My Way To You 77 Don't Touch Me!

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*Warning explicit scenes. Not suitable for all readers.

*Not joking, warning bottom half not suitable for all readers.

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"You saw the commit area at the front, most people are there after a bath to relax and drink. That's the bath entrance, the left is always for women and the right is always for men. Do not get them confused. You would be surprised how many times people are tricked into going into the wrong ones. It's sad really.... Here are the change rooms the men's is here at the corner and the women's is at the opposite corner. There is a shop at the back if you get hungry or thirsty but there is also vending machines scattered everywhere. Veranda is way over there. Great place to watch the night sky with some tea. Robes and towels are in the change room so make sure you get changed into a robe. Towels are in the bathing area. Done, enjoy your time." Icarus said quickly before he made his hasty escape.

"Well that was interesting...." Talisha said as the girls nodded their head in agreement as they watched his body disappear into the men's bathing area. "Well he was done for the day so I guess he really wanted to relax." Halina said as they walked into the change room. "Or he is just a slacker." Talisha said with a dead pan face.

They walked inside and saw that the locker room was pretty simple looking. Light orange cream walls, white stalls with curtains for them to change in, a wooden bench, a giant mirror with sinks and marble white countertop. Some toilet stalls, rows of metal lockers and a wall with robes and slippers. They quickly approached the lockers but hand no idea how to open them up. "In-struc-tions." Edlyn said as she pointed to the first locker. "Anti-theft protocol. All lockers are equipped with magical energy detectors. Place your hand on the panel directly under a the green handle of the locker. Release your magically energy slowly and calmly so that doors can recognize their temporary owners. The handle will then turn red to show the locker is occupied. Please leave your valuables inside the locker anything left out is not our responsibility." Talisha read out loud.

"So I guess we just follow the instructions and do this." Halina said as she placed her hand onto the panel. The all watched closely and heard a click. Halina moved to open the locker. Inside was woven basket for clothes, a shelf for shoes, and a side pouch for valuables. "Well that was easy." She said as she closed the door and watched the handle turn red. She placed her hand again over the panel, opened the door and closed it again. The handle turned green. "We should grab our robes and change before we select a locker." Talisha said as she walked over to where the robes were hanging.

"Enchanted bath robes. One size will always fit all." Talisha said as she grabbed a robe and pair of slippers. She walked to a changing stall, quickly changed and came out. "It fits so well and it is so soft." She said as she hugged the robe. "It also seems the slippers change to foot size too." Talisha said as she showed off her foot. The girls moved to

get changed into their robes and placed their stuff into the lockers. "Let's go." Edlyn said as Halina and Talisha followed.

Ariana was a little hesitant to leave the change room and stayed behind as the girls left without her. There was no one else in the change room and Ariana steeled her nerves. She walked up to the big mirror and turned so her back was properly reflected. She slightly unfastened the robe's belt and slid the robe down mid back. She pulled her hair to the side and was instantly shocked. Her scar was gone, the only thing on her back was her birth mark underneath her shoulder blade. "Ariana?" Edlyn called out. Ariana quickly pulled up pulled her robe back up and fastened the belt.

"You o-kay?" Edlyn asked as she slowly approached her. "It's gone…" Ariana said with a blank expression. "What is gone?" Edlyn asked. Ariana looked at her with shaking eyes. "Cayden said there was a scar on my back… was… but now its gone." Edlyn quickly moved behind her and pulled down her robe far enough so she could see. "It's real-ly gone." Edlyn confirmed. "What do I do?" Ariana asked, hoping to get some guidance. "Bathe, it does not mat-ter, know one real-ly knew bout it so you will be fine." Edlyn said as she helped Ariana put the robe back on. "Okay… bathe…" Ariana said absentmindedly.

After fastening the belt on Ariana's robe, Edlyn patted Ariana's back, encouraging her to walk forward. Ariana took a few steps forward and started to shake. "I'm a freak." She whispered. Edlyn sighed and grabbed Ariana's hand. "No, you are you. Noth-ing more and noth-ing less. Take it as a bless-ing or a happy mem-ory. You lost your scar the same day I learn-ed to speak. So for-get the past and come enjoy the pres-ent." Ariana nodded her head and gave Edlyn a gentle smile. "Thank you for being my friend."

