My Way To You 76 New Bonds

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All the Lumas came out and looked at Ariana. 'No Master, being with you has been a pleasure.' Aroha said as she floated next to her, resting on top of Ariana's right shoulder. 'We have never been so happy in all our lives.' Lorelei said as she took the spot on her left shoulder. 'I kneel to no one! But for you I would gladly do it just to see you smile.' Rahul said as her stretched his paws forward in front of her feet and stuck his tail into the air.

'The mission has never been our top priority... we want to be with you more than anything else.' Duko said as he plopped himself next to Rahul, he rolled onto his back and showed her his belly. 'We want to be with you for all of eternity.' Davita said as she laid on Ariana's head. 'Master, we love you. Never doubt that.' Vasu said as he resumed his cuddle. Ariana carefully collected her Lumas and hugged them all at once. "Thank you." She whispered. "Thank you."

After a moment Ariana released her Lumas and watched as they turned back into light. They flew back to her ears and turned into beautiful, stud earrings. Ariana walked to the bathroom and cleaned up her face. When she felt ready she made her way to the mess hall.

When she saw the familiar double steel doors to the mess hall she still felt her heart panic a little but she took a deep, calming breath and pushed on through. "Sorry to keep everyone waiting!" She shouted as she walked in to a segregated room. First years were plaster against one wall staring down the third years. While the third years sat down at the tables on the other side of the room, immersed among themselves. However when they heard her voice everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at her.

Their gazes were a giant mixture of jealousy, hate, fear, joy, admiration and relief. Ariana inwardly groaned as she looked at the whole room. "Alright, I guess we should get down to business! I want to talk with everyone of you but I know it's practically impossible since it looks like there is what 300 of you? So I will be the first to select a mentor. Vera DuChamp will you do me the honour of becoming my mentor?" She said proudly. Vera stood up with her mouth open. "Me?! Why would you want me?!" She shouted as the third years murmured.

"Easy, you're the smartest choice." Ariana answered with a shrug. "How?!" Vera shrieked. "I'm a disgrace to the third years! I did something so underhanded because of my pride and selfishness! I don't think it would be wise to go with someone like me." Ariana quickly walked up to Vera. When she was close enough she grabbed her hands and brought them up as she looked her in they eyes. "Did you learn from your mistake?" Ariana shouted with so much power that everyone was shocked while Vera nodded her head obediently.

Ariana smiled and released Vera's hands. "Then you are not a disgrace. You are just human, we all makes mistakes and if we are willing to learn from them then we can grow and become wiser. Vera, I never wanted to take your position from you... I don't even know the school rules, regulations or how one even becomes a representative but I think you worked hard to get recognized and what happened to you wasn't right. What the Student Council did was wrong in punis.h.i.+ng you and everyone else indiscriminately."

The third years gasped and a new wave of whispering started. "You can't say something like that!" Vera warned as she grabbed Ariana's shoulders but Ariana looked at Vera pitifully. "Sure I can... they don't care about me or what I do. If they did they would have told me personally that I was a representative. Or at least made it known to the whole school that I was made into a representative. Instead it was done by another person, I had no choice regarding the position or any knowledge about what I'm supposed to do. Without proper help or guidance I will make a fool of myself and fail. So Vera you are my light in these dark times! If you would allow me to have you as a mentor I will step up to this position and shove my results into those pretentious pieces of sh*t."

Vera couldn't hold on to her sanity anymore. Ariana was one of a kind and she couldn't hate her anymore. Not for everything she did or said, there was no way she could hate her now. "If your willing to tolerate my spartan training then deal!" She shouted as she extended her hand out to Ariana. "I wouldn't expect anything else!" She shouted back as she grabbed her hand and shook it firmly. The room erupted into cheers.

"Alright everyone! Just as Ariana said we should match the first years with someone who will do them good. So Ariana you and I will talk to the first years and gather some information. Third years mingle with the first years so they can get accustom to you. We can get rid of their first day jitters and have them open up more." Vera ordered as Ariana raised an eyebrow. "You don't want to talk to the third years too?" Vera flashed her a toothy grin. "I wasn't a representative for nothing! I know them all like the back of my hand. We will team up and get this done."

Two hours, it took two hours but they were able to a.s.sign every first year to a third year. Edlyn and Xander came back half way and Ariana couldn't stop grinning when she saw them return. "So any developments while I was away?" She said with a teasing tone that it caused Edlyn to turn a bright shade of red. "No! Not at all!" She shouted a little too loudly that the people close by turned around to look. Edlyn wished she could turn invisible but Ariana would never let her disappear. "Well I will find out sooner or later." Ariana said as she put her hands behind her head and looked at Vera and her friend Isabelle. "I'm just happy we found you a mentor who won't take advantage of you."

Edlyn looked at Isabelle and smiled. She was the complete opposite of Vera. She was a tall, Amazonian type of girl. She had an asymmetrical hair cut with two toned hair colour. The top half was turquoise and it faded into a lilac. Her eyes were also very different, her left was a sandy yellow while her right was a deep brown. Her uniform was torn and hacked in certain areas showing off her toned, olive coloured body. Isabelle turned to the girls and waved as her free hand brushed back her hair behind her left ear. Both ears were pierced with multiple studs, hoops and chains. Ariana waved back enthusiastically while Edlyn blushed and gave a tiny wave. "Art focused student who could careless if magical creatures like her or not. Plus she's super strong and sweet. A perfect match!"

