant blue dome overtop, sealing the coliseum like building . With a heavy sigh Ariana walked up to the black, 9 foot tall, double doors . She grabbed the door handle and pushed the door inwards . Inside was a brightly lit open room . There were two winding stair case on the left and right side of the room . Bookshelves lined the walls of each floor .

The second and third floor looked to only be balcony type areas where students could sit as they studied and pulled out reference . While the main floor was littered with tables, chairs and more bookshelves . "First time 'ere!" A high pitched, British voice said loudly . Ariana turned her head to quickly that she almost gave herself whiplash . "Yes . " Ariana replied as she brought her hand to the back of her neck and started ma.s.saging it . "Figures! T'em brig't eyes sparkling like they never seen the wonder of t'is palace . " The lady said with a knowing nod .

"T'en I best be getting to introduction . The name is Paisley Boswell . Head Librarian to t'is wonderful establis'ment . " Ms . Boswell said as she extended a hand out . The lady looked to be in her mid thirties . She had a small round face with a slightly pointed chin . Bright blond hair but her roots were a deep brown . A long nose and thin, bright red lips . She had small, half moon eyes that looked to always be laughing and big, black framed that took up half her face . While her bangs just barely touched the edge of her . "Oh! The head librarian pleased to meet you . " Ariana said respectfully as she took Ms . Boswell's hand .

"Are you the only one here by chance?" Ariana asked as she pulled her hand away . "Nah! I got me an a.s.sistant . Poor lad 'ad to spend a penny . So I'm 'olding down the fort till t'at 'unk of a man gets back . Mmmmh, I'd love to get a rumpy pumpy wit' t'at fellow . You know w'at I mean? Dine on some meat and two veg . " Ms . Boswell said with a dreamy sigh as she started to daze out . "I'm sorry?" Ariana asked as she allowed a polite smile spread across her face . Ms . Boswell quickly shook her head, clearing out her unmentionable thoughts . "I'm knackered . Don't pay attention to me . " Ms . Boswell shouted as her face turned bright red .

"Well that's rea.s.suring . " A familiar voice said as he slowly approached the two ladies . "Greggs! Took your sweet time in the loo . " Ms . Boswell said with a giant pout . "My apologies . " Gregory said with a sincere bow . "Gregory!" Ariana shouted happily . "Ariana . " He replied courtly . "Oh blooming 'eck! You two know eachother?" Ms . Boswell spat as she pointed to Gregory then Ariana . "Yes we do . So if you don't mind I will excuse myself from the desk and give Ariana a tour of the library . " Gregory said as he quickly walked up to Ariana and grabbed her wrist .

"W'en you get back I'll give you ya a bunch of fives for messing around on me!" Ms . Boswell shouted as she waved an angry fist in the air . "Um Gregory?" Ariana asked as he pulled her farther away from the front desk . "I can't stand that woman . " Gregory hissed as he let Ariana's wrist go free . "I have no idea what goes on in her head! You saved me back there . I would have gone mad if I had to spend five more minutes with her . " Gregory explained as he brought his thumbs to his temples and started to ma.s.sage them . "But she seems nice though . " Ariana said as she looked back . Ms . Boswell aura had turned murderous as she shot her dagger like glares .

Ariana quickly turned around as she broke out in a cold sweat . "5 librarians, there are 5 librarians and one head and she purposely schedules herself with me . " Gregory muttered as her further forrowed his brows to the point there was practically no gap . "Do you even understand what she's saying?" Ariana asked curiously . "Mostly . The dialect she uses comes from Eastern region of the Kingdom . I believe the City she hails from is Gran Bergen . I had 'frequented' there for some training . The terrain is tougher as it's at the very edge of the borders . Mountains, overgrown forest and a vast lake separating us from the neighbouring Kingdom . " Gregory explained as he slowly started to relax .

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My Way To You Chapter 178 summary

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