The girls walked up to the entryway of the womens bath. There was a fancy, white silk curtain drawn to the side. Swirls of irony sparkled in the light. They walked in and down a twisted corridor until the reached another change room. Steam, laughter and happy conversations were in the air. The girls became a little self conscious about taking off their robes. There were many females walking around in the nude while others had a white towel wrapped around their bodies. Ariana gripped her robe's collar and walked over to the wall where the towels were hung. A sign was posted above. "Trade your robes and slippers for a towel." She read out loud.

She clenched her jaw and flushed a bright red as she ripped off her robe. Her hands trembled as she tried to grab the towel with the number 13 on it. To her surprise the towel wouldn't budge. She tried pulling harder but again it didn't move. She could feel her cheeks turn an even darker shade of red when it hit her. She slipped off her slippers and put them into the pockets of the robe. Then brought the robe up to the towel. The towel fell, revealing a silver hand. It reached out and grabbed the robe. She quickly picked up the towel and wrapped it around her body. Just like the robe the towel magically adjusted itself to cover the important parts of her body. "I figured it out!" She said as she waved the others over. The each did as she did and were ready to take their shower.

The decided to sit with eachother, so they searched for an open spot along the wall for four people. Edlyn found it easily and they rushed over. They sat on small, plastic stools infront of an adjustable shower head bar. Liquid soap and shampoo dispensers were located beside the shower head's station. They all silently scrubbed, feel too embarra.s.sed to talk to one another. Once they rinsed off the followed some people to a bamboo divider.

They walked through the opening and were dumbstruck with the structure. The room had been enchanted to look like the countryside at night. Rolling gra.s.s hills, whimsical firefly fairies, a brilliant starry night sky with visible milky way. The moon was full making the room bright and lively. The bathing pool itself was huge. Steam rose upwards as small glowing stones made up the floor of the pool. Women were sitting along the bath, in the bath, on sitting in submerged ledges and benches, by small rock formations and standing wherever they pleased.

"Well, let's go enjoy ourselves." Halina said as she tightened her towel. The girls nodded their head and walked in. The moment they went into the water, they were surrounded by the other women.

"Aww you must be first years! Look how smooth and flawless your skin is!"

"Your hair! Your hair is so pretty!"

"Ahhh! This one is so squishy and cute! I just want to eat you up!"

"Your the one that beat Vera." A girl said as she grabbed Ariana's chin.

"No way this one did that!"

"There's no way! Look at her! Not a scratch on her!"

"No callouses, no bruises, no scars. There's no way she could have beat Vera without cheating!"

"Do you really think Hana's information is wrong?! If Hana says it's her, it has to be her!"

"Answer! Are you the one that beat Vera?" Hana said as she yanked Ariana's chin upwards, forcing her to look into her eyes. "Yes." Ariana answered loudly. Hana let go of Ariana's chin and wrapped her arm around her shoulders. "It just goes to show you, never judge a book by it's cover!" She yelled and everyone cheered. "Relax we are just impressed by you that's all." Hana said as she released Ariana and gave her a playful wink.

The girls relaxed and started chatting with everyone. They didn't think they could get to know the other students but were happy to find out that they were all very friendly people.

Ariana beamed as she tied her into a braid, she realized she was worried over nothing. Edlyn was right, no one knew about her scar, no one cared if she was imperfect, their image of her was someone who should have had battle scars and imperfections. She smiled as she rolled the braid and pinned it to the back of her head.

After she was done she looked over the up do one more time in the mirror. Her face was slightly flushed from the bath, her skin looked radiant and her hair was glossy with moisture. She felt pretty. She grabbed a complimentary folding fan from the counter and joined the others. "Don't you look nice." Edlyn said with a wide grin as they all walked out. "Thank you but it's not anything special. It's easier to have my hair up after a bath." Ariana said as she started to fan herself with the basic white fan.