Edlyn peaked at Ariana from under her eyelashes and smiled. "Thank you for al-ways look-ing out for me." Edlyn whispered shyly. Ariana couldn't hold back and jumped on top of her friend, hugging her with all her might. "You're so cute! I feel like a proud papa letting his baby take her first steps out into the real world." She said as she dramatically sniffed back tears. "Kids grow up so fast." She sniffed again while Edlyn became mortified as the on lookers pointed and whispered. "Moron!" Edlyn shouted as she hugged back her friend, hiding her embarra.s.sed face. "Ladies are we good to go now?" Isabelle said as she walked up to them with Vera. "Right!" Ariana shouted as she let go of Edlyn.

"Alright everyone thank you for your cooperation! Remember to learn from eachother and first years if you have any problems please come find me! Dismissed!" She shouted and everyone left the mess hall with smiles. "So Vera I guess I should have asked you... who are the members of the Student Council?" Ariana asked innocently but Vera couldn't stop herself from facepalming.


It was a long day, Ariana was practically a zombie after she left Vera's room. The whole day was packed and none of the staff were thrilled that they had to shorten the first day because of Ariana's selfishness. She put her hand on he door k.n.o.b and watched as her hand slipped off. She tried a couple more times as she grunted and decided to just knock on the door with her head. "Ariana?!" Edlyn shouted and Ariana just groaned as she dragged her feet into the room. "Beeeeeeeed." She moaned and fell on top of her bed with a thud. "Hard day?" Ariana squirmed onto the bed like an inch worm until she reached her pillow. "Mmmmh, pillow." She replied.

"Well I didn't think she would be like this after all she did. I mean personal and professional life seems to be two different sides of the same coin." Ariana rolled over and sat up. Her hair was a mess, her eyes were half opened and her stomach started to growl. "I keep hearing voices... Edlyn are you playing games with me?" Ariana asked in a daze. "No." Edlyn answered. "Then why are there different voices?" She asked as she started to lay back down. "That's because we are here."

"Who is here?" Ariana asked as she snuggled up with the pillow. "Your other roommates." Ariana shot right up and jumped out of bed. "I'm so sorry so very sorry!" She said as she bowed indiscriminately. The girls started laughing but Ariana was too embarra.s.sed to even stop. A pair of hands gently rested on Ariana's shoulders. Ariana looked up with sorrowful eyes and saw a chubby girl with pale orange hair that stoped at her shoulders. She had curled bangs, golden colour eyes, fair skin and a small cl.u.s.ter of freckles across her nose. "h.e.l.lo, my name is Talisha Valentina. It is very nice to meet you."

Ariana gawked and nodded her head absentmindedly. Another girl walked up next to her and laid her elbow on Talisha's shoulder. "And this is Halina Nahia." Talisha said as she raised her one hand and presented Halina. The girl was way taller then Talisha and she gave off a 'stay away' aura but she nodded her head respectfully. It looked like she had something to say as her lips trembled but instead she gave Ariana's hair a good tussle. "Nice to meet you." She said with a beautiful yet devil like smile. Her silvery blue hair was cut into a pixie long cut that partially covered her face. Yet her stunning orchid pink eyes could not be covered. Paired with her light brown skin and long legs, she looked like a s.e.xy tough girl from the streets.

"Very nice to meet you the both of you!" Ariana shouted enthusiastically. The girls looked at one another and started laughing. "You are a riot!" Halina said as she wiped away tears. "Yes, too amusing!" Talisha said as she tried to catch her breath. Both seemed like really nice girls despite Halina's aura. Ariana stood up straight and offered them a hand shake. After introductions were done the room became horribly, awkwardly silent.

"Well you look exhausted..." Halina started to say but Talisha quickly jumped in. "We were actually hoping that you would accompany us to the bathhouse." Ariana looked at Edlyn who nodded her head vigorously, then looked at the girls. "Sure?" She replied. Talisha clapped her hands in delight while Halina fist pumped the air. "Let's go then!" Halina said as she grabbed Ariana's hand and started to drag her out of the room. "Wait I need to prepare!" Ariana shouted but Edlyn quickly followed behind them with Talisha. "I have your bag." Edlyn said excitedly. "So I didn't have a choice?!" Ariana shouted and Edlyn flashed her a mischievous smile. "You'll thank me."

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It was dark out, Ariana was finally able to get Halina to stop dragging her down the cobblestone road but she quickly moved beside her and hooked her arm with hers. "It's so different at night." She said as she tightened her grip on Ariana's arm. "Really? I find it quite relaxing. Mind you if something does pop out I'll make sure to take it down." Talisha said as she flexed her arms.