"Good evening ladies." A familiar voice said as they stepped out. Ariana froze as she turned her gaze to the greeter. "Xander, good evening. How are you?" Edlyn said sweetly causing Xander to turn a deeper shade of pink. It was useless, whatever Xander said next to Edlyn was completely drowned out by the beating of Ariana's heart. Standing before her was Xander, Icarus, an unknown grey haired male with streaks of white and silver in his hair, he had sharp, neon pink eyes and a devilish smile while next to him was Cayden.

He was freshly washed, water droplets fell from his glossy blond hair and landed on his toned chest. It slid downwards, as it hugged his muscles, traveling to areas unknown to her. While his slightly flushed face looked nothing short of captivating, she didn't know where she wanted to look more and settled on his eyes. She caught him staring at her, he refused to avert his gaze. Ariana swallowed back saliva, she didn't know what to do, part of her wanted to run when she saw the flash of desire in his eyes while the other part urged her to stay. "Ariana? Ariana?" Edlyn called making her snap back to her senses. "Mmmmh?' She said as she fanned herself rapidly.

"The boys are go-ing to the com-mon area to get a dr-ink, sh-ould we join them?" Edlyn asked as her eyes flashed with mischief. "Sorry.... um... I will go if Talisha and Halina are going." She whispered. "Wonderful! It's settled." Edlyn rejoiced. She quickly stepped beside Xander and started to chat away. Icarus followed behind the two while Cayden walked quickly past Ariana. She felt a cold chill sweep over her body, making it hard for her to move. The last male quickly chased after the group but was caught by Talisha and Halina who sandwiched him and started talking happily.

Ariana let out a small sigh before she turned around and slowly followed the group. She kept Cayden within her sights and wondered if she imagined what she saw. Desire was a fickle thing and could easily be triggered by the slightest of things, especially for a male. She fanned herself feverishly as she tore her gaze from Cayden. She decided to look around instead and spotted a vending machine close by. She stopped walking and contemplated what she wanted to do. The group was getting further ahead and she decided not to trying out the vending machine.

With another sigh she started to chase after the group. They turned a corner and she wasn't too far away when suddenly multiple hands grabbed her wrists, her waist and covered her mouth. She dropped her fan in fear and tried her best to struggle out of her captures grip. She tried to scream but they kept a firm hand over her mouth. She tried prying her lips open and biting the inside of the hand but the person shoved their fingers inside her mouth. Gaging her into silence. They quickly dragged her off towards a side door that lead out into the veranda. She continued to struggle but more people came and grabbed her legs. While another came with a rolled up cloth.

The person removed his fingers and shoved the cloth into her mouth before she had a chance to scream. Tears started to spill over as she looked at their faces. The wore masks and refused to speak, she was never going to be able to identify them. The firmly held her so she couldn't break free but the heavens were going to be her witness, she was not going down with out a fight! She struggled, she kicked, she yanked away her wrist. Everytime she thought she had something free, they would recapture that body part. They were dragging her into the woods and she couldn't see the building starting to get smaller. She started to sweat as she tried even harder to break free but the men refused to let me be.

A rainbow of lights shot out and her kidnappers were starting to get a.s.sualted. "Is she a first year? How can she have familiars?!" Someone shouted. "Who cares just grab her before she runs away!" Another ordered. She quickly pulled out the gag and picked herself up. "Someone please help me!" She screy as she took a few steps forward. To her surprise, she had exhausted all of her energy. She willed herself up again, grabbing a near by tree and pushed herself forward. "Help! Please help!" She cried again. Her hair had come on done and spilled over her face. Her breathing was erratic and sweat rolled down her face.

"Are you okay?" Someone said as they slipped their hand around her waist and supported her. She looked up and was surprised. The young man looked and didn't look like Cayden. He had platinum blonde hair, royal purple eyes and fair skin. The shape of his face, nose and eyebrows resembled Cayden so much but his lips were thinner and less provocative. "Are you okay." He said in a silky low voice that it would have pleased any girl's ear but it sent a chill down Ariana's spine.

"I was kidnapped... please help me." She said weakly. "I'll take you somewhere safe." He said then scooped Ariana up into a princess carry. She felt so tired, as the young man started to rush forward she started to close her eyes. "Thank you." She whispered before she fell asleep.

The young man gently brushed back a lock of loose hair from her face. Ariana's eyes shot open while her heart thumped hard. Her eyes shaked with fear as her face paled. "Where are we?" She asked as she looked around. "Don't worry, they won't come for you here." The young man said as he gently placed Ariana down.

She was standing infront of a small spring, there were glowing moon flowers, fireflies and illuminescent moss everywhere. The waxing moon reflected on the surface of the spring. The scene was beautiful but chilling at the same time. Ariana turned around and looked at the young man. "Thank you for saving me but I think I should go back to the bathhouse, my friends must be worried about me." She said as she gave the young man a respective bow. The young man caught Ariana's wrist and looked her in the eyes. "Why the rush?" He said in a deep voice, causing Ariana's skin to crawl.

"I'm sorry?" She said as she broke out into a cold sweat. "You should be." He said as he swept her feet and sent her flying backwards. He caught both her wrists and pinned them down under his big hand. He then sat on top of her thighs, making escape impossible. "I heard you talking about the Student Council, that was very naughty of you Miss Drake." He said as his eyes flashed something dangerous. Ariana s.h.i.+vered, she took a deep calming breath to steady her heart racing and narrowed her gaze. "Why do you care what I say about the Student Council?" She said coolly. The young man brought his free hand to Ariana's face and slowly slid it down to her throat.

"You spoke bad about them and that's not acceptable. Don't you know they hold absolute power over the student body?" He said as his face stared to slightly flush while his eyes started to glaze over. "So what? I will always do what I believe is right regardless of what some pompous aristocratic says." Suddenly her eyes grew wide as she felt something poke her abdomen. "My aren't you willful..." He said slowly as his hand slowly moved towards the center of her chest. Ariana started to panic, she needed to break free but to do that the young man had to just move forward.

"What is your name!" She shouted as his hand gently moved down her chest to her robe's belt. He pulled it apart easily and opened her robe. He looked at her fair body, she glowed whiter then the moon flowers causing him to lick his lips. His eyes started to blaze with desire as he watched her closely. "Flint, Flint Remo." He said as a wicked smile spread across his face. Ariana's face paled as he said his name. "The Student Council President?!" She gasped. Flint chuckled darkly he moved his hand to her breast and started to squeeze with all his might.
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Ariana screamed in pain. She could feel the bulge on her abdomen started to twitch and she shut her mouth. "That face! That face is so beautiful.... it makes me want to do more." He said as his breathing started to become uneven. Ariana gritted her teeth as he began to squeeze again, tears started to pool and spill out of the corners of her eyes. "That looks delicious." He said as he moved forward and licked her tears. Ariana started to tremble again. He then grabbed her chin and kept her face in place. "So does this." He said before he sealed her lips. Ariana was mortified, she couldn't stop the tears from flowing. He then moved his fingers and applied pressure to her cheeks, making her open her mouth. His tongue ravished the inside making her come to her senses. She moved her right foot over his left leg and placed it just beside his foot. She raised her left leg and placed her foot right in the center of his legs. She pushed up her hips upwards and rotated her body, causing Flint to crash beside her. She was above him now and used the opportunity to punch him right in the face.

She made contact and then scrambled to get up. She started running as fast as she could. "Ari-an-a." Flint's singing echoed among the trees. "Y-o-u can't get aw-ay!" Ariana pushed herself forward, tripping over roots and fallen branches. "Don't make this hard for yourself. You might as well submit, you will be one with me sooner or later." Ariana s.h.i.+vered as tears continued to fall. Her feet and legs were starting to go numb and she didn't know how much longer she could last.

She weaved between more trees and foliage until she ran into something hard and fell back to the ground. "Ari-an-a?" Flint sang again. It was over, she didn't think she could get back up. A dark figure stood over her as her robe lay open and her hair was fanned out. "Please don't, I beg you." She whispered as her tears continued to fall.

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My Way To You 77 Don't Touch Me! summary

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