Ariana's eyes almost popped out of her sockets. Talisha had well toned arms appeared under the street lights while a deadly aura shrouded her, yet she was able to keep a sweet and gentle face. "Inte-rest-ing right? pparent-ly Tlisha used to be a gang lead-er while Hlina is the only daugh-ter from a fam-ily of twel-ve." Edlyn said with a big smile. "Gang leader?! Twelve?!" Ariana shouted. "Are you surprised?" Talisha asked as she put her arms back down. "Very!" Ariana answered honestly, she turned her sparkling eyes to Halina and waited to hear her story first.

"Ahhh, mmh... you know mine's not that interesting..." She said but Ariana's eyes just continued to sparkle. "Fine." Halina sighed. "So I have a mom, a dad and 9 older brothers. They all had a hand in raising me and worried I would be bullied once I started here. So they gave me a makeover and lessons on how to be tough but it's hard. I mean my face is like my dad's, scary not cute at all and my mom's long legs. I feel like a freak but I guess it won't matter if I look tough most people stay away because of my resting b*tch face."

Ariana burst out into laughter. She removed her arms from Halina's and gave her a big hug. Halina was only a good 3 inches taller then her but she couldn't help but find her so irresistible adorable. "You're too cute! So let me guess your brothers greeted you with a hair tussle?" Halina gasped. "How'd you know?!" Ariana started laughing again. "Don't worry, your plenty adorable and will make lots of friend in no time but count me as one of them alright?" Halina pulled away from Ariana's embrace, her face twisted with what looked like agony and sadness. "You're making funny of me?" She said as her eyes started to water.

"Oh my goodness no! You really are too cute!" She said as she stood on her tip toes so she could pat her head. "Edlyn vouch for me please." Edlyn walked up to Halina and patted her arm. "Ariana is pre-tty hon-est. Just look at her f-ace." Halina looked at her closely and calmed down. "Good girl!" Ariana said then turned to Talisha. "So a gang leader and a n.o.ble... aren't you full of surprises." Talisha brought up her hand over her mouth, politely hiding her smile but her eyes narrowed and became deadly. "Are you judging?"

Ariana shook her head. "Nope, everyone comes from all walks of life and maybe on day you will want to talk about yours. I won't pry." Talisha was taken aback. She wasn't expecting Ariana to not ask her about her past. "But when you feel like telling me I'm all ears!" She said as she quickly walked up to Talisha with hopeful eyes. Talisha laughed and moved her gaze to Edlyn. "She is a good girl." Edlyn smiled with delight. "I know that's why I love her." Edlyn said proudly and Ariana flushed. "Okay, we better get to the bathhouse. It's getting late and we haven't bonded nearly enough. Let's go!" Ariana shouted as she grabbed Talisha's hand then Halina's.

Edlyn happily lead the way, the bathhouse was close to the main entrance. Anyone was allowed to use it, as long as they were a.s.sociated to the school. It was a ma.s.sive building with a brown roof and porch like entrance. It was successfully hidden from the public, just a little ways into the spring section so that only students, faculty or employees could use it. The girls walked in and were amazed. Outside it looked like a plain building but inside it was gorgeous.

White and gold, marble pillars stretched to the ceiling. The walls were done with sea gla.s.s while the floors were pure white marble. The ceiling seemed to be enchanted as rays of soft subs.h.i.+ne scatter downwards. People were walking everywhere while some were lounging in a common area, drinking cold teas, yoghurt or water. A solid, white desk was stationed just a few feet in front of them. They walked up and a young man watched them. He had a long, strong nose and square jaw. Dark brown hair with whisps of gold. His fair skin looked soft and we'll maintained while his eyes looked like two pools of sea green water. "Evening." He greeted them with a nod and the girls greeted him back. "First years?" He asked and they all nodded.

"Great.... So rules are posted on the walls in the change rooms but just in case you don't read them... no running, no eating in the baths, shower before you go in the bath and stay in your gender's section. This place is always open so come whenever you feel like it." He said robotically. While the girls broke out into an awkward sweat. "Is that it? You won't give us a tour or anything so we don't get lost?" Halina asked but the young man gave them an indifferent shrug. "I just volunteer here, I don't actually work here... so no." The young man said nonchalantly.

"Even if you volunteer there are some expectations from you correct?" Talisha asked but the young man rolled his eyes. "You would think that but it... looks... like.... my.... s.h.i.+ft... issssssss done. You're on your own now." He said as he put up a sign on top of the desk and walked away. "Self service. Is that a wise choice Mister?" Talisha asked with raised eyebrow. The young man turned to face them. He eyed Talisha and smirked. She was very tall, only standing at a 5 foot 3 inches, so he walked up to her, bent down a little and looked her in the eyes. "Icarus, my name is Icarus Saladin and yes I think it's plenty wise."

Talisha smiled the most heart warming smiles that even Icarus blushed a little. She raised her white hand into the air and turned it into a fist. It one swift movement she brought it down and pounded the countertop. It cracked in half under her strength causing Icarus to start sweating bullets. "Right... since I'm off duty why don't I give you a tour." He said with an awkward laugh. Talisha brought up her hand and slightly covered her mouth as she laughed. "That's very kind of you! Please lead the way."

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My Way To You 76 New Bonds summary

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